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To all RPG´ers


To all RPG´ers

You´re going to be doomed.... Doomed I say!! :shock:


OMG LOL this guy is delusional

he's taking the already mentally disturbed and comparing them to us

well gee wiz "Father" i got a sexchange becuse i role-play LOL :D


the person who made that site must have A LOT of time on his hands

Lost User

"The world is still the same, you'll never change it, as sure as the stars shine above."



hmmm, i just read the first paragraph, my FIRST inpresstion is that guy is insane... but now that i thingk about it... hese just mad that he couldint get married to a man in HarvastMoon64 (Nintendo64 game)



Well I cant speak for the origional poster but the guy in the picture of his avatar definately is Insane.


Hahaha what´s wrong with Steve??!!
Look at this beaaaaautiful snake m8 ;)

Ok, Steve is evil...
He got bitten by poisones snakes a few times too many I guess but fun to look at :)

The Mr who made that site about Role Players is much more scary then Steve... well.. a little at least...
Those are the same who believe that people who listen to Metallica and wear black clothes are potentional serial killers (like the West Memphis three)


No matter what people do theres always going to be those idiots out there who try and link people's shitty judgement and insanity on video games and role-playing, personally i say fuck them. They need to get lives, if people are going to be crazy theyll kill people, regardless of their hobbies or passtimes, if people are going to use drugs they are going to keep using them. To judge a particular persons actions based on something tottally irrelevant is just plain retarded.

Well guess ill end this rant, time to go kill someone, after all i was playing beta 10 last night and i started hearing voices...


You to0 Nemesis ? Damn those voices !!!

I think i see dead people ......

My favorite part of his text :
Tell them about Michelle Sikes, the Montana role-player who had a sex-change operation. The more perversion you can ascribe to involvement with role-playing the better. You may even wish to fabricate some of your own, to better illustrate the point to your specific at-risk individual.
That guy is just plain crazy, stupid people like that should be castrated just to be sure they dont infect the rest of the human race.

I'm gonna start sending him e-mails about how satan's rpg ruined my life and that i need help. This is gonna be sooo much fun.