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could someone help me with this plz


could someone help me with this plz

ok im makeing my own Full custom ores ive already edited all the scripts that have to do with the ores/ingots but this one script is giveing me alot of problems here is the Script

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Collections;
using Server;
using Server.Items;
using Server.Engines.BulkOrders;

namespace Server.Scripts.Commands
	public class Docs
		public static void Initialize()
			Server.Commands.Register( "DocGen", AccessLevel.Administrator, new CommandEventHandler( DocGen_OnCommand ) );

		[Usage( "DocGen" )]
		[Description( "Generates RunUO documentation." )]
		private static void DocGen_OnCommand( CommandEventArgs e )
			World.Broadcast( 0x35, true, "Documentation is being generated, please wait." );

			DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;


			DateTime endTime = DateTime.Now;

			World.Broadcast( 0x35, true, "Documentation has been completed. The entire process took {0:F1} seconds.", (endTime - startTime).TotalSeconds );

		private class MemberComparer : IComparer
			public int Compare( object x, object y )
				if ( x == y )
					return 0;

				ConstructorInfo aCtor = x as ConstructorInfo;
				ConstructorInfo bCtor = y as ConstructorInfo;

				PropertyInfo aProp = x as PropertyInfo;
				PropertyInfo bProp = y as PropertyInfo;

				MethodInfo aMethod = x as MethodInfo;
				MethodInfo bMethod = y as MethodInfo;

				bool aStatic = GetStaticFor( aCtor, aProp, aMethod );
				bool bStatic = GetStaticFor( bCtor, bProp, bMethod );

				if ( aStatic && !bStatic )
					return -1;
				else if ( !aStatic && bStatic )
					return 1;

				int v = 0;

				if ( aCtor != null )
					if ( bCtor == null )
						v = -1;
				else if ( bCtor != null )
					if ( aCtor == null )
						v = 1;
				else if ( aProp != null )
					if ( bProp == null )
						v = -1;
				else if ( bProp != null )
					if ( aProp == null )
						v = 1;

				if ( v == 0 )
					v = GetNameFrom( aCtor, aProp, aMethod ).CompareTo( GetNameFrom( bCtor, bProp, bMethod ) );

				if ( v == 0 && aCtor != null && bCtor != null )
					v = aCtor.GetParameters().Length.CompareTo( bCtor.GetParameters().Length );
				else if ( v == 0 && aMethod != null && bMethod != null )
					v = aMethod.GetParameters().Length.CompareTo( bMethod.GetParameters().Length );

				return v;

			private bool GetStaticFor( ConstructorInfo ctor, PropertyInfo prop, MethodInfo method )
				if ( ctor != null )
					return ctor.IsStatic;
				else if ( method != null )
					return method.IsStatic;

				if ( prop != null )
					MethodInfo getMethod = prop.GetGetMethod();
					MethodInfo setMethod = prop.GetGetMethod();

					return (getMethod != null && getMethod.IsStatic) || (setMethod != null && setMethod.IsStatic);

				return false;

			private string GetNameFrom( ConstructorInfo ctor, PropertyInfo prop, MethodInfo method )
				if ( ctor != null )
					return ctor.DeclaringType.Name;
				else if ( prop != null )
					return prop.Name;
				else if ( method != null )
					return method.Name;
					return "";

		private class TypeComparer : IComparer
			public int Compare( object x, object y )
				if ( x == null && y == null )
					return 0;
				else if ( x == null )
					return -1;
				else if ( y == null )
					return 1;

				TypeInfo a = x as TypeInfo;
				TypeInfo b = y as TypeInfo;

				if ( a == null || b == null )
					throw new ArgumentException();

				return a.m_TypeName.CompareTo( b.m_TypeName );

		private class NamespaceComparer : IComparer
			public int Compare( object x, object y )
				DictionaryEntry a = (DictionaryEntry)x;
				DictionaryEntry b = (DictionaryEntry)y;

				return ((string)a.Key).CompareTo( (string)b.Key );

		private class TypeInfo
			public Type m_Type, m_BaseType, m_Declaring;
			public string m_FileName, m_TypeName;
			public ArrayList m_Derived, m_Nested;
			public Type[] m_Interfaces;
			public StreamWriter m_Writer;

			public TypeInfo( Type type )
				m_Type = type;

				m_BaseType = type.BaseType;
				m_Declaring = type.DeclaringType;

				m_Interfaces = type.GetInterfaces();

				m_TypeName = type.Name;
				m_FileName = Docs.GetFileName( "docs/types/", m_TypeName, ".html" );

				m_Writer = Docs.GetWriter( "docs/types/", m_FileName );

		public static string GetFileName( string root, string name, string ext )
			int index = 0;
			string file = String.Concat( name, ext );

			while ( File.Exists( Path.Combine( root, file ) ) )
				file = String.Concat( name, ++index, ext );

			return file;

		private static string[,] m_Aliases = new string[,]
				{ "System.Object",	"<font color=\"blue\">object</font>" },
				{ "System.String",	"<font color=\"blue\">string</font>" },
				{ "System.Boolean",	"<font color=\"blue\">bool</font>" },
				{ "System.Byte",	"<font color=\"blue\">byte</font>" },
				{ "System.SByte",	"<font color=\"blue\">sbyte</font>" },
				{ "System.Int16",	"<font color=\"blue\">short</font>" },
				{ "System.UInt16",	"<font color=\"blue\">ushort</font>" },
				{ "System.Int32",	"<font color=\"blue\">int</font>" },
				{ "System.UInt32",	"<font color=\"blue\">uint</font>" },
				{ "System.Int64",	"<font color=\"blue\">long</font>" },
				{ "System.UInt64",	"<font color=\"blue\">ulong</font>" },
				{ "System.Single",	"<font color=\"blue\">float</font>" },
				{ "System.Double",	"<font color=\"blue\">double</font>" },
				{ "System.Decimal",	"<font color=\"blue\">decimal</font>" },
				{ "System.Char",	"<font color=\"blue\">char</font>" },
				{ "System.Void",	"<font color=\"blue\">void</font>" }

		private static string m_RootDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName( Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()[0] );

		private const string RefString = "<font color=\"blue\">ref</font> ";

		private static int m_AliasLength = m_Aliases.GetLength( 0 );

		public static string GetPair( Type varType, string name, bool ignoreRef )
			string prepend = "";
			StringBuilder append = new StringBuilder();

			Type realType = varType;

			if ( varType.IsByRef )
				if ( !ignoreRef )
					prepend = RefString;

				realType = varType.GetElementType();

			if ( realType.IsPointer )
				if ( realType.IsArray )
					append.Append( '*' );

						append.Append( '[' );

						for ( int i = 1; i < realType.GetArrayRank(); ++i )
							append.Append( ',' );

						append.Append( ']' );

						realType = realType.GetElementType();
					} while ( realType.IsArray );

					append.Append( ' ' );
					realType = realType.GetElementType();
					append.Append( " *" );
			else if ( realType.IsArray )
					append.Append( '[' );

					for ( int i = 1; i < realType.GetArrayRank(); ++i )
						append.Append( ',' );

					append.Append( ']' );

					realType = realType.GetElementType();
				} while ( realType.IsArray );

				append.Append( ' ' );
				append.Append( ' ' );

			string fullName = realType.FullName;
			string aliased = null;// = realType.Name;

			TypeInfo info = (TypeInfo)m_Types[realType];

			if ( info != null )
				aliased = String.Format( "<a href=\"{0}\">{1}</a>", info.m_FileName, info.m_TypeName );
				for ( int i = 0; i < m_AliasLength; ++i )
					if ( m_Aliases[i, 0] == fullName )
						aliased = m_Aliases[i, 1];

				if ( aliased == null )
					aliased = realType.Name;

			return String.Concat( prepend, aliased, append, name );

		private static Hashtable m_Types;
		private static Hashtable m_Namespaces;

		private static void EnsureDirectory( string path )
			path = Path.Combine( m_RootDirectory, path );

			if ( !Directory.Exists( path ) )
				Directory.CreateDirectory( path );

		private static void DeleteDirectory( string path )
			path = Path.Combine( m_RootDirectory, path );

			if ( Directory.Exists( path ) )
				Directory.Delete( path, true );

		private static void Document()
			DeleteDirectory( "docs/" );
			EnsureDirectory( "docs/" );
			EnsureDirectory( "docs/namespaces/" );
			EnsureDirectory( "docs/types/" );
			EnsureDirectory( "docs/bods/" );




			m_Types = new Hashtable();
			m_Namespaces = new Hashtable();

			ArrayList assemblies = new ArrayList();

			assemblies.Add( Core.Assembly );

			foreach ( Assembly asm in ScriptCompiler.Assemblies )
				assemblies.Add( asm );

			Assembly[] asms = (Assembly[])assemblies.ToArray( typeof( Assembly ) );

			for ( int i = 0; i < asms.Length; ++i )
				LoadTypes( asms[i], asms );


		private static void AddIndexLink( StreamWriter html, string filePath, string label, string desc )
			html.WriteLine( "      <h2><a href=\"{0}\" title=\"{1}\">{2}</a></h2>", filePath, desc, label );

		private static void GenerateStyles()
			using ( StreamWriter css = GetWriter( "docs/", "styles.css" ) )
				css.WriteLine( "body { background-color: #FFFFFF; font-family: verdana, arial; font-size: 11px; }" );
				css.WriteLine( "a { color: #28435E; }" );
				css.WriteLine( "a:hover { color: #4878A9; }" );
				css.WriteLine( "td.header { background-color: #9696AA; font-weight: bold; font-size: 12px; }" );
				css.WriteLine( "td.lentry { background-color: #D7D7EB; width: 10%; }" );
				css.WriteLine( "td.rentry { background-color: #FFFFFF; width: 90%; }" );
				css.WriteLine( "td.entry { background-color: #FFFFFF; }" );
				css.WriteLine( "td { font-size: 11px; }" );
				css.WriteLine( ".tbl-border { background-color: #46465A; }" );

				css.WriteLine( " {{ background-color: #{0:X6}; }}", Iron );
				css.WriteLine( "td.du {{ background-color: #{0:X6}; }}", Chert );
				css.WriteLine( " {{ background-color: #{0:X6}; }}", Rhodochrosite );
				css.WriteLine( " {{ background-color: #{0:X6}; }}", Dioptase );
				css.WriteLine( " {{ background-color: #{0:X6}; }}", Columbite );
				css.WriteLine( "td.go {{ background-color: #{0:X6}; }}", Goethite );
				css.WriteLine( " {{ background-color: #{0:X6}; }}", Peacock );
				css.WriteLine( " {{ background-color: #{0:X6}; }}", Sunstone );
				css.WriteLine( " {{ background-color: #{0:X6}; }}", Royal );
				css.WriteLine( "td.hy {{ background-color: #{0:X6}; }}", Hyacinth );
				css.WriteLine( " {{ background-color: #{0:X6}; }}", Molybdenite );
				css.WriteLine( " {{ background-color: #{0:X6}; }}", Chrysoprase );
				css.WriteLine( "td.ha {{ background-color: #{0:X6}; }}", Halite );
				css.WriteLine( "td.ku {{ background-color: #{0:X6}; }}", Bloodstone );
				css.WriteLine( " {{ background-color: #{0:X6}; }}", Nephrite );
				css.WriteLine( " {{ background-color: #{0:X6}; }}", Autunite );
				css.WriteLine( " {{ background-color: #{0:X6}; }}", Chrome );
				css.WriteLine( " {{ background-color: #{0:X6}; }}", Kunzite );
				css.WriteLine( " {{ background-color: #{0:X6}; }}", GodMetal );

				css.WriteLine( " {{ background-color: #{0:X6}; }}", Cloth );
				css.WriteLine( " {{ background-color: #{0:X6};  }}", Plain );
				css.WriteLine( "td.sp {{ background-color: #{0:X6}; }}", Core.AOS ? SpinedAOS : SpinedLBR );
				css.WriteLine( "td.ho {{ background-color: #{0:X6}; }}", Core.AOS ? HornedAOS : HornedLBR );
				css.WriteLine( " {{ background-color: #{0:X6}; }}", Core.AOS ? BarbedAOS : BarbedLBR );

		private static void GenerateIndex()
			using ( StreamWriter html = GetWriter( "docs/", "index.html" ) )
				html.WriteLine( "<html>" );
				html.WriteLine( "   <head>" );
				html.WriteLine( "      <title>RunUO Documentation - Index</title>" );
				html.WriteLine( "      <link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"styles.css\" />" );
				html.WriteLine( "   </head>" );
				html.WriteLine( "   <body>" );

