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[RunUO 2.0 RC1] ItemID is usefull again


How would I go about making weapons, armor, clothing, and jewelry on vendors show up as unidentified?

I have this bit of code. But I don’t know where to put it in BaseVendor.cs or in the BS files. Or if I should do something else?

// ItemID Mod START									
		if ( item is BaseWeapon )
			((BaseWeapon)item).Identified = true;
		if ( item is BaseArmor )
			((BaseArmor)item).Identified = true;
		if ( item is BaseClothing )
			((BaseClothing)item).Identified = true;
		if ( item is BaseJewel )
			((BaseJewel)item).Identified = true;
// ItemID Mod END


Sorry I didn't see posts to this earlier.

Found where to have it so BaseVendor sales were autoidentified. maybe they're identified when you mouse over the items too....not sure. But upon sales, they are identified. Look for this module and change accordingly. In BaseVendor.cs

		private void ProcessValidPurchase( int amount, IBuyItemInfo bii, Mobile buyer, Container cont )
			if ( amount > bii.Amount )
				amount = bii.Amount;

			if ( amount < 1 )

			bii.Amount -= amount;

			IEntity o = bii.GetEntity();

			if ( o is Item )
[COLOR="Red"]//Identify adds
				if (o is BaseArmor)
					BaseArmor id = (BaseArmor) o;
					id.Identified = true;
				else if (o is BaseJewel)
					BaseJewel id = (BaseJewel) o;
					id.Identified = true;
				else if (o is BaseWeapon)
					BaseWeapon id = (BaseWeapon) o;
					id.Identified = true;
				else if (o is BaseClothing)
					BaseClothing id = (BaseClothing) o;
					id.Identified = true;
//Identify end[/COLOR]
				Item item = (Item)o;

				if ( item.Stackable )
					item.Amount = amount;

					if ( cont == null || !cont.TryDropItem( buyer, item, false ) )
						item.MoveToWorld( buyer.Location, buyer.Map );

so ive realized that you cant equip your starter weapons and items because they arent identified.. how can we fix this so that the at least have something to start with?
This was more of a pain. Really...more of a pain. You have to edit your CharacterCreation.cs and make quite a few edits.
For that I edited this module, and then called it each time an item was added to the pack of a starting character.
		private static Item MakeNewbie( Item item )
//			if ( !Core.AOS )
				item.LootType = LootType.Newbied;

//Identify adds
				if (item is BaseArmor)
					BaseArmor id = (BaseArmor) item;
					id.Identified = true;
				else if (item is BaseJewel)
					BaseJewel id = (BaseJewel) item;
					id.Identified = true;
				else if (item is BaseWeapon)
					BaseWeapon id = (BaseWeapon) item;
					id.Identified = true;
				else if (item is BaseClothing)
					BaseClothing id = (BaseClothing) item;
					id.Identified = true;
//Identify end

			return item;
So, anywhere it says EquipItem or PackItem, you would just make sure it said something like this
EquipItem( MakeNewbie(new Kasa()) );


Hey thanks for the info!!!

The newbie part works perfectly.

When you buy the items they get ItemID = true.

When you mouse over them the items are all still Unidentified. Any idea where the move over part is at? I don’t see anything in BaseVendor.cs about mouse over.

The only other thing I am still having problems with is BaseClothing.cs with serialization errors on save. At least I do think the other 3 edited bases are giving the errors.
Do you happen to have any idea what I need to do to get it to save properly? I have tried all sorts of stuff but keep ending up with errors on save.

I get it a +1 & added all the stuff.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Server;
using Server.ContextMenus;
using Server.Engines.Craft;
using Server.Factions;
using Server.Network;
using Server.Engines.XmlSpawner2;

namespace Server.Items
	public enum ClothingQuality

	public interface IArcaneEquip
		bool IsArcane{ get; }
		int CurArcaneCharges{ get; set; }
		int MaxArcaneCharges{ get; set; }

	//public abstract class BaseClothing : Item, IDyable, IScissorable, IFactionItem, ICraftable, IWearableDurability, ISetItem  		//Orignal
	public abstract class BaseClothing : BaseWearable, IDyable, IScissorable, IFactionItem, ICraftable, IWearableDurability, ISetItem	// Moded for Xeevis Doubleclick Equip
		#region Factions
		private FactionItem m_FactionState;

		public FactionItem FactionItemState
			get{ return m_FactionState; }
				m_FactionState = value;

				if ( m_FactionState == null )
					Hue = 0;

				LootType = ( m_FactionState == null ? LootType.Regular : LootType.Blessed );

[B]// ItemID Mod START
		#region ItemID_Mods
		private bool m_Identified;
		public bool Identified
		    get { return m_Identified; }
		    set { m_Identified = value; InvalidateProperties(); }
// ItemID Mod END[/B]

		public virtual bool CanFortify{ get{ return true; } }

		private int m_MaxHitPoints;
		private int m_HitPoints;
		private Mobile m_Crafter;
		private ClothingQuality m_Quality;
		private bool m_PlayerConstructed;
		protected CraftResource m_Resource;
		private int m_StrReq = -1;

		private AosAttributes m_AosAttributes;
		private AosArmorAttributes m_AosClothingAttributes;
		private AosSkillBonuses m_AosSkillBonuses;
		private AosElementAttributes m_AosResistances;

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int MaxHitPoints
			get{ return m_MaxHitPoints; }
			set{ m_MaxHitPoints = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int HitPoints
				return m_HitPoints;
				if ( value != m_HitPoints && MaxHitPoints > 0 )
					m_HitPoints = value;

					if ( m_HitPoints < 0 )
					else if ( m_HitPoints > MaxHitPoints )
						m_HitPoints = MaxHitPoints;


		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public Mobile Crafter
			get{ return m_Crafter; }
			set{ m_Crafter = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int StrRequirement
			get{ return ( m_StrReq == -1 ? (Core.AOS ? AosStrReq : OldStrReq) : m_StrReq ); }
			set{ m_StrReq = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public ClothingQuality Quality
			get{ return m_Quality; }
			set{ m_Quality = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public bool PlayerConstructed
			get{ return m_PlayerConstructed; }
			set{ m_PlayerConstructed = value; }

        #region Personal Bless Deed
        private Mobile m_BlessedBy;

        public Mobile BlessedBy
            get { return m_BlessedBy; }
            set { m_BlessedBy = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

        public override void GetContextMenuEntries(Mobile from, List<ContextMenuEntry> list)
            base.GetContextMenuEntries(from, list);

            if (BlessedFor == from && BlessedBy == from && RootParent == from)
                list.Add(new UnBlessEntry(from, this));

        private class UnBlessEntry : ContextMenuEntry
            private Mobile m_From;
            private BaseClothing m_Item;

            public UnBlessEntry(Mobile from, BaseClothing item)
                : base(6208, -1)
                m_From = from;
                m_Item = item; // BaseArmor, BaseWeapon or BaseClothing

            public override void OnClick()
                m_Item.BlessedFor = null;
                m_Item.BlessedBy = null;

