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Bandage Self UO Macro

Bandage Self UO Macro

It's not much of a core mod, but maybe someone likes it. There is a macro option in UO called "BandageSelf" and this mod will make it work.

(Rather use snicker's version, it works without core mods)

Changes for SVN 187 only.
EventSink.cs 3 changed marked:
 *                                EventSink.cs
 *                            -------------------
 *   begin                : May 1, 2002
 *   copyright            : (C) The RunUO Software Team
 *   email                : [email protected]
 *   $Id: EventSink.cs 187 2007-05-26 03:12:41Z asayre $

 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *   (at your option) any later version.

using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Server;
using Server.Items;
using Server.Accounting;
using Server.Network;
using Server.Guilds;
using Server.Commands;

namespace Server
	public delegate void CharacterCreatedEventHandler( CharacterCreatedEventArgs e );
	public delegate void OpenDoorMacroEventHandler( OpenDoorMacroEventArgs e );
	public delegate void SpeechEventHandler( SpeechEventArgs e );
	public delegate void LoginEventHandler( LoginEventArgs e );
	public delegate void ServerListEventHandler( ServerListEventArgs e );
	public delegate void MovementEventHandler( MovementEventArgs e );
	public delegate void HungerChangedEventHandler( HungerChangedEventArgs e );
	public delegate void CrashedEventHandler( CrashedEventArgs e );
	public delegate void ShutdownEventHandler( ShutdownEventArgs e );
	public delegate void HelpRequestEventHandler( HelpRequestEventArgs e );
	public delegate void DisarmRequestEventHandler( DisarmRequestEventArgs e );
	public delegate void StunRequestEventHandler( StunRequestEventArgs e );
	public delegate void OpenSpellbookRequestEventHandler( OpenSpellbookRequestEventArgs e );
	public delegate void CastSpellRequestEventHandler( CastSpellRequestEventArgs e );
	public delegate void AnimateRequestEventHandler( AnimateRequestEventArgs e );
	public delegate void LogoutEventHandler( LogoutEventArgs e );
	public delegate void SocketConnectEventHandler( SocketConnectEventArgs e );
	public delegate void ConnectedEventHandler( ConnectedEventArgs e );
	public delegate void DisconnectedEventHandler( DisconnectedEventArgs e );
	public delegate void RenameRequestEventHandler( RenameRequestEventArgs e );
	public delegate void PlayerDeathEventHandler( PlayerDeathEventArgs e );
	public delegate void VirtueGumpRequestEventHandler( VirtueGumpRequestEventArgs e );
	public delegate void VirtueItemRequestEventHandler( VirtueItemRequestEventArgs e );
	public delegate void VirtueMacroRequestEventHandler( VirtueMacroRequestEventArgs e );
	public delegate void ChatRequestEventHandler( ChatRequestEventArgs e );
	public delegate void AccountLoginEventHandler( AccountLoginEventArgs e );
	public delegate void PaperdollRequestEventHandler( PaperdollRequestEventArgs e );
	public delegate void ProfileRequestEventHandler( ProfileRequestEventArgs e );
	public delegate void ChangeProfileRequestEventHandler( ChangeProfileRequestEventArgs e );
	public delegate void AggressiveActionEventHandler( AggressiveActionEventArgs e );
	public delegate void GameLoginEventHandler( GameLoginEventArgs e );
	public delegate void DeleteRequestEventHandler( DeleteRequestEventArgs e );
	public delegate void WorldLoadEventHandler();
	public delegate void WorldSaveEventHandler( WorldSaveEventArgs e );
	public delegate void SetAbilityEventHandler( SetAbilityEventArgs e );
	public delegate void FastWalkEventHandler( FastWalkEventArgs e );
	public delegate void ServerStartedEventHandler();
	public delegate BaseGuild CreateGuildHandler( CreateGuildEventArgs e );
	public delegate void GuildGumpRequestHandler( GuildGumpRequestArgs e );
	public delegate void QuestGumpRequestHandler( QuestGumpRequestArgs e );
	public delegate void ClientVersionRecievedHandler( ClientVersionRecievedArgs e );
	public delegate void BandageRequestHandler( BandageRequestArgs e );

	public class BandageRequestArgs : EventArgs
		private Mobile m_From;
		private Mobile m_Target;
		private Item m_Bandage;

		public Mobile From { get { return m_From; } }
		public Mobile Target { get { return m_Target; } }
		public Item Bandage { get { return m_Bandage; } }

