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Step Count during Magery Cast


Ventania;745588 said:
Hmm lets see if i got it. Sorry for the trouble im causing, i know, as i posted b4, answering noob questions isnt fun, so i apreciate all uve done Graystar.

Ive added this to the Spells.

private int m_MageSteps;
private bool m_IsCasting;
// if its casting, m_isCasting = true;

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int MageSteps
				return m_MageSteps;
				m_MageSteps = value; // *


		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public bool IsCasting
				return m_IsCasting;
				m_IsCasting = value;
// ends casting, m_IsCasting = false;

When i spell is casted, i should turn the public bool IsCasting = true; , then read in the OnMove i should get the function, verify if iscasting is on, calculate the steps while the bool is on, then trow back the value of steps into spells.cs. I Just dont know the command to get the global var. Should i simply use MageSteps and IsCasting on the onmove or is there another way to get the public var ?

[]´s Ventania

* Is this let to be like this, or should i make the function of calculating steps on this ?

in OnMove yes... im the casting portion you have to do something like LGW mentioned. so you can access the variables (properties) in playermobile in the other script.


So basically i add those global vars script on the Spells.cs Then i shall add something like this in the spells.cs ?

// beigin of cast

m_Caster.IsCasting = true;

int maxstep = 10

if(magesteps > maxstep) // or m_Caster.MageSteps ?
 DoFizzle(); // or m_Caster.DoFizzle() ?

//end of cast

Then in playermobiles.cs

                                      if( running && mounted )
				MageSteps = MageSteps + 4;
			else if (!running && !mounted)
				MageSteps = MageSteps +1;
				MageSteps = MageSteps + 2;

Would that be right ? I Did mainly the logic, im quite sure there will be sintax errors.


Ventania;745645 said:
So basically i add those global vars script on the Spells.cs Then i shall add something like this in the spells.cs ?

// beigin of cast

m_Caster.IsCasting = true;

int maxstep = 10

if(m_Caster.MageSteps  > maxstep)

//end of cast

Then in playermobiles.cs

                                      if( running && Mounted )
				MageSteps = MageSteps + 4;
			else if (!running && !Mounted)
				MageSteps = MageSteps +1;
				MageSteps = MageSteps + 2;

Would that be right ? I Did mainly the logic, im quite sure there will be sintax errors.

See what I changed... that will get the formating closer... You are getting there now yes. As long as everthing is defined IE running and m_Caster. I thought you where going to base the max steps allowed on the spellcircle but I'll let you figure out how you are going to determine maxsteps later. But you are on the right track.


Ill make it with circles later, ill first try to make this work. What needs change ? U Sayd "see what i changed" but i havent noticed changes :D

[]´s Ventania

EDIT: Oh, a IF instead of a while. So with it, the script should work fine ?


Ventania;745806 said:
Ill make it with circles later, ill first try to make this work. What needs change ? U Sayd "see what i changed" but i havent noticed changes :D

[]´s Ventania

EDIT: Oh, a IF instead of a while. So with it, the script should work fine ?

the IF is one of the changes... I also changed the bit in the other Codeblock too... I can not gaurantee it'll work but it should get you closer to what should be right.


Im having problem with Z heigh, so i cannot test by now (i got a new tread for that). When i fix that ill test it, and post what happens here ^^ Thanx alot Graystar, LGW, u guys have beein a very enjoyable help for me.


Yack, it havent worked.. This is what i did:

Changes in this existing bool:

public virtual bool OnCasterMoving( Direction d )
			if ( IsCasting && BlocksMovement )
				//m_Caster.SendLocalizedMessage( 500111 ); // You are frozen and can not move.
				//return true;
            if( IsCasting && m_Caster.MageSteps >=10)
                m_Caster.SendLocalizedMessage( "Voce andou demais e perdeu o Foco" );
			return true;

In another bool:

public bool Cast()
            private int m_MageSteps;
		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int MageSteps
				return m_MageSteps;
				m_MageSteps = value; // *
// continue the bool cast without any change.

