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Mondain's Legacy/Client Crash


I was trying a few different "easy" ways to get Magincia to show up as it did before they burninated the peasants. I decided to try using the ML client, but when I loads 1) the play window is extremely small even though I have it set in razor to force the size and 2) I can do everything else I want in game, except when I go to open my paperdoll, the client crashes.

I remember seeing at one point a post on "forcing" RunUO to "see" a specific client version, but I can't find it anymore and don't know if that's even the problem.

I have set the client to run as admin and even tried setting it as winxp compatability mode but I get the same issue.

Any ideas/suggestions? (I am not very experienced at coding/world creation/creating patches etc, that's why I wanted a "shortcut" way of getting the old mag back)



In ClientVerification.cs you'll find this code block:

public static void Initialize()
            EventSink.ClientVersionReceived += new ClientVersionReceivedHandler( EventSink_ClientVersionReceived );
            //ClientVersion.Required = null;
            //Required = new ClientVersion( "" );
            if( m_DetectClientRequirement )
                string path = Core.FindDataFile( "client.exe" );
                if( File.Exists( path ) )
                    FileVersionInfo info = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo( path );
                    if ( info.FileMajorPart != 0 || info.FileMinorPart != 0 || info.FileBuildPart != 0 || info.FilePrivatePart != 0 )
                        Required = new ClientVersion( info.FileMajorPart, info.FileMinorPart, info.FileBuildPart, info.FilePrivatePart );

Where it says: //Required = new ClientVersion( "" );

Uncomment that, and type in whichever client version your using.


Required = new ClientVersion( "" );

Then in MapDefinitions.cs, find this code block:

TileMatrixPatch.Enabled = false; // OSI Client Patch
MultiComponentList.PostHSFormat = true; // OSI Client Patch

What this is saying.

If your client version is BELOW, then TileMatrixPatch needs to be Enabled i.e set to true.

If your client version is above then PostHSFormat needs to be set to true.

Both of these CANNOT be set to true at the same time.

Hope this helps.


Thanks for the info rmacham, I did all the updates you suggested above and the client still crashes :( The client I have for ML is 4.0.11c, so I set
TileMatrixPatch.Enabled = true;
MultiComponentList.PostHSFormat = false;

Is it too old of a client to work with RunUO2.3?


RUO 2.3 should work with all clients.
I recommend trying to update though.

I have PM'ed you in this matter.