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MySql.Data Assembly Error


MySql.Data Assembly Error

Hello everyone.
There was a tiny problem with the integration of MySql .Net Connector.
Describe all steps to build a server.

Step 1: (Compiling the server)
gmcs-out: RunUO.exe-d: MONO-optimize +-unsafe-r: System, System.Configuration.Install, System.Data, System.Drawing, System.EnterpriseServices, System.Management, System.Security, System.ServiceProcess, System.Web, System.Web.Services, System.Windows.Forms, System.Xml,, Ultima.dll-nowarn: 219-recurse: Server / *. cs
Server / TileMatrix.cs (405,78): warning CS0618: `System.IO.FileStream.Handle 'is obsolete:` Use SafeFileHandle instead'
Server / TileMatrix.cs (478,66): warning CS0618: `System.IO.FileStream.Handle 'is obsolete:` Use SafeFileHandle instead'
Server / TileMatrixPatch.cs (105,83): warning CS0618: `System.IO.FileStream.Handle 'is obsolete:` Use SafeFileHandle instead'
Server / TileMatrixPatch.cs (174,91): warning CS0618: `System.IO.FileStream.Handle 'is obsolete:` Use SafeFileHandle instead'
Server / Item.cs (1937,37): warning CS0169: The private method `Server.Item.SetSaveFlag (ref Server.Item.SaveFlag, Server.Item.SaveFlag, bool) 'is never used
Server / Timer.cs (365,36): warning CS0414: The private field `Server.Timer.m_QueueCountAtSlice 'is assigned but its value is never used
Server / ScriptCompiler.cs (531,30): warning CS0169: The private method `Server.ScriptCompiler.LoadScriptedAssembly (System.Collections.Generic.List <System.Reflection.Assembly>, string, Server.ScriptCompiler.Compiler, bool) ' is never used
Server / Gumps / Gump.cs (370,32): warning CS0169: The private method `Server.Gumps.Gump.Compile () 'is never used
Server / Persistence / FileQueue.cs (39,37): warning CS0414: The private field `Server.FileQueue.Chunk.offset 'is assigned but its value is never used
Compilation succeeded - 9 warning (s)
Step 2: (Setting)
In the /home/*/Servers/runuo/Data/Assemblies.cfg end of the file add
In the root folder, copy the following files:
Step 3: (Running)
*@*:~/Servers/runuo $ mono RunUO.exe

RunUO - [] Version 2.1, Build 3720.7749
Core: Running on. NET Framework Version 2.0.50727
Core: Optimizing for 2 64-bit processors
Core: Unix environment detected
Scripts: Compiling C # scripts ... done (0 errors, 1 warnings)
 + Customs /Mondain 's Legacy/Engines/Peerless System/PeerlessAltar.cs:
    CS0472: Line 538: The result of comparing value type `Server.Items.PeerlessAltar.DelayAfterBossSlain 'with null is` true'
Scripts: Skipping VB.NET Scripts ... done (use-vb to enable)
Scripts: Verifying ...
** (RunUO.exe: 25193): WARNING **: The following assembly referenced from /home/*/Servers/runuo/Scripts/Output/Scripts.CS.dll could not be loaded:
     Assembly: MySql.Data (assemblyref_index = 4)
     Public Key: c5687fc88969c44d
The assembly was not found in the Global Assembly Cache, a path listed in the MONO_PATH environment variable, or in the location of the executing assembly (/home/*/Servers/runuo/Scripts/Output/).

** (RunUO.exe: 25193): WARNING **: Could not load file or assembly 'MySql.Data, Version =, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = c5687fc88969c44d' or one of its dependencies.
System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded.
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly: GetTypes (bool)
  at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000]
  at Server.Core.VerifySerialization (System.Reflection.Assembly a) [0x00000]
  at Server.Core.VerifySerialization () [0x00000]
  at Server.ScriptCompiler.Compile (Boolean debug, Boolean cache) [0x00000]
  at Server.Core.Main (System.String [] args) [0x00000]
This exception is fatal, press return to exit
Help solve the problem, as I have exhausted the ideas themselves, and all the solutions found on the Internet did not yield positive results.

I would be grateful for any help.