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unresolved external symbol...

unresolved external symbol...

What exactically does it mean when you have an unresolved external symbol error for your function. I've looked around but all I could find was stuff like not declaring them, or not calling them (even though i've done both!).

--------------------Configuration: SpellCreator - Win32 Debug--------------------
SpellCreator.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl CloseDown(struct _iobuf,struct _iobuf,struct _iobuf)" (?CloseDown@@YAXU_iobuf@@00@Z)
SpellCreator.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl DoBag(struct _iobuf,int)" (?DoBag@@YAXU_iobuf@@H@Z)
SpellCreator.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl DoGump(struct _iobuf,int,int,int,int,char)" (?DoGump@@YAXU_iobuf@@HHHHD@Z)
SpellCreator.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl DoBook(struct _iobuf,char,char)" (?DoBook@@YAXU_iobuf@@DD@Z)
SpellCreator.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl DoInitalizer(struct _iobuf)" (?DoInitalizer@@YAXU_iobuf@@@Z)
SpellCreator.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl DoBaseSpell(struct _iobuf)" (?DoBaseSpell@@YAXU_iobuf@@@Z)
SpellCreator.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl DoSpells(struct _iobuf,int)" (?DoSpells@@YAXU_iobuf@@H@Z)
SpellCreator.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl DoScrolls(struct _iobuf,int,int,char)" (?DoScrolls@@YAXU_iobuf@@HHD@Z)
SpellCreator.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "int __cdecl StartUp(struct _iobuf,struct _iobuf,struct _iobuf,char,char,char,int)" (?StartUp@@YAHU_iobuf@@00DDDH@Z)
Debug/SpellCreator.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 9 unresolved externals
Error executing link.exe.

SpellCreator.exe - 10 error(s), 0 warning(s)
I feel like i'm forgetting something in this post, but i'm not sure on what... My functions are all in int main(void), and are all declared before they're called. I have them placed below the int main(void) function (even though that doesn't really matter)...

Well, thanks in advance for any help!


IHaveRegistered said:
What exactically does it mean when you have an unresolved external symbol error for your function. I've looked around but all I could find was stuff like not declaring them, or not calling them (even though i've done both!).

--------------------Configuration: SpellCreator - Win32 Debug--------------------
SpellCreator.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl CloseDown(struct _iobuf,struct _iobuf,struct _iobuf)" (?CloseDown@@YAXU_iobuf@@00@Z)
SpellCreator.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl DoBag(struct _iobuf,int)" (?DoBag@@YAXU_iobuf@@H@Z)
SpellCreator.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl DoGump(struct _iobuf,int,int,int,int,char)" (?DoGump@@YAXU_iobuf@@HHHHD@Z)
SpellCreator.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl DoBook(struct _iobuf,char,char)" (?DoBook@@YAXU_iobuf@@DD@Z)
SpellCreator.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl DoInitalizer(struct _iobuf)" (?DoInitalizer@@YAXU_iobuf@@@Z)
SpellCreator.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl DoBaseSpell(struct _iobuf)" (?DoBaseSpell@@YAXU_iobuf@@@Z)
SpellCreator.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl DoSpells(struct _iobuf,int)" (?DoSpells@@YAXU_iobuf@@H@Z)
SpellCreator.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl DoScrolls(struct _iobuf,int,int,char)" (?DoScrolls@@YAXU_iobuf@@HHD@Z)
SpellCreator.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "int __cdecl StartUp(struct _iobuf,struct _iobuf,struct _iobuf,char,char,char,int)" (?StartUp@@YAHU_iobuf@@00DDDH@Z)
Debug/SpellCreator.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 9 unresolved externals
Error executing link.exe.

SpellCreator.exe - 10 error(s), 0 warning(s)
I feel like i'm forgetting something in this post, but i'm not sure on what... My functions are all in int main(void), and are all declared before they're called. I have them placed below the int main(void) function (even though that doesn't really matter)...

Well, thanks in advance for any help!

Sometimes a missing include file can cause this error.


if you dont have any compilation error, but only this one which is a linking error, probably you forgot to include .cpp file in a header (.h)
If you write any header file, make sure that you include the implementation file.

(assuming you havent used any external library and header file)
noobie said:
if you dont have any compilation error, but only this one which is a linking error, probably you forgot to include .cpp file in a header (.h)
If you write any header file, make sure that you include the implementation file.

