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I'm Doing This For School, No Seriously, I Am


you can download the UO client freely and legaly from EA's own FTP
Runuo is legal, this has been said mannnnnnnny times

you can connect throught lan, by using UOG just on uogateway's tool create local server listing, then put in that server's IP addy and port, and connect.

you can use notepad, simplest editor, however, ive been using Dreamweaver MX 8 for years. Many other people use the one from microsoft.

1) RunUO is legal, if he has his doubts, then he should do the research not his students. Its his job that would be effected, clearly you wouldn't in trouble for doing something he shouldn't have done in the first place. Also EA has owned OSI the entire time, they just reorganized has a company is all after awhile.

2) RunUO can work on a local network

3) Shard Developer is free, but I question why your teacher doesn't know this.

Anti-Basic said:
Thanks to Both of You. but in answer to Question, I Introduced teacher to it he has never played UO before, I Showed Him A Copy of a world i made at home (Same thing as Viago pointed out but didn't realize it could be used for LAN i just used the since it was only IP listed at home) When brought school it showed 3 IPs and i need to figure out which one is for internet and LAN but he saw it worked nice and he agreed to let me do project. We have an Entire Afterschool Club thats just for Games and Game Creation. Also EA Owned Origin whole time? then why did richard garriot leave, i thought he left? Well i know you can use notepad but i'd like a more user-friendly one . We Have Dreamweaver installed In Lab Will try It Thnx.

EA had a controlling stock by the time UO was popular, yes.

Richard Garriot left, because he didn't like what that meant, but don't let the rumors fool ya. I don't know if Richard Garriot owned OSI, or was just a partner or what, But I am sure he got a good deal of money.

EA has control of the studio from, if not the start, a few months into the project. EA after a few years decided to close the OSI office, and move it into their central office if I am not mistaken.

I am not sure when Richard "quit" but like I said, if EA didn't control it before UO went public, they controlled it soon afterwords. Its no different today, for example a studio in Orlando Florida is controlled by EA Games, but they are in a seperate "office".

A small company makes it big, large company will purchase it, then allow them to work on their own projects. They could close their offices and move the staff, or just keep the name and fire everyone.

Perhaps its wrong, but you wouldn't have $50 million budget games, if this didn't happen


On the subject of an editor, I found and have been using a really nice text editor. It is compact but has lots of features geared towards programming in as far as auto-tabbing, and it displays color formatting if you do things like html. I recommend everyone check it out at least for RunUO scripting. It is shareware, but worth registering.

TextPad v4.7.3



@anti basic, from what i understand, richards father was an astronaught of something along that line. I know his family was attatched to nasa in some form of another.


His father was indeed an astronaut. Owen K. Garriott was a former NASA astronaut who spent 60 days aboard Skylab in 1973 and 10 days aboard Spacelab-1 in 1983.


RunUO Developer
Anyways, back to the main subject:

1) RunUO is 100% legal. Just don't distribute UO or THEIR files. To get UO, Download it directly from EA at

2) Of course. RunUO doesn't require the internet. Just use Razor or UOGateway or whatever point to the internal IP, err... the IP of the computer within the lan.

3) <- It's free for... forever as long as you download it before november. Visual Studio is the best out there, especailly in a learning environment. Easy access To information, ie, to facilitate teaching how to Code, not how to code in a certain language. (Intellisense)

Anyways, It's good to see teachers opening up and atleast thinking of the possibility. A long long long long long time ago back when I was still in the normal school system, I had a teacher who was running a UO shard for fun on the school machines, even over the summer. But then some dullbob dumb-as-rock student went to buy UO from the store, and asked the stupid clerk at the store wether or not it's legal...

Obviously the clerk didn't know answers from asparagus and said it wasn't, and said student told the teacher what the clerk said and then he decided to close it.

But yea. End rant. :D


I don't claim to know heads from tails with programming in any language, so don't anyone beat me up over my input, I just want to help, heh.

I use Crimson Editor when I do anything in RunUO and it works great, maybe your teacher has heard of it?


RunUO Developer
Anti-Basic said:
I Pretty Much Figured This Along, But Came Across Startics Article Which Said It Was Illegal Unless For House Decor Contests But Date On Article Was Old...Like LBR Old But Still Be On Safe Side Asked Here

Well, it IS against the Terms of Service, but all that it allows them to do is ban anyone from THEIR servers if they find out. And they really don't do that unless you're going around advertising it on OSI or whatever. But, they can technically ban you just cause it's a monday, so that's not a big deal :p
Richard garret owned a 50 50 partnership in osi with the guy that made ultims 1-8 ( forgot his name but it was his brother) and left before ea bought stock in it. Its because he left that ea got thier mits in it. Doesnt anyone watch icons? and of course he got lots of money wouldnt you?

What pissed me off is that everquest got more credit for pioneering mmporpg than uo from g4. I guess cuz its the first 1st person 3d online game I dont know

Oh and my 2 cents on the played out legallity issue. Im not a lawyer so Ill spare you all the legal speech as if I sit here and study law in between bites of my xakzbys chicken sandwich. All I would tell you teacher is if it was illegal itd have been shut down long ago. no ones doin any of this underground secret ops, ea knows it, they get theirs.


Ariakas772005 said:
Richard garret owned a 50 50 partnership in osi with the guy that made ultims 1-8 ( forgot his name but it was his brother) and left before ea bought stock in it. Its because he left that ea got thier mits in it. Doesnt anyone watch icons? and of course he got lots of money wouldnt you?

What pissed me off is that everquest got more credit for pioneering mmporpg than uo from g4. I guess cuz its the first 1st person 3d online game I dont know

Oh and my 2 cents on the played out legallity issue. Im not a lawyer so Ill spare you all the legal speech as if I sit here and study law in between bites of my xakzbys chicken sandwich. All I would tell you teacher is if it was illegal itd have been shut down long ago. no ones doin any of this underground secret ops, ea knows it, they get theirs.

UO often gets overlooked by the mainstream video game media. Really makes me mad seeing how the Early UO was the best MMO that I have ever played, even to this day.
Agreed, UO is horribly underrated. There are litterally NO MMORPGS out there that have the sheer number of features that UO has. UO has a very expansive world.

I wish they'd make a full 3d version, not like that crappy 3d client.