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having an issue with treasure map


so I want it to be a hue color when it comes out of ground and that's not working and for some reason
the traps don't ever stop lol endless

/*using System;
using Server;
using Server.Gumps;
using Server.Multis;
using Server.Network;
using Server.ContextMenus;
using Server.Engines.PartySystem;
using System.Collections.Generic;*/
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Server;
using Server.ContextMenus;
using Server.Engines.PartySystem;
using Server.Gumps;
using Server.Multis;
using Server.Network;
using Server.Scripts;
namespace Server.Items
    public class TreasureMapChest : LockableContainer
            private static int[] m_Hues = new int[]
            0x0, 0x455, 0x47E, 0x89F, 0x8A5, 0x8AB,
            0x966, 0x96D, 0x972, 0x973, 0x979
        private string m_Name;
        public TreasureMapChest( string name, int level ) : base( Utility.RandomList( /*m_ItemIDs*/ ) )
            m_Name = name;
            Hue = Utility.RandomList( m_Hues );
            //Fill( level );
        public override int LabelNumber{ get{ return 3000541; } }
        public static Type[] Artifacts { get { return m_Artifacts; } }
        private static Type[] m_Artifacts = new Type[]
            typeof( CandelabraOfSouls ), typeof( GoldBricks ), typeof( PhillipsWoodenSteed ),
            typeof( ArcticDeathDealer ), typeof( BlazeOfDeath ), typeof( BurglarsBandana ),
            typeof( CavortingClub ), typeof( DreadPirateHat ),
            typeof( EnchantedTitanLegBone ), typeof( GwennosHarp ), typeof( IolosLute ),
            typeof( LunaLance ), typeof( NightsKiss ), typeof( NoxRangersHeavyCrossbow ),
            typeof( PolarBearMask ), typeof( VioletCourage ), typeof( HeartOfTheLion ),
            typeof( ColdBlood ), typeof( AlchemistsBauble )
        private int m_Level;
        private DateTime m_DeleteTime;
        private Timer m_Timer;
        private Mobile m_Owner;
        private bool m_Temporary;
        private bool m_Spawn; // bool variable to stop the spawning of mobiles after it's been taken by a player.
        private List<Mobile> m_Guardians;
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public int Level{ get{ return m_Level; } set{ m_Level = value; } }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public Mobile Owner{ get{ return m_Owner; } set{ m_Owner = value; } }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public DateTime DeleteTime{ get{ return m_DeleteTime; } }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public bool Temporary{ get{ return m_Temporary; } set{ m_Temporary = value; } }
        public List<Mobile> Guardians { get { return m_Guardians; } }
        public TreasureMapChest( int level ) : this( null, level, false )
        public TreasureMapChest( Mobile owner, int level, bool temporary ) : base( 0xE40 )
            m_Owner = owner;
            m_Level = level;
            m_DeleteTime = DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 60.0 );
            m_Temporary = temporary;
            m_Guardians = new List<Mobile>();
            m_Timer = new DeleteTimer( this, m_DeleteTime );
            m_Spawn = true; //allow the spawning of gardians
            Fill( this, level );
        private static void GetRandomAOSStats( out int attributeCount, out int min, out int max )
            int rnd = Utility.Random( 15 );
            if ( rnd < 1 )
                attributeCount = Utility.RandomMinMax( 2, 6 );
                min = 20; max = 70;
            else if ( rnd < 3 )
                attributeCount = Utility.RandomMinMax( 2, 4 );
                min = 20; max = 50;
            else if ( rnd < 6 )
                attributeCount = Utility.RandomMinMax( 2, 3 );
                min = 20; max = 40;
            else if ( rnd < 10 )
                attributeCount = Utility.RandomMinMax( 1, 2 );
                min = 10; max = 30;
                attributeCount = 1;
                min = 10; max = 20;
        public static void Fill(LockableContainer cont, int level)
            cont.Movable = false;
            cont.Locked = true;
            cont.TrapType = TrapType.ExplosionTrap;
            cont.TrapPower = level * Utility.RandomMinMax(25, 50);
            cont.TrapLevel = level;
            switch (level)
                case 1: cont.RequiredSkill = 15; break;
                case 2: cont.RequiredSkill = 30; break;
                case 3: cont.RequiredSkill = 45; break;
                case 4: cont.RequiredSkill = 60; break;
                case 5: cont.RequiredSkill = 75; break;
