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staff title under staff members name(runuo 2.0)


staff title under staff members name(runuo 2.0)

i take no credit for this script mod all i did was add the new levels of access.
it works and has been tested.
all you do is add the part in red on the line after base.GetProperties around line 2782 in your playermobile.cs

all props go to Joeku for the fix all i did was add 2 lines for 2.0

		public override void GetProperties( ObjectPropertyList list )
  			base.GetProperties( list );
  [COLOR="Red"]			if (AccessLevel > AccessLevel.Player)
  				string color = "";
  				switch ( AccessLevel )
 		 		case AccessLevel.Counselor: color = "#00BFFF"; break; //Deep Sky Blue
 		 		case AccessLevel.GameMaster: color = "#FF0000"; break; //Red
 		 		case AccessLevel.Seer: color = "#00FF00"; break; //Green
 		 		case AccessLevel.Administrator: color = "#FFD700"; break; //Gold
	 		    case AccessLevel.Developer: color = "#FFD700"; break; //Gold
	 		    case AccessLevel.Owner: color = "#FFD700"; break; //Gold
 		 	list.Add( 1060658, "{0}\t{1}", "Staff", String.Format("<BASEFONT COLOR={0}>{1}", color, AccessLevel) );

when its done it should say Staff : (access level) under the players name


There was an old post made a long long time ago, I vaguely remember it.
It's probably been deleted since.


the link in my last post was to the thread i got my mod from. i did have to edit it a lil to make it work on 1.0.if you are using 1.0 just comment out the line for developer and owner.if you are using 2.0, use what i have posted


You are very welcome for that snippet... It is in the archives still, but the thread's content has been removed. I will be making a similar update to the script where it is still supported.

Btw, I am only here because of the merge from ConnectUO's forums.