(assuming you havent used any external library and header file)
It's just the one .cpp.

SRC code:
// SpellCreator.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <conio.h> //control input-output header
#include <stdio.h> //standard input-output header
#include <stdlib.h> //general purpose standard library
#include <string.h> //string-type function header
#include <time.h> //system time and date function

    char SpellName[34][25] = {"Fireworks", "Glimmer", "Awaken", "Thunder", 
    "Weather", "Ignite", "Douse", "Locate", "AwakenAll", "DetectTrap", "GreatDouse",
    "GreatIgnite", "Enchant", "FalseCoin", "GreatLight", "DestroyTrap",
    "Sleep", "Swarm", "Peer", "Seance", "Charm", "Dance", "MassSleep",
    "Clone", "CauseFear", "FireRing", "Tremor", "SleepField", "MassMight",
    "MassCharm", "InvisibilityAll", "DeathVortex", "MassDeath", "Armageddon" };

    char SpellNameSpace[34][45] = {"Fireworks", "Glimmer", "Awaken", "Thunder", 
    "Weather", "Ignite", "Douse", "Locate", "Awaken All", "Detect Trap", "Great Douse",
    "Great Ignite", "Enchant", "False Coin", "Great Light", "Destroy Trap",
    "Sleep", "Swarm", "Peer", "Seance", "Charm", "Dance", "Mass Sleep",
    "Clone", "Cause Fear", "Fire Ring", "Tremor", "Sleep Field", "Mass Might",
    "Mass Charm", "Invisibility All", "Death Vortex", "Mass Death", "Armageddon" };

    struct SpellInfo
        char Name[30];
        char Mantra[30];
        char Circle[30];
        char Action[30];
        char HandEffect[30];
        char Reagent1[30];
        char Reagent2[30];
        char Reagent3[30];
        char Reagent4[30];
        char Reagent5[30];
        double CastDelay;
        double RequiredSkill;
        int RequiredMana;
        int RequiredHealth;

    struct SpellInfo SInfo[2] = { //SpellCircle.        Reagent.
        { "Awaken", "An Zu", "First", "218", "9002", "SulfurousAsh", "", "", "", "", 1.0, 0.0, 5, 0 },
        { "Awaken", "An Zu", "First", "218", "9002", "SulfurousAsh", "", "", "", "", 1.0, 0.0, 5, 0 }

    //Changable variables. The rest can stay... pretty much.
    char SpellType[] = "Ancient";
    char CastSkill[] = "Magery";
    char DamageSkill[] = "EvalInt";
    int MaxSpellCount = 34;
    int SpellOffset = 200;

    char Base[100] = "G:\\";
    char Scrolls[100] = "Scrolls\\";
    char Spells[] = "Spells\\";
    char ScrollCS[] = "Scroll.cs";
    char SpellCS[] = "Scroll.cs";
    char OtherCS[] = "Other.cs";

///       main      ///
int main(void)
    //Editable variables
    char ScrollItemID[9] = "0x227C";

    char SpellBookItemID[9] = "0xEFA";
    char SpellBookHue[9] = "0x54B";

    int GumpTextHue = 2307;
    int GumpBGImage = 11010;
    int GumpSpellBtn = 2362;
    int GumpSpellBtnP = 2361;
    char MLabName[15] = "Wizardry";

    //Variables that can stay the way they are.
    int Repeater = 0;
    int ScrollHue = 0;

    srand ( time(NULL) );
    FILE *ScrollsFolder = NULL;
    FILE *SpellsFolder = NULL;
    FILE *OthersFolder = NULL;

    char ScrollsFile[150];
    char SpellsFile[150];
    char OthersFile[150];

    strcpy(Base, Base); //Copy Base overtop of ScrollsFile
    strcat(Base, SpellType); //adds Scrolls onto it
    strcat(Base, "\\");

    int StartUp (FILE, FILE, FILE, char, char, char, int);
    void DoScrolls (FILE, int, int, char);
    void DoSpells (FILE, int);
    void DoBaseSpell (FILE);
    void DoInitalizer (FILE);
    void DoBook (FILE, char, char);
    void DoGump (FILE, int, int, int, int, char);
    void DoBag (FILE, char);
    void CloseDown (FILE, FILE, FILE);