                case 6: cont.RequiredSkill = 90; break;
            cont.LockLevel = cont.RequiredSkill;           
            int gold = 1000 * level;
            int reagentAmount = 50 * level;
            int gemAmount = 5 * level;
            int clothBoltsAmount = 10 * level;
            int boardsAmount = 150 * level;
            int ingotsAmount = 150 * level;
            int cutLeatherAmount = 150 * level;
            double slayerArtifactChance = ((double)level * .10) + 0;
            double level1ArtifactChance = ((double)level * .25) + .20;
            double level2ArtifactChance = ((double)level * .15);
            double level3ArtifactChance = ((double)level * .15) - .20;
            double level4ArtifactChance = ((double)level * .10) - .30;
            double level5SpellChance = ((double)level * .25) + .75;
            double level6SpellChance = ((double)level * .25) + .5;
            double level7SpellChance = ((double)level * .25) + .25;
            double level8SpellChance = ((double)level * .25) + 0;
            double rareChance = ((double)level * FeatureList.TreasureMapChest.RareChancePerLevel);
            cont.DropItem(new Gold(gold));
            Item regeants1 = Loot.RandomReagent();
            regeants1.Amount = reagentAmount;
            Item regeants2 = Loot.RandomReagent();
            regeants2.Amount = reagentAmount;
            Item gems1 = Loot.RandomGem();
            gems1.Amount = gemAmount;
            Item gems2 = Loot.RandomGem();
            gems2.Amount = gemAmount;
            //Resource Drop
            switch (Utility.Random(4))
                case 0:                 
                    Item bolts = new BoltOfCloth();
                    bolts.Amount = clothBoltsAmount;
                case 1:
                    Item boards = new Board();
                    boards.Amount = boardsAmount;
                case 2:                 
                  Item ingots = new IronIngot();
                  ingots.Amount = ingotsAmount;
                case 3:
                    Item cutLeather = new Leather();
                    cutLeather.Amount = cutLeatherAmount;
            if (slayerArtifactChance >= Utility.RandomDouble())
            if (level1ArtifactChance >= Utility.RandomDouble())
            if (level2ArtifactChance >= Utility.RandomDouble())
            if (level3ArtifactChance >= Utility.RandomDouble())
            if (level4ArtifactChance >= Utility.RandomDouble())
            if (level5SpellChance >= Utility.RandomDouble())
                int index = (5 - 1) * 8;
                cont.DropItem(Loot.RandomScroll(index, index + 7, SpellbookType.Regular));
                cont.DropItem(Loot.RandomScroll(index, index + 7, SpellbookType.Regular));               
            if (level6SpellChance >= Utility.RandomDouble())
                int index = (6 - 1) * 8;
                cont.DropItem(Loot.RandomScroll(index, index + 7, SpellbookType.Regular));
                cont.DropItem(Loot.RandomScroll(index, index + 7, SpellbookType.Regular));
            if (level7SpellChance >= Utility.RandomDouble())
                int index = (7 - 1) * 8;
                cont.DropItem(Loot.RandomScroll(index, index + 7, SpellbookType.Regular));
                cont.DropItem(Loot.RandomScroll(index, index + 7, SpellbookType.Regular));
            if (level8SpellChance >= Utility.RandomDouble())
                int index = (8 - 1) * 8;
                cont.DropItem(Loot.RandomScroll(index, index + 7, SpellbookType.Regular));
                cont.DropItem(Loot.RandomScroll(index, index + 7, SpellbookType.Regular));
            if (rareChance >= Utility.RandomDouble())
                switch (Utility.Random(6))
                    case 0: cont.DropItem(new BottlesOfAle()); break;
                    case 1: cont.DropItem(new BottlesOfLiquor()); break;
                    case 2: cont.DropItem(new BottlesOfWine()); break;
                    case 3: cont.DropItem(new GuttedFish()); break;
                    case 4: cont.DropItem(new TropicalFruit()); break;
                    case 5: cont.DropItem(new Shackles()); break;
        public override bool CheckLocked( Mobile from )
            if ( !this.Locked )
                return false;
            if ( this.Level == 0 && from.AccessLevel < AccessLevel.GameMaster )
                foreach ( Mobile m in this.Guardians )
                    if ( m.Alive )
                        from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1046448 ); // You must first kill the guardians before you may open this chest.