				AddIndexLink( html, "commands.html", "Commands", "Every available command. This contains command name, usage, aliases, and description." );
				AddIndexLink( html, "objects.html", "Constructable Objects", "Every constructable item or npc. This contains object name and usage. Hover mouse over parameters to see type description." );
				AddIndexLink( html, "keywords.html", "Speech Keywords", "Lists speech keyword numbers and associated match patterns. These are used in some scripts for multi-language matching of client speech." );
				AddIndexLink( html, "bodies.html", "Body List", "Every usable body number and name. Table is generated from a UO:3D client datafile. If you do not have UO:3D installed, this may be blank." );
				AddIndexLink( html, "overview.html", "Class Overview", "Scripting reference. Contains every class type and contained methods in the core and scripts." );
				AddIndexLink( html, "bods/bod_smith_rewards.html", "Bulk Order Rewards: Smithing", "Reference table for large and small smithing bulk order deed rewards." );
				AddIndexLink( html, "bods/bod_tailor_rewards.html", "Bulk Order Rewards: Tailoring", "Reference table for large and small tailoring bulk order deed rewards." );

				html.WriteLine( "   </body>" );
				html.WriteLine( "</html>" );

		private const int Iron = 0xCCCCDD;
		private const int Chert = 0xAAAAAA;
		private const int Rhodochrosite = 0x777799;
		private const int Dioptase = 0xDDCC99;
		private const int Columbite = 0xAA8866;
		private const int Goethite = 0xDDCC55;
		private const int Peacock = 0xDDAAAA;
		private const int Sunstone = 0x99CC77;
		private const int Royal = 0x88AABB;

		private const int Cloth = 0xDDDDDD;
		private const int Plain = 0xCCAA88;
		private const int SpinedAOS = 0x99BBBB;
		private const int HornedAOS = 0xCC8888;
		private const int BarbedAOS = 0xAABBAA;
		private const int SpinedLBR = 0xAA8833;
		private const int HornedLBR = 0xBBBBAA;
		private const int BarbedLBR = 0xCCAA88;

		private static void DocumentBulkOrders()
			using ( StreamWriter html = GetWriter( "docs/bods/", "bod_smith_rewards.html" ) )
				html.WriteLine( "<html>" );
				html.WriteLine( "   <head>" );
				html.WriteLine( "      <title>RunUO Documentation - Bulk Orders - Smith Rewards</title>" );
				html.WriteLine( "      <link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"../styles.css\" />" );
				html.WriteLine( "   </head>" );
				html.WriteLine( "   <body>" );

				SmallBOD sbod = new SmallSmithBOD();

				sbod.Type = typeof( Katana );
				sbod.Material = BulkMaterialType.None;
				sbod.AmountMax = 10;

				WriteSmithBODHeader( html, "(Small) Weapons" );
				sbod.RequireExceptional = false;
				DocumentSmithBOD( html, sbod.ComputeRewards( true ), "10, 15, 20: Normal", sbod.Material );
				sbod.RequireExceptional = true;
				DocumentSmithBOD( html, sbod.ComputeRewards( true ), "10, 15, 20: Exceptional", sbod.Material );
				WriteSmithBODFooter( html );

				html.WriteLine( "      <br><br>" );
				html.WriteLine( "      <br><br>" );

				sbod.Type = typeof( PlateArms );

				WriteSmithBODHeader( html, "(Small) Armor: Normal" );

				sbod.RequireExceptional = false;
				for ( BulkMaterialType mat = BulkMaterialType.None; mat <= BulkMaterialType.GodMetal; ++mat )
					sbod.Material = mat;
					sbod.AmountMax = 10;
					DocumentSmithBOD( html, sbod.ComputeRewards( true ), "10, 15, 20", sbod.Material );

				WriteSmithBODFooter( html );

				html.WriteLine( "      <br><br>" );

				WriteSmithBODHeader( html, "(Small) Armor: Exceptional" );

				sbod.RequireExceptional = true;
				for ( BulkMaterialType mat = BulkMaterialType.None; mat <= BulkMaterialType.GodMetal; ++mat )
					sbod.Material = mat;

					for ( int amt = 15; amt <= 20; amt += 5 )
						sbod.AmountMax = amt;
						DocumentSmithBOD( html, sbod.ComputeRewards( true ), amt == 20 ? "20" : "10, 15", sbod.Material );

				WriteSmithBODFooter( html );

				html.WriteLine( "      <br><br>" );
				html.WriteLine( "      <br><br>" );


				WriteSmithLBOD( html, "Ringmail", LargeBulkEntry.LargeRing );
				WriteSmithLBOD( html, "Chainmail", LargeBulkEntry.LargeChain );
				WriteSmithLBOD( html, "Platemail", LargeBulkEntry.LargePlate );

				html.WriteLine( "   </body>" );
				html.WriteLine( "</html>" );

			using ( StreamWriter html = GetWriter( "docs/bods/", "bod_tailor_rewards.html" ) )
				html.WriteLine( "<html>" );
				html.WriteLine( "   <head>" );
				html.WriteLine( "      <title>RunUO Documentation - Bulk Orders - Tailor Rewards</title>" );
				html.WriteLine( "      <link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"../styles.css\" />" );
				html.WriteLine( "   </head>" );
				html.WriteLine( "   <body>" );

				SmallBOD sbod = new SmallTailorBOD();

				WriteTailorBODHeader( html, "Small Bulk Order" );

				html.WriteLine( "         <tr>" );
				html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"850\" colspan=\"21\" class=\"entry\"><b>Regular: 10, 15</b></td>" );
				html.WriteLine( "         </tr>" );

				sbod.AmountMax = 10;
				sbod.RequireExceptional = false;

				sbod.Type = typeof( SkullCap );
				sbod.Material = BulkMaterialType.None;
				DocumentTailorBOD( html, sbod.ComputeRewards( true ), "10, 15", sbod.Material, sbod.Type );

				sbod.Type = typeof( LeatherCap );
				for ( BulkMaterialType mat = BulkMaterialType.None; mat <= BulkMaterialType.Barbed; ++mat )
					if ( mat >= BulkMaterialType.Chert && mat <= BulkMaterialType.GodMetal )

					sbod.Material = mat;
					DocumentTailorBOD( html, sbod.ComputeRewards( true ), "10, 15", sbod.Material, sbod.Type );

				html.WriteLine( "         <tr>" );
				html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"850\" colspan=\"21\" class=\"entry\"><b>Regular: 20</b></td>" );
				html.WriteLine( "         </tr>" );

				sbod.AmountMax = 20;
				sbod.RequireExceptional = false;

				sbod.Type = typeof( SkullCap );
				sbod.Material = BulkMaterialType.None;
				DocumentTailorBOD( html, sbod.ComputeRewards( true ), "20", sbod.Material, sbod.Type );

				sbod.Type = typeof( LeatherCap );
				for ( BulkMaterialType mat = BulkMaterialType.None; mat <= BulkMaterialType.Barbed; ++mat )
					if ( mat >= BulkMaterialType.Chert && mat <= BulkMaterialType.GodMetal )

					sbod.Material = mat;
					DocumentTailorBOD( html, sbod.ComputeRewards( true ), "20", sbod.Material, sbod.Type );

				html.WriteLine( "         <tr>" );
				html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"850\" colspan=\"21\" class=\"entry\"><b>Exceptional: 10, 15</b></td>" );
				html.WriteLine( "         </tr>" );

				sbod.AmountMax = 10;
				sbod.RequireExceptional = true;

				sbod.Type = typeof( SkullCap );
				sbod.Material = BulkMaterialType.None;
				DocumentTailorBOD( html, sbod.ComputeRewards( true ), "10, 15", sbod.Material, sbod.Type );

				sbod.Type = typeof( LeatherCap );
				for ( BulkMaterialType mat = BulkMaterialType.None; mat <= BulkMaterialType.Barbed; ++mat )
					if ( mat >= BulkMaterialType.Chert && mat <= BulkMaterialType.GodMetal )

					sbod.Material = mat;
					DocumentTailorBOD( html, sbod.ComputeRewards( true ), "10, 15", sbod.Material, sbod.Type );

				html.WriteLine( "         <tr>" );
				html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"850\" colspan=\"21\" class=\"entry\"><b>Exceptional: 20</b></td>" );
				html.WriteLine( "         </tr>" );

				sbod.AmountMax = 20;
				sbod.RequireExceptional = true;

				sbod.Type = typeof( SkullCap );
				sbod.Material = BulkMaterialType.None;
				DocumentTailorBOD( html, sbod.ComputeRewards( true ), "20", sbod.Material, sbod.Type );

				sbod.Type = typeof( LeatherCap );
				for ( BulkMaterialType mat = BulkMaterialType.None; mat <= BulkMaterialType.Barbed; ++mat )
					if ( mat >= BulkMaterialType.Chert && mat <= BulkMaterialType.GodMetal )

					sbod.Material = mat;
					DocumentTailorBOD( html, sbod.ComputeRewards( true ), "20", sbod.Material, sbod.Type );

				WriteTailorBODFooter( html );

				html.WriteLine( "      <br><br>" );
				html.WriteLine( "      <br><br>" );