In the OnMove bool, at PlayerMobiles.cs

protected override bool OnMove( Direction d )
            if (IsCasting)
                if (running && Mounted)
                    MageSteps = MageSteps + 4;
                else if (!running && !Mounted)
                    MageSteps = MageSteps + 1;
                    MageSteps = MageSteps + 2;
// continues the script without any change

I Havent made the declaration of Iscasting since i found this:

public virtual bool IsCasting{ get{ return m_State == SpellState.Casting; } }

Is there anything wrong i made ? Thanx for the attention.



Ive tought the error was with the IsCasting...nop...heres changed in spells.cs

using System;
using Server.Items;
using Server.Network;
using Server.Targeting;
using Server.Mobiles;
using Server.Spells.Second;
using Server.Spells.Necromancy;
using Server.Spells.Ninjitsu;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Server.Spells.Spellweaving;
using Server.Spells.Bushido;

namespace Server.Spells
	public abstract class Spell : ISpell
		private Mobile m_Caster;
		private Item m_Scroll;
		private SpellInfo m_Info;
		private SpellState m_State;
		private DateTime m_StartCastTime;
		public SpellState State{ get{ return m_State; } set{ m_State = value; } }
		public Mobile Caster{ get{ return m_Caster; } }
		public SpellInfo Info{ get{ return m_Info; } }
		public string Name{ get{ return m_Info.Name; } }
		public string Mantra{ get{ return m_Info.Mantra; } }
		public Type[] Reagents{ get{ return m_Info.Reagents; } }
		public Item Scroll{ get{ return m_Scroll; } }
		public DateTime StartCastTime { get { return m_StartCastTime; } }

		private static TimeSpan NextSpellDelay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 0.75 );
		private static TimeSpan AnimateDelay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 1.5 );

		public virtual SkillName CastSkill{ get{ return SkillName.Magery; } }
		public virtual SkillName DamageSkill{ get{ return SkillName.EvalInt; } }

		public virtual bool RevealOnCast{ get{ return true; } }
		public virtual bool ClearHandsOnCast{ get{ return true; } }
		public virtual bool ShowHandMovement{ get{ return true; } }

		public virtual bool DelayedDamage{ get{ return false; } }

        public virtual bool DelayedDamageStacking { get { return true; } }
        //In reality, it's ANY delayed Damage spell Post-AoS that can't stack, but, only 
        //Expo & Magic Arrow have enough delay and a short enough cast time to bring up 
        //the possibility of stacking 'em.  Note that a MA & an Explosion will stack, but
		//of course, two MA's won't.

		private static Dictionary<Type, DelayedDamageContextWrapper> m_ContextTable = new Dictionary<Type, DelayedDamageContextWrapper>();

		private class DelayedDamageContextWrapper
			private Dictionary<Mobile, Timer> m_Contexts = new Dictionary<Mobile, Timer>();

			public void Add( Mobile m, Timer t )
				Timer oldTimer;
				if( m_Contexts.TryGetValue( m, out oldTimer ) )
					m_Contexts.Remove( m );

				m_Contexts.Add( m, t );

			public void Remove( Mobile m )
				m_Contexts.Remove( m );

		public void StartDelayedDamageContext( Mobile m, Timer t )
			if( DelayedDamageStacking )
				return; //Sanity

			DelayedDamageContextWrapper contexts;

			if( !m_ContextTable.TryGetValue( GetType(), out contexts ) )
				contexts = new DelayedDamageContextWrapper();
				m_ContextTable.Add( GetType(), contexts );

			contexts.Add( m, t );

		public void RemoveDelayedDamageContext( Mobile m )
			DelayedDamageContextWrapper contexts;

			if( !m_ContextTable.TryGetValue( GetType(), out contexts ) )

			contexts.Remove( m );

		public Spell( Mobile caster, Item scroll, SpellInfo info )
			m_Caster = caster;
			m_Scroll = scroll;
			m_Info = info;

		public virtual int GetNewAosDamage( int bonus, int dice, int sides, Mobile singleTarget )
			if( singleTarget != null )
				return GetNewAosDamage( bonus, dice, sides, (Caster.Player && singleTarget.Player), GetDamageScalar( singleTarget ) );
				return GetNewAosDamage( bonus, dice, sides, false );

