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RE: UOKR support

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That's it. I'm locking this thread and banning everyone that has posted in it.

Have a nice day!

Thread Locked.


Amadeo;673216 said:
then why you are bombing Iraq, Kosovo and others ppl?:eek:
can I qoute? - "I call bullshit on that one"(c)HellRazor

I never bombed anyone, way to make a prejudiced blanket statement against an entire nation of people asshole.

I just write my point of view...just write about respect of community opinion too, I have right on this, don't think so yakee?
no need to tell me go ahead (or bombing)
it is in your country still have a liberty of the opinion?
no need to tell me about intellectual property rights
when we begin respect it? from Monday?:D
it is emulator shard - OSI always say - emulator is illegal
RunUO alway used cracked client, what is the different?

The RUO team made a decision. All your whining and crying and calling people "yankees" isn't going to change it.

And RUO never cracked the client. RUO works with unencrypted clients, dumbass.

possible after bombing iraq say by self, stop from now I'm holy...?
you respect other right or not, not possible to use half-resperct when you need, there is double standart, it is your country political way but is not right.
or you respect other right only when they possible could to cauch you? =)))
funny yankee funny

At least I'm not some loser from a third world country who tries to turn discussions about RunUO into some kind of half assed political debate.

hm... yankee when you are from other planet how you can understand other ppl?

Gee, I don't know. It must be your wonderful spelling and grammar that helps make it all so clear.

so for student possible afford a computer
they must collect money for it, maybe during a year
but it is needed thing for education
UO it just a game, you can't spend the money for fun if you have not enough money for simple life, spend it every mount for game
internet connection - hm, dual up modem cost 5$, no? and some providers use free connection for add more clients
and as I said before we used local server (read yankee - local) because local traffic is free...

Boo fucking hoo. Obviously they don't teach you much in school, you should get a refund so you can buy KR and play OSI.

btw if I "gringo" it is not mean that I stupid apriory for you
no need to tell me about "I call bullshit on that one"(c)HellRazor
and... I'm not gringo
wrong direction for bombing ;)

I figure if it's ok for you to use prejudiced comments like "yankee" it's ok for me to use prejudiced comments like "gringo". I was making a point. It's called sarcasm. You didn't like it much, did you?

I'm looking forward to your eventual banning.


Anti-Basic;673218 said:
Hellrazer is in Europe... Germany iirc... Since when is Germany bombing Iraq or Kosovo?

The rest of your post is illegible so I'll just assume its "I'm a moron" repeated a dozen times and agree with you.

maybe "I'm a moron" for you
as I said before "read yankee read"
I called yankee you in first post and it was name for you
Hellrazer replay and agree with this name with his answer about gringo
then why I thank than him from americaz too...
and i'm sorry about this mistake
(even ever NATO not bombing Kosovo? ;) think yankee (Anti-Basic) think,
I'm always view in your post when you can't say something logical you say that your opponent is "moron"

PS sorry moderator
I'm off from this post and this forum:cool:


Amadeo;673228 said:
maybe "I'm a moron" for you
as I said before "read yankee read"
I called yankee you in first post and it was name for you
Hellrazer replay and agree with this name with his answer about gringo
then why I thank than him from americaz too...
and i'm sorry about this mistake
(even ever NATO not bombing Kosovo? ;) think yankee (Anti-Basic) think,
I'm always view in your post when you can't say something logical you say that your opponent is "moron"

PS sorry moderator
I'm off from this post and this forum:cool:

u r hrd 2 undarstend wy downt u strap un ur sewicyd vest end bloe it up weth u insyde kkk?
Amadeo;673228 said:
maybe "I'm a moron" for you
as I said before "read yankee read"
I called yankee you in first post and it was name for you
Hellrazer replay and agree with this name with his answer about gringo
then why I thank than him from americaz too...
and i'm sorry about this mistake
(even ever NATO not bombing Kosovo? ;) think yankee (Anti-Basic) think,
I'm always view in your post when you can't say something logical you say that your opponent is "moron"

PS sorry moderator
I'm off from this post and this forum:cool:
AltaVista - Babel Fish Translation

I dont speak idiot.


^^^Yankee :D

Wow, it still cracks me up when someone from another country calls us "Yankee". Especially if the person its directed to is from a southern state. Cause then thats really just ignorant cause they're rebels, not yanks. Not to mention the fact that the name is going on....about 200 years old. Could we please get something more modern than yankee?

And yes Anti-Basic, obviously they're phasing out the old client. Would you wanna continue supporting something that's older than most peoples car or maybe make the big leap from the 1990's and into the next century?

Now if i remember correctly the Stygian Abyss expansion will still allow 2d players to see other players as gargoyles and interact with them but 2d players will not be able to play as gargs. And also they won't be able to go into the new lands...damn, sounds a lot like 3rd Dawn with Ilshenar. Oh, wait...thats right...people complained about it and got Ilshenar opened up by LBR. I guess that couldn't possibly happen again.

So the 1st planned expansion will still have 2d support but won't have all the bells and whistles of the new client. Now I know you love your classic 2d client and I don't blame you (I do too) but don't rain on other people just cause they're excited about something new and different. Be grateful that EA is at least trying to do something with this old game and not just say "eh, fuck it...pull the plug". I'm sure they could have easily developed a new and completely 3d MMO that has absolutely nothing to do with Ultima by now to compete with WOW, GW, and the slew of others.
jeremymcc;673240 said:
And yes Anti-Basic, obviously they're phasing out the old client. Would you wanna continue supporting something that's older than most peoples car or maybe make the big leap from the 1990's and into the next century?

Well given what I've seen of KR, the 2D client is way better. Hell UO is probably one of the prettiest isometric games I've ever seen.

So yes I would.


I applaud EA for wanting to improve the client and upgrade the graphics.

Whether or not the new client and graphics will actually be an improvement remains to be seen.

And yeah, what's up with this "yankee" shit? Regardless, I found it pretty offensive. It would be like me going to visit a support forum hosted in Saudi Arabia, for software written by Saudis and given to me to use for free by them, and then calling them a bunch of terrorists in their own forums. I would never do that because 1) I'm not prejudiced, 2) even if I were, it would be a damned rude thing for me to do, and 3) it has jack shit to do with RunUO. But I guess some people can't see past their own hatred for long enough to have a civil conversation without resorting to slurs based on your race or nationality.

I let that shit go by the first time, but after that he deserved everything he got.

America. Fuck yeah.


Guys, it's a game, a game that you are suppose to pay to play. RunUO has created an environment that allows you to get by this aspect. You guys take this shit to far, RunUO will not support KR, END OF STORY . If you want to mess with KR or talk shit about everyone who does, do it on your own forums and not here. Anyone opening another thread about KR and/or how RunUO is dumb for not supporting it will be permanently banned. All of you that don't support RunUO for their decision can just leave this community because we don't need your nonsupporting attitudes around here.
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