                        return true;
                LockPick( from );
                return false;
                return base.CheckLocked( from );
        private List<Item> m_Lifted = new List<Item>();
        private bool CheckLoot( Mobile m, bool criminalAction )
            if ( m_Temporary )
                return false;
            if ( m.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster || m_Owner == null || m == m_Owner )
                return true;
            Party p = Party.Get( m_Owner );
            if ( p != null && p.Contains( m ) )
                return true;
            Map map = this.Map;
            if ( map != null && (map.Rules & MapRules.HarmfulRestrictions) == 0 )
                if ( criminalAction )
                    m.CriminalAction(true, false);
                    m.SendLocalizedMessage( 1010630 ); // Taking someone else's treasure is a criminal offense!
                return true;
            m.SendLocalizedMessage( 1010631 ); // You did not discover this chest!
            return false;
        public override bool IsDecoContainer
            get{ return false; }
        public override bool CheckItemUse( Mobile from, Item item )
            return CheckLoot( from, item != this ) && base.CheckItemUse( from, item );
/*        public override bool CheckLift( Mobile from, Item item, ref LRReason reject )
*        {
*            return CheckLoot( from, true ) && base.CheckLift( from, item, ref reject );
*        }
        public override void OnItemLifted( Mobile from, Item item )
            if(m_Spawn) { //if it's allowed to spawn let it else don't.
                bool notYetLifted = !m_Lifted.Contains( item );
                if ( notYetLifted )
                    m_Lifted.Add( item );
                    if ( 0.1 >= Utility.RandomDouble() ) // 10% chance to spawn a new monster
                        TreasureMap.Spawn( m_Level, GetWorldLocation(), Map, from, false );
            base.OnItemLifted( from, item );
        public override void GetProperties( ObjectPropertyList list )
            base.GetProperties( list );
            list.Add( "Level {0} Dug up by {1}", this.m_Level, m_Owner == null ? "Incognito" : m_Owner.Name );
            list.Add( " On {0}", m_DeleteTime );
/*        public override bool CheckHold( Mobile m, Item item, bool message, bool checkItems, int plusItems, int plusWeight )
*        {
*            if ( m.AccessLevel < AccessLevel.GameMaster )
*            {
*                m.SendLocalizedMessage( 1048122, "", 0x8A5 ); // The chest refuses to be filled with treasure again.
*                return false;
*            }
*            return base.CheckHold( m, item, message, checkItems, plusItems, plusWeight );
*        }
        public TreasureMapChest( Serial serial ) : base( serial )
        public override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer )
            base.Serialize( writer );
            writer.Write( (int) 3 ); // version
            writer.Write( (bool)m_Spawn);
            writer.Write( m_Guardians, true );
            writer.Write( (bool) m_Temporary );
            writer.Write( m_Owner );
            writer.Write( (int) m_Level );
            writer.WriteDeltaTime( m_DeleteTime );
            writer.Write( m_Lifted, true );
        public override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader )
            base.Deserialize( reader );
            int version = reader.ReadInt();
            switch ( version )
                case 3:
                    m_Spawn = reader.ReadBool();
                    goto case 2;
                case 2:
                    if(m_Spawn == null)
                        m_Spawn = false;
                    m_Guardians = reader.ReadStrongMobileList();
                    m_Temporary = reader.ReadBool();
                    goto case 1;
                case 1:
                    m_Owner = reader.ReadMobile();
                    goto case 0;
                case 0:
                    m_Level = reader.ReadInt();
                    m_DeleteTime = reader.ReadDeltaTime();
                    m_Lifted = reader.ReadStrongItemList();
                    if ( version < 2 )
                        m_Guardians = new List<Mobile>();
            if ( !m_Temporary )
                m_Timer = new DeleteTimer( this, m_DeleteTime );
/*        public override void OnAfterDelete()
*        {
*            if ( m_Timer != null )
*                m_Timer.Stop();
*                m_Owner.SendMessage(38,"THE TIMER HAS STOPED");
*            m_Timer = null;
*            base.OnAfterDelete();
*        }
        public override void GetContextMenuEntries( Mobile from, List<ContextMenuEntry> list )
            base.GetContextMenuEntries( from, list );
            if ( from.Alive )
                list.Add( new RemoveEntry( from, this ) );
        public void BeginRemove( Mobile from )
            if ( !from.Alive )
            this.EndRemove( from );
            if ( m_Timer != null )
                //m_Owner.SendMessage(38,"THE TIMER HAS STOPED");
            m_Timer = null;
        //    from.CloseGump( typeof( RemoveGump ) );
        //    from.SendGump( new RemoveGump( from, this ) );
        public void EndRemove( Mobile from )
            if ( Deleted || from != m_Owner || !from.InRange( GetWorldLocation(), 3 ) )
            //from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1048124, "", 0x8A5 ); // The old, rusted chest crumbles when you hit it.