		public virtual int GetNewAosDamage( int bonus, int dice, int sides, bool playerVsPlayer )
			return GetNewAosDamage( bonus, dice, sides, playerVsPlayer, 1.0 );

		public virtual int GetNewAosDamage( int bonus, int dice, int sides, bool playerVsPlayer, double scalar )
			int damage = Utility.Dice( dice, sides, bonus ) * 100;
			int damageBonus = 0;

			int inscribeSkill = GetInscribeFixed( m_Caster );
			int inscribeBonus = (inscribeSkill + (1000 * (inscribeSkill / 1000))) / 200;
			damageBonus += inscribeBonus;

			int intBonus = Caster.Int / 5;
			damageBonus += intBonus;

			int sdiBonus = AosAttributes.GetValue( m_Caster, AosAttribute.SpellDamage );
			// PvP spell damage increase cap of 15% from an item’s magic property
			if ( playerVsPlayer && sdiBonus > 15 )
				sdiBonus = 15;

			damageBonus += sdiBonus;

			TransformContext context = TransformationSpellHelper.GetContext( Caster );

			if( context != null && context.Spell is ReaperFormSpell )
				damageBonus += ((ReaperFormSpell)context.Spell).SpellDamageBonus;

			damage = AOS.Scale( damage, 100 + damageBonus );

			int evalSkill = GetDamageFixed( m_Caster );
			int evalScale = 30 + ((9 * evalSkill) / 100);

			damage = AOS.Scale( damage, evalScale );

			damage = AOS.Scale( damage, (int)(scalar*100) );

			return damage / 100;

		public virtual bool IsCasting{ get{ return m_State == SpellState.Casting; } }

		public virtual void OnCasterHurt()
			//Confirm: Monsters and pets cannot be disturbed.
			if ( !Caster.Player )

			if ( IsCasting )
				object o = ProtectionSpell.Registry[m_Caster];
				bool disturb = true;

				if ( o != null && o is double )
					if ( ((double)o) > Utility.RandomDouble()*100.0 )
						disturb = false;

				if ( disturb )
					Disturb( DisturbType.Hurt, false, true );

		public virtual void OnCasterKilled()
			Disturb( DisturbType.Kill );

		public virtual void OnConnectionChanged()

		public virtual bool OnCasterMoving( Direction d )
			if ( IsCasting && BlocksMovement )
				//m_Caster.SendLocalizedMessage( 500111 ); // You are frozen and can not move.
				//return true;
            if( IsCasting && m_Caster.MageSteps >=10)
                m_Caster.SendLocalizedMessage( "Voce andou demais e perdeu o Foco" );
			return true;

		public virtual bool OnCasterEquiping( Item item )

			return true;

		public virtual bool OnCasterUsingObject( object o )
			if ( m_State == SpellState.Sequencing )
				Disturb( DisturbType.UseRequest );

			return true;

		public virtual bool OnCastInTown( Region r )
			return m_Info.AllowTown;

		public virtual bool ConsumeReagents()
			if ( m_Scroll != null || !m_Caster.Player )
				return true;

			if ( AosAttributes.GetValue( m_Caster, AosAttribute.LowerRegCost ) > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
				return true;

			Container pack = m_Caster.Backpack;

			if ( pack == null )
				return false;

			if ( pack.ConsumeTotal( m_Info.Reagents, m_Info.Amounts ) == -1 )
				return true;

			return false;

		public virtual double GetInscribeSkill( Mobile m )
			// There is no chance to gain
			// m.CheckSkill( SkillName.Inscribe, 0.0, 120.0 );

			return m.Skills[SkillName.Inscribe].Value;

		public virtual int GetInscribeFixed( Mobile m )
			// There is no chance to gain
			// m.CheckSkill( SkillName.Inscribe, 0.0, 120.0 );

			return m.Skills[SkillName.Inscribe].Fixed;

		public virtual int GetDamageFixed( Mobile m )
			m.CheckSkill( DamageSkill, 0.0, 120.0 );

			return m.Skills[DamageSkill].Fixed;