				WriteTailorLBOD( html, "Large Bulk Order: 4-part", LargeBulkEntry.Gypsy, true, true );
				WriteTailorLBOD( html, "Large Bulk Order: 5-part", LargeBulkEntry.TownCrier, true, true );
				WriteTailorLBOD( html, "Large Bulk Order: 6-part", LargeBulkEntry.MaleLeatherSet, false, true );

				html.WriteLine( "   </body>" );
				html.WriteLine( "</html>" );

		private static void WriteTailorLBOD( StreamWriter html, string name, SmallBulkEntry[] entries, bool expandCloth, bool expandPlain )
			WriteTailorBODHeader( html, name );

			LargeBOD lbod = new LargeTailorBOD();

			lbod.Entries = LargeBulkEntry.ConvertEntries( lbod, entries );

			Type type = entries[0].Type;

			bool showCloth = !( type.IsSubclassOf( typeof( BaseArmor ) ) || type.IsSubclassOf( typeof( BaseShoes ) ) );

			html.WriteLine( "         <tr>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"850\" colspan=\"21\" class=\"entry\"><b>Regular</b></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "         </tr>" );

			lbod.RequireExceptional = false;
			lbod.AmountMax = 10;

			if ( showCloth )
				lbod.Material = BulkMaterialType.None;

				if ( expandCloth )
					lbod.AmountMax = 10;
					DocumentTailorBOD( html, lbod.ComputeRewards( true ), "10, 15", lbod.Material, type );
					lbod.AmountMax = 20;
					DocumentTailorBOD( html, lbod.ComputeRewards( true ), "20", lbod.Material, type );
					lbod.AmountMax = 10;
					DocumentTailorBOD( html, lbod.ComputeRewards( true ), "10, 15, 20", lbod.Material, type );

			lbod.Material = BulkMaterialType.None;

			if ( expandPlain )
				lbod.AmountMax = 10;
				DocumentTailorBOD( html, lbod.ComputeRewards( true ), "10, 15, 20", lbod.Material, typeof( LeatherCap ) );
				lbod.AmountMax = 20;
				DocumentTailorBOD( html, lbod.ComputeRewards( true ), "20", lbod.Material, typeof( LeatherCap ) );
				lbod.AmountMax = 10;
				DocumentTailorBOD( html, lbod.ComputeRewards( true ), "10, 15, 20", lbod.Material, typeof( LeatherCap ) );

			for ( BulkMaterialType mat = BulkMaterialType.Spined; mat <= BulkMaterialType.Barbed; ++mat )
				lbod.Material = mat;
				lbod.AmountMax = 10;
				DocumentTailorBOD( html, lbod.ComputeRewards( true ), "10, 15", lbod.Material, type );
				lbod.AmountMax = 20;
				DocumentTailorBOD( html, lbod.ComputeRewards( true ), "20", lbod.Material, type );

			html.WriteLine( "         <tr>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"850\" colspan=\"21\" class=\"entry\"><b>Exceptional</b></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "         </tr>" );

			lbod.RequireExceptional = true;
			lbod.AmountMax = 10;

			if ( showCloth )
				lbod.Material = BulkMaterialType.None;

				if ( expandCloth )
					lbod.AmountMax = 10;
					DocumentTailorBOD( html, lbod.ComputeRewards( true ), "10, 15", lbod.Material, type );
					lbod.AmountMax = 20;
					DocumentTailorBOD( html, lbod.ComputeRewards( true ), "20", lbod.Material, type );
					lbod.AmountMax = 10;
					DocumentTailorBOD( html, lbod.ComputeRewards( true ), "10, 15, 20", lbod.Material, type );

			lbod.Material = BulkMaterialType.None;

			if ( expandPlain )
				lbod.AmountMax = 10;
				DocumentTailorBOD( html, lbod.ComputeRewards( true ), "10, 15, 20", lbod.Material, typeof( LeatherCap ) );
				lbod.AmountMax = 20;
				DocumentTailorBOD( html, lbod.ComputeRewards( true ), "20", lbod.Material, typeof( LeatherCap ) );
				lbod.AmountMax = 10;
				DocumentTailorBOD( html, lbod.ComputeRewards( true ), "10, 15, 20", lbod.Material, typeof( LeatherCap ) );

			for ( BulkMaterialType mat = BulkMaterialType.Spined; mat <= BulkMaterialType.Barbed; ++mat )
				lbod.Material = mat;
				lbod.AmountMax = 10;
				DocumentTailorBOD( html, lbod.ComputeRewards( true ), "10, 15", lbod.Material, type );
				lbod.AmountMax = 20;
				DocumentTailorBOD( html, lbod.ComputeRewards( true ), "20", lbod.Material, type );

			WriteTailorBODFooter( html );

			html.WriteLine( "      <br><br>" );
			html.WriteLine( "      <br><br>" );

		private static void WriteTailorBODHeader( StreamWriter html, string title )
			html.WriteLine( "      <table width=\"850\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\">" );
			html.WriteLine( "      <tr><td class=\"tbl-border\">" );
			html.WriteLine( "      <table border=\"0\" width=\"850\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\">" );
			html.WriteLine( "         <tr>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"250\" rowspan=\"2\" class=\"entry\"><center>{0}</center></td>", title );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" rowspan=\"2\" class=\"entry\"><center><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Colored Cloth (Level 1)\" border=\"0\"></a></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" rowspan=\"2\" class=\"entry\"><center><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Colored Cloth (Level 2)\" border=\"0\"></a></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" rowspan=\"2\" class=\"entry\"><center><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Colored Cloth (Level 3)\" border=\"0\"></a></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" rowspan=\"2\" class=\"entry\"><center><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Colored Cloth (Level 4)\" border=\"0\"></a></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" rowspan=\"2\" class=\"entry\"><center><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Colored Cloth (Level 5)\" border=\"0\"></a></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" rowspan=\"2\" class=\"entry\"><center><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Colored Sandals\" border=\"0\"></a></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"100\" colspan=\"4\" class=\"entry\"><center>Power Scrolls</center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" rowspan=\"2\" class=\"entry\"><center><img src=\"\" alt=\"Small Stretched Hide\"></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" rowspan=\"2\" class=\"entry\"><center><img src=\"\" alt=\"Medium Stretched Hide\"></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" rowspan=\"2\" class=\"entry\"><center><img src=\"\" alt=\"Light Flower Tapestry\"></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" rowspan=\"2\" class=\"entry\"><center><img src=\"\" alt=\"Dark Flower Tapestry\"></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" rowspan=\"2\" class=\"entry\"><center><img src=\"\" alt=\"Brown Bear Rug\"></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" rowspan=\"2\" class=\"entry\"><center><img src=\"\" alt=\"Polar Bear Rug\"></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" rowspan=\"2\" class=\"entry\"><center><img src=\"\" alt=\"Clothing Bless Deed\"></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"75\" colspan=\"3\" class=\"entry\"><center>Runic Kits</center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "         </tr>" );
			html.WriteLine( "         <tr>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"entry\"><center><small>+5</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"entry\"><center><small>+10</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"entry\"><center><small>+15</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"entry\"><center><small>+20</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"entry\"><center><img src=\"\" alt=\"Runic Sewing Kit: Spined\"></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"entry\"><center><img src=\"\" alt=\"Runic Sewing Kit: Horned\"></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"entry\"><center><img src=\"\" alt=\"Runic Sewing Kit: Barbed\"></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "         </tr>" );

		private static void WriteTailorBODFooter( StreamWriter html )
			html.WriteLine( "         <tr>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"250\" rowspan=\"2\" class=\"entry\">&nbsp;</td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" rowspan=\"2\" class=\"entry\"><center><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Colored Cloth (Level 1)\" border=\"0\"></a></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" rowspan=\"2\" class=\"entry\"><center><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Colored Cloth (Level 2)\" border=\"0\"></a></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" rowspan=\"2\" class=\"entry\"><center><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Colored Cloth (Level 3)\" border=\"0\"></a></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" rowspan=\"2\" class=\"entry\"><center><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Colored Cloth (Level 4)\" border=\"0\"></a></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" rowspan=\"2\" class=\"entry\"><center><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Colored Cloth (Level 5)\" border=\"0\"></a></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" rowspan=\"2\" class=\"entry\"><center><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Colored Sandals\" border=\"0\"></a></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"entry\"><center><small>+5</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"entry\"><center><small>+10</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"entry\"><center><small>+15</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"entry\"><center><small>+20</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" rowspan=\"2\" class=\"entry\"><center><img src=\"\" alt=\"Small Stretched Hide\"></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" rowspan=\"2\" class=\"entry\"><center><img src=\"\" alt=\"Medium Stretched Hide\"></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" rowspan=\"2\" class=\"entry\"><center><img src=\"\" alt=\"Light Flower Tapestry\"></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" rowspan=\"2\" class=\"entry\"><center><img src=\"\" alt=\"Dark Flower Tapestry\"></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" rowspan=\"2\" class=\"entry\"><center><img src=\"\" alt=\"Brown Bear Rug\"></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" rowspan=\"2\" class=\"entry\"><center><img src=\"\" alt=\"Polar Bear Rug\"></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" rowspan=\"2\" class=\"entry\"><center><img src=\"\" alt=\"Clothing Bless Deed\"></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"entry\"><center><img src=\"\" alt=\"Runic Sewing Kit: Spined\"></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"entry\"><center><img src=\"\" alt=\"Runic Sewing Kit: Horned\"></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"entry\"><center><img src=\"\" alt=\"Runic Sewing Kit: Barbed\"></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "         </tr>" );
			html.WriteLine( "         <tr>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"100\" colspan=\"4\" class=\"entry\"><center>Power Scrolls</center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"75\" colspan=\"3\" class=\"entry\"><center>Runic Kits</center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "         </tr>" );
			html.WriteLine( "      </table></td></tr></table>" );

		private static void DocumentTailorBOD( StreamWriter html, ArrayList items, string amt, BulkMaterialType material, Type type )
			bool[] rewards = new bool[20];

			for ( int i = 0; i < items.Count; ++i )
				Item item = (Item)items[i];

				if ( item is Sandals )
					rewards[5] = true;
				else if ( item is SmallStretchedHideEastDeed || item is SmallStretchedHideSouthDeed )
					rewards[10] = rewards[11] = true;
				else if ( item is MediumStretchedHideEastDeed || item is MediumStretchedHideSouthDeed )
					rewards[10] = rewards[11] = true;
				else if ( item is LightFlowerTapestryEastDeed || item is LightFlowerTapestrySouthDeed )
					rewards[12] = rewards[13] = true;
				else if ( item is DarkFlowerTapestryEastDeed || item is DarkFlowerTapestrySouthDeed )
					rewards[12] = rewards[13] = true;
				else if ( item is BrownBearRugEastDeed || item is BrownBearRugSouthDeed )
					rewards[14] = rewards[15] = true;
				else if ( item is PolarBearRugEastDeed || item is PolarBearRugSouthDeed )
					rewards[14] = rewards[15] = true;
				else if ( item is ClothingBlessDeed )
					rewards[16] = true;
				else if ( item is PowerScroll )
					PowerScroll ps = (PowerScroll)item;