            from.SendMessage(0x8A5, "You unbind the old chest from the ground");
            this.Movable = true;
            this.m_Spawn = false; //the chest has been removed do not let any more monsters spawn.
/*        private class RemoveGump : Gump
*        {
*            private Mobile m_From;
*            private TreasureMapChest m_Chest;
*            public RemoveGump( Mobile from, TreasureMapChest chest ) : base( 15, 15 )
*            {
*                m_From = from;
*                m_Chest = chest;
*                Closable = false;
*                Disposable = false;
*                AddPage( 0 );
*                AddBackground( 30, 0, 240, 240, 2620 );
*                AddHtmlLocalized( 45, 15, 200, 80, 1048125, 0xFFFFFF, false, false ); // When this treasure chest is removed, any items still inside of it will be lost.
*                AddHtmlLocalized( 45, 95, 200, 60, 1048126, 0xFFFFFF, false, false ); // Are you certain you're ready to remove this chest?
*                AddButton( 40, 153, 4005, 4007, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
*                AddHtmlLocalized( 75, 155, 180, 40, 1048127, 0xFFFFFF, false, false ); // Remove the Treasure Chest
*                AddButton( 40, 195, 4005, 4007, 2, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
*                AddHtmlLocalized( 75, 197, 180, 35, 1006045, 0xFFFFFF, false, false ); // Cancel
*            }
*            public override void OnResponse( NetState sender, RelayInfo info )
*            {
*                if ( info.ButtonID == 1 )
*                    m_Chest.EndRemove( m_From );
*            }
*        }
        public static bool InHouse( Mobile from )
            BaseHouse house = BaseHouse.FindHouseAt( from );
            return ( house != null /*&& house.IsCoOwner( from )*/ );
        private class RemoveEntry : ContextMenuEntry
            private Mobile m_From;
            private TreasureMapChest m_Chest;
            public RemoveEntry( Mobile from, TreasureMapChest chest ) : base( 6149, 3 )
                m_From = from;
                m_Chest = chest;
                Enabled = ( from == chest.Owner );
            public override void OnClick()
                //if ( InHouse( from ) )
                if ( m_Chest.Deleted || m_From != m_Chest.Owner || !m_From.CheckAlive() || InHouse( m_From ) )
                m_Chest.BeginRemove( m_From );
        private class DeleteTimer : Timer
            private Item m_Item;
            public DeleteTimer( Item item, DateTime time ) : base( time - DateTime.Now )
                m_Item = item;
                Priority = TimerPriority.OneMinute;
            protected override void OnTick()
            //    m_Item.Delete();



here: public TreasureMapChest( string name, int level ) : base( Utility.RandomList( /*m_ItemIDs*/ ) )
gives absolutely nothing. List of nothing basically. try adding an itemid of a chest.
also if you remove Fill(), the chest will not be trapped or locked.

and could you elaborate on what you are trying to do?
i can't see anywhere why the chest keeps being trapped.