		public virtual double GetDamageSkill( Mobile m )
			m.CheckSkill( DamageSkill, 0.0, 120.0 );

			return m.Skills[DamageSkill].Value;

		public virtual double GetResistSkill( Mobile m )
			return m.Skills[SkillName.MagicResist].Value;

		public virtual double GetDamageScalar( Mobile target )
			double scalar = 1.0;

			if( !Core.AOS )	//EvalInt stuff for AoS is handled elsewhere
				double casterEI = m_Caster.Skills[DamageSkill].Value;
				double targetRS = target.Skills[SkillName.MagicResist].Value;

				if( Core.AOS )
					targetRS = 0;

				m_Caster.CheckSkill( DamageSkill, 0.0, 120.0 );

				if( casterEI > targetRS )
					scalar = (1.0 + ((casterEI - targetRS) / 500.0));
					scalar = (1.0 + ((casterEI - targetRS) / 200.0));

				// magery damage bonus, -25% at 0 skill, +0% at 100 skill, +5% at 120 skill
				scalar += (m_Caster.Skills[CastSkill].Value - 100.0) / 400.0;

				if( !target.Player && !target.Body.IsHuman /*&& !Core.AOS*/ )
					scalar *= 2.0; // Double magery damage to monsters/animals if not AOS

			if ( target is BaseCreature )
				((BaseCreature)target).AlterDamageScalarFrom( m_Caster, ref scalar );

			if ( m_Caster is BaseCreature )
				((BaseCreature)m_Caster).AlterDamageScalarTo( target, ref scalar );

			if( Core.SE )
				scalar *= GetSlayerDamageScalar( target );

			target.Region.SpellDamageScalar( m_Caster, target, ref scalar );

			if( Evasion.CheckSpellEvasion( target ) )	//Only single target spells an be evaded
				scalar = 0;

			return scalar;

		public virtual double GetSlayerDamageScalar( Mobile defender )
			Spellbook atkBook = Spellbook.FindEquippedSpellbook( m_Caster );

			double scalar = 1.0;
			if( atkBook != null )
				SlayerEntry atkSlayer = SlayerGroup.GetEntryByName( atkBook.Slayer );
				SlayerEntry atkSlayer2 = SlayerGroup.GetEntryByName( atkBook.Slayer2 );

				if( atkSlayer != null && atkSlayer.Slays( defender ) || atkSlayer2 != null && atkSlayer2.Slays( defender ) )
					defender.FixedEffect( 0x37B9, 10, 5 );	//TODO: Confirm this displays on OSIs
					scalar = 2.0;

				TransformContext context = TransformationSpellHelper.GetContext( defender );

				if( (atkBook.Slayer == SlayerName.Silver || atkBook.Slayer2 == SlayerName.Silver) && context != null && context.Type != typeof( HorrificBeastSpell ) )
					scalar +=.25; // Every necromancer transformation other than horrific beast take an additional 25% damage

				if( scalar != 1.0 )
					return scalar;

			ISlayer defISlayer = Spellbook.FindEquippedSpellbook( defender );

			if( defISlayer == null )
				defISlayer = defender.Weapon as ISlayer;

			if( defISlayer != null )
				SlayerEntry defSlayer = SlayerGroup.GetEntryByName( defISlayer.Slayer );
				SlayerEntry defSlayer2 = SlayerGroup.GetEntryByName( defISlayer.Slayer2 );

				if( defSlayer != null && defSlayer.Group.OppositionSuperSlays( m_Caster ) || defSlayer2 != null && defSlayer2.Group.OppositionSuperSlays( m_Caster ) )
					scalar = 2.0;

			return scalar;

		public virtual void DoFizzle()
			m_Caster.LocalOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 502632 ); // The spell fizzles.