					if ( ps.Value == 105.0 )
						rewards[6] = true;
					else if ( ps.Value == 110.0 )
						rewards[7] = true;
					else if ( ps.Value == 115.0 )
						rewards[8] = true;
					else if ( ps.Value == 120.0 )
						rewards[9] = true;
				else if ( item is UncutCloth )
					if ( item.Hue == 0x483 || item.Hue == 0x48C || item.Hue == 0x488 || item.Hue == 0x48A )
						rewards[0] = true;
					else if ( item.Hue == 0x495 || item.Hue == 0x48B || item.Hue == 0x486 || item.Hue == 0x485 )
						rewards[1] = true;
					else if ( item.Hue == 0x48D || item.Hue == 0x490 || item.Hue == 0x48E || item.Hue == 0x491 )
						rewards[2] = true;
					else if ( item.Hue == 0x48F || item.Hue == 0x494 || item.Hue == 0x484 || item.Hue == 0x497 )
						rewards[3] = true;
						rewards[4] = true;
				else if ( item is RunicSewingKit )
					RunicSewingKit rkit = (RunicSewingKit)item;

					rewards[16 + CraftResources.GetIndex( rkit.Resource )] = true;


			string style = null;
			string name = null;

			switch ( material )
				case BulkMaterialType.None:
					if ( type.IsSubclassOf( typeof( BaseArmor ) ) || type.IsSubclassOf( typeof( BaseShoes ) ) )
						style = "pl";
						name = "Plain";
						style = "cl";
						name = "Cloth";

				case BulkMaterialType.Spined: style = "sp"; name = "Spined"; break;
				case BulkMaterialType.Horned: style = "ho"; name = "Horned"; break;
				case BulkMaterialType.Barbed: style = "ba"; name = "Barbed"; break;

			html.WriteLine( "         <tr>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"250\" class=\"entry\">&nbsp;- {0} <font size=\"1pt\">{1}</font></td>", name, amt );

			int index = 0;

			while ( index < 20 )
				if ( rewards[index] )
					html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"{0}\"><center><b>X</b></center></td>", style );
					int count = 0;

					while ( index < 20 && !rewards[index] )

						if ( index == 5 || index == 6 || index == 10 || index == 17 )

					html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"{0}\"{1} class=\"entry\">&nbsp;</td>", count*25, count==1?"":String.Format( " colspan=\"{0}\"", count ) );

			html.WriteLine( "         </tr>" );

		private static void WriteSmithLBOD( StreamWriter html, string name, SmallBulkEntry[] entries )
			LargeBOD lbod = new LargeSmithBOD();

			lbod.Entries = LargeBulkEntry.ConvertEntries( lbod, entries );

			WriteSmithBODHeader( html, String.Format( "(Large) {0}: Normal", name ) );

			lbod.RequireExceptional = false;
			for ( BulkMaterialType mat = BulkMaterialType.None; mat <= BulkMaterialType.GodMetal; ++mat )
				lbod.Material = mat;
				lbod.AmountMax = 10;
				DocumentSmithBOD( html, lbod.ComputeRewards( true ), "10, 15, 20", lbod.Material );

			WriteSmithBODFooter( html );

			html.WriteLine( "      <br><br>" );

			WriteSmithBODHeader( html, String.Format( "(Large) {0}: Exceptional", name ) );

			lbod.RequireExceptional = true;
			for ( BulkMaterialType mat = BulkMaterialType.None; mat <= BulkMaterialType.GodMetal; ++mat )
				lbod.Material = mat;

				for ( int amt = 15; amt <= 20; amt += 5 )
					lbod.AmountMax = amt;
					DocumentSmithBOD( html, lbod.ComputeRewards( true ), amt == 20 ? "20" : "10, 15", lbod.Material );

			WriteSmithBODFooter( html );

			html.WriteLine( "      <br><br>" );
			html.WriteLine( "      <br><br>" );

		private static void WriteSmithBODHeader( StreamWriter html, string title )
			html.WriteLine( "      <table width=\"850\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\">" );
			html.WriteLine( "      <tr><td class=\"tbl-border\">" );
			html.WriteLine( "      <table border=\"0\" width=\"850\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\">" );
			html.WriteLine( "         <tr>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"250\" rowspan=\"2\" class=\"entry\"><center>{0}</center></td>", title );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" rowspan=\"2\" class=\"entry\"><center><img src=\"\" alt=\"Sturdy Pickaxe/Shovel (150 uses)\"></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"75\" colspan=\"3\" class=\"entry\"><center>Gloves</center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" rowspan=\"2\" class=\"entry\"><center><img src=\"\" alt=\"Gargoyles Pickaxe (100 uses)\"></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" rowspan=\"2\" class=\"entry\"><center><img src=\"\" alt=\"Prospectors Tool (50 uses)\"></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" rowspan=\"2\" class=\"entry\"><center><img src=\"\" alt=\"Powder of Temperament (10 uses)\"></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" rowspan=\"2\" class=\"entry\"><center><img src=\"\" alt=\"Colored Anvil\"></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"100\" colspan=\"4\" class=\"entry\"><center>Power Scrolls</center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"200\" colspan=\"8\" class=\"entry\"><center>Runic Hammers</center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"100\" colspan=\"4\" class=\"entry\"><center>Ancient Hammers</center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "         </tr>" );
			html.WriteLine( "         <tr>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"entry\"><center><small>+1</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"entry\"><center><small>+3</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"entry\"><center><small>+5</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"entry\"><center><small>+5</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"entry\"><center><small>+10</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"entry\"><center><small>+15</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"entry\"><center><small>+20</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"du\"><center><small>Du</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"sh\"><center><small>Sh</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"co\"><center><small>Co</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"br\"><center><small>Br</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"go\"><center><small>Go</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"ag\"><center><small>Ag</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"ve\"><center><small>Ve</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"va\"><center><small>Va</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"hy\"><center><small>Hy</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"hu\"><center><small>Ho</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"ch\"><center><small>Ch</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"ha\"><center><small>Ha</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"ku\"><center><small>Ku</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"bl\"><center><small>Bl</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"ne\"><center><small>Ne</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"au\"><center><small>Au</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"ch\"><center><small>Ch</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"gm\"><center><small>Gm</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"entry\"><center><small>+10</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"entry\"><center><small>+15</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"entry\"><center><small>+30</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"entry\"><center><small>+60</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "         </tr>" );

		private static void WriteSmithBODFooter( StreamWriter html )
			html.WriteLine( "         <tr>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"250\" rowspan=\"2\" class=\"entry\">&nbsp;</td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" rowspan=\"2\" class=\"entry\"><center><img src=\"\" alt=\"Sturdy Pickaxe/Shovel (150 uses)\"></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"entry\"><center><small>+1</small></center>&nbsp;</td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"entry\"><center><small>+3</small></center>&nbsp;</td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"entry\"><center><small>+5</small></center>&nbsp;</td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" rowspan=\"2\" class=\"entry\"><center><img src=\"\" alt=\"Gargoyles Pickaxe (100 uses)\"></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" rowspan=\"2\" class=\"entry\"><center><img src=\"\" alt=\"Prospectors Tool (50 uses)\"></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" rowspan=\"2\" class=\"entry\"><center><img src=\"\" alt=\"Powder of Temperament (10 uses)\"></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" rowspan=\"2\" class=\"entry\"><center><img src=\"\" alt=\"Colored Anvil\"></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"entry\"><center><small>+5</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"entry\"><center><small>+10</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"entry\"><center><small>+15</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"entry\"><center><small>+20</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"du\"><center><small>Du</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"sh\"><center><small>Sh</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"co\"><center><small>Co</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"br\"><center><small>Br</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"go\"><center><small>Go</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"ag\"><center><small>Ag</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"ve\"><center><small>Ve</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"va\"><center><small>Va</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"hy\"><center><small>Va</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"hu\"><center><small>Va</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"ch\"><center><small>Va</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"ha\"><center><small>Va</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"ku\"><center><small>Va</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"bl\"><center><small>Va</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"ne\"><center><small>Va</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"au\"><center><small>Va</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"ch\"><center><small>Va</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"gm\"><center><small>Va</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"entry\"><center><small>+10</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"entry\"><center><small>+15</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"entry\"><center><small>+30</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"entry\"><center><small>+60</small></center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "         </tr>" );
			html.WriteLine( "         <tr>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"75\" colspan=\"3\" class=\"entry\"><center>Gloves</center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"100\" colspan=\"4\" class=\"entry\"><center>Power Scrolls</center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"200\" colspan=\"8\" class=\"entry\"><center>Runic Hammers</center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"100\" colspan=\"4\" class=\"entry\"><center>Ancient Hammers</center></td>" );
			html.WriteLine( "         </tr>" );
			html.WriteLine( "      </table></td></tr></table>" );

		private static void DocumentSmithBOD( StreamWriter html, ArrayList items, string amt, BulkMaterialType material )
			bool[] rewards = new bool[24];

			for ( int i = 0; i < items.Count; ++i )
				Item item = (Item)items[i];

				if ( item is SturdyPickaxe || item is SturdyShovel )
					rewards[0] = true;
				else if ( item is LeatherGlovesOfMining )
					rewards[1] = true;
				else if ( item is StuddedGlovesOfMining )
					rewards[2] = true;
				else if ( item is RingmailGlovesOfMining )
					rewards[3] = true;
				else if ( item is GargoylesPickaxe )
					rewards[4] = true;
				else if ( item is ProspectorsTool )
					rewards[5] = true;
				else if ( item is PowderOfTemperament )
					rewards[6] = true;
				else if ( item is ColoredAnvil )
					rewards[7] = true;
				else if ( item is PowerScroll )
					PowerScroll ps = (PowerScroll)item;

					if ( ps.Value == 105.0 )
						rewards[8] = true;
					else if ( ps.Value == 110.0 )
						rewards[9] = true;
					else if ( ps.Value == 115.0 )
						rewards[10] = true;
					else if ( ps.Value == 120.0 )
						rewards[11] = true;
				else if ( item is RunicHammer )
					RunicHammer rh = (RunicHammer)item;

					rewards[11 + CraftResources.GetIndex( rh.Resource )] = true;
				else if ( item is AncientSmithyHammer )
					AncientSmithyHammer ash = (AncientSmithyHammer)item;

					if ( ash.Bonus == 10 )
						rewards[20] = true;
					else if ( ash.Bonus == 15 )
						rewards[21] = true;
					else if ( ash.Bonus == 30 )
						rewards[22] = true;
					else if ( ash.Bonus == 60 )
						rewards[23] = true;


			string style = null;
			string name = null;