        ScrollHue = StartUp(*ScrollsFolder, *SpellsFolder, *OthersFolder, ScrollsFile[150], SpellsFile[150], OthersFile[150], Repeater);
        DoScrolls(*ScrollsFolder, Repeater, ScrollHue, ScrollItemID[9]);
        DoSpells(*SpellsFolder, Repeater);

        if( Repeater == 0 )
            DoBook(*OthersFolder, SpellBookItemID[9], SpellBookHue[9]);
            DoGump(*OthersFolder, GumpTextHue, GumpBGImage, GumpSpellBtn, GumpSpellBtnP, MLabName[15]);
            DoBag(*OthersFolder, SpellBookHue[9]);

        CloseDown(*ScrollsFolder, *SpellsFolder, *OthersFolder);
        printf("Saved %d: \"%s\", \"%s\", \"%s\".\n", Repeater, ScrollsFile, SpellsFile, OthersFile);
    }while( Repeater < MaxSpellCount );

    printf("\nWork complete...");
    return 0;

///     StartUp     ///
int StartUp( FILE *ScrollsFolder, FILE *SpellsFolder, FILE *OthersFolder, char ScrollsFile[150], char SpellsFile[150], char OthersFile[150], int Repeater )
    strcpy(ScrollsFile, Base); //Copy Base overtop of ScrollsFile
    strcat(ScrollsFile, Scrolls); //adds Scrolls onto it
    strcat(ScrollsFile, SpellName[Repeater]);
    strcat(ScrollsFile, ScrollCS);
    do { ScrollsFolder = fopen(ScrollsFile, "w"); //OPENS
        if( ScrollsFolder == NULL ) //NON EXISTANT?
            printf("%s not found.", ScrollsFile);
        } }while( ScrollsFolder == NULL);

    strcpy(SpellsFile, Base); //Copy Base overtop of ScrollsFile
    strcat(SpellsFile, Spells); //adds Spells onto it
    strcat(SpellsFile, SpellName[Repeater]);
    strcat(SpellsFile, SpellCS);
    do { SpellsFolder = fopen(SpellsFile, "w"); //OPENS
        if( SpellsFolder == NULL ) //NON EXISTANT?
            printf("%s not found.", SpellsFile);
        } }while( SpellsFolder == NULL);

    strcpy(OthersFile, Base); //Copy Base overtop of ScrollsFile
    strcat(OthersFile, OtherCS); //adds OtherCS onto it
    do { OthersFolder = fopen(OthersFile, "w"); //OPENS
        if( OthersFolder == NULL ) //NON EXISTANT?
            printf("%s not found.", OthersFile);
        } }while( OthersFolder == NULL);

    int hue;
    hue = rand()%11+1; //11 options, 1-11
    if( hue == 1 )
        hue = 1355;
    else if( hue == 2 )
        hue = 1356;
    else if( hue == 3 )
        hue = 1357;
    else if( hue == 4 )
        hue = 1358;
    else if( hue == 5 )
        hue = 1359;
    else if( hue == 6 )
        hue = 1360;
    else if( hue == 7 )
        hue = 147;
    else if( hue == 8 )
        hue = 148;
    else if( hue == 9 )
        hue = 149;
    else if( hue == 10 )
        hue = 150;
    else if( hue == 11 )
        hue = 151;

    return (hue);