			if ( m_Caster.Player )
				if ( Core.AOS )
					m_Caster.FixedParticles( 0x3735, 1, 30, 9503, EffectLayer.Waist );
					m_Caster.FixedEffect( 0x3735, 6, 30 );

				m_Caster.PlaySound( 0x5C );

		private CastTimer m_CastTimer;
		private AnimTimer m_AnimTimer;

		public void Disturb( DisturbType type )
			Disturb( type, true, false );

		public virtual bool CheckDisturb( DisturbType type, bool firstCircle, bool resistable )
			if ( resistable && m_Scroll is BaseWand )
				return false;

			return true;

		public void Disturb( DisturbType type, bool firstCircle, bool resistable )
			if ( !CheckDisturb( type, firstCircle, resistable ) )

			if ( m_State == SpellState.Casting )
				if( !firstCircle && !Core.AOS && this is MagerySpell &&  ((MagerySpell)this).Circle == SpellCircle.First )

				m_State = SpellState.None;
				m_Caster.Spell = null;

				OnDisturb( type, true );

				if ( m_CastTimer != null )

				if ( m_AnimTimer != null )

				if ( Core.AOS && m_Caster.Player && type == DisturbType.Hurt )

				m_Caster.NextSpellTime = DateTime.Now + GetDisturbRecovery();
			else if ( m_State == SpellState.Sequencing )
				if( !firstCircle && !Core.AOS && this is MagerySpell &&  ((MagerySpell)this).Circle == SpellCircle.First )

				m_State = SpellState.None;
				m_Caster.Spell = null;

				OnDisturb( type, false );

				Targeting.Target.Cancel( m_Caster );

				if ( Core.AOS && m_Caster.Player && type == DisturbType.Hurt )

		public virtual void DoHurtFizzle()
			m_Caster.FixedEffect( 0x3735, 6, 30 );
			m_Caster.PlaySound( 0x5C );

		public virtual void OnDisturb( DisturbType type, bool message )
			if ( message )
				m_Caster.SendLocalizedMessage( 500641 ); // Your concentration is disturbed, thus ruining thy spell.

		public virtual bool CheckCast()
			return true;

		public virtual void SayMantra()
			if ( m_Scroll is BaseWand )

			if ( m_Info.Mantra != null && m_Info.Mantra.Length > 0 && m_Caster.Player )
				m_Caster.PublicOverheadMessage( MessageType.Spell, m_Caster.SpeechHue, true, m_Info.Mantra, false );

		public virtual bool BlockedByHorrificBeast{ get{ return true; } }
		public virtual bool BlockedByAnimalForm{ get{ return true; } }
		public virtual bool BlocksMovement{ get{ return true; } }

		public virtual bool CheckNextSpellTime{ get{ return !(m_Scroll is BaseWand); } }

		public bool Cast()
            private int m_MageSteps;
		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int MageSteps
				return m_MageSteps;
				m_MageSteps = value; // *
        	[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int OmgIsCasting
				return IsCasting;
				IsCasting = value; // *
			m_StartCastTime = DateTime.Now;

			if ( !m_Caster.CheckAlive() )
				return false;
			else if ( m_Caster.Spell != null && m_Caster.Spell.IsCasting )
				m_Caster.SendLocalizedMessage( 502642 ); // You are already casting a spell.
			else if ( BlockedByHorrificBeast && TransformationSpellHelper.UnderTransformation( m_Caster, typeof( HorrificBeastSpell ) ) || ( BlockedByAnimalForm && AnimalForm.UnderTransformation( m_Caster ) ))
				m_Caster.SendLocalizedMessage( 1061091 ); // You cannot cast that spell in this form.
			else if ( !(m_Scroll is BaseWand) && (m_Caster.Paralyzed || m_Caster.Frozen) )
				m_Caster.SendLocalizedMessage( 502643 ); // You can not cast a spell while frozen.
			else if ( CheckNextSpellTime && DateTime.Now < m_Caster.NextSpellTime )
				m_Caster.SendLocalizedMessage( 502644 ); // You have not yet recovered from casting a spell.
			else if ( m_Caster.Mana >= ScaleMana( GetMana() ) )
				if ( m_Caster.Spell == null && m_Caster.CheckSpellCast( this ) && CheckCast() && m_Caster.Region.OnBeginSpellCast( m_Caster, this ) )
					m_State = SpellState.Casting;
					m_Caster.Spell = this;

					if ( RevealOnCast )