			switch ( material )
				case BulkMaterialType.None: style = "ir"; name = "Iron"; break;
				case BulkMaterialType.Chert: style = "du"; name = "Chert"; break;
				case BulkMaterialType.Rhodochrosite: style = "sh"; name = "Rhodochrosite"; break;
				case BulkMaterialType.Dioptase: style = "co"; name = "Dioptase"; break;
				case BulkMaterialType.Columbite: style = "br"; name = "Columbite"; break;
				case BulkMaterialType.Goethite: style = "go"; name = "Goethite"; break;
				case BulkMaterialType.Peacock: style = "ag"; name = "Peacock"; break;
				case BulkMaterialType.Sunstone: style = "ve"; name = "Sunstone"; break;
				case BulkMaterialType.Royal: style = "va"; name = "Royal"; break;
				case BulkMaterialType.Hyacinth: style = "hy"; name = "Hyacinth"; break;
				case BulkMaterialType.Molybdenite: style = "hu"; name = "Molybdenite"; break;
				case BulkMaterialType.Chrysoprase: style = "ch"; name = "Chrysoprase"; break;
				case BulkMaterialType.Halite: style = "ha"; name = "Halite"; break;
				case BulkMaterialType.Kunzite: style = "ku"; name = "Kunzite"; break;
				case BulkMaterialType.Bloodstone: style = "bl"; name = "Bloodstone"; break;
				case BulkMaterialType.Nephrite: style = "ne"; name = "Nephrite"; break;
				case BulkMaterialType.Autunite: style = "au"; name = "Autunite"; break;
				case BulkMaterialType.Chrome: style = "ch"; name = "Chrome"; break;
				case BulkMaterialType.GodMetal: style = "gm"; name = "GodMetal"; break;

			html.WriteLine( "         <tr>" );
			html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"250\" class=\"entry\">{0} <font size=\"1pt\">{1}</font></td>", name, amt );

			int index = 0;

			while ( index < 24 )
				if ( rewards[index] )
					html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"25\" class=\"{0}\"><center><b>X</b></center></td>", style );
					int count = 0;

					while ( index < 24 && !rewards[index] )

						if ( index == 4 || index == 8 || index == 12 || index == 20 )

					html.WriteLine( "            <td width=\"{0}\"{1} class=\"entry\">&nbsp;</td>", count*25, count==1?"":String.Format( " colspan=\"{0}\"", count ) );

			html.WriteLine( "         </tr>" );

		public static ArrayList LoadBodies()
			ArrayList list = new ArrayList();

			string path = Core.FindDataFile( "models/models.txt" );

			if ( File.Exists( path ) )
				using ( StreamReader ip = new StreamReader( path ) )
					string line;

					while ( (line = ip.ReadLine()) != null )
						line = line.Trim();

						if ( line.Length == 0 || line.StartsWith( "#" ) )

						string[] split = line.Split( '\t' );

						if ( split.Length >= 9 )
							Body body = Utility.ToInt32( split[0] );
							ModelBodyType type = (ModelBodyType)Utility.ToInt32( split[1] );
							string name = split[8];

							BodyEntry entry = new BodyEntry( body, type, name );

							if ( !list.Contains( entry ) )
								list.Add( entry );

			return list;

		private static void DocumentBodies()
			ArrayList list = LoadBodies();

			using ( StreamWriter html = GetWriter( "docs/", "bodies.html" ) )
				html.WriteLine( "<html>" );
				html.WriteLine( "   <head>" );
				html.WriteLine( "      <title>RunUO Documentation - Body List</title>" );
				html.WriteLine( "      <link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"styles.css\" />" );
				html.WriteLine( "   </head>" );
				html.WriteLine( "   <body>" );
				html.WriteLine( "      <a name=\"Top\" />" );
				html.WriteLine( "      <h4><a href=\"index.html\">Back to the index</a></h4>" );

				if ( list.Count > 0 )
					html.WriteLine( "      <h2>Body List</h2>" );

					list.Sort( new BodyEntrySorter() );

					ModelBodyType lastType = ModelBodyType.Invalid;

					for ( int i = 0; i < list.Count; ++i )
						BodyEntry entry = (BodyEntry)list[i];
						ModelBodyType type = entry.BodyType;

						if ( type != lastType )
							if ( lastType != ModelBodyType.Invalid )
								html.WriteLine( "      </table></td></tr></table><br>" );

							lastType = type;

							html.WriteLine( "      <a name=\"{0}\" />", type );

							switch ( type )
								case ModelBodyType.Monsters:	html.WriteLine( "      <b>Monsters</b> | <a href=\"#Sea\">Sea</a> | <a href=\"#Animals\">Animals</a> | <a href=\"#Human\">Human</a> | <a href=\"#Equipment\">Equipment</a><br><br>" ); break;
								case ModelBodyType.Sea:			html.WriteLine( "      <a href=\"#Top\">Monsters</a> | <b>Sea</b> | <a href=\"#Animals\">Animals</a> | <a href=\"#Human\">Human</a> | <a href=\"#Equipment\">Equipment</a><br><br>" ); break;
								case ModelBodyType.Animals:		html.WriteLine( "      <a href=\"#Top\">Monsters</a> | <a href=\"#Sea\">Sea</a> | <b>Animals</b> | <a href=\"#Human\">Human</a> | <a href=\"#Equipment\">Equipment</a><br><br>" ); break;
								case ModelBodyType.Human:		html.WriteLine( "      <a href=\"#Top\">Monsters</a> | <a href=\"#Sea\">Sea</a> | <a href=\"#Animals\">Animals</a> | <b>Human</b> | <a href=\"#Equipment\">Equipment</a><br><br>" ); break;
								case ModelBodyType.Equipment:	html.WriteLine( "      <a href=\"#Top\">Monsters</a> | <a href=\"#Sea\">Sea</a> | <a href=\"#Animals\">Animals</a> | <a href=\"#Human\">Human</a> | <b>Equipment</b><br><br>" ); break;

							html.WriteLine( "      <table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\">" );
							html.WriteLine( "      <tr><td class=\"tbl-border\">" );
							html.WriteLine( "      <table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"4\" cellspacing=\"1\">" );
							html.WriteLine( "         <tr><td width=\"100%\" colspan=\"2\" class=\"header\">{0}</td></tr>", type );

						html.WriteLine( "         <tr><td class=\"lentry\">{0}</td><td class=\"rentry\">{1}</td></tr>", entry.Body.BodyID, entry.Name );

					html.WriteLine( "      </table>" );
					html.WriteLine( "      This feature requires a UO:3D installation." );

				html.WriteLine( "   </body>" );
				html.WriteLine( "</html>" );

		private static void DocumentKeywords()
			ArrayList tables = LoadSpeechFile();

			using ( StreamWriter html = GetWriter( "docs/", "keywords.html" ) )
				html.WriteLine( "<html>" );
				html.WriteLine( "   <head>" );
				html.WriteLine( "      <title>RunUO Documentation - Speech Keywords</title>" );
				html.WriteLine( "      <link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"styles.css\" />" );
				html.WriteLine( "   </head>" );
				html.WriteLine( "   <body>" );
				html.WriteLine( "      <h4><a href=\"index.html\">Back to the index</a></h4>" );
				html.WriteLine( "      <h2>Speech Keywords</h2>" );

				for ( int p = 0; p < 1 && p < tables.Count; ++p )
					Hashtable table = (Hashtable)tables[p];

					if ( p > 0 )
						html.WriteLine( "      <br>" );

					html.WriteLine( "      <table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\">" );
					html.WriteLine( "      <tr><td class=\"tbl-border\">" );
					html.WriteLine( "      <table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"4\" cellspacing=\"1\">" );
					html.WriteLine( "         <tr><td class=\"header\">Number</td><td class=\"header\">Text</td></tr>" );

					ArrayList list = new ArrayList( table.Values );
					list.Sort( new SpeechEntrySorter() );

					for ( int i = 0; i < list.Count; ++i )
						SpeechEntry entry = (SpeechEntry)list[i];

						html.Write( "         <tr><td class=\"lentry\">0x{0:X4}</td><td class=\"rentry\">", entry.Index );

						entry.Strings.Sort();//( new EnglishPrioStringSorter() );

						for ( int j = 0; j < entry.Strings.Count; ++j )
							if ( j > 0 )
								html.Write( "<br>" );

							string v = (string)entry.Strings[j];

							for ( int k = 0; k < v.Length; ++k )
								char c = v[k];

								if ( c == '<' )
									html.Write( "&lt;" );
								else if ( c == '>' )
									html.Write( "&gt;" );
								else if ( c == '&' )
									html.Write( "&amp;" );
								else if ( c == '"' )
									html.Write( "&quot;" );
								else if ( c == '\'' )
									html.Write( "&apos;" );
								else if ( c >= 0x20 && c < 0x80 )
									html.Write( c );
									html.Write( "&#{0};", (int)c );

						html.WriteLine( "</td></tr>" );

					html.WriteLine( "      </table></td></tr></table>" );

				html.WriteLine( "   </body>" );
				html.WriteLine( "</html>" );

		private class SpeechEntry
			private int m_Index;
			private ArrayList m_Strings;

			public int Index{ get{ return m_Index; } }
			public ArrayList Strings{ get{ return m_Strings; } }

			public SpeechEntry( int index )
				m_Index = index;
				m_Strings = new ArrayList();

		private class SpeechEntrySorter : IComparer
			public int Compare( object x, object y )
				SpeechEntry a = (SpeechEntry)x;
				SpeechEntry b = (SpeechEntry)y;

				return a.Index.CompareTo( b.Index );

		private static ArrayList LoadSpeechFile()
			ArrayList tables = new ArrayList();
			int lastIndex = -1;

			Hashtable table = null;

			string path = Core.FindDataFile( "Speech.mul" );

			if ( File.Exists( path ) )
				using ( FileStream ip = new FileStream( path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read ) )
					BinaryReader bin = new BinaryReader( ip );

					while ( bin.PeekChar() >= 0 )
						int index = (bin.ReadByte() << 8) | bin.ReadByte();
						int length = (bin.ReadByte() << 8) | bin.ReadByte();
						string text = Encoding.UTF8.GetString( bin.ReadBytes( length ) ).Trim();

						if ( text.Length == 0 )

						if ( table == null || lastIndex > index )
							if ( index == 0 && text == "*withdraw*" )
								tables.Insert( 0, table = new Hashtable() );
								tables.Add( table = new Hashtable() );

						lastIndex = index;

						SpeechEntry entry = (SpeechEntry)table[index];

						if ( entry == null )
							table[index] = entry = new SpeechEntry( index );

						entry.Strings.Add( text );

			return tables;

		private class DocCommandEntry
			private AccessLevel m_AccessLevel;
			private string m_Name;
			private string[] m_Aliases;
			private string m_Usage;
			private string m_Description;

			public AccessLevel AccessLevel{ get{ return m_AccessLevel; } }
			public string Name{ get{ return m_Name; } }
			public string[] Aliases{ get{ return m_Aliases; } }
			public string Usage{ get{ return m_Usage; } }
			public string Description{ get{ return m_Description; } }

			public DocCommandEntry( AccessLevel accessLevel, string name, string[] aliases, string usage, string description )
				m_AccessLevel = accessLevel;
				m_Name = name;
				m_Aliases = aliases;
				m_Usage = usage;
				m_Description = description;

		private class CommandEntrySorter : IComparer
			public int Compare( object x, object y )
				DocCommandEntry a = (DocCommandEntry)x;
				DocCommandEntry b = (DocCommandEntry)y;

				int v = b.AccessLevel.CompareTo( a.AccessLevel );

				if ( v == 0 )
					v = a.Name.CompareTo( b.Name );

				return v;

		private static void DocumentCommands()
			using ( StreamWriter html = GetWriter( "docs/", "commands.html" ) )
				html.WriteLine( "<html>" );
				html.WriteLine( "   <head>" );
				html.WriteLine( "      <title>RunUO Documentation - Commands</title>" );
				html.WriteLine( "      <link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"styles.css\" />" );
				html.WriteLine( "   </head>" );
				html.WriteLine( "   <body>" );
				html.WriteLine( "      <a name=\"Top\" />" );
				html.WriteLine( "      <h4><a href=\"index.html\">Back to the index</a></h4>" );
				html.WriteLine( "      <h2>Commands</h2>" );