///    DoScrolls    ///
void DoScrolls( FILE *ScrollsFolder, int Repeater, int ScrollHue, char ScrollItemID[9] )
    fprintf(ScrollsFolder, "\nusing System;");
    fprintf(ScrollsFolder, "\nusing Server;");
    fprintf(ScrollsFolder, "\nusing Server.Items;");
    fprintf(ScrollsFolder, "\n");
    fprintf(ScrollsFolder, "\nnamespace Server.Items");
    fprintf(ScrollsFolder, "\n{");
    fprintf(ScrollsFolder, "\n\tpublic class %sScroll : SpellScroll", SpellName[Repeater]);
    fprintf(ScrollsFolder, "\n\t{");
    fprintf(ScrollsFolder, "\n\t\t[Constructable]");
    fprintf(ScrollsFolder, "\n\t\tpublic %sScroll() : this( 1 )", SpellName[Repeater]);
    fprintf(ScrollsFolder, "\n\t\t{");
    fprintf(ScrollsFolder, "\n\t\t}");
    fprintf(ScrollsFolder, "\n\t\t");
    fprintf(ScrollsFolder, "\n\t\t[Constructable]");
    fprintf(ScrollsFolder, "\n\t\tpublic %sScroll( int amount ) : base( %d, %s, amount )", SpellName[Repeater], (SpellOffset + Repeater), ScrollItemID );
    fprintf(ScrollsFolder, "\n\t\t{");
    fprintf(ScrollsFolder, "\n\t\t\tName = \"%s Scroll\";", SpellNameSpace[Repeater]);
    fprintf(ScrollsFolder, "\n\t\t\tHue = %d;", ScrollHue);
    fprintf(ScrollsFolder, "\n\t\t}");
    fprintf(ScrollsFolder, "\n\t\t");
    fprintf(ScrollsFolder, "\n\t\tpublic %sScroll( Serial serial ) : base( serial )", SpellName[Repeater]);
    fprintf(ScrollsFolder, "\n\t\t{");
    fprintf(ScrollsFolder, "\n\t\t}");
    fprintf(ScrollsFolder, "\n\t\t");
    fprintf(ScrollsFolder, "\n\t\tpublic override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer )");
    fprintf(ScrollsFolder, "\n\t\t{");
    fprintf(ScrollsFolder, "\n\t\t\tbase.Serialize( writer );");
    fprintf(ScrollsFolder, "\n\t\t\twriter.Write( (int) 0 ); // version");
    fprintf(ScrollsFolder, "\n\t\t}");
    fprintf(ScrollsFolder, "\n\t\t");
    fprintf(ScrollsFolder, "\n\t\tpublic override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader )");
    fprintf(ScrollsFolder, "\n\t\t{");
    fprintf(ScrollsFolder, "\n\t\t\tbase.Deserialize( reader );");
    fprintf(ScrollsFolder, "\n\t\t\tint version = reader.ReadInt();");
    fprintf(ScrollsFolder, "\n\t\t}");
    fprintf(ScrollsFolder, "\n\t\t");
    fprintf(ScrollsFolder, "\n\t\tpublic override Item Dupe( int amount )");
    fprintf(ScrollsFolder, "\n\t\t{");
    fprintf(ScrollsFolder, "\n\t\t\treturn base.Dupe( new %sScroll( amount ), amount );", SpellName[Repeater]);
    fprintf(ScrollsFolder, "\n\t\t}");
    fprintf(ScrollsFolder, "\n\t}");
    fprintf(ScrollsFolder, "\n}");