					TimeSpan castDelay = this.GetCastDelay();

					if ( ShowHandMovement && m_Caster.Body.IsHuman )
						int count = (int)Math.Ceiling( castDelay.TotalSeconds / AnimateDelay.TotalSeconds );

						if ( count != 0 )
							m_AnimTimer = new AnimTimer( this, count );

						if ( m_Info.LeftHandEffect > 0 )
							Caster.FixedParticles( 0, 10, 5, m_Info.LeftHandEffect, EffectLayer.LeftHand );

						if ( m_Info.RightHandEffect > 0 )
							Caster.FixedParticles( 0, 10, 5, m_Info.RightHandEffect, EffectLayer.RightHand );
/////////// AKI
                    Item staff;
                    bool wstaff = false;
                    staff = m_Caster.FindItemOnLayer(Layer.TwoHanded) as Item;
                    if (staff is BaseStaff)
                        wstaff = true;

					if ( ClearHandsOnCast && !wstaff)

					m_CastTimer = new CastTimer( this, castDelay );


					return true;
					return false;
				m_Caster.LocalOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x22, 502625 ); // Insufficient mana

			return false;

		public abstract void OnCast();

		public virtual void OnBeginCast()

		public virtual void GetCastSkills( out double min, out double max )
			min = max = 0;	//Intended but not required for overriding.

		public virtual bool CheckFizzle()
			if ( m_Scroll is BaseWand )
				return true;

			double minSkill, maxSkill;

			GetCastSkills( out minSkill, out maxSkill );

			return Caster.CheckSkill( CastSkill, minSkill, maxSkill );

		public abstract int GetMana();

		public virtual int ScaleMana( int mana )
			double scalar = 1.0;

			if ( !Necromancy.MindRotSpell.GetMindRotScalar( Caster, ref scalar ) )
				scalar = 1.0;

			// Lower Mana Cost = 40%
			int lmc = AosAttributes.GetValue( m_Caster, AosAttribute.LowerManaCost );
			if ( lmc > 40 )
				lmc = 40;

			scalar -= (double)lmc / 100;

			return (int)(mana * scalar);

		public virtual TimeSpan GetDisturbRecovery()
			if ( Core.AOS )
				return TimeSpan.Zero;

			double delay = 1.0 - Math.Sqrt( (DateTime.Now - m_StartCastTime).TotalSeconds / GetCastDelay().TotalSeconds );

			if ( delay < 0.2 )
				delay = 0.2;

			return TimeSpan.FromSeconds( delay );

		public virtual int CastRecoveryBase{ get{ return 6; } }
		public virtual int CastRecoveryFastScalar{ get{ return 1; } }
		public virtual int CastRecoveryPerSecond{ get{ return 4; } }
		public virtual int CastRecoveryMinimum{ get{ return 0; } }

		public virtual TimeSpan GetCastRecovery()
			if ( !Core.AOS )
				return NextSpellDelay;

			int fcr = AosAttributes.GetValue( m_Caster, AosAttribute.CastRecovery );

			fcr -= ThunderstormSpell.GetCastRecoveryMalus( m_Caster );

			int fcrDelay = -(CastRecoveryFastScalar * fcr);

			int delay = CastRecoveryBase + fcrDelay;

			if ( delay < CastRecoveryMinimum )
				delay = CastRecoveryMinimum;

			return TimeSpan.FromSeconds( (double)delay / CastRecoveryPerSecond );

		public abstract TimeSpan CastDelayBase { get; }

		public virtual double CastDelayFastScalar { get { return 1; } }
		public virtual double CastDelaySecondsPerTick { get { return 0.25; } }
		public virtual TimeSpan CastDelayMinimum { get { return TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 0.25 ); } }

		//public virtual int CastDelayBase{ get{ return 3; } }
		//public virtual int CastDelayFastScalar{ get{ return 1; } }
		//public virtual int CastDelayPerSecond{ get{ return 4; } }
		//public virtual int CastDelayMinimum{ get{ return 1; } }

		public virtual TimeSpan GetCastDelay()
			if ( m_Scroll is BaseWand )
				return TimeSpan.Zero;

