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Having problem with datapath.cs on linux install

I'm running ubuntu server 11.10 and trying to get RunUO up and running on it. I enter "mono RunUO.exe" from ssh, it compiles just fine and creates the owner account, but always errors when it tries to use the datapath i have entered. It says "tiledata.mul was not found. make sure your Scripts/Misc/DataPath.cs is properly configured"

I have the line in the datapath.cs file set as:
private static string CustomPath = @"/home/jblack/ultima";
where the "/ultima" directory is the game folder copied over from my windows computer that had an actual ultima online install. It does have the tiledata.mul file in that folder, along with all the other necessary files like such. Any suggestions on where to go from here would be greatly appreciated.
Post DataPath.cs and "ls -a /home/jblack/ultima |grep tiledata.mul" output.
running that command gives me no output.

Heres the full contents of my DataPath.cs
using System;
using System.IO;
using Microsoft.Win32;
using Server;
namespace Server.Misc
public class DataPath
/* If you have not installed Ultima Online,
* or wish the server to use a separate set of datafiles,
* change the 'CustomPath' value, example:
* private const string CustomPath = @"C:\Program Files\Ultima Online";
private static string CustomPath = @"/home/jblack/ultima";
/* The following is a list of files which a required for proper execution:
* Multi.idx
* Multi.mul
* VerData.mul
* TileData.mul
* Map*.mul
* StaIdx*.mul
* Statics*.mul
* MapDif*.mul
* MapDifL*.mul
* StaDif*.mul
* StaDifL*.mul
* StaDifI*.mul
public static void Configure()
string pathUO = GetPath( @"Origin Worlds Online\Ultima Online\1.0", "ExePath" );
string pathTD = GetPath( @"Origin Worlds Online\Ultima Online Third Dawn\1.0", "ExePath" ); //These refer to 2D & 3D, not the Third Dawn expansion
string pathKR = GetPath( @"Origin Worlds Online\Ultima Online\KR Legacy Beta", "ExePath" ); //After KR, This is the new registry key for the 2D client
string pathSA = GetPath( @"Electronic Arts\EA Games\Ultima Online Stygian Abyss Classic", "InstallDir" );
if ( CustomPath != null )
Core.DataDirectories.Add( CustomPath );
if ( pathUO != null )
Core.DataDirectories.Add( pathUO );
if ( pathTD != null )
Core.DataDirectories.Add( pathTD );
if ( pathKR != null )
Core.DataDirectories.Add( pathKR );
if ( pathSA != null )
Core.DataDirectories.Add( pathSA );
if ( Core.DataDirectories.Count == 0 && !Core.Service )
Console.WriteLine( "Enter the Ultima Online directory:" );
Console.Write( "> " );
Core.DataDirectories.Add( Console.ReadLine() );
private static string GetPath( string subName, string keyName )
string keyString;
if( Core.Is64Bit )
keyString = @"SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\{0}";
keyString = @"SOFTWARE\{0}";
using( RegistryKey key = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey( String.Format( keyString, subName ) ) )
if( key == null )
return null;
string v = key.GetValue( keyName ) as string;
if( String.IsNullOrEmpty( v ) )
return null;
if ( keyName == "InstallDir" )
v = v + @"\";
v = Path.GetDirectoryName( v );
if ( String.IsNullOrEmpty( v ) )
return null;
return v;
return null;
Here's what that returns-

