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Pirates Den Faction


My roommate has been playing WoW since Beta. I've played it with him a little, but am not very impressed. Anything that has "levels" like D&D sucks, and it does. Also, it's just another 3D first-person viewpoint game like all the rest. UO remains the only top-down angle game in its class, and after playing it for 8 years it is still the best. But if you care more about graphics then gameplay, go for all those first-person shooters... er, I mean role-playing games. (How gay is it that you can click on a creature and see its "level" before you fight it? Silly rabbit, WoW is for kids.)


Oh I forgot to mention another reason that World of Warcraft is stupid. There's no housing yet, and they won't say when they plan to have it, if ever! I can't imagine the revolt that would take place in Ultima Online if housing were ever taken away.

I do look forward to when UO is made full 3D but stil keeps its superior top-down vantagepoint. The UO Iris client (open source) looks really promising.

Until things like Iris take over, I think it is a testament to UO's genius that hundreds of thousands of us are still playing 8 years in. I was a UO addict in 1997 and I am a UO addict in 2005 (granted, some months and even years off in between). Even with the old 2d client, the graphics still haven't gotten too old (and for action I like to play the latest and greatest X-Box games).


thats a cool idea i guess i wanna make my own factions if i do ill post em that'll give me something to do today :D lol thanks for the post ill add it see how my players like it


Blackthorne, sounds like you just have a major beef with anything you have to pay for seeing you use a UO Emulator. Personaly, UO is BORING AS HELL after a year or two.. or less... It is very pointless anymore, and the emus kept me around so long. If you dont like WoW fine. STFU dieirlkthx. Stay with UO, I dont need more griefers on WoW. and FYI if you dont like 3rd person, you can zoom into first. UO has OUTDATED graphics and we all know that, and the client is as PoS as anything, randomly closing with no error messages and all. And I play Xbox and id kill you anything on it I bet. :/ especialy the new timesplitters.