		public BandageRequestArgs( Mobile from, Mobile target, Item b )
			m_From = from;
			m_Target = target;
			m_Bandage = b;
	public class ClientVersionRecievedArgs : EventArgs
		private NetState m_State;
		private ClientVersion m_Version;

		public NetState State { get { return m_State; } }
		public ClientVersion Version { get { return m_Version; } }

		public ClientVersionRecievedArgs( NetState state, ClientVersion cv )
			m_State = state;
			m_Version = cv;

	public class CreateGuildEventArgs : EventArgs
		private int m_Id;
		public int Id { get { return m_Id; } set { m_Id = value; } }

		public CreateGuildEventArgs( int id )
			m_Id = id;

	public class GuildGumpRequestArgs : EventArgs
		private Mobile m_Mobile;

		public Mobile Mobile{ get{ return m_Mobile; } }

		public GuildGumpRequestArgs( Mobile mobile )
			m_Mobile = mobile;

	public class QuestGumpRequestArgs : EventArgs
		private Mobile m_Mobile;

		public Mobile Mobile { get { return m_Mobile; } }

		public QuestGumpRequestArgs( Mobile mobile )
			m_Mobile = mobile;

	public class SetAbilityEventArgs : EventArgs
		private Mobile m_Mobile;
		private int m_Index;

		public Mobile Mobile{ get{ return m_Mobile; } }
		public int Index{ get{ return m_Index; } }

		public SetAbilityEventArgs( Mobile mobile, int index )
			m_Mobile = mobile;
			m_Index = index;

	public class DeleteRequestEventArgs : EventArgs
		private NetState m_State;
		private int m_Index;

		public NetState State{ get{ return m_State; } }
		public int Index{ get{ return m_Index; } }

		public DeleteRequestEventArgs( NetState state, int index )
			m_State = state;
			m_Index = index;

	public class GameLoginEventArgs : EventArgs
		private NetState m_State;
		private string m_Username;
		private string m_Password;
		private bool m_Accepted;
		private CityInfo[] m_CityInfo;

		public NetState State{ get{ return m_State; } }
		public string Username{ get{ return m_Username; } }
		public string Password{ get{ return m_Password; } }
		public bool Accepted{ get{ return m_Accepted; } set{ m_Accepted = value; } }
		public CityInfo[] CityInfo{ get{ return m_CityInfo; } set{ m_CityInfo = value; } }

		public GameLoginEventArgs( NetState state, string un, string pw )
			m_State = state;
			m_Username = un;
			m_Password = pw;

	public class AggressiveActionEventArgs : EventArgs
		private Mobile m_Aggressed;
		private Mobile m_Aggressor;
		private bool m_Criminal;

		public Mobile Aggressed{ get{ return m_Aggressed; } }
		public Mobile Aggressor{ get{ return m_Aggressor; } }
		public bool Criminal{ get{ return m_Criminal; } }

		private static Queue<AggressiveActionEventArgs> m_Pool = new Queue<AggressiveActionEventArgs>();

		public static AggressiveActionEventArgs Create( Mobile aggressed, Mobile aggressor, bool criminal )
			AggressiveActionEventArgs args;

			if ( m_Pool.Count > 0 )
				args = m_Pool.Dequeue();

				args.m_Aggressed = aggressed;
				args.m_Aggressor = aggressor;
				args.m_Criminal = criminal;
				args = new AggressiveActionEventArgs( aggressed, aggressor, criminal );

			return args;

		private AggressiveActionEventArgs( Mobile aggressed, Mobile aggressor, bool criminal )
			m_Aggressed = aggressed;
			m_Aggressor = aggressor;
			m_Criminal = criminal;

		public void Free()
			m_Pool.Enqueue( this );

	public class ProfileRequestEventArgs : EventArgs
		private Mobile m_Beholder;
		private Mobile m_Beheld;

		public Mobile Beholder{ get{ return m_Beholder; } }
		public Mobile Beheld{ get{ return m_Beheld; } }

		public ProfileRequestEventArgs( Mobile beholder, Mobile beheld )
			m_Beholder = beholder;
			m_Beheld = beheld;

	public class ChangeProfileRequestEventArgs : EventArgs
		private Mobile m_Beholder;
		private Mobile m_Beheld;
		private string m_Text;

		public Mobile Beholder{ get{ return m_Beholder; } }
		public Mobile Beheld{ get{ return m_Beheld; } }
		public string Text{ get{ return m_Text; } }

