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Shard Crashes on Player Movement


so my shard keeps crashing on player movement

Crash Log:

Server Crash Report
RunUO Version 2.2, Build 5166.23853
Operating System: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
.NET Framework: 4.0.30319.1022
Time: 2/23/2014 9:13:40 PM
Mobiles: 473
Items: 2564
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
  at Server.Mobile.InvalidateLos()
  at Server.Mobile.SetLocation(Point3D newLocation, Boolean isTeleport)
  at Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile.SetLocation(Point3D loc, Boolean isTeleport) in c:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Sacred Earth UO Server\Scripts\Mobiles\PlayerMobile.cs:line 1619
  at Server.Mobile.Move(Direction d)
  at Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile.Move(Direction d) in c:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Sacred Earth UO Server\Scripts\Mobiles\PlayerMobile.cs:line 1504
  at Server.Network.PacketHandlers.MovementReq(NetState state, PacketReader pvSrc)
  at Server.Network.MessagePump.HandleReceive(NetState ns)
  at Server.Network.MessagePump.Slice()
  at Server.Core.Main(String[] args)
- Count: 3
+ (account = soullesswolf) (mobile = 0xF5 'Talgar')
+ (account = Celisuis) (mobile = 0xF1 'Celisuis')
+ (account = mghicks88) (mobile = 0xF6 'Nocnitsa')

Playermobile uploaded.


  • PlayerMobile.cs
    122.1 KB · Views: 2


 public void InvalidateLos()
            if (m_LosCurrent.Count > 0)
                Dictionary<Object, Object> culls = new Dictionary<Object, Object>();
                foreach (Object o in m_LosCurrent.Keys)
                    if (o is Mobile)
                        Mobile m = (Mobile)o;
                        if (!CanSee(m)) culls.Add(m, m);
                    else if (o is Item)
                        Item i = (Item)o;
                        if (!CanSee(i)) culls.Add(i, i);
                foreach (Object o in culls.Keys)
                    Packet p = o is Mobile ? ((Mobile)o).RemovePacket : ((Item)o).RemovePacket;
                    NetState state = this.NetState;
                    if (state != null)

I did add Couragous LOS system updated for 2.3


Here's the entire CanSee method.

m_LosCurrent gets initialized in AddLos I believe.

        public virtual bool CanSee(Mobile m)
            bool canSee = true;
            if (this == m) canSee = true;
            else if (!Utility.InRange(this.Location, m.Location, 15)) canSee = false;
            else if (m_Deleted || m.m_Deleted || m_Map == Map.Internal || m.m_Map == Map.Internal || this.m_Map != m.m_Map) canSee = false;
            else if (this.AccessLevel > AccessLevel.Player && (this.AccessLevel >= m.AccessLevel || this.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.Administrator)) canSee = true;
            else canSee =
                !m.Hidden              // hidden cant be seen regardless
                    (                  // account for ghosts and what not
                        Core.SE && Skills.SpiritSpeak.Value >= 100.0
            //Console.WriteLine("LOS: \"{0}\" sees \"{1}\" ? {2}", this.Name, m.Name, canSee );
            //if( AccessLevel = AccessLevel.Player || LOS.Config.GetInstance().LosForMobs )
            //if( canSee && addLos ) AddLos( m );
            return canSee;
        //  CheckLos() -- this is where the real line of sight checking is actually
        //    done.
        public bool CheckLos(IEntity o)
            //if( this.NetState == null )
            //Console.WriteLine( "Checking LOS for {0} --> {1}", this.Name, o is Mobile ? ((Mobile)o).Name : ((Item)o).Name );
            Point3D viewer = this.Location;
            Point3D target = o.Location;
            //if( o is Item ) Console.WriteLine( "Checking LOS for item {0},{1},{2} --> {3},{4},{5} \"{6}\"",
            //    viewer.X, viewer.Y, viewer.Z, target.X, target.Y, target.Z, o.GetType().Name
            //    );
            //  CHECK NO UP IN CAN_SEE, No need here
            // if ( !Utility.InRange( viewer, target, 15 ) )                       
            // {
            //    return false; // LOS stops resolving at a range of 15
            // }
            if (o is Item)
                Item item = (Item)o;
                //  Immovable items always visible
                if (!item.Movable)
                    if (LOS.Values.Corpse.IsInstanceOfType(item))
                        PropertyInfo info = LOS.Values.Corpse.GetProperty("Owner");
                        Mobile owner = (Mobile)info.GetValue(item, null);
                        if (owner == this) return true;
                    else return true;
                //  Not lossed items always visible
                if (LOS.Config.GetInstance().NotLossed(item.ItemID | 0x4000))
                    return true;
                //  All items are visible if we're not lossing them.
                if (!LOS.Config.GetInstance().Items)
                    return true;
            else if (o is Mobile)
                if (this.Player)
                    if (!LOS.Config.GetInstance().Mobiles)
                        return true;  // if mobile is off, we can see all mobiles
                    if (!LOS.Config.GetInstance().LosForMobs)
                        return true;  // if this is an npc mob, and los for npcs if off, the npc mob sees all
                    else if (Utility.InRange(viewer, target, 7))
                        return true;
            // if LOS is not on on this facet, don't use LOS
            if (!LOS.Config.GetInstance().FacetOn(this.Map.Name))
                return true;
            // if LOS is off, don't use LOS
            if (!LOS.Config.GetInstance().On)
                return true;
            //  Maybe perform symmetric los; this creates balance: if I can't LOS you,
            //  you can't LOS me. This has nothing to do with hidden or other characteristics
            //  at this point, just basic LOS. This can be used to remedy certain
            //  defects of the LOS system that some might regard as unfair...
            if (LOS.Config.GetInstance().Symmetric)
                    this.Map.LOS.Visible(viewer, target)
                    this.Map.LOS.Visible(target, viewer)
                    this.Map.LOS.Visible(viewer, target)
        //  InvalidateLos() -- this function sends a remove packet to mobiles that
        //    have just gone out of our line of site. This needs to be done because the
        //    client "dead reckons" (stores last position) mobiles by default.
        public void InvalidateLos()
            if (m_LosCurrent.Count > 0)
                Dictionary<Object, Object> culls = new Dictionary<Object, Object>();
                foreach (Object o in m_LosCurrent.Keys)
                    if (o is Mobile)
                        Mobile m = (Mobile)o;
                        if (!CanSee(m)) culls.Add(m, m);
                    else if (o is Item)
                        Item i = (Item)o;
                        if (!CanSee(i)) culls.Add(i, i);
                foreach (Object o in culls.Keys)
                    Packet p = o is Mobile ? ((Mobile)o).RemovePacket : ((Item)o).RemovePacket;
                    NetState state = this.NetState;
                    if (state != null)
        public bool InLos(Object o)
            if (m_LosCurrent.ContainsKey(o)) return true;
            else return false;
        public void AddLos(Object o)
            if (m_NetState == null) return; // things without a netstate cannot benefit from LOS list optimization
            if (!m_LosCurrent.ContainsKey(o)) m_LosCurrent.Add(o, o);
        public void RemoveLos(Object o)
            if (m_NetState == null) return; // things without a netstate cannot benefit from LOS list optimization
            if (m_LosCurrent.ContainsKey(o)) m_LosCurrent.Remove(o);
        // XXX LOS END

Can also upload Mobile.cs if necessary


It's get initialized in serial constructor only
m_LosCurrent = new Dictionary<Object, Object>();
It means that for new mobiles it will be null. You should change
private Dictionary<Object, Object> m_LosCurrent;
private Dictionary<Object, Object> m_LosCurrent = new Dictionary<Object, Object>();