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Razor usage statistics

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Razor Creator
Razor usage statistics

The following statistics are compiled annonymously by the razor web server. The way razor tracks these statistics is simple. When you install razor, a random number is generated between 1 and 2 billion. Thus, there is a high likely hood this number is unique. (Note that this number is never correlated with your IP, or any information about your system.) When razor checks for updates, this number is sent along with the request for version information. The server keeps track of these numbers in order to generate these statistics. Thus the following numbers represent unique razor installations, and only those installations which have razor set to check for updates (either "Every time razor is run, or once per day") are counted. I suspect most people leave this feature enabled, though I have no idea how many people do or do not. If you reinstall, or use razor on more than one computer, then this is counted as a seperate unique installation.

At the time of this post, 203,847 unique installations of razor had been recorded since the statistics were implemented in February 2005. (Of course, people often uninstall and reinstall razor when a new release comes out.)

[Due to a server move, the statistics were reset in October 2006.]

These statistics are provided for no particular reason, just they are interesting and I thought I'd share.
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