		public ChangeProfileRequestEventArgs( Mobile beholder, Mobile beheld, string text )
			m_Beholder = beholder;
			m_Beheld = beheld;
			m_Text = text;

	public class PaperdollRequestEventArgs : EventArgs
		private Mobile m_Beholder;
		private Mobile m_Beheld;

		public Mobile Beholder{ get{ return m_Beholder; } }
		public Mobile Beheld{ get{ return m_Beheld; } }

		public PaperdollRequestEventArgs( Mobile beholder, Mobile beheld )
			m_Beholder = beholder;
			m_Beheld = beheld;

	public class AccountLoginEventArgs : EventArgs
		private NetState m_State;
		private string m_Username;
		private string m_Password;

		private bool m_Accepted;
		private ALRReason m_RejectReason;

		public NetState State{ get{ return m_State; } }
		public string Username{ get{ return m_Username; } }
		public string Password{ get{ return m_Password; } }
		public bool Accepted{ get{ return m_Accepted; } set{ m_Accepted = value; } }
		public ALRReason RejectReason{ get{ return m_RejectReason; } set{ m_RejectReason = value; } }

		public AccountLoginEventArgs( NetState state, string username, string password )
			m_State = state;
			m_Username = username;
			m_Password = password;

	public class VirtueItemRequestEventArgs : EventArgs
		private Mobile m_Beholder;
		private Mobile m_Beheld;
		private int m_GumpID;

		public Mobile Beholder{ get{ return m_Beholder; } }
		public Mobile Beheld{ get{ return m_Beheld; } }
		public int GumpID{ get{ return m_GumpID; } }

		public VirtueItemRequestEventArgs( Mobile beholder, Mobile beheld, int gumpID )
			m_Beholder = beholder;
			m_Beheld = beheld;
			m_GumpID = gumpID;

	public class VirtueGumpRequestEventArgs : EventArgs
		private Mobile m_Beholder, m_Beheld;

		public Mobile Beholder{ get{ return m_Beholder; } }
		public Mobile Beheld{ get{ return m_Beheld; } }

		public VirtueGumpRequestEventArgs( Mobile beholder, Mobile beheld )
			m_Beholder = beholder;
			m_Beheld = beheld;

	public class VirtueMacroRequestEventArgs : EventArgs
		private Mobile m_Mobile;
		private int m_VirtueID;

		public Mobile Mobile{ get{ return m_Mobile; } }
		public int VirtueID{ get{ return m_VirtueID; } }

		public VirtueMacroRequestEventArgs( Mobile mobile, int virtueID )
			m_Mobile = mobile;
			m_VirtueID = virtueID;

	public class ChatRequestEventArgs : EventArgs
		private Mobile m_Mobile;

		public Mobile Mobile{ get{ return m_Mobile; } }

		public ChatRequestEventArgs( Mobile mobile )
			m_Mobile = mobile;

	public class PlayerDeathEventArgs : EventArgs
		private Mobile m_Mobile;

		public Mobile Mobile{ get{ return m_Mobile; } }

		public PlayerDeathEventArgs( Mobile mobile )
			m_Mobile = mobile;

	public class RenameRequestEventArgs : EventArgs
		private Mobile m_From, m_Target;
		private string m_Name;

		public Mobile From{ get{ return m_From; } }
		public Mobile Target{ get{ return m_Target; } }
		public string Name{ get{ return m_Name; } }

		public RenameRequestEventArgs( Mobile from, Mobile target, string name )
			m_From = from;
			m_Target = target;
			m_Name = name;

	public class LogoutEventArgs : EventArgs
		private Mobile m_Mobile;

		public Mobile Mobile{ get{ return m_Mobile; } }

		public LogoutEventArgs( Mobile m )
			m_Mobile = m;

	public class SocketConnectEventArgs : EventArgs
		private Socket m_Socket;
		private bool m_AllowConnection;

		public Socket Socket{ get{ return m_Socket; } }
		public bool AllowConnection{ get { return m_AllowConnection; } set { m_AllowConnection = value; } }

		public SocketConnectEventArgs( Socket s )
			m_Socket = s;
			m_AllowConnection = true;

	public class ConnectedEventArgs : EventArgs
		private Mobile m_Mobile;

		public Mobile Mobile{ get{ return m_Mobile; } }

		public ConnectedEventArgs( Mobile m )
			m_Mobile = m;

	public class DisconnectedEventArgs : EventArgs
		private Mobile m_Mobile;

		public Mobile Mobile{ get{ return m_Mobile; } }

		public DisconnectedEventArgs( Mobile m )
			m_Mobile = m;