so I have made it where my player can get the chest instead of it just disappearing im trying to get it to say the players name who dug it up and have a random hue for some reason im not getting any hue on my chest just looks normal
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Server;
using Server.ContextMenus;
using Server.Engines.PartySystem;
using Server.Gumps;
using Server.Multis;
using Server.Network;
using Server.Scripts;
namespace Server.Items
    [Flipable( 0x9AB, 0xE7C )]
    public class TreasureMapChest : LockableContainer
            private static int[] m_ItemIDs = new int[]
            0x9AB, 0xE40, 0xE41, 0xE7C
        private static int[] m_Hues = new int[]
            0x0, 0x455, 0x47E, 0x89F, 0x8A5, 0x8AB,
            0x966, 0x96D, 0x972, 0x973, 0x979
        private string m_Name;
        public TreasureMapChest( string name, int level ) : base( Utility.RandomList( 0x9AB, 0xE7C/*m_ItemIDs*/ ) )
            m_Name = name;
            Hue = Utility.RandomList( m_Hues );
        public override int LabelNumber{ get{ return 3000541; } }
        public static Type[] Artifacts { get { return m_Artifacts; } }
        private static Type[] m_Artifacts = new Type[]
            typeof( CandelabraOfSouls ), typeof( GoldBricks ), typeof( PhillipsWoodenSteed ),
            typeof( ArcticDeathDealer ), typeof( BlazeOfDeath ), typeof( BurglarsBandana ),
            typeof( CavortingClub ), typeof( DreadPirateHat ),
            typeof( EnchantedTitanLegBone ), typeof( GwennosHarp ), typeof( IolosLute ),
            typeof( LunaLance ), typeof( NightsKiss ), typeof( NoxRangersHeavyCrossbow ),
            typeof( PolarBearMask ), typeof( VioletCourage ), typeof( HeartOfTheLion ),
            typeof( ColdBlood ), typeof( AlchemistsBauble )
        private int m_Level;
        private DateTime m_DeleteTime;
        private Timer m_Timer;
        private Mobile m_Owner;
        private bool m_Temporary;
        private bool m_Spawn; // bool variable to stop the spawning of mobiles after it's been taken by a player.
        private List<Mobile> m_Guardians;
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public int Level{ get{ return m_Level; } set{ m_Level = value; } }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public Mobile Owner{ get{ return m_Owner; } set{ m_Owner = value; } }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public DateTime DeleteTime{ get{ return m_DeleteTime; } }
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public bool Temporary{ get{ return m_Temporary; } set{ m_Temporary = value; } }
        public List<Mobile> Guardians { get { return m_Guardians; } }
        public TreasureMapChest( int level ) : this( null, level, false )
        public TreasureMapChest( Mobile owner, int level, bool temporary ) : base( 0xE40 )
            m_Owner = owner;
            m_Level = level;
            m_DeleteTime = DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 60.0 );
            m_Temporary = temporary;
            m_Guardians = new List<Mobile>();
            m_Timer = new DeleteTimer( this, m_DeleteTime );
            m_Spawn = true; //allow the spawning of gardians
            Fill( this, level );
          public void Flip()
            switch ( ItemID )
                case 0x9AB : ItemID = 0xE7C; break;
                case 0xE7C : ItemID = 0x9AB; break;
                case 0xE40 : ItemID = 0xE41; break;
                case 0xE41 : ItemID = 0xE40; break;
        private static void GetRandomAOSStats( out int attributeCount, out int min, out int max )
            int rnd = Utility.Random( 15 );
            if ( rnd < 1 )
                attributeCount = Utility.RandomMinMax( 2, 6 );
                min = 20; max = 70;
            else if ( rnd < 3 )
                attributeCount = Utility.RandomMinMax( 2, 4 );
                min = 20; max = 50;
            else if ( rnd < 6 )
                attributeCount = Utility.RandomMinMax( 2, 3 );
                min = 20; max = 40;
            else if ( rnd < 10 )
                attributeCount = Utility.RandomMinMax( 1, 2 );
                min = 10; max = 30;
                attributeCount = 1;
                min = 10; max = 20;
        public static void Fill( LockableContainer cont, int level )
            cont.Movable = false;
            cont.Locked = true;
            if ( level == 0 )
                cont.LockLevel = 0; // Can't be unlocked
                cont.DropItem( new Gold( Utility.RandomMinMax( 50, 100 ) ) );
                if ( Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.75 )
                    cont.DropItem( new TreasureMap( 0, Map.Trammel ) );
                cont.TrapType = TrapType.None;
                cont.TrapPower = level ;
                cont.TrapLevel = level;
            switch (level)
                case 1: cont.RequiredSkill = 15; break;
                case 2: cont.RequiredSkill = 30; break;
                case 3: cont.RequiredSkill = 45; break;
                case 4: cont.RequiredSkill = 60; break;
                case 5: cont.RequiredSkill = 75; break;
                case 6: cont.RequiredSkill = 90; break;
            cont.LockLevel = cont.RequiredSkill;         
