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~~HOW DO I~~


~~HOW DO I~~

i know in the charactercreation.cs file but where and what do i have to change to make it where new players start with 100 of each stat?


Around line 208 change what you see there to reflect this code: (aka dont ADD this code CHANGE yours to look like this:)

[code:1]private static void FixStats( ref int str, ref int dex, ref int intel )
str = 100;
dex = 100;
intel = 100;

private static void FixStat( ref int stat, int diff )
stat += diff;

if ( stat < 50 )
stat = 100;
else if ( stat > 50 )
stat = 100;

private static void SetStats( Mobile m, int str, int dex, int intel )
FixStats( ref str, ref dex, ref intel );

if ( str < 10 || str > 60 || dex < 10 || dex > 60 || intel < 10 || intel > 60 || (str + dex + intel) != 80 )
str = 100;
dex = 100;
intel = 100;

m.InitStats( str, dex, intel );


lol, thanks Krazy. I posted a very detailed answer... for the wrong question. But if you wanted 100 in each Skill, I got it all worked out! :D


but theres seems to something different in this one

[code:1]str = vStr + 10;
dex = vDex + 10;
intel = vInt + 10;[/code:1]

on urs its just

str = 100;
dex = 100;
int = 100;