	public class AnimateRequestEventArgs : EventArgs
		private Mobile m_Mobile;
		private string m_Action;

		public Mobile Mobile{ get{ return m_Mobile; } }
		public string Action{ get{ return m_Action; } }

		public AnimateRequestEventArgs( Mobile m, string action )
			m_Mobile = m;
			m_Action = action;

	public class CastSpellRequestEventArgs : EventArgs
		private Mobile m_Mobile;
		private Item m_Spellbook;
		private int m_SpellID;

		public Mobile Mobile{ get{ return m_Mobile; } }
		public Item Spellbook{ get{ return m_Spellbook; } }
		public int SpellID{ get{ return m_SpellID; } }

		public CastSpellRequestEventArgs( Mobile m, int spellID, Item book )
			m_Mobile = m;
			m_Spellbook = book;
			m_SpellID = spellID;

	public class OpenSpellbookRequestEventArgs : EventArgs
		private Mobile m_Mobile;
		private int m_Type;

		public Mobile Mobile{ get{ return m_Mobile; } }
		public int Type{ get{ return m_Type; } }

		public OpenSpellbookRequestEventArgs( Mobile m, int type )
			m_Mobile = m;
			m_Type = type;

	public class StunRequestEventArgs : EventArgs
		private Mobile m_Mobile;

		public Mobile Mobile{ get{ return m_Mobile; } }

		public StunRequestEventArgs( Mobile m )
			m_Mobile = m;

	public class DisarmRequestEventArgs : EventArgs
		private Mobile m_Mobile;

		public Mobile Mobile{ get{ return m_Mobile; } }

		public DisarmRequestEventArgs( Mobile m )
			m_Mobile = m;

	public class HelpRequestEventArgs : EventArgs
		private Mobile m_Mobile;

		public Mobile Mobile{ get{ return m_Mobile; } }

		public HelpRequestEventArgs( Mobile m )
			m_Mobile = m;

	public class ShutdownEventArgs : EventArgs
		public ShutdownEventArgs()

	public class CrashedEventArgs : EventArgs
		private Exception m_Exception;
		private bool m_Close;

		public Exception Exception{ get{ return m_Exception; } }
		public bool Close{ get{ return m_Close; } set{ m_Close = value; } }

		public CrashedEventArgs( Exception e )
			m_Exception = e;

	public class HungerChangedEventArgs : EventArgs
		private Mobile m_Mobile;
		private int m_OldValue;

		public Mobile Mobile{ get{ return m_Mobile; } }
		public int OldValue{ get{ return m_OldValue; } }

		public HungerChangedEventArgs( Mobile mobile, int oldValue )
			m_Mobile = mobile;
			m_OldValue = oldValue;

	public class MovementEventArgs : EventArgs
		private Mobile m_Mobile;
		private Direction m_Direction;
		private bool m_Blocked;

		public Mobile Mobile{ get{ return m_Mobile; } }
		public Direction Direction{ get{ return m_Direction; } }
		public bool Blocked{ get{ return m_Blocked; } set{ m_Blocked = value; } }

		private static Queue<MovementEventArgs> m_Pool = new Queue<MovementEventArgs>();

		public static MovementEventArgs Create( Mobile mobile, Direction dir )
			MovementEventArgs args;

			if ( m_Pool.Count > 0 )
				args = m_Pool.Dequeue();

				args.m_Mobile = mobile;
				args.m_Direction = dir;
				args.m_Blocked = false;
				args = new MovementEventArgs( mobile, dir );

			return args;

		public MovementEventArgs( Mobile mobile, Direction dir )
			m_Mobile = mobile;
			m_Direction = dir;

		public void Free()
			m_Pool.Enqueue( this );

	public class ServerListEventArgs : EventArgs
		private NetState m_State;
		private IAccount m_Account;
		private bool m_Rejected;
		private List<ServerInfo> m_Servers;

		public NetState State{ get{ return m_State; } }
		public IAccount Account{ get{ return m_Account; } }
		public bool Rejected{ get{ return m_Rejected; } set{ m_Rejected = value; } }
		public List<ServerInfo> Servers{ get{ return m_Servers; } }

		public void AddServer( string name, IPEndPoint address )
			AddServer( name, 0, TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone, address );

		public void AddServer( string name, int fullPercent, TimeZone tz, IPEndPoint address )
			m_Servers.Add( new ServerInfo( name, fullPercent, tz, address ) );