				ArrayList commands = new ArrayList( Server.Commands.Entries.Values );
				ArrayList list = new ArrayList();

				Clean( commands );

				for ( int i = 0; i < commands.Count; ++i )
					CommandEntry e = (CommandEntry)commands[i];

					MethodInfo mi = e.Handler.Method;

					object[] attrs = mi.GetCustomAttributes( typeof( UsageAttribute ), false );

					if ( attrs.Length == 0 )

					UsageAttribute usage = attrs[0] as UsageAttribute;

					attrs = mi.GetCustomAttributes( typeof( DescriptionAttribute ), false );

					if ( attrs.Length == 0 )

					DescriptionAttribute desc = attrs[0] as DescriptionAttribute;

					if ( usage == null || desc == null )

					attrs = mi.GetCustomAttributes( typeof( AliasesAttribute ), false );

					AliasesAttribute aliases = ( attrs.Length == 0 ? null : attrs[0] as AliasesAttribute );

					string descString = desc.Description.Replace( "<", "&lt;" ).Replace( ">", "&gt;" );

					if ( aliases == null )
						list.Add( new DocCommandEntry( e.AccessLevel, e.Command, null, usage.Usage, descString ) );
						list.Add( new DocCommandEntry( e.AccessLevel, e.Command, aliases.Aliases, usage.Usage, descString ) );

				commands = TargetCommands.AllCommands;

				for ( int i = 0; i < commands.Count; ++i )
					BaseCommand command = (BaseCommand)commands[i];

					string usage = command.Usage;
					string desc = command.Description;

					if ( usage == null || desc == null )

					string[] cmds = command.Commands;
					string cmd = cmds[0];
					string[] aliases = new string[cmds.Length - 1];

					for ( int j = 0; j < aliases.Length; ++j )
						aliases[j] = cmds[j + 1];

					desc = desc.Replace( "<", "&lt;" ).Replace( ">", "&gt;" );

					if ( command.Supports != CommandSupport.Single )
						StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( 50 + desc.Length );

						sb.Append( "Modifiers: " );

						if ( (command.Supports & CommandSupport.Global) != 0 )
							sb.Append( "<i><a href=\"#Global\">Global</a></i>, " );

						if ( (command.Supports & CommandSupport.Online) != 0 )
							sb.Append( "<i><a href=\"#Online\">Online</a></i>, " );

						if ( (command.Supports & CommandSupport.Region) != 0 )
							sb.Append( "<i><a href=\"#Region\">Region</a></i>, " );

						if ( (command.Supports & CommandSupport.Contained) != 0 )
							sb.Append( "<i><a href=\"#Contained\">Contained</a></i>, " );

						if ( (command.Supports & CommandSupport.Multi) != 0 )
							sb.Append( "<i><a href=\"#Multi\">Multi</a></i>, " );

						if ( (command.Supports & CommandSupport.Area) != 0 )
							sb.Append( "<i><a href=\"#Area\">Area</a></i>, " );

						if ( (command.Supports & CommandSupport.Self) != 0 )
							sb.Append( "<i><a href=\"#Self\">Self</a></i>, " );

						sb.Remove( sb.Length - 2, 2 );
						sb.Append( "<br>" );
						sb.Append( desc );

						desc = sb.ToString();

					list.Add( new DocCommandEntry( command.AccessLevel, cmd, aliases, usage, desc ) );

				commands = BaseCommandImplementor.Implementors;

				for ( int i = 0; i < commands.Count; ++i )
					BaseCommandImplementor command = (BaseCommandImplementor)commands[i];

					string usage = command.Usage;
					string desc = command.Description;

					if ( usage == null || desc == null )

					string[] cmds = command.Accessors;
					string cmd = cmds[0];
					string[] aliases = new string[cmds.Length - 1];

					for ( int j = 0; j < aliases.Length; ++j )
						aliases[j] = cmds[j + 1];

					desc = desc.Replace( "<", "&lt;" ).Replace( ">", "&gt;" );

					list.Add( new DocCommandEntry( command.AccessLevel, cmd, aliases, usage, desc ) );

				list.Sort( new CommandEntrySorter() );

				AccessLevel last = AccessLevel.Player;

				foreach ( DocCommandEntry e in list )
					if ( e.AccessLevel != last )
						if ( last != AccessLevel.Player )
							html.WriteLine( "      </table></td></tr></table><br>" );

						last = e.AccessLevel;

						html.WriteLine( "      <a name=\"{0}\" />", last );

						switch ( last )
							case AccessLevel.Administrator:	html.WriteLine( "      <b>Administrator</b> | <a href=\"#GameMaster\">Game Master</a> | <a href=\"#Counselor\">Counselor</a> | <a href=\"#Player\">Player</a><br><br>" ); break;
							case AccessLevel.GameMaster:	html.WriteLine( "      <a href=\"#Top\">Administrator</a> | <b>Game Master</b> | <a href=\"#Counselor\">Counselor</a> | <a href=\"#Player\">Player</a><br><br>" ); break;
							case AccessLevel.Seer:			html.WriteLine( "      <a href=\"#Top\">Administrator</a> | <a href=\"#GameMaster\">Game Master</a> | <a href=\"#Counselor\">Counselor</a> | <a href=\"#Player\">Player</a><br><br>" ); break;
							case AccessLevel.Counselor:		html.WriteLine( "      <a href=\"#Top\">Administrator</a> | <a href=\"#GameMaster\">Game Master</a> | <b>Counselor</b> | <a href=\"#Player\">Player</a><br><br>" ); break;
							case AccessLevel.Player:		html.WriteLine( "      <a href=\"#Top\">Administrator</a> | <a href=\"#GameMaster\">Game Master</a> | <a href=\"#Counselor\">Counselor</a> | <b>Player</b><br><br>" ); break;

						html.WriteLine( "      <table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\">" );
						html.WriteLine( "      <tr><td class=\"tbl-border\">" );
						html.WriteLine( "      <table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"4\" cellspacing=\"1\">" );
						html.WriteLine( "         <tr><td colspan=\"2\" width=\"100%\" class=\"header\">{0}</td></tr>", last == AccessLevel.GameMaster ? "Game Master" : last.ToString() );

					DocumentCommand( html, e );

				html.WriteLine( "      </table></td></tr></table>" );
				html.WriteLine( "   </body>" );
				html.WriteLine( "</html>" );

		private static void Clean( ArrayList list )
			for ( int i = 0; i < list.Count; ++i )
				CommandEntry e = (CommandEntry)list[i];

				for ( int j = i + 1; j < list.Count; ++j )
					CommandEntry c = (CommandEntry)list[j];

					if ( e.Handler.Method == c.Handler.Method )
						list.RemoveAt( j );

		private static void DocumentCommand( StreamWriter html, DocCommandEntry e )
			string usage = e.Usage;
			string desc = e.Description;
			string[] aliases = e.Aliases;

			html.Write( "         <tr><a name=\"{0}\" /><td class=\"lentry\">{0}</td>", e.Name );

			if ( aliases == null || aliases.Length == 0 )
				html.Write( "<td class=\"rentry\"><b>Usage: {0}</b><br>{1}</td>", usage.Replace( "<", "&lt;" ).Replace( ">", "&gt;" ), desc );
				html.Write( "<td class=\"rentry\"><b>Usage: {0}</b><br>Alias{1}: ", usage.Replace( "<", "&lt;" ).Replace( ">", "&gt;" ), aliases.Length == 1 ? "" : "es" );

				for ( int i = 0; i < aliases.Length; ++i )
					if ( i != 0 )
						html.Write( ", " );

					html.Write( aliases[i] );

				html.Write( "<br>{0}</td>", desc );

			html.WriteLine( "</tr>" );

		private static void LoadTypes( Assembly a, Assembly[] asms )
			Type[] types = a.GetTypes();

			for ( int i = 0; i < types.Length; ++i )
				Type type = types[i];

				string nspace = type.Namespace;

				if ( nspace == null || type.IsSpecialName )

				TypeInfo info = new TypeInfo( type );
				m_Types[type] = info;

				ArrayList nspaces = (ArrayList)m_Namespaces[nspace];

				if ( nspaces == null )
					m_Namespaces[nspace] = nspaces = new ArrayList();

				nspaces.Add( info );

				Type baseType = info.m_BaseType;

				if ( baseType != null && InAssemblies( baseType, asms ) )
					TypeInfo baseInfo = (TypeInfo)m_Types[baseType];

					if ( baseInfo == null )
						m_Types[baseType] = baseInfo = new TypeInfo( baseType );

					if ( baseInfo.m_Derived == null )
						baseInfo.m_Derived = new ArrayList();

					baseInfo.m_Derived.Add( info );

				Type decType = info.m_Declaring;

				if ( decType != null )
					TypeInfo decInfo = (TypeInfo)m_Types[decType];

					if ( decInfo == null )
						m_Types[decType] = decInfo = new TypeInfo( decType );

					if ( decInfo.m_Nested == null )
						decInfo.m_Nested = new ArrayList();

					decInfo.m_Nested.Add( info );

				for ( int j = 0; j < info.m_Interfaces.Length; ++j )
					Type iface = info.m_Interfaces[j];

					if ( !InAssemblies( iface, asms ) )

					TypeInfo ifaceInfo = (TypeInfo)m_Types[iface];

					if ( ifaceInfo == null )
						m_Types[iface] = ifaceInfo = new TypeInfo( iface );

					if ( ifaceInfo.m_Derived == null )
						ifaceInfo.m_Derived = new ArrayList();

					ifaceInfo.m_Derived.Add( info );

		private static bool InAssemblies( Type t, Assembly[] asms )
			Assembly a = t.Assembly;

			for ( int i = 0; i < asms.Length; ++i )
				if ( a == asms[i] )
					return true;

			return false;

		private static StreamWriter GetWriter( string root, string name )
			return new StreamWriter( Path.Combine( Path.Combine( m_RootDirectory, root ), name ) );

		private static StreamWriter GetWriter( string path )
			return new StreamWriter( Path.Combine( m_RootDirectory, path ) );

		private static Type typeofItem = typeof( Item ), typeofMobile = typeof( Mobile ), typeofMap = typeof( Map );
		private static Type typeofCustomEnum = typeof( CustomEnumAttribute );

		private static bool IsConstructable( Type t, out bool isItem )
			if ( isItem = typeofItem.IsAssignableFrom( t ) )
				return true;

			return typeofMobile.IsAssignableFrom( t );

		private static bool IsConstructable( ConstructorInfo ctor )
			return ctor.IsDefined( typeof( ConstructableAttribute ), false );

		private static void DocumentConstructableObjects()
			ArrayList types = new ArrayList( m_Types.Values );
			types.Sort( new TypeComparer() );