                Container pack = m_From.Backpack;

                if (pack != null)
                    pack.DropItem(new PersonalBlessDeed(m_From));
                    m_From.SendLocalizedMessage(1062200); // A personal bless deed has been placed in your backpack.

		public virtual CraftResource DefaultResource{ get{ return CraftResource.None; } }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public CraftResource Resource
			get{ return m_Resource; }
			set{ m_Resource = value; Hue = CraftResources.GetHue( m_Resource ); InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public AosAttributes Attributes
			get{ return m_AosAttributes; }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public AosArmorAttributes ClothingAttributes
			get{ return m_AosClothingAttributes; }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public AosSkillBonuses SkillBonuses
			get{ return m_AosSkillBonuses; }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public AosElementAttributes Resistances
			get{ return m_AosResistances; }

		public virtual int BasePhysicalResistance{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int BaseFireResistance{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int BaseColdResistance{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int BasePoisonResistance{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int BaseEnergyResistance{ get{ return 0; } }

		#region Mondain's Legacy Sets
		public override int PhysicalResistance{ get{ return BasePhysicalResistance + m_AosResistances.Physical + (m_SetEquipped ? m_SetPhysicalBonus : 0 ); } }
		public override int FireResistance{ get{ return BaseFireResistance + m_AosResistances.Fire + (m_SetEquipped ? m_SetFireBonus : 0 ); } }
		public override int ColdResistance{ get{ return BaseColdResistance + m_AosResistances.Cold + (m_SetEquipped ? m_SetColdBonus : 0 ); } }
		public override int PoisonResistance{ get{ return BasePoisonResistance + m_AosResistances.Poison + (m_SetEquipped ? m_SetPoisonBonus : 0 ); } }
		public override int EnergyResistance{ get{ return BaseEnergyResistance + m_AosResistances.Energy + (m_SetEquipped ? m_SetEnergyBonus : 0 ); } }

		public virtual int ArtifactRarity{ get{ return 0; } }

		public virtual int BaseStrBonus{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int BaseDexBonus{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int BaseIntBonus { get { return 0; } }

		public override bool AllowSecureTrade( Mobile from, Mobile to, Mobile newOwner, bool accepted )
			if ( !Ethics.Ethic.CheckTrade( from, to, newOwner, this ) )
				return false;

			return base.AllowSecureTrade( from, to, newOwner, accepted );

		public virtual Race RequiredRace { get { return null; } }

		#region SA
		public virtual bool CanBeWornByGargoyles{ get{ return false; } }

		public override bool CanEquip( Mobile from )
			if ( !Ethics.Ethic.CheckEquip( from, this ) )
				return false;

			if( from.AccessLevel < AccessLevel.GameMaster )

				#region SA
				if ( from.Race == Race.Gargoyle && !CanBeWornByGargoyles )
				    from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1111708 ); // Gargoyles can't wear this.
				    return false;

				else if( RequiredRace != null && from.Race != RequiredRace )
					if( RequiredRace == Race.Elf )
						from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1072203 ); // Only Elves may use this.

					else if ( RequiredRace == Race.Gargoyle )
						from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1111707 ); // Only gargoyles can wear this.

						from.SendMessage( "Only {0} may use this.", RequiredRace.PluralName );

					return false;

[B]// ItemID Mod START
				#region ItemID_Mods
				else if (m_Identified == false)
				    from.SendMessage("You are hesitant to put on something that is unknown to you");
				    return false;
// ItemID Mod END[/B]

				else if( !AllowMaleWearer && !from.Female )
					if( AllowFemaleWearer )
						from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1010388 ); // Only females can wear this.
						from.SendMessage( "You may not wear this." );

					return false;
				else if( !AllowFemaleWearer && from.Female )
					if( AllowMaleWearer )
						from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1063343 ); // Only males can wear this.
						from.SendMessage( "You may not wear this." );

					return false;
                #region Personal Bless Deed
                else if (BlessedBy != null && BlessedBy != from)
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(1075277); // That item is blessed by another player.

                    return false;
					int strBonus = ComputeStatBonus( StatType.Str );
					int strReq = ComputeStatReq( StatType.Str );

					if( from.Str < strReq || (from.Str + strBonus) < 1 )
						from.SendLocalizedMessage( 500213 ); // You are not strong enough to equip that.
						return false;

			return base.CanEquip( from );

		public virtual int AosStrReq{ get{ return 10; } }
		public virtual int OldStrReq{ get{ return 0; } }

		public virtual int InitMinHits{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int InitMaxHits{ get{ return 0; } }

		public virtual bool AllowMaleWearer{ get{ return true; } }
		public virtual bool AllowFemaleWearer{ get{ return true; } }
		public virtual bool CanBeBlessed{ get{ return true; } }

		public int ComputeStatReq( StatType type )
			int v;

			//if ( type == StatType.Str )
				v = StrRequirement;

			return AOS.Scale( v, 100 - GetLowerStatReq() );

		public int ComputeStatBonus( StatType type )
			if ( type == StatType.Str )
				return BaseStrBonus + Attributes.BonusStr;
			else if ( type == StatType.Dex )
				return BaseDexBonus + Attributes.BonusDex;
				return BaseIntBonus + Attributes.BonusInt;

		public virtual void AddStatBonuses( Mobile parent )
			if ( parent == null )

			int strBonus = ComputeStatBonus( StatType.Str );
			int dexBonus = ComputeStatBonus( StatType.Dex );
			int intBonus = ComputeStatBonus( StatType.Int );

			if ( strBonus == 0 && dexBonus == 0 && intBonus == 0 )

			string modName = this.Serial.ToString();

			if ( strBonus != 0 )
				parent.AddStatMod( new StatMod( StatType.Str, modName + "Str", strBonus, TimeSpan.Zero ) );

			if ( dexBonus != 0 )
				parent.AddStatMod( new StatMod( StatType.Dex, modName + "Dex", dexBonus, TimeSpan.Zero ) );

			if ( intBonus != 0 )
				parent.AddStatMod( new StatMod( StatType.Int, modName + "Int", intBonus, TimeSpan.Zero ) );

		public static void ValidateMobile( Mobile m )
			for ( int i = m.Items.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i )
				if ( i >= m.Items.Count )

				Item item = m.Items[i];

				if ( item is BaseClothing )
					BaseClothing clothing = (BaseClothing)item;

					#region SA
					if ( m.Race == Race.Gargoyle && !clothing.CanBeWornByGargoyles )
					    m.SendLocalizedMessage( 1111708 ); // Gargoyles can't wear this.
					    m.AddToBackpack( clothing );

					if( clothing.RequiredRace != null && m.Race != clothing.RequiredRace )
						if( clothing.RequiredRace == Race.Elf )
							m.SendLocalizedMessage( 1072203 ); // Only Elves may use this.