///     DoSpells    ///
void DoSpells( FILE *SpellsFolder, int Repeater )
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/nusing System;");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/nusing Server.Targeting;");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/nusing Server.Network;");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/nnamespace Server.Spells.%s", SpellType);
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n{");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/tpublic class %sSpell : %sSpell", SpellName[Repeater], SpellType);
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t{");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/tprivate static SpellInfo m_Info = new SpellInfo");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/t(");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/t/t\"%s\", \"%s\",", SInfo[Repeater].Name, SInfo[Repeater].Mantra);
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/t/tSpellCircle.%s,", SInfo[Repeater].Circle);
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/t/t%d,", SInfo[Repeater].Action);
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/t/t%d,", SInfo[Repeater].HandEffect);
    if( (strcmp (SInfo[Repeater].Reagent1,"") != 0)    )
        fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/t/tReagent.%s", SInfo[Repeater].Reagent1);
        if( (strcmp (SInfo[Repeater].Reagent2,"") != 0)    )
            fprintf(SpellsFolder, ",");
    if( (strcmp (SInfo[Repeater].Reagent2,"") != 0)    )
        fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/t/tReagent.%s", SInfo[Repeater].Reagent2);
        if( (strcmp (SInfo[Repeater].Reagent3,"") != 0)    )
            fprintf(SpellsFolder, ",");
    if( (strcmp (SInfo[Repeater].Reagent3,"") != 0)    )
        fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/t/tReagent.%s", SInfo[Repeater].Reagent3);
        if( (strcmp (SInfo[Repeater].Reagent4,"") != 0)    )
            fprintf(SpellsFolder, ",");
    if( (strcmp (SInfo[Repeater].Reagent4,"") != 0)    )
        fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/t/tReagent.%s", SInfo[Repeater].Reagent4);
        if( (strcmp (SInfo[Repeater].Reagent5,"") != 0)    )
            fprintf(SpellsFolder, ",");
    if( (strcmp (SInfo[Repeater].Reagent5,"") != 0)    )
        fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/t/tReagent.%s", SInfo[Repeater].Reagent5);
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/t);");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/tpublic override double CastDelay{ get{ return %3.1f; } }", SInfo[Repeater].CastDelay);
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/tpublic override double RequiredSkill{ get{ return %3.1f; } }", SInfo[Repeater].RequiredSkill);
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/tpublic override int RequiredMana{ get{ return %d; } }", SInfo[Repeater].RequiredMana);
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/tpublic override int RequiredHealth{ get{ return %d; } }", SInfo[Repeater].RequiredHealth);
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/t");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/tpublic %sSpell( Mobile caster, Item scroll ) : base( caster, scroll, m_Info )", SpellName[Repeater]);
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/t{");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/t}");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/tpublic override void OnCast()");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/t{");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/t/tCaster.Target = new InternalTarget( this );");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/t}");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/tpublic void Target( Mobile m )");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/t{");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/t/tif ( !Caster.CanSee( m ) )");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/t/t{");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/t/t/tCaster.SendLocalizedMessage( 500237 ); // Target can not be seen.");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/t/t}");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/t/telse if ( CheckHSequence( m ) )");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/t/t{");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/t/t/tMobile source = Caster;");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/t/t/tSpellHelper.Turn( source, m );");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/t/t/tSpellHelper.CheckReflect( (int)this.Circle, ref source, ref m );");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/t/t/tdouble damage = GetNewAosDamage( 10, 1, 4, Caster.Player && m.Player );");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/t/t/tsource.MovingParticles( m, 0x36E4, 5, 0, false, true, 3006, 4006, 0 );");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/t/t/tsource.PlaySound( 0x1E5 );");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/t/t/tSpellHelper.Damage( this, m, damage, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0 );");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/t/t}");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/t/tFinishSequence();");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/t}");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/tprivate class InternalTarget : Target");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/t{");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/t/tprivate %sSpell m_Owner;", SpellName[Repeater]);
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/t/tpublic InternalTarget( %sSpell owner ) : base( 12, false, TargetFlags.Harmful )", SpellName[Repeater]);
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/t/t{");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/t/t/tm_Owner = owner;");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/t/t}");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/t/tprotected override void OnTarget( Mobile from, object o )");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/t/t{");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/t/t/tif ( o is Mobile )");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/t/t/t{");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/t/t/t/tm_Owner.Target( (Mobile)o );");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/t/t/t}");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/t/t}");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/t/tprotected override void OnTargetFinish( Mobile from )");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/t/t{");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/t/t/tm_Owner.FinishSequence();");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/t/t}");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t/t}");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n/t}");
    fprintf(SpellsFolder, "/n}");

///   DoBaseSpell   ///
void DoBaseSpell( FILE *OthersFolder )
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/nusing System;");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/nusing Server;");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/nnamespace Server.Spells.%s", SpellType);
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n{");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/tpublic abstract class %sSpell : Spell", SpellType);
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t{");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/tpublic abstract double CastDelay{ get; }");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/tpublic abstract double RequiredSkill{ get; }");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/tpublic abstract int RequiredMana{ get; }");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/tpublic abstract int RequiredHealth{ get; }");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/tpublic override SkillName CastSkill{ get{ return SkillName.%s; } }", CastSkill);
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/tpublic override SkillName DamageSkill{ get{ return SkillName.%s; } }", DamageSkill);
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/tpublic override bool ClearHandsOnCast{ get{ return false; } }");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/tpublic %sSpell( Mobile caster, Item scroll, SpellInfo info ) : base( caster, scroll, info )", SpellType);
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t{");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t}");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/tpublic override void GetCastSkills( out double min, out double max )");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t{");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t/tmin = RequiredSkill - 20.0;");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t/tmax = RequiredSkill + 20.0;");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t}");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/tpublic override bool ConsumeReagents()");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t{");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t/treturn true;");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t}");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/tpublic override int GetMana()");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t{");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t/treturn RequiredMana;");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t}");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t}");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n}");

