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7 questions I need to discuss


7 questions I need to discuss

Which script determines the % of skill and stat gains?

Which scripts determine the amounts and prices of items sold in vendors?

How can I prevent aftifects dropping from every creature in tokuno including even birds?

What should I change in Nerun's distro for it to NOT to spawn nightmares, unicorns and kirins everywhere?

Where can I find a code that displays the amount of reagents in backpack with the usage for example [regs ?

Where can I find a code that bandages the user automatically with the usage for example [banself ?

How can I make a web account creation system with a php nuke site?

If there's someone that wouldn't mind giving me some time, please do add my msn, because I'm about to go nuts over scripts..

[email protected]


Which script determines the % of skill and stat gains?


Which scripts determine the amounts and prices of items sold in vendors?

many scripts, look for it, you will find it.

How can I prevent aftifects dropping from every creature in tokuno including even birds?

Modify the Loot System

What should I change in Nerun's distro for it to NOT to spawn nightmares, unicorns and kirins everywhere?

Unspawn them.

Where can I find a code that displays the amount of reagents in backpack with the usage for example [regs ?

Razor, or script it yourself

Where can I find a code that bandages the user automatically with the usage for example [banself ?

Razor, or script it yourself

How can I make a web account creation system with a php nuke site?

Script it, this doesn't exist in the submission forum.

Requests are not allowed, if you have a problem with my answers tough.