		public ServerListEventArgs( NetState state, IAccount account )
			m_State = state;
			m_Account = account;
			m_Servers = new List<ServerInfo>();

	public struct SkillNameValue
		private SkillName m_Name;
		private int m_Value;

		public SkillName Name{ get{ return m_Name; } }
		public int Value{ get{ return m_Value; } }

		public SkillNameValue( SkillName name, int value )
			m_Name = name;
			m_Value = value;

	public class CharacterCreatedEventArgs : EventArgs
		private NetState m_State;
		private IAccount m_Account;
		private CityInfo m_City;
		private SkillNameValue[] m_Skills;
		private int m_ShirtHue, m_PantsHue;
		private int m_HairID, m_HairHue;
		private int m_BeardID, m_BeardHue;
		private string m_Name;
		private bool m_Female;
		private int m_Hue;
		private int m_Str, m_Dex, m_Int;
		private int m_Profession;
		private Mobile m_Mobile;

		private Race m_Race;

		public NetState State{ get{ return m_State; } }
		public IAccount Account{ get{ return m_Account; } }
		public Mobile Mobile{ get{ return m_Mobile; } set{ m_Mobile = value; } }
		public string Name{ get{ return m_Name; } }
		public bool Female{ get{ return m_Female; } }
		public int Hue{ get{ return m_Hue; } }
		public int Str{ get{ return m_Str; } }
		public int Dex{ get{ return m_Dex; } }
		public int Int{ get{ return m_Int; } }
		public CityInfo City{ get{ return m_City; } }
		public SkillNameValue[] Skills{ get{ return m_Skills; } }
		public int ShirtHue{ get{ return m_ShirtHue; } }
		public int PantsHue{ get{ return m_PantsHue; } }
		public int HairID{ get{ return m_HairID; } }
		public int HairHue{ get{ return m_HairHue; } }
		public int BeardID{ get{ return m_BeardID; } }
		public int BeardHue{ get{ return m_BeardHue; } }
		public int Profession{ get{ return m_Profession; } set{ m_Profession = value; }}
		public Race Race { get { return m_Race; } }

		public CharacterCreatedEventArgs( NetState state, IAccount a, string name, bool female, int hue, int str, int dex, int intel, CityInfo city, SkillNameValue[] skills, int shirtHue, int pantsHue, int hairID, int hairHue, int beardID, int beardHue, int profession, Race race )
			m_State = state;
			m_Account = a;
			m_Name = name;
			m_Female = female;
			m_Hue = hue;
			m_Str = str;
			m_Dex = dex;
			m_Int = intel;
			m_City = city;
			m_Skills = skills;
			m_ShirtHue = shirtHue;
			m_PantsHue = pantsHue;
			m_HairID = hairID;
			m_HairHue = hairHue;
			m_BeardID = beardID;
			m_BeardHue = beardHue;
			m_Profession = profession;
			m_Race = race;

	public class OpenDoorMacroEventArgs : EventArgs
		private Mobile m_Mobile;

		public Mobile Mobile{ get{ return m_Mobile; } }

		public OpenDoorMacroEventArgs( Mobile mobile )
			m_Mobile = mobile;

	public class SpeechEventArgs : EventArgs
		private Mobile m_Mobile;
		private string m_Speech;
		private MessageType m_Type;
		private int m_Hue;
		private int[] m_Keywords;
		private bool m_Handled;
		private bool m_Blocked;

		public Mobile Mobile{ get{ return m_Mobile; } }
		public string Speech{ get{ return m_Speech; } set{ m_Speech = value; } }
		public MessageType Type{ get{ return m_Type; } }
		public int Hue{ get{ return m_Hue; } }
		public int[] Keywords{ get{ return m_Keywords; } }
		public bool Handled{ get{ return m_Handled; } set{ m_Handled = value; } }
		public bool Blocked{ get{ return m_Blocked; } set{ m_Blocked = value; } }

		public bool HasKeyword( int keyword )
			for ( int i = 0; i < m_Keywords.Length; ++i )
				if ( m_Keywords[i] == keyword )
					return true;

			return false;

		public SpeechEventArgs( Mobile mobile, string speech, MessageType type, int hue, int[] keywords )
			m_Mobile = mobile;
			m_Speech = speech;
			m_Type = type;
			m_Hue = hue;
			m_Keywords = keywords;

	public class LoginEventArgs : EventArgs
		private Mobile m_Mobile;

		public Mobile Mobile{ get{ return m_Mobile; } }

		public LoginEventArgs( Mobile mobile )
			m_Mobile = mobile;