			ArrayList items = new ArrayList(), mobiles = new ArrayList();

			for ( int i = 0; i < types.Count; ++i )
				Type t = ((TypeInfo)types[i]).m_Type;
				bool isItem;

				if ( t.IsAbstract || !IsConstructable( t, out isItem ) )

				ConstructorInfo[] ctors = t.GetConstructors();
				bool anyConstructable = false;

				for ( int j = 0; !anyConstructable && j < ctors.Length; ++j )
					anyConstructable = IsConstructable( ctors[j] );

				if ( anyConstructable )
					(isItem ? items : mobiles).Add( t );
					(isItem ? items : mobiles).Add( ctors );

			using ( StreamWriter html = GetWriter( "docs/", "objects.html" ) )
				html.WriteLine( "<html>" );
				html.WriteLine( "   <head>" );
				html.WriteLine( "      <title>RunUO Documentation - Constructable Objects</title>" );
				html.WriteLine( "      <link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"styles.css\" />" );
				html.WriteLine( "   </head>" );
				html.WriteLine( "   <body>" );
				html.WriteLine( "      <h4><a href=\"index.html\">Back to the index</a></h4>" );
				html.WriteLine( "      <h2>Constructable <a href=\"#items\">Items</a> and <a href=\"#mobiles\">Mobiles</a></h2>" );

				html.WriteLine( "      <a name=\"items\" />" );
				html.WriteLine( "      <table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\">" );
				html.WriteLine( "      <tr><td class=\"tbl-border\">" );
				html.WriteLine( "      <table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"4\" cellspacing=\"1\">" );
				html.WriteLine( "         <tr><td class=\"header\">Item Name</td><td class=\"header\">Usage</td></tr>" );

				for ( int i = 0; i < items.Count; i += 2 )
					DocumentConstructableObject( html, (Type)items[i], (ConstructorInfo[])items[i + 1] );

				html.WriteLine( "      </table></td></tr></table><br><br>" );

				html.WriteLine( "      <a name=\"mobiles\" />" );
				html.WriteLine( "      <table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\">" );
				html.WriteLine( "      <tr><td class=\"tbl-border\">" );
				html.WriteLine( "      <table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"4\" cellspacing=\"1\">" );
				html.WriteLine( "         <tr><td class=\"header\">Mobile Name</td><td class=\"header\">Usage</td></tr>" );

				for ( int i = 0; i < mobiles.Count; i += 2 )
					DocumentConstructableObject( html, (Type)mobiles[i], (ConstructorInfo[])mobiles[i + 1] );

				html.WriteLine( "      </table></td></tr></table>" );

				html.WriteLine( "   </body>" );
				html.WriteLine( "</html>" );

		private static void DocumentConstructableObject( StreamWriter html, Type t, ConstructorInfo[] ctors )
			html.Write( "         <tr><td class=\"lentry\">{0}</td><td class=\"rentry\">", t.Name );

			bool first = true;

			for ( int i = 0; i < ctors.Length; ++i )
				ConstructorInfo ctor = ctors[i];

				if ( !IsConstructable( ctor ) )

				if ( !first )
					html.Write( "<br>" );

				first = false;

				html.Write( "{0}Add {1}", Server.Commands.CommandPrefix, t.Name );

				ParameterInfo[] parms = ctor.GetParameters();

				for ( int j = 0; j < parms.Length; ++j )
					html.Write( " <a " );

					TypeInfo typeInfo = (TypeInfo)m_Types[parms[j].ParameterType];

					if ( typeInfo != null )
						html.Write( "href=\"types/{0}\" ", typeInfo.m_FileName );

					html.Write( "title=\"{0}\">{1}</a>", GetTooltipFor( parms[j] ), parms[j].Name );

			html.WriteLine( "</td></tr>" );

		private const string HtmlNewLine = "

		private static object[,] m_Tooltips = new object[,]
			{ typeof( Byte ), "Numeric value in the range from 0 to 255, inclusive." },
			{ typeof( SByte ), "Numeric value in the range from negative 128 to positive 127, inclusive." },
			{ typeof( UInt16 ), "Numeric value in the range from 0 to 65,535, inclusive." },
			{ typeof( Int16 ), "Numeric value in the range from negative 32,768 to positive 32,767, inclusive." },
			{ typeof( UInt32 ), "Numeric value in the range from 0 to 4,294,967,295, inclusive." },
			{ typeof( Int32 ), "Numeric value in the range from negative 2,147,483,648 to positive 2,147,483,647, inclusive." },
			{ typeof( UInt64 ), "Numeric value in the range from 0 through about 10^20." },
			{ typeof( Int64 ), "Numeric value in the approximate range from negative 10^19 through 10^19." },
			{ typeof( String ), "Text value. To specify a value containing spaces, encapsulate the value in quote characters:{0}{0}&quot;Spaced text example&quot;" },
			{ typeof( Boolean ), "Boolean value which can be either True or False." },
			{ typeof( Map ), "Map or facet name. Possible values include:{0}{0}- Felucca{0}- Trammel{0}- Ilshenar{0}- Malas" },
			{ typeof( Poison ), "Poison name or level. Possible values include:{0}{0}- Lesser{0}- Regular{0}- Greater{0}- Deadly{0}- Lethal" },
			{ typeof( Point3D ), "Three-dimensional coordinate value. Format as follows:{0}{0}&quot;(<x value>, <y value>, <z value>)&quot;" }

		private static string GetTooltipFor( ParameterInfo param )
			Type paramType = param.ParameterType;

			for ( int i = 0; i < m_Tooltips.GetLength( 0 ); ++i )
				Type checkType = (Type)m_Tooltips[i, 0];

				if ( paramType == checkType )
					return String.Format( (string)m_Tooltips[i, 1], HtmlNewLine );

			if ( paramType.IsEnum )
				StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

				sb.AppendFormat( "Enumeration value or name. Possible named values include:{0}", HtmlNewLine );

				string[] names = Enum.GetNames( paramType );

				for ( int i = 0; i < names.Length; ++i )
					sb.AppendFormat( "{0}- {1}", HtmlNewLine, names[i] );

				return sb.ToString();
			else if ( paramType.IsDefined( typeofCustomEnum, false ) )
				object[] attributes = paramType.GetCustomAttributes( typeofCustomEnum, false );

				if ( attributes != null && attributes.Length > 0 )
					CustomEnumAttribute attr = attributes[0] as CustomEnumAttribute;

					if ( attr != null )
						StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

						sb.AppendFormat( "Enumeration value or name. Possible named values include:{0}", HtmlNewLine );

						string[] names = attr.Names;

						for ( int i = 0; i < names.Length; ++i )
							sb.AppendFormat( "{0}- {1}", HtmlNewLine, names[i] );

						return sb.ToString();
			else if ( paramType == typeofMap )
				StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

				sb.AppendFormat( "Enumeration value or name. Possible named values include:{0}", HtmlNewLine );

				string[] names = Map.GetMapNames();

				for ( int i = 0; i < names.Length; ++i )
					sb.AppendFormat( "{0}- {1}", HtmlNewLine, names[i] );

				return sb.ToString();

			return "";

		private const string GetString = " <font color=\"blue\">get</font>;";
		private const string SetString = " <font color=\"blue\">set</font>;";

		private const string  InString = "<font color=\"blue\">in</font> ";
		private const string OutString = "<font color=\"blue\">out</font> ";

		private const string  VirtString  = "<font color=\"blue\">virtual</font> ";
		private const string  CtorString  ="(<font color=\"blue\">ctor</font>) ";
		private const string StaticString = "(<font color=\"blue\">static</font>) ";

		private static void DocumentLoadedTypes()
			using ( StreamWriter indexHtml = GetWriter( "docs/", "overview.html" ) )
				indexHtml.WriteLine( "<html>" );
				indexHtml.WriteLine( "   <head>" );
				indexHtml.WriteLine( "      <title>RunUO Documentation - Class Overview</title>" );
				indexHtml.WriteLine( "   </head>" );
				indexHtml.WriteLine( "   <body bgcolor=\"white\" style=\"font-family: Courier New\" text=\"#000000\" link=\"#000000\" vlink=\"#000000\" alink=\"#808080\">" );
				indexHtml.WriteLine( "      <h4><a href=\"index.html\">Back to the index</a></h4>" );
				indexHtml.WriteLine( "      <h2>Namespaces</h2>" );

				ArrayList nspaces = new ArrayList( m_Namespaces );

				nspaces.Sort( new NamespaceComparer() );

				for ( int i = 0; i < nspaces.Count; ++i )
					DictionaryEntry de = (DictionaryEntry)nspaces[i];
					string name = (string)de.Key;
					ArrayList types = (ArrayList)de.Value;

					types.Sort( new TypeComparer() );

					SaveNamespace( name, types, indexHtml );

				indexHtml.WriteLine( "   </body>" );
				indexHtml.WriteLine( "</html>" );

		private static void SaveNamespace( string name, ArrayList types, StreamWriter indexHtml )
			string fileName = GetFileName( "docs/namespaces/", name, ".html" );

			indexHtml.WriteLine( "      <a href=\"namespaces/{0}\">{1}</a><br>", fileName, name );

			using ( StreamWriter nsHtml = GetWriter( "docs/namespaces/", fileName ) )
				nsHtml.WriteLine( "<html>" );
				nsHtml.WriteLine( "   <head>" );
				nsHtml.WriteLine( "      <title>RunUO Documentation - Class Overview - {0}</title>", name );
				nsHtml.WriteLine( "   </head>" );
				nsHtml.WriteLine( "   <body bgcolor=\"white\" style=\"font-family: Courier New\" text=\"#000000\" link=\"#000000\" vlink=\"#000000\" alink=\"#808080\">" );
				nsHtml.WriteLine( "      <h4><a href=\"../overview.html\">Back to the namespace index</a></h4>" );
				nsHtml.WriteLine( "      <h2>{0}</h2>", name );

				for ( int i = 0; i < types.Count; ++i )
					SaveType( (TypeInfo)types[i], nsHtml, fileName, name );

				nsHtml.WriteLine( "   </body>" );
				nsHtml.WriteLine( "</html>" );

		private static void SaveType( TypeInfo info, StreamWriter nsHtml, string nsFileName, string nsName )
			if ( info.m_Declaring == null )
				nsHtml.WriteLine( "      <a href=\"../types/{0}\">{1}<br>", info.m_FileName, info.m_TypeName );

