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Recalling Into Castle Courtyards


Currently, (at least on 2.1) courtyards are considered part of the house. I've searched through SpellHelper.cs and BaseHouse.cs and can't seem to find a way to make it possible to recall into the courtyard of a castle.

To be clear, I do NOT want players to be able to recall into *any* house, but rather just the courtyard (grass) section of a keep or castle.

Has anyone found a way to make this possible?


I think i may have found the section - editting the rectangle should do the trick, ya?

As far as figuring out what the numbers should be, I assume it's just a lot of guessing and checking? Let me know if I'm way off base before I jump into this thing headfirst. I'd hate to be editting the wrong section!


way wrong guys. its in recall.cs
            /*else if ( r.IsPartOf( typeof( HouseRegion ) ) )
                Caster.SendLocalizedMessage( 501025 ); // Something is blocking the location.


no cause it blocks where the acutal house is just regions that are open. and when you mark a rune to a house anyways it marks it to the house sign if its a customizable.