	public class WorldSaveEventArgs : EventArgs
		private bool m_Msg;

		public bool Message{ get{ return m_Msg; } }

		public WorldSaveEventArgs( bool msg )
			m_Msg = msg;

	public class FastWalkEventArgs
		private NetState m_State;
		private bool m_Blocked;

		public FastWalkEventArgs( NetState state )
			m_State = state;
			m_Blocked = false;

		public NetState NetState{ get{ return m_State; } }
		public bool Blocked{ get{ return m_Blocked; } set{ m_Blocked = value; } }

	public class EventSink
		public static event CharacterCreatedEventHandler CharacterCreated;
		public static event OpenDoorMacroEventHandler OpenDoorMacroUsed;
		public static event SpeechEventHandler Speech;
		public static event LoginEventHandler Login;
		public static event ServerListEventHandler ServerList;
		public static event MovementEventHandler Movement;
		public static event HungerChangedEventHandler HungerChanged;
		public static event CrashedEventHandler Crashed;
		public static event ShutdownEventHandler Shutdown;
		public static event HelpRequestEventHandler HelpRequest;
		public static event DisarmRequestEventHandler DisarmRequest;
		public static event StunRequestEventHandler StunRequest;
		public static event OpenSpellbookRequestEventHandler OpenSpellbookRequest;
		public static event CastSpellRequestEventHandler CastSpellRequest;
		public static event AnimateRequestEventHandler AnimateRequest;
		public static event LogoutEventHandler Logout;
		public static event SocketConnectEventHandler SocketConnect;
		public static event ConnectedEventHandler Connected;
		public static event DisconnectedEventHandler Disconnected;
		public static event RenameRequestEventHandler RenameRequest;
		public static event PlayerDeathEventHandler PlayerDeath;
		public static event VirtueGumpRequestEventHandler VirtueGumpRequest;
		public static event VirtueItemRequestEventHandler VirtueItemRequest;
		public static event VirtueMacroRequestEventHandler VirtueMacroRequest;
		public static event ChatRequestEventHandler ChatRequest;
		public static event AccountLoginEventHandler AccountLogin;
		public static event PaperdollRequestEventHandler PaperdollRequest;
		public static event ProfileRequestEventHandler ProfileRequest;
		public static event ChangeProfileRequestEventHandler ChangeProfileRequest;
		public static event AggressiveActionEventHandler AggressiveAction;
		public static event CommandEventHandler Command;
		public static event GameLoginEventHandler GameLogin;
		public static event DeleteRequestEventHandler DeleteRequest;
		public static event WorldLoadEventHandler WorldLoad;
		public static event WorldSaveEventHandler WorldSave;
		public static event SetAbilityEventHandler SetAbility;
		public static event FastWalkEventHandler FastWalk;
		public static event CreateGuildHandler CreateGuild;
		public static event ServerStartedEventHandler ServerStarted;
		public static event GuildGumpRequestHandler GuildGumpRequest;
		public static event QuestGumpRequestHandler QuestGumpRequest;
		public static event ClientVersionRecievedHandler ClientVersionRecieved;
		public static event BandageRequestHandler BandageRequestRecieved;

		public static void InvokeBandageRequestRecieved( BandageRequestArgs e )
			if( BandageRequestRecieved != null )
				BandageRequestRecieved( e );
		public static void InvokeClientVersionRecieved( ClientVersionRecievedArgs e )
			if( ClientVersionRecieved != null )
				ClientVersionRecieved( e );

		public static void InvokeServerStarted()
			if ( ServerStarted != null )

		public static BaseGuild InvokeCreateGuild( CreateGuildEventArgs e )
			if ( CreateGuild != null )
				return CreateGuild( e );
				return null;

		public static void InvokeSetAbility( SetAbilityEventArgs e )
			if ( SetAbility != null )
				SetAbility( e );

		public static void InvokeGuildGumpRequest( GuildGumpRequestArgs e )
			if( GuildGumpRequest != null )
				GuildGumpRequest( e );

		public static void InvokeQuestGumpRequest( QuestGumpRequestArgs e )
			if( QuestGumpRequest != null )
				QuestGumpRequest( e );

		public static void InvokeFastWalk( FastWalkEventArgs e )
			if ( FastWalk != null )
				FastWalk( e );

		public static void InvokeDeleteRequest( DeleteRequestEventArgs e )
			if ( DeleteRequest != null )
				DeleteRequest( e );