            int gold = 1000 * level;
            int reagentAmount = 50 * level;
            int gemAmount = 5 * level;
            int clothBoltsAmount = 10 * level;
            int boardsAmount = 150 * level;
            int ingotsAmount = 150 * level;
            int cutLeatherAmount = 150 * level;
            double slayerArtifactChance = ((double)level * .10) + 0;
            double level1ArtifactChance = ((double)level * .25) + .20;
            double level2ArtifactChance = ((double)level * .15);
            double level3ArtifactChance = ((double)level * .15) - .20;
            double level4ArtifactChance = ((double)level * .10) - .30;
            double level5SpellChance = ((double)level * .25) + .75;
            double level6SpellChance = ((double)level * .25) + .5;
            double level7SpellChance = ((double)level * .25) + .25;
            double level8SpellChance = ((double)level * .25) + 0;
            double rareChance = ((double)level * FeatureList.TreasureMapChest.RareChancePerLevel);
            cont.DropItem(new Gold(gold));
            Item regeants1 = Loot.RandomReagent();
            regeants1.Amount = reagentAmount;
            Item regeants2 = Loot.RandomReagent();
            regeants2.Amount = reagentAmount;
            Item gems1 = Loot.RandomGem();
            gems1.Amount = gemAmount;
            Item gems2 = Loot.RandomGem();
            gems2.Amount = gemAmount;
            //Resource Drop
            switch (Utility.Random(4))
                case 0:               
                    Item bolts = new BoltOfCloth();
                    bolts.Amount = clothBoltsAmount;
                case 1:
                    Item boards = new Board();
                    boards.Amount = boardsAmount;
                case 2:               
                  Item ingots = new IronIngot();
                  ingots.Amount = ingotsAmount;
                case 3:
                    Item cutLeather = new Leather();
                    cutLeather.Amount = cutLeatherAmount;
            if (slayerArtifactChance >= Utility.RandomDouble())
            if (level1ArtifactChance >= Utility.RandomDouble())
            if (level2ArtifactChance >= Utility.RandomDouble())
            if (level3ArtifactChance >= Utility.RandomDouble())
            if (level4ArtifactChance >= Utility.RandomDouble())
            if (level5SpellChance >= Utility.RandomDouble())
                int index = (5 - 1) * 8;
                cont.DropItem(Loot.RandomScroll(index, index + 7, SpellbookType.Regular));
                cont.DropItem(Loot.RandomScroll(index, index + 7, SpellbookType.Regular));             
            if (level6SpellChance >= Utility.RandomDouble())
                int index = (6 - 1) * 8;
                cont.DropItem(Loot.RandomScroll(index, index + 7, SpellbookType.Regular));
                cont.DropItem(Loot.RandomScroll(index, index + 7, SpellbookType.Regular));
            if (level7SpellChance >= Utility.RandomDouble())
                int index = (7 - 1) * 8;
                cont.DropItem(Loot.RandomScroll(index, index + 7, SpellbookType.Regular));
                cont.DropItem(Loot.RandomScroll(index, index + 7, SpellbookType.Regular));
            if (level8SpellChance >= Utility.RandomDouble())
                int index = (8 - 1) * 8;
                cont.DropItem(Loot.RandomScroll(index, index + 7, SpellbookType.Regular));
                cont.DropItem(Loot.RandomScroll(index, index + 7, SpellbookType.Regular));
            if (rareChance >= Utility.RandomDouble())
                switch (Utility.Random(6))
                    case 0: cont.DropItem(new BottlesOfAle()); break;
                    case 1: cont.DropItem(new BottlesOfLiquor()); break;
                    case 2: cont.DropItem(new BottlesOfWine()); break;
                    case 3: cont.DropItem(new GuttedFish()); break;
                    case 4: cont.DropItem(new TropicalFruit()); break;
                    case 5: cont.DropItem(new Shackles()); break;
            int reagents;
            if ( level == 0 )
                reagents = 12;
                reagents = level * 3;
            for ( int i = 0; i < reagents; i++ )
                Item item = Loot.RandomPossibleReagent();
                item.Amount = Utility.RandomMinMax( 40, 60 );
                cont.DropItem( item );
            int gems;
            if ( level == 0 )
                gems = 2;
                gems = level * 3;
            for ( int i = 0; i < gems; i++ )
                Item item = Loot.RandomGem();
                cont.DropItem( item );
            if ( level == 6 && Core.AOS )
                cont.DropItem( (Item)Activator.CreateInstance( m_Artifacts[Utility.Random(m_Artifacts.Length)] ) );
                //cont.DropItem( new RewardScroll() );
        public override bool CheckLocked( Mobile from )
            if ( !this.Locked )
                return false;
            if ( this.Level == 0 && from.AccessLevel < AccessLevel.GameMaster )
                foreach ( Mobile m in this.Guardians )
                    if ( m.Alive )
                        from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1046448 ); // You must first kill the guardians before you may open this chest.