						#region SA
						else if ( clothing.RequiredRace == Race.Gargoyle )
							m.SendLocalizedMessage( 1111707 ); // Only gargoyles can wear this.

							m.SendMessage( "Only {0} may use this.", clothing.RequiredRace.PluralName );

						m.AddToBackpack( clothing );
					else if ( !clothing.AllowMaleWearer && !m.Female && m.AccessLevel < AccessLevel.GameMaster )
						if ( clothing.AllowFemaleWearer )
							m.SendLocalizedMessage( 1010388 ); // Only females can wear this.
							m.SendMessage( "You may not wear this." );

						m.AddToBackpack( clothing );
					else if ( !clothing.AllowFemaleWearer && m.Female && m.AccessLevel < AccessLevel.GameMaster )
						if ( clothing.AllowMaleWearer )
							m.SendLocalizedMessage( 1063343 ); // Only males can wear this.
							m.SendMessage( "You may not wear this." );

						m.AddToBackpack( clothing );

		public int GetLowerStatReq()
			if ( !Core.AOS )
				return 0;

			return m_AosClothingAttributes.LowerStatReq;

		public override void OnAdded( object parent )
			Mobile mob = parent as Mobile;

			if ( mob != null )

		// Set Items Bonuses START
				ItemSets.CheckPartAdded((Mobile)parent, this);
		// Set Items Bonuses END

				if ( Core.AOS )
					m_AosSkillBonuses.AddTo( mob );

				#region Mondain's Legacy Sets
				if ( IsSetItem )
					m_SetEquipped = SetHelper.FullSetEquipped( mob, SetID, Pieces );

					if ( m_SetEquipped )
						m_LastEquipped = true;
						SetHelper.AddSetBonus( mob, SetID );

				AddStatBonuses( mob );

			base.OnAdded( parent );

		public override void OnRemoved( object parent )
			Mobile mob = parent as Mobile;

			if ( mob != null )

		// Set Items Bonuses START
				ItemSets.CheckPartRemoved((Mobile)parent, this);
		// Set Items Bonuses END

				if ( Core.AOS )

				string modName = this.Serial.ToString();

				mob.RemoveStatMod( modName + "Str" );
				mob.RemoveStatMod( modName + "Dex" );
				mob.RemoveStatMod( modName + "Int" );


				#region Mondain's Legacy Sets
				if ( IsSetItem && m_SetEquipped )
					SetHelper.RemoveSetBonus( mob, SetID, this );

			base.OnRemoved( parent );

		public virtual int OnHit( BaseWeapon weapon, int damageTaken )
			int Absorbed = Utility.RandomMinMax( 1, 4 );

			damageTaken -= Absorbed;

			if ( damageTaken < 0 ) 
				damageTaken = 0;

			if ( 25 > Utility.Random( 100 ) ) // 25% chance to lower durability
				// Mondain's Legacy Sets
				if ( Core.AOS && m_AosClothingAttributes.SelfRepair + ( IsSetItem && m_SetEquipped ? m_SetSelfRepair : 0 ) > Utility.Random( 10 ) )
					HitPoints += 2;
					int wear;

					if ( weapon.Type == WeaponType.Bashing )
						wear = Absorbed / 2;
						wear = Utility.Random( 2 );

					if ( wear > 0 && m_MaxHitPoints > 0 )
						if ( m_HitPoints >= wear )
							HitPoints -= wear;
							wear = 0;
							wear -= HitPoints;
							HitPoints = 0;

						if ( wear > 0 )
							if ( m_MaxHitPoints > wear )
								MaxHitPoints -= wear;

								if ( Parent is Mobile )
									((Mobile)Parent).LocalOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1061121 ); // Your equipment is severely damaged.

			return damageTaken;

		public BaseClothing( int itemID, Layer layer ) : this( itemID, layer, 0 )

		public BaseClothing( int itemID, Layer layer, int hue ) : base( itemID )
			Layer = layer;

			// mod to randomly add sockets and socketability features to armor. These settings will yield
			// 2% drop rate of socketed/socketable items
			// 0.1% chance of 5 sockets
			// 0.5% of 4 sockets
			// 3% chance of 3 sockets
			// 15% chance of 2 sockets
			// 50% chance of 1 socket
			// the remainder will be 0 socket (31.4% in this case)
			// uncomment the next line to prevent artifacts from being socketed
			// if(ArtifactRarity == 0)
			XmlSockets.ConfigureRandom(this, 20.0, 4.0, 8.0, 16.0, 26.0, 46.0);
			// End XMLSocket

			Hue = hue;

			m_Resource = DefaultResource;
			m_Quality = ClothingQuality.Regular;

			m_HitPoints = m_MaxHitPoints = Utility.RandomMinMax( InitMinHits, InitMaxHits );

			m_AosAttributes = new AosAttributes( this );
			m_AosClothingAttributes = new AosArmorAttributes( this );
			m_AosSkillBonuses = new AosSkillBonuses( this );
			m_AosResistances = new AosElementAttributes( this );

			#region Mondain's Legacy Sets
			m_SetAttributes = new AosAttributes( this );
			m_SetSkillBonuses = new AosSkillBonuses( this );

		public override void OnAfterDuped( Item newItem )
			BaseClothing clothing = newItem as BaseClothing;

			if ( clothing == null )

			clothing.m_AosAttributes = new AosAttributes( newItem, m_AosAttributes );
			clothing.m_AosResistances = new AosElementAttributes( newItem, m_AosResistances );
			clothing.m_AosSkillBonuses = new AosSkillBonuses( newItem, m_AosSkillBonuses );
			clothing.m_AosClothingAttributes = new AosArmorAttributes( newItem, m_AosClothingAttributes );

			#region Mondain's Legacy
			clothing.m_SetAttributes = new AosAttributes( newItem, m_SetAttributes );
			clothing.m_SetSkillBonuses = new AosSkillBonuses( newItem, m_SetSkillBonuses );

		public BaseClothing( Serial serial ) : base( serial )

		public override bool AllowEquipedCast( Mobile from )
			if ( base.AllowEquipedCast( from ) )
				return true;

			return ( m_AosAttributes.SpellChanneling != 0 );

		public void UnscaleDurability()
			int scale = 100 + m_AosClothingAttributes.DurabilityBonus;

			m_HitPoints = ( ( m_HitPoints * 100 ) + ( scale - 1 ) ) / scale;
			m_MaxHitPoints = ( ( m_MaxHitPoints * 100 ) + ( scale - 1 ) ) / scale;


		public void ScaleDurability()
			int scale = 100 + m_AosClothingAttributes.DurabilityBonus;

			m_HitPoints = ( ( m_HitPoints * scale ) + 99 ) / 100;
			m_MaxHitPoints = ( ( m_MaxHitPoints * scale ) + 99 ) / 100;


		public override bool CheckPropertyConfliction( Mobile m )
			if ( base.CheckPropertyConfliction( m ) )
				return true;