		public static void InvokeGameLogin( GameLoginEventArgs e )
			if ( GameLogin != null )
				GameLogin( e );

		public static void InvokeCommand( CommandEventArgs e )
			if ( Command != null )
				Command( e );

		public static void InvokeAggressiveAction( AggressiveActionEventArgs e )
			if ( AggressiveAction != null )
				AggressiveAction( e );

		public static void InvokeProfileRequest( ProfileRequestEventArgs e )
			if ( ProfileRequest != null )
				ProfileRequest( e );

		public static void InvokeChangeProfileRequest( ChangeProfileRequestEventArgs e )
			if ( ChangeProfileRequest != null )
				ChangeProfileRequest( e );

		public static void InvokePaperdollRequest( PaperdollRequestEventArgs e )
			if ( PaperdollRequest != null )
				PaperdollRequest( e );

		public static void InvokeAccountLogin( AccountLoginEventArgs e )
			if ( AccountLogin != null )
				AccountLogin( e );

		public static void InvokeChatRequest( ChatRequestEventArgs e )
			if ( ChatRequest != null )
				ChatRequest( e );

		public static void InvokeVirtueItemRequest( VirtueItemRequestEventArgs e )
			if ( VirtueItemRequest != null )
				VirtueItemRequest( e );

		public static void InvokeVirtueGumpRequest( VirtueGumpRequestEventArgs e )
			if ( VirtueGumpRequest != null )
				VirtueGumpRequest( e );

		public static void InvokeVirtueMacroRequest( VirtueMacroRequestEventArgs e )
			if ( VirtueMacroRequest != null )
				VirtueMacroRequest( e );

		public static void InvokePlayerDeath( PlayerDeathEventArgs e )
			if ( PlayerDeath != null )
				PlayerDeath( e );

		public static void InvokeRenameRequest( RenameRequestEventArgs e )
			if ( RenameRequest != null )
				RenameRequest( e );

		public static void InvokeLogout( LogoutEventArgs e )
			if ( Logout != null )
				Logout( e );

		public static void InvokeSocketConnect( SocketConnectEventArgs e )
			if ( SocketConnect != null )
				SocketConnect( e );

		public static void InvokeConnected( ConnectedEventArgs e )
			if ( Connected != null )
				Connected( e );

		public static void InvokeDisconnected( DisconnectedEventArgs e )
			if ( Disconnected != null )
				Disconnected( e );

		public static void InvokeAnimateRequest( AnimateRequestEventArgs e )
			if ( AnimateRequest != null )
				AnimateRequest( e );

		public static void InvokeCastSpellRequest( CastSpellRequestEventArgs e )
			if ( CastSpellRequest != null )
				CastSpellRequest( e );

		public static void InvokeOpenSpellbookRequest( OpenSpellbookRequestEventArgs e )
			if ( OpenSpellbookRequest != null )
				OpenSpellbookRequest( e );

		public static void InvokeDisarmRequest( DisarmRequestEventArgs e )
			if ( DisarmRequest != null )
				DisarmRequest( e );

		public static void InvokeStunRequest( StunRequestEventArgs e )
			if ( StunRequest != null )
				StunRequest( e );

		public static void InvokeHelpRequest( HelpRequestEventArgs e )
			if ( HelpRequest != null )
				HelpRequest( e );

		public static void InvokeShutdown( ShutdownEventArgs e )
			if ( Shutdown != null )
				Shutdown( e );

		public static void InvokeCrashed( CrashedEventArgs e )
			if ( Crashed != null )
				Crashed( e );

		public static void InvokeHungerChanged( HungerChangedEventArgs e )
			if ( HungerChanged != null )
				HungerChanged( e );

		public static void InvokeMovement( MovementEventArgs e )
			if ( Movement != null )
				Movement( e );

		public static void InvokeServerList( ServerListEventArgs e )
			if ( ServerList != null )
				ServerList( e );

		public static void InvokeLogin( LoginEventArgs e )
			if ( Login != null )
				Login( e );

		public static void InvokeSpeech( SpeechEventArgs e )
			if ( Speech != null )
				Speech( e );

		public static void InvokeCharacterCreated( CharacterCreatedEventArgs e )
			if ( CharacterCreated != null )
				CharacterCreated( e );

		public static void InvokeOpenDoorMacroUsed( OpenDoorMacroEventArgs e )
			if ( OpenDoorMacroUsed != null )
				OpenDoorMacroUsed( e );

		public static void InvokeWorldLoad()
			if ( WorldLoad != null )

