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Global Interface

Global Interface

Global Interface
Currently V1.0​

Similar to the command '[global interface' but this offers the user the ability to search all the items in the world in any way they want. For example you could search for all items of type Arrow with the property Blessed as true. Or you could search for all items of type Item with the Type Name of Arrow to find all of those items in the world. After the search has been performed the results are displayed in an easy to use gump.

Download the below.
Unzip the 'Global Interface' folder from the into your Scripts folder in your Runuo directory.
Restart your server and you are ready to go.

Type [globalinterface in-game to bring up the Global Interface Gump to begin your Searching.


  • Search By Type - Search by any type of Item that can be added in game, the Type list changes dynamically based on what classes were compiled when the server was.
  • Search By Property - Search by any Property, that can be converted to a string, from the Type that you have selected. The Property list changes dynamically to find all the properties of the Type that you have selected.
  • Visual Representation of Search Results - Clearly view the Type Name, Serial and Location of all the items that matched your search criteria.
  • Item Options - By clicking the 'More' button for the corresponding item that matched your search result it will open the Item Options gump where you can now View Properties, Delete, Go To, Move to a Target and Move the Item to your pack, just like with the '[global interface' command.

Pictures of the Gumps are below:
Main Page
Change Type Page
Change Property Page
Main Page with Search
Item Options Page

Please post any Comments, Bugs, Suggestions, Improvements etc. Below
Thanks a lot.


    9.8 KB · Views: 174


[global interface where itemtype property = value
Example (you mentioned): [global interface where arrow loottype = blessed

I don't see the significance of this, unless you are fixing the problem of limited character support from the input line. What I am talking about, is fixing the problem of the fact that you can only type so much at a time.

You can see the serial by clicking on the properties in the interface. You can also edit the interface gump to show you the properties along with its name/type. Again, doesn't require another full command/gump.

There is also a [batch command in order to do multiple commands if required.
XxSP1DERxX said:
[global interface where itemtype property = value
Example (you mentioned): [global interface where arrow loottype = blessed

I don't see the significance of this, unless you are fixing the problem of limited character support from the input line. What I am talking about, is fixing the problem of the fact that you can only type so much at a time.

You can see the serial by clicking on the properties in the interface. You can also edit the interface gump to show you the properties along with its name/type. Again, doesn't require another full command/gump.

There is also a [batch command in order to do multiple commands if required.

I did not actually know that it had the scope to do that hehe I dont suppose that its very well known that it can do that because I have'nt seen it documented or discussed anywhere in the ways that you suggested.
Ah well I wanted a challenge anyway and it helped me learn a lot of concepts by doing this so I'm still happy. Maybe other people will find it useful anyway.
Cheers for the comments

jst checked out some of the examples you suggested and they are pretty cool, one problem with the normal global interface is that for example if you do:
[global interface where hat it will not find any type matches, you need to have the exact name.
but if you did a search for hat using Item and Type Name with my gump it will find any item who's Type Name contains hat, whether that may be more useful to someone or not I do not know.
Just thought that was a way I could defend my creation :p


That is true, however toby if you know the types (which you can use [gettype and [add to find out), then you can use [batch to do the command multiple times. I guess thats more work *shrugs* lol. Also someone could modify the where keyword to take wildcards and then it would work like you wanted it to ;)
etherkye said:
just out of curisosity, can this script find kirros?
Well currently it only works for Items, the functionality for Mobiles is not yet built in so I have not been able to test it but i don't see why it would not be able to find him, as far as I know hes only a mobile and still has to belong to World.Mobiles.Values. ;) Adding functionality for Mobiles as well as Items is an update I will definitely consider doing.

X-SirSly-X said:
Great job, this is one hell of an awesome script!

My only suggestion would be a find and replace feature.
Thanks for your comments :D Could you further explain by what you mean by a Find and Replace feature for this? What would it need to do and why? Cheers.