                        return true;
                LockPick( from );
                return false;
                return base.CheckLocked( from );
        private List<Item> m_Lifted = new List<Item>();
        private bool CheckLoot( Mobile m, bool criminalAction )
            if ( m_Temporary )
                return false;
            if ( m.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster || m_Owner == null || m == m_Owner )
                return true;
            Party p = Party.Get( m_Owner );
            if ( p != null && p.Contains( m ) )
                return true;
            Map map = this.Map;
            if ( map != null && (map.Rules & MapRules.HarmfulRestrictions) == 0 )
                //if ( criminalAction )
                    // if  CriminalAction ( true );
      //          else
                    m.SendLocalizedMessage( 1010630 ); // Taking someone else's treasure is a criminal offense!
                return true;
            m.SendLocalizedMessage( 1010631 ); // You did not discover this chest!
            return false;
        public override bool IsDecoContainer
            get{ return false; }
        public override bool CheckItemUse( Mobile from, Item item )
            return CheckLoot( from, item != this ) && base.CheckItemUse( from, item );
/*        public override bool CheckLift( Mobile from, Item item, ref LRReason reject )
*        {
*            return CheckLoot( from, true ) && base.CheckLift( from, item, ref reject );
*        }
        public override void OnItemLifted( Mobile from, Item item )
            if(m_Spawn) { //if it's allowed to spawn let it else don't.
                bool notYetLifted = !m_Lifted.Contains( item );
                if ( notYetLifted )
                    m_Lifted.Add( item );
                    if ( 0.1 >= Utility.RandomDouble() ) // 10% chance to spawn a new monster
                        TreasureMap.Spawn( m_Level, GetWorldLocation(), Map, from, false );
            base.OnItemLifted( from, item );
        public override void GetProperties( ObjectPropertyList list )
            base.GetProperties( list );
            list.Add( "Level {0} Dug up by {1}", this.m_Level, m_Owner == null ? "Incognito" : m_Owner.Name );
            list.Add( " On {0}", m_DeleteTime );
/*        public override bool CheckHold( Mobile m, Item item, bool message, bool checkItems, int plusItems, int plusWeight )
*        {
*            if ( m.AccessLevel < AccessLevel.GameMaster )
*            {
*                m.SendLocalizedMessage( 1048122, "", 0x8A5 ); // The chest refuses to be filled with treasure again.