			using ( StreamWriter typeHtml = info.m_Writer )
				typeHtml.WriteLine( "<html>" );
				typeHtml.WriteLine( "   <head>" );
				typeHtml.WriteLine( "      <title>RunUO Documentation - Class Overview - {0}</title>", info.m_TypeName );
				typeHtml.WriteLine( "   </head>" );
				typeHtml.WriteLine( "   <body bgcolor=\"white\" style=\"font-family: Courier New\" text=\"#000000\" link=\"#000000\" vlink=\"#000000\" alink=\"#808080\">" );
				typeHtml.WriteLine( "      <h4><a href=\"../namespaces/{0}\">Back to {1}</a></h4>", nsFileName, nsName );

				if ( info.m_Type.IsEnum )
					WriteEnum( info, typeHtml );
					WriteType( info, typeHtml );

				typeHtml.WriteLine( "   </body>" );
				typeHtml.WriteLine( "</html>" );

		private static void WriteEnum( TypeInfo info, StreamWriter typeHtml )
			Type type = info.m_Type;

			typeHtml.WriteLine( "      <h2>{0} (Enum)</h2>", info.m_TypeName );

			string[] names = Enum.GetNames( type );

			bool flags = type.IsDefined( typeof( FlagsAttribute ), false );
			string format;

			if ( flags )
				format = "      {0:G} = 0x{1:X}{2}<br>";
				format = "      {0:G} = {1:D}{2}<br>";

			for ( int i = 0; i < names.Length; ++i )
				object value = Enum.Parse( type, names[i] );

				typeHtml.WriteLine( format, names[i], value, i < (names.Length - 1) ? "," : "" );

		private static void WriteType( TypeInfo info, StreamWriter typeHtml )
			Type type = info.m_Type;

			typeHtml.Write( "      <h2>" );

			Type decType = info.m_Declaring;

			if ( decType != null )
				// We are a nested type

				typeHtml.Write( '(' );

				TypeInfo decInfo = (TypeInfo)m_Types[decType];

				if ( decInfo == null )
					typeHtml.Write( decType.Name );
					typeHtml.Write( "<a href=\"{0}\">{1}</a>", decInfo.m_FileName, decInfo.m_TypeName );

				typeHtml.Write( ") - " );

			typeHtml.Write( info.m_TypeName );

			Type[] ifaces = info.m_Interfaces;
			Type baseType = info.m_BaseType;

			int extendCount = 0;

			if ( baseType != null && baseType != typeof( object ) && baseType != typeof( ValueType ) && !baseType.IsPrimitive )
				typeHtml.Write( " : " );

				TypeInfo baseInfo = (TypeInfo)m_Types[baseType];

				if ( baseInfo == null )
					typeHtml.Write( baseType.Name );
					typeHtml.Write( "<a href=\"{0}\">{1}</a>", baseInfo.m_FileName, baseInfo.m_TypeName );


			if ( ifaces.Length > 0 )
				if ( extendCount == 0 )
					typeHtml.Write( " : " );

				for ( int i = 0; i < ifaces.Length; ++i )
					Type iface = ifaces[i];
					TypeInfo ifaceInfo = (TypeInfo)m_Types[iface];

					if ( extendCount != 0 )
						typeHtml.Write( ", " );


					if ( ifaceInfo == null )
						typeHtml.Write( iface.Name );
						typeHtml.Write( "<a href=\"{0}\">{1}</a>", ifaceInfo.m_FileName, ifaceInfo.m_TypeName );

			typeHtml.WriteLine( "</h2>" );

			ArrayList derived = info.m_Derived;

			if ( derived != null )
				typeHtml.Write( "<h4>Derived Types: " );

				derived.Sort( new TypeComparer() );

				for ( int i = 0; i < derived.Count; ++i )
					TypeInfo derivedInfo = (TypeInfo)derived[i];

					if ( i != 0 )
						typeHtml.Write( ", " );

					typeHtml.Write( "<a href=\"{0}\">{1}</a>", derivedInfo.m_FileName, derivedInfo.m_TypeName );

				typeHtml.WriteLine( "</h4>" );

			ArrayList nested = info.m_Nested;

			if ( nested != null )
				typeHtml.Write( "<h4>Nested Types: " );

				nested.Sort( new TypeComparer() );

				for ( int i = 0; i < nested.Count; ++i )
					TypeInfo nestedInfo = (TypeInfo)nested[i];

					if ( i != 0 )
						typeHtml.Write( ", " );

					typeHtml.Write( "<a href=\"{0}\">{1}</a>", nestedInfo.m_FileName, nestedInfo.m_TypeName );

				typeHtml.WriteLine( "</h4>" );

			MemberInfo[] membs = type.GetMembers( BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly );

			Array.Sort( membs, new MemberComparer() );

			for ( int i = 0; i < membs.Length; ++i )
				MemberInfo mi = membs[i];

				if ( mi is PropertyInfo )
					WriteProperty( (PropertyInfo)mi, typeHtml );
				else if ( mi is ConstructorInfo )
					WriteCtor( info.m_TypeName, (ConstructorInfo)mi, typeHtml );
				else if ( mi is MethodInfo )
					WriteMethod( (MethodInfo)mi, typeHtml );

		private static void WriteProperty( PropertyInfo pi, StreamWriter html )
			html.Write( "      " );

			MethodInfo getMethod = pi.GetGetMethod();
			MethodInfo setMethod = pi.GetSetMethod();

			if ( (getMethod != null && getMethod.IsStatic) || (setMethod != null && setMethod.IsStatic) )
				html.Write( StaticString );

			html.Write( GetPair( pi.PropertyType, pi.Name, false ) );
			html.Write( '(' );

			if ( pi.CanRead )
				html.Write( GetString );

			if ( pi.CanWrite )
				html.Write( SetString );

			html.WriteLine( " )<br>" );

		private static void WriteCtor( string name, ConstructorInfo ctor, StreamWriter html )
			if ( ctor.IsStatic )

			html.Write( "      " );
			html.Write( CtorString );
			html.Write( name );
			html.Write( '(' );

			ParameterInfo[] parms = ctor.GetParameters();

			if ( parms.Length > 0 )
				html.Write( ' ' );

				for ( int i = 0; i < parms.Length; ++i )
					ParameterInfo pi = parms[i];

					if ( i != 0 )
						html.Write( ", " );

					if ( pi.IsIn )
						html.Write( InString );
					else if ( pi.IsOut )
						html.Write( OutString );

					html.Write( GetPair( pi.ParameterType, pi.Name, pi.IsOut ) );

				html.Write( ' ' );

			html.WriteLine( ")<br>" );

		private static void WriteMethod( MethodInfo mi, StreamWriter html )
			if ( mi.IsSpecialName )

			html.Write( "      " );

			if ( mi.IsStatic )
				html.Write( StaticString );

			if ( mi.IsVirtual )
				html.Write( VirtString );

			html.Write( GetPair( mi.ReturnType, mi.Name, false ) );
			html.Write( '(' );

			ParameterInfo[] parms = mi.GetParameters();

			if ( parms.Length > 0 )
				html.Write( ' ' );

				for ( int i = 0; i < parms.Length; ++i )
					ParameterInfo pi = parms[i];

					if ( i != 0 )
						html.Write( ", " );

					if ( pi.IsIn )
						html.Write( InString );
					else if ( pi.IsOut )
						html.Write( OutString );

					html.Write( GetPair( pi.ParameterType, pi.Name, pi.IsOut ) );

				html.Write( ' ' );

			html.WriteLine( ")<br>" );

	public enum ModelBodyType
		Invalid = -1,

	public class BodyEntry
		private Body m_Body;
		private ModelBodyType m_BodyType;
		private string m_Name;

		public Body Body{ get{ return m_Body; } }
		public ModelBodyType BodyType{ get{ return m_BodyType; } }
		public string Name{ get{ return m_Name; } }

		public BodyEntry( Body body, ModelBodyType bodyType, string name )
			m_Body = body;
			m_BodyType = bodyType;
			m_Name = name;

		public override bool Equals( object obj )
			BodyEntry e = (BodyEntry)obj;

			return ( m_Body == e.m_Body && m_BodyType == e.m_BodyType && m_Name == e.m_Name );

		public override int GetHashCode()
			return m_Body.BodyID ^ (int)m_BodyType ^ m_Name.GetHashCode();

	public class BodyEntrySorter : IComparer
		public int Compare( object x, object y )
			BodyEntry a = (BodyEntry)x;
			BodyEntry b = (BodyEntry)y;

			int v = a.BodyType.CompareTo( b.BodyType );

			if ( v == 0 )
				v = a.Body.BodyID.CompareTo( b.Body.BodyID );

			if ( v == 0 )
				v = a.Name.CompareTo( b.Name );

			return v;

and here are the Errors i am getting---
 - Error: Scripts\Commands\Docs.cs: CS0103: (line 394, column 62) The name 'Hyac
inth' does not exist in the class or namespace 'Server.Scripts.Commands.Docs'
 - Error: Scripts\Commands\Docs.cs: CS0103: (line 395, column 62) The name 'Moly
bdenite' does not exist in the class or namespace 'Server.Scripts.Commands.Docs'

 - Error: Scripts\Commands\Docs.cs: CS0103: (line 396, column 62) The name 'Chry
soprase' does not exist in the class or namespace 'Server.Scripts.Commands.Docs'

 - Error: Scripts\Commands\Docs.cs: CS0103: (line 397, column 62) The name 'Hali
te' does not exist in the class or namespace 'Server.Scripts.Commands.Docs'
 - Error: Scripts\Commands\Docs.cs: CS0103: (line 398, column 62) The name 'Bloo
dstone' does not exist in the class or namespace 'Server.Scripts.Commands.Docs'
 - Error: Scripts\Commands\Docs.cs: CS0103: (line 399, column 62) The name 'Neph
rite' does not exist in the class or namespace 'Server.Scripts.Commands.Docs'
 - Error: Scripts\Commands\Docs.cs: CS0103: (line 400, column 62) The name 'Autu
nite' does not exist in the class or namespace 'Server.Scripts.Commands.Docs'
 - Error: Scripts\Commands\Docs.cs: CS0103: (line 401, column 62) The name 'Chro
me' does not exist in the class or namespace 'Server.Scripts.Commands.Docs'
 - Error: Scripts\Commands\Docs.cs: CS0103: (line 402, column 62) The name 'Kunz
ite' does not exist in the class or namespace 'Server.Scripts.Commands.Docs'
 - Error: Scripts\Commands\Docs.cs: CS0103: (line 403, column 62) The name 'GodM
etal' does not exist in the class or namespace 'Server.Scripts.Commands.Docs'
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
 - Press return to exit, or R to try again.

please give me a little help to get this working


well when i didnt edit it, it gives me errors about the name "dull copper" and all the others could ot be found in that script


If you take a look at the other sets of custom ores the modified scripts are things like DefBlacksmithy, OreInfo, etc. There's no reason to edit the Docs script though. I've got custom ores and leathers on my shard that aren't any of the ones posted on here, and didn't edit that script.