			// Faster casting cap of 2 (if not using the protection spell) 
			// Faster casting cap of 0 (if using the protection spell) 
			// Paladin spells are subject to a faster casting cap of 4 
			// Paladins with magery of 70.0 or above are subject to a faster casting cap of 2 
			int fcMax = 2;

			if ( CastSkill == SkillName.Chivalry && m_Caster.Skills[SkillName.Magery].Value < 70.0 )
				fcMax = 4;

			int fc = AosAttributes.GetValue( m_Caster, AosAttribute.CastSpeed );

			if ( fc > fcMax )
				fc = fcMax;

			if ( ProtectionSpell.Registry.Contains( m_Caster ) )
				fc -= 2;

			if( EssenceOfWindSpell.IsDebuffed( m_Caster ) )
				fc -= EssenceOfWindSpell.GetFCMalus( m_Caster );

			TimeSpan baseDelay = CastDelayBase;

			TimeSpan fcDelay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds( -(CastDelayFastScalar * fc * CastDelaySecondsPerTick) );

			//int delay = CastDelayBase + circleDelay + fcDelay;
			TimeSpan delay = baseDelay + fcDelay;

			if ( delay < CastDelayMinimum )
				delay = CastDelayMinimum;

			//return TimeSpan.FromSeconds( (double)delay / CastDelayPerSecond );
			return delay;

		public virtual void FinishSequence()
			m_State = SpellState.None;

			if ( m_Caster.Spell == this )
				m_Caster.Spell = null;

		public virtual int ComputeKarmaAward()
			return 0;

		public virtual bool CheckSequence()
			int mana = ScaleMana( GetMana() );

			if ( m_Caster.Deleted || !m_Caster.Alive || m_Caster.Spell != this || m_State != SpellState.Sequencing )
			else if ( m_Scroll != null && !(m_Scroll is Runebook) && (m_Scroll.Amount <= 0 || m_Scroll.Deleted || m_Scroll.RootParent != m_Caster || (m_Scroll is BaseWand && (((BaseWand)m_Scroll).Charges <= 0 || m_Scroll.Parent != m_Caster))) )
			else if ( !ConsumeReagents() )
				m_Caster.LocalOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x22, 502630 ); // More reagents are needed for this spell.
			else if ( m_Caster.Mana < mana )
				m_Caster.LocalOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x22, 502625 ); // Insufficient mana for this spell.
			else if ( Core.AOS && (m_Caster.Frozen || m_Caster.Paralyzed) )
				m_Caster.SendLocalizedMessage( 502646 ); // You cannot cast a spell while frozen.
			else if ( CheckFizzle() )
				m_Caster.Mana -= mana;

				if ( m_Scroll is SpellScroll )
				else if ( m_Scroll is BaseWand )
					((BaseWand)m_Scroll).ConsumeCharge( m_Caster );

                Item cajado;
                bool wcajado = false;
                cajado = m_Caster.FindItemOnLayer(Layer.TwoHanded) as Item;
                if (cajado is BaseStaff)
                    wcajado = true;

				if ( m_Scroll is BaseWand )
					bool m = m_Scroll.Movable;

					m_Scroll.Movable = false;

					if ( ClearHandsOnCast && !wcajado )

					m_Scroll.Movable = m;
					if ( ClearHandsOnCast && !wcajado )

				int karma = ComputeKarmaAward();

				if ( karma != 0 )
					Misc.Titles.AwardKarma( Caster, karma, true );

				if( TransformationSpellHelper.UnderTransformation( m_Caster, typeof( VampiricEmbraceSpell ) ) )
					bool garlic = false;

					for ( int i = 0; !garlic && i < m_Info.Reagents.Length; ++i )
						garlic = ( m_Info.Reagents[i] == Reagent.Garlic );

					if ( garlic )
						m_Caster.SendLocalizedMessage( 1061651 ); // The garlic burns you!
						AOS.Damage( m_Caster, Utility.RandomMinMax( 17, 23 ), 100, 0, 0, 0, 0 );

				return true;

			return false;

		public bool CheckBSequence( Mobile target )
			return CheckBSequence( target, false );