. Gesture.deu Gt_5400.jpn Mapdifl2.mul Soundidx.mul
.. Gesture.enu Gt_5400.kor Misc.txt Sound.mul
Anim1024.bin Gesture.esp Gumpart.mul Multi.idx Speech.mul
Anim1.def Gesture.fra Gump.def Multimap.rle Stadif0.mul
Anim256.bin Gesture.jpn Gumpidx.mul Multi.mul Stadif1.mul
Anim2.def Gesture.kor Helpindx.dat Multi.txt Stadif2.mul
Anim2.idx Granny.dll Hues.mul Music Stadifi0.mul
Anim2.mul Gt_0000.cht Ignore.lst Music.def Stadifi1.mul
Anim3.def Gt_0000.deu Igrping.dll Obscene.lst Stadifi2.mul
Anim3.idx Gt_0000.enu Intloc00.cht Options.cht Stadifl0.mul
Anim3.mul Gt_0000.esp Intloc00.deu Options.deu Stadifl1.mul
Anim4.def Gt_0000.fra Intloc00.enu Options.enu Stadifl2.mul
Animdata.mul Gt_0000.jpn Intloc00.esp Options.esp Staidx0.mul
Anim.idx Gt_0000.kor Intloc00.fra Options.fra Staidx2.mul
Animinfo.mul Gt_1010.cht Intloc00.jpn Options.jpn Staidx3.mul
Anim.mul Gt_1010.deu Intloc00.kor Options.kor Stairs.txt
Antx1024.bin Gt_1010.enu Intloc01.cht Optnuotd.cht Statics0.mul
Antx256.bin Gt_1010.esp Intloc01.deu Optnuotd.deu Statics2.mul
Art.def Gt_1010.fra Intloc01.enu Optnuotd.enu Statics3.mul
Artidx.mul Gt_1010.jpn Intloc01.esp Optnuotd.esp Suppinfo.txt
Art.mul Gt_1010.kor Intloc01.fra Optnuotd.fra Support
Arttable.cfg Gt_2000.cht Intloc01.jpn Optnuotd.jpn Teleprts.txt
Binkw32.dll Gt_2000.deu Intloc01.kor Optnuotd.kor Texidx.mul
Blueprints.tbp Gt_2000.enu Intloc02.cht Optuotd.jpn Texmaps.mul
Bodyconv.def Gt_2000.esp Intloc02.deu Owo.exe Texterr.def
Body.def Gt_2000.fra Intloc02.enu Palette.mul Tile1024.txt
CD.ico Gt_2000.jpn Intloc02.esp Patch Tile256.txt
Chat.cht Gt_2000.kor Intloc02.fra Patchw32.dll Tiledata.mul
Chat.deu Gt_2310.cht Intloc02.jpn postInstall_inst.exe Tilehelp.cht
Chat.enu Gt_2310.deu Intloc02.kor preAutorun.exe Tilehelp.deu
Chat.esp Gt_2310.enu Intloc06.cht Professn.cht Tilehelp.enu
Chat.fra Gt_2310.esp Intloc06.enu Professn.deu Tilehelp.esp
Chat.jpn Gt_2310.fra Intloc06.jpn Professn.enu Tilehelp.fra
Chat.kor Gt_2310.jpn Intloc06.kor Professn.esp Tilehelp.jpn
Citytext.cht Gt_2310.kor Intloc10.cht Professn.fra Tilehelp.kor
Citytext.deu Gt_2400.cht Intloc10.enu Professn.jpn Tooltips.cht
Citytext.enu Gt_2400.deu Intloc10.jpn Professn.kor Tooltips.deu
Citytext.esp Gt_2400.enu Intloc10.kor Prof.txt Tooltips.enu
Citytext.fra Gt_2400.esp Intloc11.enu Radarcol.mul Tooltips.esp
Citytext.jpn Gt_2400.fra Intrface.def Readme.txt Tooltips.fra
Citytext.kor Gt_2400.jpn Intro.cht shortcuts_uninst.exe Tooltips.jpn
Client.exe Gt_2400.kor Intro.deu Sjis2uni.mul Tooltips.kor
Cliloc.chs Gt_4000.cht Intro.enu Skill16.cht Transerv.exe
Cliloc.cht Gt_4000.deu Intro.esp Skill16.enu UMacros.txt
Cliloc.deu Gt_4000.enu Intro.fra Skill16.jpn Unifont1.mul
Cliloc.enu Gt_4000.esp Intro.jpn Skill16.kor Unifont2.mul
Cliloc.esp Gt_4000.fra Intro.kor Skill30.cht Unifont.mul
Cliloc.fra Gt_4000.jpn Keynames.txt Skill30.enu UObscene.lst
Cliloc.jpn Gt_4000.kor Langcode.iff Skill30.jpn UO.exe
Cliloc.kor Gt_5000.cht Lightidx.mul Skill30.kor UOmax.cfg
Corpse.def Gt_5000.deu Light.mul Skillgrp.mul UOPatch.exe
Credits.dat Gt_5000.enu Login.cfg Skills.idx UOreg.cfg
Default.mac Gt_5000.esp Macros.txt Skills.mul UOUninst.exe
Doors.txt Gt_5000.fra Map0.mul Skilname.cht UOupg.cfg
eauninstall.exe Gt_5000.jpn Map2.mul Skilname.deu Vercfg.cfg
eDocs Gt_5000.kor Map3.mul Skilname.enu Verinfo
filelist.txt Gt_5400.cht Mapdif0.mul Skilname.esp Version.dat
finalInstall.exe Gt_5400.deu Mapdif1.mul Skilname.fra Version.txt
Floors.txt Gt_5400.enu Mapdif2.mul Skilname.jpn Walls.txt
Fonts.mul Gt_5400.esp Mapdifl0.mul Skilname.kor
Gesture.cht Gt_5400.fra Mapdifl1.mul Sound.def


