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Wood Elementals

Wood Elementals

i Made a Wood elemental system but im having a problem with it loading in the Lumberjacking.cs

this is the error im getting:
 + Engines/Harvest/Lumberjacking.cs:
    CS0103: Line 212: The name 'm_log' does not exist in the current contex
    CS0103: Line 237: The name 'm_log' does not exist in the current contex

this is my lumberjacking.cs, the edits i made are in red:

using System;
using System.Collections;
using Server;
using Server.Mobiles;
using Server.Items;

namespace Server.Engines.Harvest
  public class Lumberjacking : HarvestSystem
    private static Lumberjacking m_System;

    public static Lumberjacking System
        if ( m_System == null )
          m_System = new Lumberjacking();

        return m_System;

    private HarvestDefinition m_Definition;

    public HarvestDefinition Definition
      get{ return m_Definition; }

    private Lumberjacking()
      HarvestResource[] res;
      HarvestVein[] veins;

      #region Lumberjacking
      HarvestDefinition lumber = new HarvestDefinition();

      // Resource banks are every 4x3 tiles
      lumber.BankWidth = 4;
      lumber.BankHeight = 3;

      // Every bank holds from 20 to 45 logs
      lumber.MinTotal = 20;
      lumber.MaxTotal = 45;

      // A resource bank will respawn its content every 20 to 30 minutes
      lumber.MinRespawn = TimeSpan.FromMinutes( 20.0 );
      lumber.MaxRespawn = TimeSpan.FromMinutes( 30.0 );

      // Skill checking is done on the Lumberjacking skill
      lumber.Skill = SkillName.Lumberjacking;

      // Set the list of harvestable tiles
      lumber.Tiles = m_TreeTiles;

      // Players must be within 2 tiles to harvest
      lumber.MaxRange = 2;

      // Ten logs per harvest action
      lumber.ConsumedPerHarvest = 10;
      lumber.ConsumedPerFeluccaHarvest = 20;

      // The chopping effect
      lumber.EffectActions = new int[]{ 13 };
      lumber.EffectSounds = new int[]{ 0x13E };
      lumber.EffectCounts = new int[]{ 1, 2, 2, 2, 3 };
      lumber.EffectDelay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 1.6 );
      lumber.EffectSoundDelay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 0.9 );

      lumber.NoResourcesMessage = 500493; // There's not enough wood here to harvest.
      lumber.FailMessage = 500495; // You hack at the tree for a while, but fail to produce any useable wood.
      lumber.OutOfRangeMessage = 500446; // That is too far away.
      lumber.PackFullMessage = 500497; // You can't place any wood into your backpack!
      lumber.ToolBrokeMessage = 500499; // You broke your axe.

      res = new HarvestResource[]
          new HarvestResource( 00.0, 00.0, 100.0, 1072540, typeof( Log ) ),

          #region Mondain's Legacy
          new HarvestResource( 65.0, 50.0, 105.0, 1072541, typeof( OakLog ), typeof( OakElemental ) ),
          new HarvestResource( 80.0, 60.0, 110.0, 1072542, typeof( AshLog ), typeof( AshElemental ) ),
          new HarvestResource( 95.0, 70.0, 115.0, 1072543, typeof( YewLog ), typeof( YewElemental ) ),
          new HarvestResource( 100.0, 80.0, 120.0, 1072544, typeof( HeartwoodLog ), typeof( HeartwoodElemental ) ),
          new HarvestResource( 100.0, 90.0, 125.0, 1072545, typeof( BloodwoodLog ), typeof( BloodwoodElemental ) ),
          new HarvestResource( 100.0, 100.0, 130.0, 1072546, typeof( FrostwoodLog ), typeof( FrostwoodElemental ) )

      veins = new HarvestVein[]
          new HarvestVein( 60.0, 0.0, res[0], null ),

          #region Mondain's Legacy
          new HarvestVein( 30.0, 0.0, res[1], res[0] ),
          new HarvestVein( 10.0, 0.5, res[2], res[0] ),
          new HarvestVein( 1.0, 0.5, res[3], res[0] ),
          new HarvestVein( 0.5, 0.5, res[4], res[0] ),
          new HarvestVein( 0.1, 0.5, res[5], res[0] ),
          new HarvestVein( 0.05, 0.5, res[6], res[0] )

      lumber.Resources = res;
      lumber.Veins = veins;

      lumber.RaceBonus = Core.ML;

      m_Definition = lumber;
      Definitions.Add( lumber );

    public override bool CheckHarvest( Mobile from, Item tool )
      if ( !base.CheckHarvest( from, tool ) )
        return false;

      if ( tool.Parent != from )
        from.SendLocalizedMessage( 500487 ); // The axe must be equipped for any serious wood chopping.
        return false;

      return true;

    public override bool CheckHarvest( Mobile from, Item tool, HarvestDefinition def, object toHarvest )
      if ( !base.CheckHarvest( from, tool, def, toHarvest ) )
        return false;

      if ( tool.Parent != from )
        from.SendLocalizedMessage( 500487 ); // The axe must be equipped for any serious wood chopping.
        return false;

      return true;

