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Questionable statement?

Questionable statement?

On line 141 of Client.cs, I see the following:

[code:1] for ( int i = 0;; ++i )[/code:1]

I'm wondering if that should be i++ since as written it will skip the first chunk after 0x400000 in line 143 inside the loop:

[code:1] pc.Seek( 0x400000 + (i * chunkSize), SeekOrigin.Begin );[/code:1]

Do I have a point or am I completely wrong?



The third statement in a for line is executed after any statements inside the for block. In this case, it's like:

[code:1]int i = 0;

while ( true )
..code here..
Hmm. I thought a preincrement in the iteration would increment it before the loop started, but a took a closer look and it doesn't. Never mind then.