			if ( Layer == Layer.Pants )
				return ( m.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.InnerLegs ) != null );

			if ( Layer == Layer.Shirt )
				return ( m.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.InnerTorso ) != null );

			return false;

		private string GetNameString()
			string name = this.Name;

			if ( name == null )
				name = String.Format( "#{0}", LabelNumber );

			return name;

		public override void AddNameProperty( ObjectPropertyList list )
//Colored Item Name Mod Start
			//Getting Props code
			BaseClothing clo = this;

			int props = 0;
			foreach( int i in Enum.GetValues(typeof( AosAttribute ) ) )
				if ( clo != null && clo.Attributes[ (AosAttribute)i ] > 0 ) ++props;
			if ( clo != null ){ foreach( int i in Enum.GetValues(typeof( AosArmorAttribute ) ) ) if ( clo.ClothingAttributes[ (AosArmorAttribute)i ] > 0 ) ++props;}
			if(this.SkillBonuses.Skill_1_Value > 0) ++props;
			if(this.SkillBonuses.Skill_2_Value > 0) ++props;
			if(this.SkillBonuses.Skill_3_Value > 0) ++props;
			if(this.SkillBonuses.Skill_4_Value > 0) ++props;
			if(this.SkillBonuses.Skill_5_Value > 0) ++props;

			//AddNamePropertiey Code
			string oreType = CraftResources.GetName( m_Resource );
			if ( oreType.ToLower() == "none" || oreType.ToLower() == "normal" ) oreType = "";

			// Props code display
			if( props == 0  ) 		//  No color (Common)
				list.Add(1053099, "{0}\t{1}", oreType, GetNameString());
			if( props >= 1 && props <= 2 ) 	// Green (Uncommon)
				list.Add(1053099, "<BASEFONT COLOR=#1EFF00>{0}\t{1}<BASEFONT COLOR=#FFFFFF>", oreType, GetNameString());
			if( props >= 3 && props <= 4 ) 	// Blue (Rare)
				list.Add(1053099, "<BASEFONT COLOR=#0070FF>{0}\t{1}<BASEFONT COLOR=#FFFFFF>", oreType, GetNameString());
			if( props >= 5 && props <= 6 ) 	// Purple (Epic)
				list.Add(1053099, "<BASEFONT COLOR=#A335EE>{0}\t{1}<BASEFONT COLOR=#FFFFFF>", oreType, GetNameString());
			if( props >= 7 && props <= 8 ) 	// Orange (Legendary)
				list.Add(1053099, "<BASEFONT COLOR=#FF8000>{0}\t{1}<BASEFONT COLOR=#FFFFFF>", oreType, GetNameString());
			if( props >= 9 ) 		// Golden (Artifact)
				list.Add(1053099, "<BASEFONT COLOR=#E6CC80>{0}\t{1}<BASEFONT COLOR=#FFFFFF>", oreType, GetNameString());
//Colored Item Name Mod End

		public override void GetProperties( ObjectPropertyList list )
			base.GetProperties( list );

			if ( m_Crafter != null )
				list.Add( 1050043, m_Crafter.Name ); // crafted by ~1_NAME~

			#region Factions
			if ( m_FactionState != null )
				list.Add( 1041350 ); // faction item

			#region Mondain's Legacy Sets
			if ( IsSetItem )
				if ( MixedSet )
					list.Add( 1073491, Pieces.ToString() ); // Part of a Weapon/Armor Set (~1_val~ pieces)
					list.Add( 1072376, Pieces.ToString() ); // Part of an Armor Set (~1_val~ pieces)

				if ( m_SetEquipped )
					if ( MixedSet )
						list.Add( 1073492 ); // Full Weapon/Armor Set Present
						list.Add( 1072377 ); // Full Armor Set Present

					GetSetProperties( list );

			if ( m_Quality == ClothingQuality.Exceptional )
				list.Add( 1060636 ); // exceptional

			if( RequiredRace == Race.Elf )
				list.Add( 1075086 ); // Elves Only

			#region SA
			else if ( RequiredRace == Race.Gargoyle )
				list.Add( 1111709 ); // Gargoyles Only

			if ( m_AosSkillBonuses != null )
				m_AosSkillBonuses.GetProperties( list );

			int prop;

[B]// ItemID Mod START
		#region ItemID_Mods
			if (m_Identified /*|| from.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster*/)
// ItemID Mod END[/B]

			if ( (prop = ArtifactRarity) > 0 )
				list.Add( 1061078, prop.ToString() ); // artifact rarity ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.WeaponDamage) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060401, prop.ToString() ); // damage increase ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.DefendChance) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060408, prop.ToString() ); // defense chance increase ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.BonusDex) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060409, prop.ToString() ); // dexterity bonus ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.EnhancePotions) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060411, prop.ToString() ); // enhance potions ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.CastRecovery) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060412, prop.ToString() ); // faster cast recovery ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.CastSpeed) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060413, prop.ToString() ); // faster casting ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.AttackChance) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060415, prop.ToString() ); // hit chance increase ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.BonusHits) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060431, prop.ToString() ); // hit point increase ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.BonusInt) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060432, prop.ToString() ); // intelligence bonus ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.LowerManaCost) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060433, prop.ToString() ); // lower mana cost ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.LowerRegCost) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060434, prop.ToString() ); // lower reagent cost ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosClothingAttributes.LowerStatReq) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060435, prop.ToString() ); // lower requirements ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.Luck) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060436, prop.ToString() ); // luck ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosClothingAttributes.MageArmor) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060437 ); // mage armor

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.BonusMana) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060439, prop.ToString() ); // mana increase ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.RegenMana) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060440, prop.ToString() ); // mana regeneration ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.NightSight) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060441 ); // night sight

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.ReflectPhysical) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060442, prop.ToString() ); // reflect physical damage ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.RegenStam) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060443, prop.ToString() ); // stamina regeneration ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.RegenHits) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060444, prop.ToString() ); // hit point regeneration ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosClothingAttributes.SelfRepair) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060450, prop.ToString() ); // self repair ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.SpellChanneling) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060482 ); // spell channeling

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.SpellDamage) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060483, prop.ToString() ); // spell damage increase ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.BonusStam) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060484, prop.ToString() ); // stamina increase ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.BonusStr) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060485, prop.ToString() ); // strength bonus ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.WeaponSpeed) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060486, prop.ToString() ); // swing speed increase ~1_val~%

			base.AddResistanceProperties( list );

			if ( (prop = m_AosClothingAttributes.DurabilityBonus) > 0 )
				list.Add( 1060410, prop.ToString() ); // durability ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = ComputeStatReq( StatType.Str )) > 0 )
				list.Add( 1061170, prop.ToString() ); // strength requirement ~1_val~

			if ( m_HitPoints >= 0 && m_MaxHitPoints > 0 )
				list.Add( 1060639, "{0}\t{1}", m_HitPoints, m_MaxHitPoints ); // durability ~1_val~ / ~2_val~
		// mod to display attachment properties
		Server.Engines.XmlSpawner2.XmlAttach.AddAttachmentProperties(this, list);