		public bool CheckBSequence( Mobile target, bool allowDead )
			if ( !target.Alive && !allowDead )
				m_Caster.SendLocalizedMessage( 501857 ); // This spell won't work on that!
				return false;
			else if ( Caster.CanBeBeneficial( target, true, allowDead ) && CheckSequence() )
				Caster.DoBeneficial( target );
				return true;
				return false;

		public bool CheckHSequence( Mobile target )
			if ( !target.Alive )
				m_Caster.SendLocalizedMessage( 501857 ); // This spell won't work on that!
				return false;
			else if ( Caster.CanBeHarmful( target ) && CheckSequence() )
				Caster.DoHarmful( target );
				return true;
				return false;

		private class AnimTimer : Timer
			private Spell m_Spell;

			public AnimTimer( Spell spell, int count ) : base( TimeSpan.Zero, AnimateDelay, count )
				m_Spell = spell;

				Priority = TimerPriority.FiftyMS;

			protected override void OnTick()
				if ( m_Spell.State != SpellState.Casting || m_Spell.m_Caster.Spell != m_Spell )

				if ( !m_Spell.Caster.Mounted && m_Spell.Caster.Body.IsHuman && m_Spell.m_Info.Action >= 0 )
					m_Spell.Caster.Animate( m_Spell.m_Info.Action, 7, 1, true, false, 0 );

				if ( !Running )
					m_Spell.m_AnimTimer = null;

		private class CastTimer : Timer
			private Spell m_Spell;

			public CastTimer( Spell spell, TimeSpan castDelay ) : base( castDelay )
				m_Spell = spell;

				Priority = TimerPriority.TwentyFiveMS;

			protected override void OnTick()
				if ( m_Spell.m_State == SpellState.Casting && m_Spell.m_Caster.Spell == m_Spell )
					m_Spell.m_State = SpellState.Sequencing;
					m_Spell.m_CastTimer = null;
					m_Spell.m_Caster.OnSpellCast( m_Spell );
					m_Spell.m_Caster.Region.OnSpellCast( m_Spell.m_Caster, m_Spell );
					m_Spell.m_Caster.NextSpellTime = DateTime.Now + m_Spell.GetCastRecovery();// Spell.NextSpellDelay;

					Target originalTarget = m_Spell.m_Caster.Target;


					if ( m_Spell.m_Caster.Player && m_Spell.m_Caster.Target != originalTarget && m_Spell.Caster.Target != null )
						m_Spell.m_Caster.Target.BeginTimeout( m_Spell.m_Caster, TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 30.0 ) );

					m_Spell.m_CastTimer = null;

OMGisCastin would be another var, cause IsCasting already being used.


For one thing

m_Caster.SendLocalizedMessage( "Voce andou demais e perdeu o Foco" );
should be
m_Caster.SendMessage( "Voce andou demais e perdeu o Foco" );

SendLocalizedMessage is only for when you are using the Cliloc numbers

SendMessage is for when you are using plain text... that was the error I saw immediately at fault. Only skimmed the rest of the code.


Thanx ^^ But it still not compiling, its pointing errors in parts of the script i havent changed. Could you help me fixing this Greystar ?
[]´s Ventania


Ventania;746314 said:
Thanx ^^ But it still not compiling, its pointing errors in parts of the script i havent changed. Could you help me fixing this Greystar ?
[]´s Ventania

I'm working on my own code right now I just stopped by to see if I got a PM from someone and haven't yet. So I really don't have time, working on additions to my harvest and craft system... along with about 4 other things (I need to stop doing multiple projects at once).


Ok, dont worry, if u have some time come by , else ill wait someone else while im tryng to make this right. Thanx for all ur help.

[]´s Ventania

Aquatic Elf

It might be much easier to calculate the distance between two points to determine whether or not you can cast, which would prevent you from making any modifications from PlayerMobile or a sub class. It's not the same, but probably much easier to implement.

The other option would be using EventSink InvokeMovement, although I'm not very familiar with EventSinks myself.


Hmm ive got no idea on how to do this, but its very intresting, maybe the best option. Do you know how to make this work ?