"mv /home/jblack/ultima/Tiledata.mul /home/jblack/ultima/tiledata.mul"

then try to start the server

ADDED: Actually you need all files mentioned in DataPath.cs to be brought to lower case in /home/jblack/ultima
/* The following is a list of files which a required for proper execution:
		 * Multi.idx
		 * Multi.mul
		 * VerData.mul
		 * TileData.mul
		 * Map*.mul
		 * StaIdx*.mul
		 * Statics*.mul
		 * MapDif*.mul
		 * MapDifL*.mul
		 * StaDif*.mul
		 * StaDifL*.mul
		 * StaDifI*.mul

john burns

Ok, I have tried using mono development with linux to get my server up and running, but I get the following errors, and there are ALOT of errors. I tried doing exactly what was posted in these forums for linux help, but now i am stumped. Any help would be great. thanks.


RunUO - [] Version 2.1, Build 4272.35047
Core: Running on .NET Framework Version 2.0.50727
Core: Optimizing for 1 64-bit processor
Core: Unix environment detected
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...ScriptCompiler: : /home/james/Legends of Lore Server/Scripts/Custom/Life Stone/Files/Core/Core.cs(9,14): (Location of the symbol related to previous warning)
ScriptCompiler: : /home/james/Legends of Lore Server/Scripts/Custom/Stargate System v3.1/Addons/SGLocationAddon1South.cs(1,7): (Location of the symbol related to previous warning)
ScriptCompiler: : /home/james/Legends of Lore Server/Scripts/Custom/Stargate System v3.1/Addons/SGLocationAddon2East.cs(1,7): (Location of the symbol related to previous warning)
ScriptCompiler: : /home/james/Legends of Lore Server/Scripts/Custom/Stargate System v3.1/Addons/SGLocationAddon2South.cs(1,7): (Location of the symbol related to previous warning)
ScriptCompiler: : /home/james/Legends of Lore Server/Scripts/Custom/Stargate System v3.1/Addons/SGLocationAddon3East.cs(1,7): (Location of the symbol related to previous warning)
ScriptCompiler: : /home/james/Legends of Lore Server/Scripts/Custom/Stargate System v3.1/Addons/SGLocationAddon3South.cs(1,7): (Location of the symbol related to previous warning)
ScriptCompiler: : /home/james/Legends of Lore Server/Scripts/Mobiles/AI/BaseAI.cs(19,21): (Location of the symbol related to previous error)
ScriptCompiler: : /home/james/Legends of Lore Server/Scripts/Mobiles/AI/BaseAI.cs(19,21): (Location of the symbol related to previous error)
ScriptCompiler: : /home/james/Legends of Lore Server/Scripts/Mobiles/AI/BaseAI.cs(19,21): (Location of the symbol related to previous error)
failed (1 errors, 2113 warnings)
+ Custom/Life Stone/Files/Core/Core.cs:
CS0105: Line 12: The using directive for `Server.Commands' appeared previously in this namespace
+ Custom/Setable Web Stone/SetableWebStoneGump.cs:
CS0642: Line 41: Possible mistaken empty statement
CS0168: Line 129: The variable `Display' is declared but never used
+ Custom/Stargate System v3.1/Addons/SGLocationAddon1South.cs:
CS0105: Line 2: The using directive for `System' appeared previously in this namespace
CS0219: Line 99: The variable `version' is assigned but its value is never used
CS0219: Line 125: The variable `version' is assigned but its value is never used
+ Custom/Stargate System v3.1/Addons/SGLocationAddon2East.cs:
CS0105: Line 2: The using directive for `System' appeared previously in this namespace
CS0219: Line 99: The variable `version' is assigned but its value is never used
+ Custom/Stargate System v3.1/Addons/SGLocationAddon2South.cs:
CS0105: Line 2: The using directive for `System' appeared previously in this namespace
CS0219: Line 99: The variable `version' is assigned but its value is never used
CS0219: Line 125: The variable `version' is assigned but its value is never used