			#region Mondain's Legacy Sets
			if ( IsSetItem && !m_SetEquipped )
				list.Add( 1072378 ); // <br>Only when full set is present:				
				GetSetProperties( list );

[B]// ItemID Mod START
			else if ((ArtifactRarity) > 0 || (m_AosAttributes.WeaponDamage) != 0 || (m_AosAttributes.DefendChance) != 0 ||
				(m_AosAttributes.BonusDex) != 0 || (m_AosAttributes.EnhancePotions) != 0 || (m_AosAttributes.CastRecovery) != 0 ||
				(m_AosAttributes.CastSpeed) != 0 || (m_AosAttributes.AttackChance) != 0 || (m_AosAttributes.BonusHits) != 0 ||
				(m_AosAttributes.BonusInt) != 0 || (m_AosAttributes.LowerManaCost) != 0 || (m_AosAttributes.LowerRegCost) != 0 ||
				(m_AosAttributes.BonusMana) != 0 || (m_AosAttributes.RegenMana) != 0 || (m_AosAttributes.NightSight) != 0 ||
				(m_AosAttributes.ReflectPhysical) != 0 || (m_AosAttributes.RegenStam) != 0 || (m_AosAttributes.RegenHits) != 0 ||
				(m_AosAttributes.SpellChanneling) != 0 || (m_AosAttributes.SpellDamage) != 0 ||
				(m_AosAttributes.BonusStam) != 0 || (m_AosAttributes.BonusStr) != 0 || (m_AosAttributes.WeaponSpeed) != 0 ||
				(ComputeStatReq(StatType.Str)) > 0 || (m_HitPoints >= 0 && m_MaxHitPoints > 0))
			   list.Add(1038000); // Unidentified
// ItemID Mod END[/B]

		public override void OnSingleClick( Mobile from )
			List<EquipInfoAttribute> attrs = new List<EquipInfoAttribute>();

			AddEquipInfoAttributes( from, attrs );

			int number;

			if ( Name == null )
				number = LabelNumber;
				this.LabelTo( from, Name );
				number = 1041000;

			if ( attrs.Count == 0 && Crafter == null && Name != null )

			EquipmentInfo eqInfo = new EquipmentInfo( number, m_Crafter, false, attrs.ToArray() );

			from.Send( new DisplayEquipmentInfo( this, eqInfo ) );

		public virtual void AddEquipInfoAttributes( Mobile from, List<EquipInfoAttribute> attrs )
			if ( DisplayLootType )
				if ( LootType == LootType.Blessed )
					attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( 1038021 ) ); // blessed
				else if ( LootType == LootType.Cursed )
					attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( 1049643 ) ); // cursed

			#region Factions
			if ( m_FactionState != null )
				attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( 1041350 ) ); // faction item

			if ( m_Quality == ClothingQuality.Exceptional )
				attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( 1018305 - (int)m_Quality ) );

		#region Serialization
		private static void SetSaveFlag( ref SaveFlag flags, SaveFlag toSet, bool setIf )
			if ( setIf )
				flags |= toSet;

		private static bool GetSaveFlag( SaveFlag flags, SaveFlag toGet )
			return ( (flags & toGet) != 0 );

		private enum SaveFlag
			None				= 0x00000000,
			Resource			= 0x00000001,
			Attributes			= 0x00000002,
			ClothingAttributes		= 0x00000004,
			SkillBonuses			= 0x00000008,
			Resistances			= 0x00000010,
			MaxHitPoints			= 0x00000020,
			HitPoints			= 0x00000040,
			PlayerConstructed		= 0x00000080,
			Crafter				= 0x00000100,
			Quality				= 0x00000200,
			StrReq				= 0x00000400,
[B]// ItemID Mod START           
            		Identified          		= 0x00000800
// ItemID Mod END[/B]


		#region Mondain's Legacy Sets		
		private static void SetSaveFlag( ref SetFlag flags, SetFlag toSet, bool setIf )
			if ( setIf )
				flags |= toSet;

		private static bool GetSaveFlag( SetFlag flags, SetFlag toGet )
			return ( (flags & toGet) != 0 );
		private enum SetFlag
			None				= 0x00000000,
			Attributes			= 0x00000001,
			ArmorAttributes			= 0x00000002,
			SkillBonuses			= 0x00000004,
			PhysicalBonus			= 0x00000008,
			FireBonus			= 0x00000010,
			ColdBonus			= 0x00000020,
			PoisonBonus			= 0x00000040,
			EnergyBonus			= 0x00000080,
			SetHue				= 0x00000100,
			LastEquipped			= 0x00000200,
			SetEquipped			= 0x00000400,
			SetSelfRepair			= 0x00000800,

		public override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer )
			base.Serialize( writer );

[B]			writer.Write( (int) 8 ); //version 7[/B]

            		writer.Write((Mobile)m_BlessedBy); // Personal Bless Deed

			#region Mondain's Legacy Sets version 6
			SetFlag sflags = SetFlag.None;
			SetSaveFlag( ref sflags, SetFlag.Attributes,		!m_SetAttributes.IsEmpty );
			SetSaveFlag( ref sflags, SetFlag.SkillBonuses,		!m_SetSkillBonuses.IsEmpty );
			SetSaveFlag( ref sflags, SetFlag.PhysicalBonus,		m_SetPhysicalBonus != 0 );
			SetSaveFlag( ref sflags, SetFlag.FireBonus,		m_SetFireBonus != 0 );
			SetSaveFlag( ref sflags, SetFlag.ColdBonus,		m_SetColdBonus != 0 );
			SetSaveFlag( ref sflags, SetFlag.PoisonBonus,		m_SetPoisonBonus != 0 );
			SetSaveFlag( ref sflags, SetFlag.EnergyBonus,		m_SetEnergyBonus != 0 );
			SetSaveFlag( ref sflags, SetFlag.SetHue,		m_SetHue != 0 );
			SetSaveFlag( ref sflags, SetFlag.LastEquipped,		m_LastEquipped );			
			SetSaveFlag( ref sflags, SetFlag.SetEquipped,		m_SetEquipped );		
			SetSaveFlag( ref sflags, SetFlag.SetSelfRepair,		m_SetSelfRepair != 0 );
			writer.WriteEncodedInt( (int) sflags );
			if ( GetSaveFlag( sflags, SetFlag.Attributes ) )
				m_SetAttributes.Serialize( writer );	

			if ( GetSaveFlag( sflags, SetFlag.SkillBonuses ) )
				m_SetSkillBonuses.Serialize( writer );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( sflags, SetFlag.PhysicalBonus ) )
				writer.WriteEncodedInt( (int) m_SetPhysicalBonus );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( sflags, SetFlag.FireBonus ) )
				writer.WriteEncodedInt( (int) m_SetFireBonus );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( sflags, SetFlag.ColdBonus ) )
				writer.WriteEncodedInt( (int) m_SetColdBonus );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( sflags, SetFlag.PoisonBonus ) )
				writer.WriteEncodedInt( (int) m_SetPoisonBonus );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( sflags, SetFlag.EnergyBonus ) )
				writer.WriteEncodedInt( (int) m_SetEnergyBonus );
			if ( GetSaveFlag( sflags, SetFlag.SetHue ) )
				writer.WriteEncodedInt( (int) m_SetHue );
			if ( GetSaveFlag( sflags, SetFlag.LastEquipped ) )
				writer.Write( (bool) m_LastEquipped );
			if ( GetSaveFlag( sflags, SetFlag.SetEquipped ) )
				writer.Write( (bool) m_SetEquipped );
			if ( GetSaveFlag( sflags, SetFlag.SetSelfRepair ) )
				writer.WriteEncodedInt( (int) m_SetSelfRepair );

