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Customize your server's welcome message!


Customize your server's welcome message!

Alright, in this tutorial you will learn how to edit your server's welcome message, the message that players get once their client connects to your server.

Open your RunUO directory and go to Scripts > Misc> WelcomeTimer.cs. Once here, Ctrl + F and search for the following:
new string[]
				{	//Yes, this message is a pathetic message, It's suggested that you change it.

Now, you will notice that there is a message wrapped in quotation marks (" "), change it to whatever you want players to see when they connect to your server. Here's an example:
"Welcome to the Super Happy Fun Time server! You have a world full of positive, fun at your disposal!",
"Please enjoy your stay."

Notice that after the first phrase in quotation marks there is a comma (,). This tells the server to start a new paragraph after the first one is displayed. All your quoted phrases must have a comma at the end of the line or your server will not compile correctly. The only line that doesn't end with a comma is the last quoted line.

You now have the information, put whatever you want in there! :)