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Mondain Mobiles


how to make new creatures have their animations?

all new SE and ML creatures don't have any animations!What's the problem? :confused:


sure how to make it work....

I know you need a patch to do thia but i dont know how to set it up can anyone help me? would be greatly appreciated..


OSI Parrot Information

Here's how parrots work on OSI (I have about 10 now, and there is a book in the game that lists the known colors):

They come as loot on all the new ML creatures - the "stronger" the creature, the more of a chance of getting one.

After you get a parrot, you have to have a Parrot Perch to put it on. Carpenters make the perches.

To put a parrot on the perch, you have to place the perch inside your house, double-click the parrot, and the target the perch.

Once a parrot is on a perch, it cannot be removed from the perch. Chopping a perch down that has a parrot on it will yield a deed for a parrot perch, with a parrot named "{parrot's name}". Re-constructing the perch will put the parrot back on the perch.

Parrots will NOT die. They are more apt to repeat things they overhear if they are fed parrot wafers (created by cooking skill). When fed, they face the direction of the person that fed them, and make a radom sound, and displays random overheard text.

Parrots also show how many weeks old they are.

They come in quite a few hues: light blue, blue, light green, green, light purple, purple, yellow, orange, red, and pink.

There are also the following rare hues (more is possible, I believe, but these are the known one's): Bubblegum Pink, Ice Blue, White, Blaze


If I may ask a question, these sould delightful., is there a 2D option? I fell in love with the whole idea just reading your post about them...

Thank you in advance


Just letting everyone know, that on the Original CheifParaxymous.cs change:

SetSkill( SkillName.EvalInt, 90.1, 110.0 );
			SetSkill( SkillName.Magery, 90.1, 10.0 );
			SetSkill( SkillName.MagicResist, 85.1, 95.0 );
			SetSkill( SkillName.Tactics, 90.1, 110.0 );
			SetSkill( SkillName.Wrestling, 80.1, 110.0 );

SetSkill( SkillName.Magery, 90.1, [B]100.0[/B]);