			SaveFlag flags = SaveFlag.None;

			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Resource,			m_Resource != DefaultResource );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Attributes,			!m_AosAttributes.IsEmpty );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.ClothingAttributes,		!m_AosClothingAttributes.IsEmpty );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.SkillBonuses,			!m_AosSkillBonuses.IsEmpty );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Resistances,			!m_AosResistances.IsEmpty );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.MaxHitPoints,			m_MaxHitPoints != 0 );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.HitPoints,			m_HitPoints != 0 );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.PlayerConstructed,		m_PlayerConstructed != false );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Crafter,			m_Crafter != null );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Quality,			m_Quality != ClothingQuality.Regular );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.StrReq,			m_StrReq != -1 );
[B]// ItemID Mod START
            		SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Identified,        		m_Identified != false);
// ItemID Mod END[/B]

			writer.WriteEncodedInt( (int) flags );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Resource ) )
				writer.WriteEncodedInt( (int) m_Resource );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Attributes ) )
				m_AosAttributes.Serialize( writer );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.ClothingAttributes ) )
				m_AosClothingAttributes.Serialize( writer );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.SkillBonuses ) )
				m_AosSkillBonuses.Serialize( writer );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Resistances ) )
				m_AosResistances.Serialize( writer );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.MaxHitPoints ) )
				writer.WriteEncodedInt( (int) m_MaxHitPoints );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.HitPoints ) )
				writer.WriteEncodedInt( (int) m_HitPoints );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Crafter ) )
				writer.Write( (Mobile) m_Crafter );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Quality ) )
				writer.WriteEncodedInt( (int) m_Quality );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.StrReq ) )
				writer.WriteEncodedInt( (int) m_StrReq );

		public override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader )
			base.Deserialize( reader );

			int version = reader.ReadInt();

			switch ( version )

[B]				#region ItemID_Mods
                		case 8:
// ItemID Mod START
					SaveFlag flags = (SaveFlag)reader.ReadEncodedInt();
					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Resource ) )
						m_Resource = (CraftResource)reader.ReadEncodedInt();
						m_Resource = DefaultResource;

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Attributes ) )
						m_AosAttributes = new AosAttributes( this, reader );
						m_AosAttributes = new AosAttributes( this );
					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.ClothingAttributes ) )
						m_AosClothingAttributes = new AosArmorAttributes( this, reader );
						m_AosClothingAttributes = new AosArmorAttributes( this );		

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.SkillBonuses ) )
						m_AosSkillBonuses = new AosSkillBonuses( this, reader );
						m_AosSkillBonuses = new AosSkillBonuses( this );
					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Resistances ) )
											m_AosResistances = new AosElementAttributes( this, reader );
						m_AosResistances = new AosElementAttributes( this );
					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.MaxHitPoints ) )
						m_MaxHitPoints = reader.ReadEncodedInt();
					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.HitPoints ) )
						m_HitPoints = reader.ReadEncodedInt();

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Crafter ) )
						m_Crafter = reader.ReadMobile();

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Quality ) )
						m_Quality = (ClothingQuality)reader.ReadEncodedInt();
						m_Quality = ClothingQuality.Regular;
					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.StrReq ) )
						m_StrReq = reader.ReadEncodedInt();
						m_StrReq = -1;

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.PlayerConstructed ) )
						m_PlayerConstructed = true;
					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Identified ) ) 
					        m_Identified = true;
// ItemID Mod END
                		//personal bless deed
                		case 7:
                    			m_BlessedBy = reader.ReadMobile();
                    			goto case 6;
				case 6:
					#region Mondain's Legacy Sets
					SetFlag sflags = (SetFlag) reader.ReadEncodedInt();
					if ( GetSaveFlag( sflags, SetFlag.Attributes ) )
						m_SetAttributes = new AosAttributes( this, reader );
						m_SetAttributes = new AosAttributes( this );
					if ( GetSaveFlag( sflags, SetFlag.ArmorAttributes ) )
						m_SetSelfRepair = (new AosArmorAttributes( this, reader )).SelfRepair;
					if ( GetSaveFlag( sflags, SetFlag.SkillBonuses ) )
						m_SetSkillBonuses = new AosSkillBonuses( this, reader );
						m_SetSkillBonuses =  new AosSkillBonuses( this );

					if ( GetSaveFlag( sflags, SetFlag.PhysicalBonus ) )
						m_SetPhysicalBonus = reader.ReadEncodedInt();

					if ( GetSaveFlag( sflags, SetFlag.FireBonus ) )
						m_SetFireBonus = reader.ReadEncodedInt();

					if ( GetSaveFlag( sflags, SetFlag.ColdBonus ) )
						m_SetColdBonus = reader.ReadEncodedInt();

					if ( GetSaveFlag( sflags, SetFlag.PoisonBonus ) )
						m_SetPoisonBonus = reader.ReadEncodedInt();

					if ( GetSaveFlag( sflags, SetFlag.EnergyBonus ) )
						m_SetEnergyBonus = reader.ReadEncodedInt();
					if ( GetSaveFlag( sflags, SetFlag.SetHue ) )
						m_SetHue = reader.ReadEncodedInt();
					if ( GetSaveFlag( sflags, SetFlag.LastEquipped ) )
						m_LastEquipped = reader.ReadBool();
					if ( GetSaveFlag( sflags, SetFlag.SetEquipped ) )
						m_SetEquipped = reader.ReadBool();
					if ( GetSaveFlag( sflags, SetFlag.SetSelfRepair ) )
						m_SetSelfRepair = reader.ReadEncodedInt();
					goto case 5;
				case 5:
					SaveFlag flags = (SaveFlag)reader.ReadEncodedInt();

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Resource ) )
						m_Resource = (CraftResource)reader.ReadEncodedInt();
						m_Resource = DefaultResource;

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Attributes ) )
						m_AosAttributes = new AosAttributes( this, reader );
						m_AosAttributes = new AosAttributes( this );

