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[RunUO 1.0 Final] Minor Elf Weapon Artifacts


Minor Elf Weapon Artifacts

These are somewhat simple non-uber artis that are designed on RunUO 1.0 but will probably work on 2.0 due to their simplicity.

Files included:
Black Razor - from the old School D&D stuff - evil hit leech
Emberblade - firesword, acts like a torch lightsource
Kingslayer - perpetually poisoned, assassin's best friend
Midnight Star - VERY accurate bow
Nature's Will - druidic staff
Knight's Needle - fast weapon
Titan's Folly - "Axe of the Dwarvish Lords"
Wyrmbane - dragon slayer bow

All of these assume you use the standard hue file. All colors are standard stuff except Black Razor. It uses a "starfield" hue.

No mods required, just drop and go.

Almost forgot...Thanks to A-Li-N for posting the lightsource mod.


  • Minor
    4.8 KB · Views: 441