*                return false;
*            }
*            return base.CheckHold( m, item, message, checkItems, plusItems, plusWeight );
*        }
        public TreasureMapChest( Serial serial ) : base( serial )
        public override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer )
            base.Serialize( writer );
            writer.Write( (int) 3 ); // version
            writer.Write( (bool)m_Spawn);
            writer.Write( m_Guardians, true );
            writer.Write( (bool) m_Temporary );
            writer.Write( m_Owner );
            writer.Write( (int) m_Level );
            writer.WriteDeltaTime( m_DeleteTime );
            writer.Write( m_Lifted, true );
        public override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader )
            base.Deserialize( reader );
            int version = reader.ReadInt();
            switch ( version )
                case 3:
                    m_Spawn = reader.ReadBool();
                    goto case 2;
                case 2:
                    if(m_Spawn == null)
                        m_Spawn = false;
                    m_Guardians = reader.ReadStrongMobileList();
                    m_Temporary = reader.ReadBool();
                    goto case 1;
                case 1:
                    m_Owner = reader.ReadMobile();
                    goto case 0;
                case 0:
                    m_Level = reader.ReadInt();
                    m_DeleteTime = reader.ReadDeltaTime();
                    m_Lifted = reader.ReadStrongItemList();
                    if ( version < 2 )
                        m_Guardians = new List<Mobile>();
            if ( !m_Temporary )
                m_Timer = new DeleteTimer( this, m_DeleteTime );
/*        public override void OnAfterDelete()
*        {
*            if ( m_Timer != null )
*                m_Timer.Stop();
*                m_Owner.SendMessage(38,"THE TIMER HAS STOPED");
*            m_Timer = null;
*            base.OnAfterDelete();
*        }
        public override void GetContextMenuEntries( Mobile from, List<ContextMenuEntry> list )
            base.GetContextMenuEntries( from, list );
            if ( from.Alive )
                list.Add( new RemoveEntry( from, this ) );
        public void BeginRemove( Mobile from )
            if ( !from.Alive )
            this.EndRemove( from );
            if ( m_Timer != null )
                //m_Owner.SendMessage(38,"THE TIMER HAS STOPED");
            m_Timer = null;
        //    from.CloseGump( typeof( RemoveGump ) );
        //    from.SendGump( new RemoveGump( from, this ) );
        public void EndRemove( Mobile from )
            if ( Deleted || from != m_Owner || !from.InRange( GetWorldLocation(), 3 ) )
            //from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1048124, "", 0x8A5 ); // The old, rusted chest crumbles when you hit it.
            from.SendMessage(0x8A5, "You unbind the old chest from the ground");
            this.Movable = true;
            this.m_Spawn = false; //the chest has been removed do not let any more monsters spawn.
/*        private class RemoveGump : Gump
*        {
*            private Mobile m_From;
*            private TreasureMapChest m_Chest;
*            public RemoveGump( Mobile from, TreasureMapChest chest ) : base( 15, 15 )
*            {
*                m_From = from;
*                m_Chest = chest;
*                Closable = false;
*                Disposable = false;
*                AddPage( 0 );
*                AddBackground( 30, 0, 240, 240, 2620 );
*                AddHtmlLocalized( 45, 15, 200, 80, 1048125, 0xFFFFFF, false, false ); // When this treasure chest is removed, any items still inside of it will be lost.
*                AddHtmlLocalized( 45, 95, 200, 60, 1048126, 0xFFFFFF, false, false ); // Are you certain you're ready to remove this chest?
*                AddButton( 40, 153, 4005, 4007, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
*                AddHtmlLocalized( 75, 155, 180, 40, 1048127, 0xFFFFFF, false, false ); // Remove the Treasure Chest
*                AddButton( 40, 195, 4005, 4007, 2, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
*                AddHtmlLocalized( 75, 197, 180, 35, 1006045, 0xFFFFFF, false, false ); // Cancel
*            }
*            public override void OnResponse( NetState sender, RelayInfo info )
*            {
*                if ( info.ButtonID == 1 )
*                    m_Chest.EndRemove( m_From );
*            }
*        }
        public static bool InHouse( Mobile from )
            BaseHouse house = BaseHouse.FindHouseAt( from );
            return ( house != null /*&& house.IsCoOwner( from )*/ );
        private class RemoveEntry : ContextMenuEntry
            private Mobile m_From;
            private TreasureMapChest m_Chest;
            public RemoveEntry( Mobile from, TreasureMapChest chest ) : base( 6149, 3 )
                m_From = from;
                m_Chest = chest;
                Enabled = ( from == chest.Owner );
            public override void OnClick()
                //if ( InHouse( from ) )
                if ( m_Chest.Deleted || m_From != m_Chest.Owner || !m_From.CheckAlive() || InHouse( m_From ) )
                m_Chest.BeginRemove( m_From );
        private class DeleteTimer : Timer
            private Item m_Item;
            public DeleteTimer( Item item, DateTime time ) : base( time - DateTime.Now )
                m_Item = item;
                Priority = TimerPriority.OneMinute;
            protected override void OnTick()
            //    m_Item.Delete();