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.ClothingAttributes ) )
						m_AosClothingAttributes = new AosArmorAttributes( this, reader );
						m_AosClothingAttributes = new AosArmorAttributes( this );

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.SkillBonuses ) )
						m_AosSkillBonuses = new AosSkillBonuses( this, reader );
						m_AosSkillBonuses = new AosSkillBonuses( this );

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Resistances ) )
						m_AosResistances = new AosElementAttributes( this, reader );
						m_AosResistances = new AosElementAttributes( this );

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.MaxHitPoints ) )
						m_MaxHitPoints = reader.ReadEncodedInt();

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.HitPoints ) )
						m_HitPoints = reader.ReadEncodedInt();

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Crafter ) )
						m_Crafter = reader.ReadMobile();

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Quality ) )
						m_Quality = (ClothingQuality)reader.ReadEncodedInt();
						m_Quality = ClothingQuality.Regular;

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.StrReq ) )
						m_StrReq = reader.ReadEncodedInt();
						m_StrReq = -1;

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.PlayerConstructed ) )
						m_PlayerConstructed = true;
				case 4:
					m_Resource = (CraftResource)reader.ReadInt();

					goto case 3;
				case 3:
					m_AosAttributes = new AosAttributes( this, reader );
					m_AosClothingAttributes = new AosArmorAttributes( this, reader );
					m_AosSkillBonuses = new AosSkillBonuses( this, reader );
					m_AosResistances = new AosElementAttributes( this, reader );

					goto case 2;
				case 2:
					m_PlayerConstructed = reader.ReadBool();
					goto case 1;
				case 1:
					m_Crafter = reader.ReadMobile();
					m_Quality = (ClothingQuality)reader.ReadInt();
				case 0:
					m_Crafter = null;
					m_Quality = ClothingQuality.Regular;
			#region Mondain's Legacy Sets
			if ( m_SetAttributes == null )
				m_SetAttributes = new AosAttributes( this );
			if ( m_SetSkillBonuses == null )
				m_SetSkillBonuses = new AosSkillBonuses( this );

			if ( version < 2 )
				m_PlayerConstructed = true; // we don't know, so, assume it's crafted

			if ( version < 3 )
				m_AosAttributes = new AosAttributes( this );
				m_AosClothingAttributes = new AosArmorAttributes( this );
				m_AosSkillBonuses = new AosSkillBonuses( this );
				m_AosResistances = new AosElementAttributes( this );

			if ( version < 4 )
				m_Resource = DefaultResource;

			if ( m_MaxHitPoints == 0 && m_HitPoints == 0 )
				m_HitPoints = m_MaxHitPoints = Utility.RandomMinMax( InitMinHits, InitMaxHits );

			Mobile parent = Parent as Mobile;

			if ( parent != null )
				if ( Core.AOS )
					m_AosSkillBonuses.AddTo( parent );

				AddStatBonuses( parent );

		public virtual bool Dye( Mobile from, DyeTub sender )
			if ( Deleted )
				return false;
			else if ( RootParent is Mobile && from != RootParent )
				return false;

			Hue = sender.DyedHue;

			return true;

		public virtual bool Scissor( Mobile from, Scissors scissors )
			if ( !IsChildOf( from.Backpack ) )
				from.SendLocalizedMessage( 502437 ); // Items you wish to cut must be in your backpack.
				return false;

			if ( Ethics.Ethic.IsImbued( this ) )
				from.SendLocalizedMessage( 502440 ); // Scissors can not be used on that to produce anything.
				return false;

			CraftSystem system = DefTailoring.CraftSystem;

			CraftItem item = system.CraftItems.SearchFor( GetType() );

			if ( item != null && item.Resources.Count == 1 && item.Resources.GetAt( 0 ).Amount >= 2 )
					Type resourceType = null;

					CraftResourceInfo info = CraftResources.GetInfo( m_Resource );

					if ( info != null && info.ResourceTypes.Length > 0 )
						resourceType = info.ResourceTypes[0];

					if ( resourceType == null )
						resourceType = item.Resources.GetAt( 0 ).ItemType;

					Item res = (Item)Activator.CreateInstance( resourceType );

					ScissorHelper( from, res, m_PlayerConstructed ? (item.Resources.GetAt( 0 ).Amount / 2) : 1 );

					res.LootType = LootType.Regular;

					return true;

			from.SendLocalizedMessage( 502440 ); // Scissors can not be used on that to produce anything.
			return false;

		public void DistributeBonuses( int amount )
			for ( int i = 0; i < amount; ++i )
				switch ( Utility.Random( 5 ) )
					case 0: ++m_AosResistances.Physical; break;
					case 1: ++m_AosResistances.Fire; break;
					case 2: ++m_AosResistances.Cold; break;
					case 3: ++m_AosResistances.Poison; break;
					case 4: ++m_AosResistances.Energy; break;


		#region ICraftable Members

		public virtual int OnCraft( int quality, bool makersMark, Mobile from, CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, BaseTool tool, CraftItem craftItem, int resHue )
			Quality = (ClothingQuality)quality;

			if ( makersMark )
				Crafter = from;

			#region Mondain's Legacy
			if ( !craftItem.ForceNonExceptional )
				if ( DefaultResource != CraftResource.None )
					Type resourceType = typeRes;

					if ( resourceType == null )
						resourceType = craftItem.Resources.GetAt( 0 ).ItemType;

					Resource = CraftResources.GetFromType( resourceType );
					Hue = resHue;

			PlayerConstructed = true;

			CraftContext context = craftSystem.GetContext( from );

			if ( context != null && context.DoNotColor )
				Hue = 0;

			return quality;


		#region Mondain's Legacy Sets
		public override bool OnDragLift( Mobile from )
			if ( Parent is Mobile && from == Parent )
				if ( IsSetItem && m_SetEquipped )
					SetHelper.RemoveSetBonus( from, SetID, this );

			return base.OnDragLift( from );

		public virtual SetItem SetID{ get{ return SetItem.None; } }
		public virtual int Pieces{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual bool MixedSet{ get{ return false; } }

		public bool IsSetItem{ get{ return SetID == SetItem.None ? false : true; } }
		private int m_SetHue;
		private bool m_SetEquipped;
		private bool m_LastEquipped;

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int SetHue
			get{ return m_SetHue; }
			set{ m_SetHue = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		public bool SetEquipped
			get{ return m_SetEquipped; }
			set{ m_SetEquipped = value; }

		public bool LastEquipped
			get{ return m_LastEquipped; }
			set{ m_LastEquipped = value; }
		private AosAttributes m_SetAttributes;
		private AosSkillBonuses m_SetSkillBonuses;
		private int m_SetSelfRepair;

