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RunUO C# Express Solution


RunUO C# Express Solution

This contains the RunUO source with a C# Express 2005 Beta 2 solution. (Compatible with VS2005 (8))

Recommendation: Extract to My Docs/Visual Studio/Projects for ease. It will create a folder RunUO and away you go. :)


    243.2 KB · Views: 125


Every thing in the source code compiled but I got this error when I tryed to load the scritps with it. I did not change any thing in the source code. Any way to fix this. It dosn't do this with the orginal core.

 - Error: c:\Documents and Settings\Cornholyo\My Documents\UO\RunUO 1.0\Scripts\
Engines\Reports\Rendering\BarGraphRenderer.cs: CS0121: (line 888, column 40) The
 call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: 'System.Math.Flo
or(decimal)' and 'System.Math.Floor(double)


Yep. I'm aware of that, and I see all the errors and realize it's not a perfect solution (is anything ever?). However, the fact that I can now compile the core for a debugging server to test/debug core modifications I've had on hand for quite some time is worthwhile enough, in and of itself. Especially when 2.0's release could be as early as tomorrow and as late as next month. Don't have time to sit on my hands and wait for it when there's a working solution available.

Visual C# Beta 2 is much better (and free) than SharpDevelop, imo.


What .net framework are you using? And how did you get yours to work. I don't understand why I got this error I don't see whats worng with this statment.


_In reply to Phantom's post which has since been removed_


What my last post said was: "It works well enough, I'll use it, regardless of it's minor flaws." Clearly my decision to use it is both educated and conscious. I don't need further coaching on how I choose to do my work and what environment I choose to work in. Thanks.



What Scripts are you using?

Does that come up in RunUO?

Because that *seems* to be the scripts playing up...


Goto c:\Documents and Settings\Cornholyo\My Documents\UO\RunUO 1.0\Scripts

and on line 888 change Math.Floor( to Math.Floor((double)

if that doesnt fix it try Math.Floor((decimal)


Its wrong if you try to compile it with the .NET Framework 2.0 but its correct within the 1.1 .NET Framework.

To use Visual Studio 2005 you have to have the .NET Framework 2.0, and to use RunUO you have to have .NET Framework 1.1

This answer the question?

That is a false Statement, This post is ABOUT getting it compiled under VS2005 (Eg. .NET 2.0) If you dont like it, dont post. You DONT need 1.1 to compile RunUO it can be done under 2.0 with a single change (And if you want a challenge like I did, fix all the warnings too).

Stop being an ass in the Core Modification forum when you dont like nor support them yourself.

Yeah its called use the right freaking tool, and VS2005 isn't it at this time.

RunUO is flexible and opensource for a reason, whether to experiment, upgrade, go off on your own, its the persons choice, NOT YOURS. So get over yourself, and leave things you dont understand or cannot comprehend be.

I have reported you for being stupid in this forum (again).


Bmzx007 said:
Stop being an ass in the Core Modification forum when you dont like nor support them yourself.

I thought I was in a different forum, but that gives you no right to call me an ass, I have reported your flames.

I was trying to be helpful, so why are you treating me like crap?


I didnt call you an ass, I said you were being one, Big difference.

As for trying to be helpfull you were doing no such thing. All you were doing was parading your opinion in the core mod forum, Yet again.

The simple fact is, If you dont like VS2005, .NET 2.0, or you dont support core modifications, Dont post here. This is for people who WANT to modify it, not those that dont. Thats what the other 5 odd forum categories are for.

And its funny, You say I treat you like crap? How do you think 90% of newbies who come across you feel? And dont say you dont, because many of them have said they dont like how you talk to them.


Bmzx007 said:
I didnt call you an ass, I said you were being one, Big difference.

As for trying to be helpfull you were doing no such thing. All you were doing was parading your opinion in the core mod forum, Yet again.

The simple fact is, If you dont like VS2005, .NET 2.0, or you dont support core modifications, Dont post here. This is for people who WANT to modify it, not those that dont. Thats what the other 5 odd forum categories are for.

And its funny, You say I treat you like crap? How do you think 90% of newbies who come across you feel? And dont say you dont, because many of them have said they dont like how you talk to them.

I like Visual Studio 2005, I never said I didn't like it, but people who don't know about how the .NET Frameworks might use it without updating the core. I posted in the wrong forum, so don't attack me for the posts I made, because I already said I made a mistake.

I will ignore the rest of your comments, they are not even worth replying to.


I posted in the wrong forum, so don't attack me for the posts I made, because I already said I made a mistake.

That statement is laughable, since when have you cared when someone else has made a mistake? and then all of a sudden you expect to be treated differently? You truely are a hippocrite. And yes, I AM calling you that.


Bmzx007 said:
That statement is laughable, since when have you cared when someone else has made a mistake? and then all of a sudden you expect to be treated differently? You truely are a hippocrite. And yes, I AM calling you that.

Do what you want, I am done with this thread. I made a mistake, I admited to the mistake, you can accept that or continue to attack me.

I inform people they post in the wrong forum, after I say it I could careless, because I don't have a discussion about it. Now because you had a discussion, talking about what I did before I realized what forum I was in, is pointless.

Thus why I said something, you can call me what you want, but doing so just proves you have nothing better to do with your time.


I had a feeling you'd respond again, even though you said you were done with this thread. Always have to have the last word dont you?