///  DoInitalizer   ///
void DoInitalizer( FILE *OthersFolder )
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/nusing System;");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/nusing Server;");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/nusing Server.Spells;");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/nnamespace Server.Spells.%s", SpellType);
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n{");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/tpublic class %sInitializer", SpellType);
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t{");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/tpublic static void Initialize()");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t{");

    for( int i = 0; i <= MaxSpellCount; i++ )
        fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t/tRegister( %d, typeof( %sSpell ) );", (SpellOffset + i), SpellName[i]);
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t/t");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t/t//RegDef( spellID, \"Name\", \"Description\", \"Reagent1; Reagent2; Reagentn\", \"Skill; Mana; Tithe; Etc\" );");
    for( int j = 0; j <= MaxSpellCount; j++ )
        fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t/tRegDef( %d, \"%s\",  \"description\", \"", (SpellOffset + j), SInfo[j].Name );
        if( (strcmp (SInfo[j].Reagent1,"") != 0)    )
            fprintf(OthersFolder, "%s", SInfo[j].Reagent1);
            if( (strcmp (SInfo[j].Reagent2,"") != 0)    )
                fprintf(OthersFolder, "; ");
        if( (strcmp (SInfo[j].Reagent2,"") != 0)    )
            fprintf(OthersFolder, "%s", SInfo[j].Reagent2);
            if( (strcmp (SInfo[j].Reagent3,"") != 0)    )
                fprintf(OthersFolder, "; ");
        if( (strcmp (SInfo[j].Reagent3,"") != 0)    )
            fprintf(OthersFolder, "%s", SInfo[j].Reagent3);
            if( (strcmp (SInfo[j].Reagent4,"") != 0)    )
                fprintf(OthersFolder, "; ");
        if( (strcmp (SInfo[j].Reagent4,"") != 0)    )
            fprintf(OthersFolder, "%s", SInfo[j].Reagent4);
            if( (strcmp (SInfo[j].Reagent5,"") != 0)    )
                fprintf(OthersFolder, "; ");
        if( (strcmp (SInfo[j].Reagent5,"") != 0)    )
            fprintf(OthersFolder, "%s", SInfo[j].Reagent5);

        fprintf(OthersFolder, "\", \"Skill: %3.1f; Mana: %d; Health: %d\" );", SInfo[j].RequiredSkill, SInfo[j].RequiredMana, SInfo[j].RequiredHealth );

    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t}");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/tpublic static void Register( int spellID, Type type )");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t{");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t/tSpellRegistry.Register( spellID, type );");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t}");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/tpublic static void RegDef( int spellID, string name, string des, string regs, string inf )");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t{");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t/tSpellDefRegistry.Register( spellID, name, des, regs, inf );");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t}");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t}");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n}");

///     DoBook      ///
void DoBook( FILE *OthersFolder, char SpellBookItemID[], char SpellBookHue[] )
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/nusing System;");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/nusing Server.Network;");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/nusing Server.Gumps;");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/nusing Server.Spells;");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/nusing Server.Spells.%s;", SpellType);
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/nnamespace Server.Items");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n{");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/tpublic class %sSpellbook : Spellbook", SpellType);
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t{");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/tpublic override SpellbookType SpellbookType{ get{ return SpellbookType.%s; } }", SpellType);
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/tpublic override int BookOffset{ get{ return %d; } }", SpellOffset);
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/tpublic override int BookCount{ get{ return %d; } }", MaxSpellCount);
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/tpublic override Item Dupe( int amount )");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t{");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t/tSpellbook book = new %sSpellbook();", SpellType);
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t/tbook.Content = this.Content;");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t/treturn base.Dupe( book, amount );");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t}");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t[Constructable]");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/tpublic %sSpellbook() : this( (ulong)0 )", SpellType);
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t{");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t}");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t[Constructable]");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/tpublic %sSpellbook( ulong content ) : base( content, %s )", SpellType, SpellBookItemID);
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t{");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t/tName = \"%s Spellbook\";", SpellType);
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t/tHue = %s;", SpellBookHue);
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t}");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/tpublic override void OnDoubleClick( Mobile from )");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t{");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t/tContainer pack = from.Backpack;");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t/tif ( !(Parent == from || ( pack != null && Parent == pack )) )");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t/t{");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t/t/tfrom.SendLocalizedMessage( 500207 ); // The spellbook must be in your backpack (and not in a container within) to open.");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t/t/treturn;");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t/t}");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t/tfrom.CloseGump( typeof( %sSpellbookGump ) );", SpellType);
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t/tfrom.SendGump( new %sSpellbookGump( from, this ) );", SpellType);
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t}");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/tpublic PerkSpellbook( Serial serial ) : base( serial )");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t{");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t}");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/tpublic override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer )");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t{");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t/tbase.Serialize( writer );");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t/twriter.Write( (int) 0 ); // version");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t}");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/tpublic override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader )");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t{");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t/tbase.Deserialize( reader );");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t/tint version = reader.ReadInt();");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t}");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t}");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n}");