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public AosAttributes SetAttributes
			get{ return m_SetAttributes; }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public AosSkillBonuses SetSkillBonuses
			get{ return m_SetSkillBonuses; }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int SetSelfRepair
			get{ return m_SetSelfRepair; }
			set{ m_SetSelfRepair = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		private int m_SetPhysicalBonus, m_SetFireBonus, m_SetColdBonus, m_SetPoisonBonus, m_SetEnergyBonus;

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int SetPhysicalBonus
			get{ return m_SetPhysicalBonus; }
			set{ m_SetPhysicalBonus = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int SetFireBonus
			get{ return m_SetFireBonus; }
			set{ m_SetFireBonus = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int SetColdBonus
			get{ return m_SetColdBonus; }
			set{ m_SetColdBonus = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int SetPoisonBonus
			get{ return m_SetPoisonBonus; }
			set{ m_SetPoisonBonus = value; InvalidateProperties(); }
		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int SetEnergyBonus
			get{ return m_SetEnergyBonus; }
			set{ m_SetEnergyBonus = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		public virtual void GetSetProperties( ObjectPropertyList list )
			int prop;

			if ( !m_SetEquipped )
				if ( m_SetPhysicalBonus != 0 )
					list.Add( 1072382, m_SetPhysicalBonus.ToString() ); // physical resist +~1_val~%

				if ( m_SetFireBonus != 0 )
					list.Add( 1072383, m_SetFireBonus.ToString() ); // fire resist +~1_val~%

				if ( m_SetColdBonus != 0 )
					list.Add( 1072384, m_SetColdBonus.ToString() ); // cold resist +~1_val~%

				if ( m_SetPoisonBonus != 0 )
					list.Add( 1072385, m_SetPoisonBonus.ToString() ); // poison resist +~1_val~%

				if ( m_SetEnergyBonus != 0 )
					list.Add( 1072386, m_SetEnergyBonus.ToString() ); // energy resist +~1_val~%			

			if ( (prop = m_SetSelfRepair) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060450, prop.ToString() ); // self repair ~1_val~		

			SetHelper.GetSetProperties( list, this );


When I went around to fix all these things I was having trouble with...I came to the conclusion that I don't have a great understanding of flags yet. And as the serialization (or deserialization) is what's causing the issue...may as well just make it like any normal bool variable getting saved.

		public override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer )
			base.Serialize( writer );

			writer.Write( (int) 8 ); // version

			[COLOR="Red"]writer.Write((bool)m_Identified); // ItemID_Mods[/COLOR]

            writer.Write((Mobile)m_BlessedBy); // Personal Bless Deed

			#region Mondain's Legacy Sets version 6
			SetFlag sflags = SetFlag.None;
			SetSaveFlag( ref sflags, SetFlag.Attributes,		!m_SetAttributes.IsEmpty );
			SetSaveFlag( ref sflags, SetFlag.SkillBonuses,		!m_SetSkillBonuses.IsEmpty );
			SetSaveFlag( ref sflags, SetFlag.PhysicalBonus,		m_SetPhysicalBonus != 0 );
			SetSaveFlag( ref sflags, SetFlag.FireBonus,			m_SetFireBonus != 0 );

		public override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader )
			base.Deserialize( reader );

			int version = reader.ReadInt();

			switch ( version )
[COLOR="Red"]				case 8: // ItemID_Mods
                        	m_Identified = reader.ReadBool();
					goto case 7;

				case 7: //personal bless deed
					m_BlessedBy = reader.ReadMobile();
					goto case 6;


Thank you for the response!!!

What parts of the code should I get rid of?

Keep or remove?
            		SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Identified,        	m_Identified != false);

Keep or remove?
            		Identified          	= 0x00000800


EDIT: I removed both the bottom 2 peaces of code. And it save fine now!!

[COLOR="Red"]            		SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Identified,        	m_Identified != false);[/COLOR]

[COLOR="red"]            		Identified          	= 0x00000800[/COLOR]


The last thing is getting the vendors inventory to show up as unidentified. Any idea on how to do that?


Thagoras;851441 said:
My vendors do seem to show up as identified....try respawning them. Otherwise no idea at present.

I have added new ones, respawned them, and still says unidentified. I am not sure how you got yours to show up as identified. All of the code is the in the 4 Base CS files. So any item in the game will automatically get the unidentified prop applied to it.

Do you think you could look in your scripts and see what you did to accomplish that????



Ok, in GenericBuy.cs (in scripts/mobiles/townfolk/ least in mine) there's this module

			public void Store( Type key, IEntity obj, bool cache )
				if ( cache )
					m_Table[key] = obj;

				if ( obj is Item )
[COLOR="Red"]//Identify adds
					if (obj is BaseArmor)
						BaseArmor id = (BaseArmor) obj;
						id.Identified = true;
					else if (obj is BaseJewel)
						BaseJewel id = (BaseJewel) obj;
						id.Identified = true;
					else if (obj is BaseWeapon)
						BaseWeapon id = (BaseWeapon) obj;
						id.Identified = true;
					else if (obj is BaseClothing)
						BaseClothing id = (BaseClothing) obj;
						id.Identified = true;
//Identify end[/COLOR]
					AddItem( (Item)obj );
				else if ( obj is Mobile )
					m_Mobiles.Add( (Mobile)obj );

That aught to do it.


Thagoras;851459 said:
Ok, in GenericBuy.cs (in scripts/mobiles/townfolk/ least in mine) there's this module

			public void Store( Type key, IEntity obj, bool cache )
				if ( cache )
					m_Table[key] = obj;

				if ( obj is Item )
[COLOR="Red"]//Identify adds
					if (obj is BaseArmor)
						BaseArmor id = (BaseArmor) obj;
						id.Identified = true;
					else if (obj is BaseJewel)
						BaseJewel id = (BaseJewel) obj;
						id.Identified = true;
					else if (obj is BaseWeapon)
						BaseWeapon id = (BaseWeapon) obj;
						id.Identified = true;
					else if (obj is BaseClothing)
						BaseClothing id = (BaseClothing) obj;
						id.Identified = true;
//Identify end[/COLOR]
					AddItem( (Item)obj );
				else if ( obj is Mobile )
					m_Mobiles.Add( (Mobile)obj );

That aught to do it.

Can not try it this second. But I bet thats it. I will try it here soon.

Thanks again!!!!! You have been very kind in helping out with this!! ;o)

Obsidian Fire


I have installed this and made all the needed updates and so far it works great! except for one odd glitch, When I purches a single say bronze shield from the Blacksmith is shows up in my pack as it should "IDed" it also shows IDed when I mouse over it in the buy window. Buuut if I purches say 2 or 3 at a time they appear in my pack as "Unidentified" . Any Ideas?

BTW this is installed on SVN 649 and no ML.
. . . .
I've written a recharge scroll too. This will recharge the Crystal ball. I can also recharge wands.

Nice addition but something is wrong.

The scrolls are stackable (good) but if you try to use them from a stack the entire stack is deleted (not good).

FIX = change rs.Delete(); to rs.Consume (1);

Thx for this post
