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Errors on B36

Errors on B36

This is the error that pops up on start up
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...failed (1 errors, 0 warnings)
- Error: Scripts\Engines\MyRunUO\DatabaseCommandQueue.cs: CS0234: (line 5, colu
mn 19) The type or namespace name 'Odbc' does not exist in the class or namespac
e 'System.Data' (are you missing an assembly reference?)
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.

How is this going to be fixed


Re: Errors on B36

Mars Hellbreath said:
This is the error that pops up on start up
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...failed (1 errors, 0 warnings)
- Error: Scripts\Engines\MyRunUO\DatabaseCommandQueue.cs: CS0234: (line 5, colu
mn 19) The type or namespace name 'Odbc' does not exist in the class or namespac
e 'System.Data' (are you missing an assembly reference?)
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.

How is this going to be fixed
i have the same problem SOMEONE HELP PLs


I have installed the .NET Framework 1.1 and it solve that problem for me.

Guess you have to update it in order to have access to the ODBC wink


i think the problem is there because i installed .net framework first after i installed runuo. but it cant be :D


Are you sure you got the version 1.1 and not 1.0?

The new version I just installed is v1.1.4322, the previous one was v1.0.3705. You can check it in c\winnt\Microsoft.NET\Framework

I don't think the order in which you installed RunUO or the .NET framework has anything to do with the problem.


This has nothing to do with .NET Framework.

You need the .NET ODBC files, you can grab them at

You have to add the dll to assemblies.cfg

This wasn't told in the announment forum because the backend was lost to a computer glitch.

They should update on the status very soon.


Okay, I've downloaded what I assume is the correct file from (ODBC), I've installed it, I've added System.Odbc.dll to Assemblies.cfg...
And I still get the error.
What am I doing wrong?


Well i upgraded to 1.1 but im geting these errors now. Oh yea and I havn't edited any of the scripts.

Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...failed (10 errors, 0 warnings)
- Error: Scripts\Items\Skill Items\Magical\Potions\Cure Potions\CurePotion.cs:
CS0101: (line 6, column 15) The namespace 'Server.Items' already contains a defi
nition for 'CurePotion'
- Error: Scripts\Items\Skill Items\Magical\Potions\Heal Potions\HealPotion.cs:
CS0101: (line 6, column 15) The namespace 'Server.Items' already contains a defi
nition for 'HealPotion'
- Error: Scripts\Items\Skill Items\Magical\Scrolls\First Circle\HealScroll.cs:
CS0101: (line 7, column 15) The namespace 'Server.Items' already contains a defi
nition for 'HealScroll'
- Error: Scripts\Items\Skill Items\Magical\Scrolls\Necromancy\MindRotScroll.cs:
CS0101: (line 7, column 15) The namespace 'Server.Items' already contains a def
inition for 'MindRotScroll'
- Error: Scripts\Items\Skill Items\Magical\Scrolls\Necromancy\WitherScroll.cs:
CS0101: (line 7, column 15) The namespace 'Server.Items' already contains a defi
nition for 'WitherScroll'
- Error: Scripts\Items\Skill Items\Magical\Scrolls\Second Circle\CureScroll.cs:
CS0101: (line 7, column 15) The namespace 'Server.Items' already contains a def
inition for 'CureScroll'
- Error: Scripts\Items\Skill Items\Magical\Scrolls\Second Circle\HarmScroll.cs:
CS0101: (line 7, column 15) The namespace 'Server.Items' already contains a def
inition for 'HarmScroll'
- Error: Scripts\Items\Skill Items\Magical\Scrolls\Sixth Circle\MarkScroll.cs:
CS0101: (line 7, column 15) The namespace 'Server.Items' already contains a defi
nition for 'MarkScroll'
- Error: Scripts\Items\Skill Items\Magical\Scrolls\Third Circle\BlessScroll.cs:
CS0101: (line 7, column 15) The namespace 'Server.Items' already contains a def
inition for 'BlessScroll'
- Error: Scripts\Items\Special\Bulk Order Rewards\Blacksmithy\ColoredAnvil.cs:
CS0101: (line 8, column 15) The namespace 'Server.Items' already contains a defi
nition for 'ColoredAnvil'
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.