///     DoGump      ///
void DoGump( FILE *OthersFolder, int GumpTextHue, int GumpBGImage, int GumpSpellBtn, int GumpSpellBtnP, char MLabName[] )
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/nusing System;");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/nusing Server;");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/nusing Server.Items;");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/nusing Server.Network;");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/nusing Server.Spells;");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/nusing Server.Gumps;");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/nnamespace Server.Spells.%s", SpellType);
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n{");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/tpublic class %sSpellbookGump : BaseCGumpII", SpellType);
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t{");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/tpublic override int TextHue{/tget{ return %d; } }", GumpTextHue);
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/tpublic override int BGImage{/tget{ return %d; } }", GumpBGImage);
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/tpublic override int SpellBtn{/tget{ return %d; } }", GumpSpellBtn);
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/tpublic override int SpellBtnP{/tget{ return %d; } }", GumpSpellBtnP);
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/tpublic override string MLab{/tget{ return \"%s %s\"; } }", SpellType, MLabName);
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/tpublic %sSpellbookGump( Mobile from, %sSpellbook book ) : base( from, book )", SpellType, SpellType);
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t{");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t}");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/tpublic override void OnResponse( NetState state, RelayInfo info )");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t{");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t/tMobile from = state.Mobile;");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t/tint BID = info.ButtonID;");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t/tif( BID >= %d && BID <= %d )", SpellOffset, (SpellOffset + MaxSpellCount - 1));
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t/t{");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t/t/tSpell spell = SpellRegistry.NewSpell( BID, from, null );");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t/t/tif( spell != null )");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t/t/t/tspell.Cast();");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t/t}");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t}");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t}");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n}");

///     DoBag      ///
void DoBag( FILE *OthersFolder, int SpellBookHue )
    int x = 0;
    int y = 0;

    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/nusing System;");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/nusing Server;");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/nusing Server.Items;");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/nnamespace Server.Items");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n{");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/tpublic class %sBag : Bag", SpellType);
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t{");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t[Constructable]");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/tpublic %sBag()", SpellType);
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t{");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t/tName = \"%s Scroll-Bag\";", SpellType);
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t/tHue = %d;", SpellBookHue);
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t/t");

    for( int i = 0; i < MaxSpellCount; i++ )
        x = x + 20;
        if( x == 120 )
            x = 0;
            y = y + 20;
        fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t/tPlaceItemIn( %d, %d, new %sScroll() );", x, y, SpellName[i]);
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t}");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/tprivate void PlaceItemIn( int x, int y, Item item )");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t{");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t/tAddItem( item );");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t/titem.Location = new Point3D( x, y, 0 );");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t}");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/tpublic %sBag( Serial serial ) : base( serial )", SpellType);
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t{");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t}");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/tpublic override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer )");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t{");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t/tbase.Serialize( writer );");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t/twriter.Write( (int) 0 ); // version");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t}");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/tpublic override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader )");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t{");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t/tbase.Deserialize( reader );");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t/tint version = reader.ReadInt();");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t/t}");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n/t}");
    fprintf(OthersFolder, "/n}");

///    CloseDown    ///
void CloseDown( FILE *ScrollsFolder, FILE *SpellsFolder, FILE *OthersFolder)
    //END FILE
    fclose(ScrollsFolder); //close the file
    fclose(SpellsFolder); //close the file
    fclose(OthersFolder); //close the file


I found it out, thanks to your help noobie :)
At first I didn't understand, but I kept at it. And I was like "oh... true..." XD

Thanks a bunch man!


Oh cool, I was right!

Heh, yeah, when working with functions I see errors like that a lot. They're especially painful because the errors themselves don't give you much to go on, just a bunch of obscure jargle.

If you see a bunch of errors pop out at you like that, make sure your prototypes match up with your definitions, and that you didn't prototype incorrectly.