+ Custom/Stargate System v3.1/Addons/SGLocationAddon3East.cs:
CS0105: Line 2: The using directive for `System' appeared previously in this namespace
CS0219: Line 94: The variable `version' is assigned but its value is never used
+ Custom/Stargate System v3.1/Addons/SGLocationAddon3South.cs:
CS0105: Line 2: The using directive for `System' appeared previously in this namespace
CS0219: Line 94: The variable `version' is assigned but its value is never used
+ Accounting/Accounts.cs:
CS0219: Line 71: The variable `acct' is assigned but its value is never used
+ Commands/Generic/Extensions/Compilers/ConditionalCompiler.cs:
CS0219: Line 505: The variable `compareMethod' is assigned but its value is never used
+ Commands/Generic/Extensions/Compilers/SortCompiler.cs:
CS0219: Line 86: The variable `compareMethod' is assigned but its value is never used
+ Commands/Profiling.cs:
CS0219: Line 360: The variable `serial' is assigned but its value is never used
CS0219: Line 361: The variable `pos' is assigned but its value is never used
+ Commands/Properties.cs:
CS0219: Line 214: The variable `type' is assigned but its value is never used
+ Custom/Blessing Deeds/ItemBlessDeed.cs:
CS0219: Line 83: The variable `version' is assigned but its value is never used
+ Mobiles/BaseCreature.cs:
CS0117: Line 2227: `Server.Mobiles.AIType' does not contain a definition for `AI_OrcScout'
CS0117: Line 2230: `Server.Mobiles.AIType' does not contain a definition for `AI_Ninja'
CS0117: Line 2233: `Server.Mobiles.AIType' does not contain a definition for `AI_Spellbinder'
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.


+ Mobiles/BaseCreature.cs:
CS0117: Line 2227: `Server.Mobiles.AIType' does not contain a definition for `AI_OrcScout'
CS0117: Line 2230: `Server.Mobiles.AIType' does not contain a definition for `AI_Ninja'
CS0117: Line 2233: `Server.Mobiles.AIType' does not contain a definition for `AI_Spellbinder'
Actuall you have only three errors and they look the same. These AI types aren't presented in distro RunUO so I suppose you unproperly installed some custom system (probably installed without merging BaseCreature.cs).

The rest stuff are warnings related to custom scripts. Server can be compiled and run with warnings.

john burns

any suggestions as to what it might be? or should i start with a fresh install of runuo and just copy my deco world files?

john burns

any suggestions as to what it might be? or should i start with a fresh install of runuo and just copy my deco world files?

john burns

Having corrected alot of my errors with ALOT of help from people here, I have got it down to one last error with no idea whats wrong. When I run runuo in mono development project, i get this error:

+ Mobiles/AI/BaseAI.cs:
CS8025: Line 2780: Parsing error

Other than that, once this is fixed, it should run, i hope.

john burns

Getting alot of this kind of error:

CS0234: Line 2: The type or namespace name `Data' does not exist in the namespace `System'. Are you missing an assembly reference?
CS0234: Line 2: The type or namespace name `Data' does not exist in the namespace `System'. Are you missing an assembly reference?
CS0246: Line 1658: The type or namespace name `DataSet' could not be found. Are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?
CS0246: Line 1695: The type or namespace name `DataSet' could not be found. Are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?
CS0246: Line 1701: The type or namespace name `DataSet' could not be found. Are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?

Any ideas what is wrong? Or at least point me in the right direction.