		public static void InvokeWorldSave( WorldSaveEventArgs e )
			if ( WorldSave != null )
				WorldSave( e );

		public static void Reset()
			CharacterCreated = null;
			OpenDoorMacroUsed = null;
			Speech = null;
			Login = null;
			ServerList = null;
			Movement = null;
			HungerChanged = null;
			Crashed = null;
			Shutdown = null;
			HelpRequest = null;
			DisarmRequest = null;
			StunRequest = null;
			OpenSpellbookRequest = null;
			CastSpellRequest = null;
			AnimateRequest = null;
			Logout = null;
			SocketConnect = null;
			Connected = null;
			Disconnected = null;
			RenameRequest = null;
			PlayerDeath = null;
			VirtueGumpRequest = null;
			VirtueItemRequest = null;
			VirtueMacroRequest = null;
			ChatRequest = null;
			AccountLogin = null;
			PaperdollRequest = null;
			ProfileRequest = null;
			ChangeProfileRequest = null;
			AggressiveAction = null;
			Command = null;
			GameLogin = null;
			DeleteRequest = null;
			WorldLoad = null;
			WorldSave = null;
			SetAbility = null;
			GuildGumpRequest = null;
			QuestGumpRequest = null;
//added next line
			BandageRequestRecieved = null;
PacketHandlers.cs add inside "public class PacketHandlers":
		public static void BandageTarget( NetState state, PacketReader pvSrc )
			Mobile from = state.Mobile;

			if ( from == null )

			if ( from.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.Counselor || DateTime.Now >= from.NextActionTime )
				Item bandage = World.FindItem( pvSrc.ReadInt32() );

				if ( bandage == null )

				Mobile target = World.FindMobile( pvSrc.ReadInt32() );

				if ( target == null )

				EventSink.InvokeBandageRequestRecieved( new BandageRequestArgs( from, target, bandage ) );
				from.NextActionTime = DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 0.5 );
PacketHandlers.cs add after "RegisterExtended( 0x24, false, new OnPacketReceive( UnhandledBF ) );":
RegisterExtended( 0x2C, true, new OnPacketReceive( BandageTarget ) );
Bandage.cs add inside "public class Bandage":
		public static void Initialize() 
			EventSink.BandageRequestRecieved += new BandageRequestHandler( BandageTarget );

		public static void BandageTarget( BandageRequestArgs e )
			Mobile m = e.From;
			Mobile t = e.Target;
			Bandage b = e.Bandage as Bandage;


			if ( b != null && m.InRange( b.GetWorldLocation(), Range ) && m.InRange( t, Range ) )
				if ( BandageContext.BeginHeal(m, t/*, b.Enhanced*/) != null )
				m.SendLocalizedMessage( 500295 ); // You are too far away to do that.

P.S. If anyone got an idea how BandageTarget works, let me know, as I can't even get the client to send a packet, because no target is selected.



RegisterExtended( 0x2C, [COLOR="Red"]false[/COLOR], new OnPacketReceive( BandageSelf ) );
should be

RegisterExtended( 0x2C, [COLOR="BLUE"]true[/COLOR], new OnPacketReceive( BandageSelf ) );

Or else someone could maliciously crash your shard while logging in.

EDIT: Nevermind, I see the null check you put in...
Kamron;699987 said:

RegisterExtended( 0x2C, [COLOR="Red"]false[/COLOR], new OnPacketReceive( BandageSelf ) );
should be

RegisterExtended( 0x2C, [COLOR="BLUE"]true[/COLOR], new OnPacketReceive( BandageSelf ) );

Or else someone could maliciously crash your shard while logging in.

EDIT: Nevermind, I see the null check you put in...

Changed it, thanks you are right about it should be true. :)


also, fyi, in the packet, the next int32 is the target if one is selected. take a look at my code and youll see. This is how bandage target/selected works.
snicker7;700029 said:
also, fyi, in the packet, the next int32 is the target if one is selected. take a look at my code and youll see. This is how bandage target/selected works.

Stupid of me not to search for bandageself as one word...

Any idea why the client wont send a packet on bandage target? I havent disabled the new targeting system.


your target has to be selected with the little reticule thing in order for the client to send that serial. the packet sent is exactly the same though your target is the second int, just a diff macro.
snicker7;700183 said:
your target has to be selected with the little reticule thing in order for the client to send that serial. the packet sent is exactly the same though your target is the second int, just a diff macro.

That explains it, thanks got that to work now too