    #region Mondain's Legacy
    public override bool Give( Mobile m, Item item, bool placeAtFeet )
      if ( m.Skills.Lumberjacking.Value >= 100 )
        if ( Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.15 )
          Item sitem = null;
          int message = 0;
          double chance = Utility.RandomDouble();

          if ( chance < 0.0025 ) // not completely sure
            sitem = new BrilliantAmber();
            message = 1072551; // You found a brilliant amber!
          else if ( chance < 0.05 )
            sitem = new ParasiticPlant();
            message = 1072549; // You found a parasitic plant!
          else if ( chance < 0.35 )
            if ( Utility.RandomBool() )
              sitem = new Switch();
              message = 1072547; // You found a switch!
              sitem = new LuminescentFungi();
              message = 1072550; // You found a luminescent fungi!
            sitem = new BarkFragment();
            message = 1072548; // You found a bark fragment!

          if ( sitem != null && !m.PlaceInBackpack( sitem ) && placeAtFeet )
            ArrayList atFeet = new ArrayList();

            foreach ( Item obj in m.GetItemsInRange( 0 ) )
              atFeet.Add( obj );

            for ( int i = 0; i < atFeet.Count; ++i )
              Item check = (Item)atFeet[i];

              if ( check.StackWith( m, sitem, false ) )
                return base.Give( m, item, placeAtFeet );

            sitem.MoveToWorld( m.Location, m.Map );

          m.SendLocalizedMessage( message );

      return base.Give( m, item, placeAtFeet );

    public override HarvestVein MutateVein( Mobile from, Item tool, HarvestDefinition def, HarvestBank bank, object toHarvest, HarvestVein vein )
      if ( tool is GargoylesWoodaxe && def == m_log )
        int veinIndex = Array.IndexOf( def.Veins, vein );

        if ( veinIndex >= 0 && veinIndex < (def.Veins.Length - 1) )
          return def.Veins[veinIndex + 1];

      return base.MutateVein( from, tool, def, bank, toHarvest, vein );

    private static int[] m_Offsets = new int[]
        -1, -1,
        -1,  0,
        -1,  1,
         0, -1,
         0,  1,
         1, -1,
         1,  0,
         1,  1

    public override void OnHarvestFinished( Mobile from, Item tool, HarvestDefinition def, HarvestVein vein, HarvestBank bank, HarvestResource resource, object harvested )
      if ( tool is GargoylesWoodaxe && def == m_log && 0.1 > Utility.RandomDouble() )
        HarvestResource res = vein.PrimaryResource;

        if ( res == resource && res.Types.Length >= 3 )
            Map map = from.Map;

            if ( map == null )

            BaseCreature spawned = Activator.CreateInstance( res.Types[2], new object[]{ 25 } ) as BaseCreature;

            if ( spawned != null )
              int offset = Utility.Random( 8 ) * 2;

              for ( int i = 0; i < m_Offsets.Length; i += 2 )
                int x = from.X + m_Offsets[(offset + i) % m_Offsets.Length];
                int y = from.Y + m_Offsets[(offset + i + 1) % m_Offsets.Length];

                if ( map.CanSpawnMobile( x, y, from.Z ) )
                  spawned.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( x, y, from.Z ), map );
                  spawned.Combatant = from;
                  int z = map.GetAverageZ( x, y );

                  if ( map.CanSpawnMobile( x, y, z ) )
                    spawned.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( x, y, z ), map );
                    spawned.Combatant = from;

              spawned.MoveToWorld( from.Location, from.Map );
              spawned.Combatant = from;

    public override void OnBadHarvestTarget( Mobile from, Item tool, object toHarvest )
      from.SendLocalizedMessage( 500489 ); // You can't use an axe on that.

    public static void Initialize()
      Array.Sort( m_TreeTiles );

    #region Tile lists
    private static int[] m_TreeTiles = new int[]
        0x4CCA, 0x4CCB, 0x4CCC, 0x4CCD, 0x4CD0, 0x4CD3, 0x4CD6, 0x4CD8,
        0x4CDA, 0x4CDD, 0x4CE0, 0x4CE3, 0x4CE6, 0x4CF8, 0x4CFB, 0x4CFE,
        0x4D01, 0x4D41, 0x4D42, 0x4D43, 0x4D44, 0x4D57, 0x4D58, 0x4D59,
        0x4D5A, 0x4D5B, 0x4D6E, 0x4D6F, 0x4D70, 0x4D71, 0x4D72, 0x4D84,
        0x4D85, 0x4D86, 0x52B5, 0x52B6, 0x52B7, 0x52B8, 0x52B9, 0x52BA,
        0x52BB, 0x52BC, 0x52BD,

        0x4CCE, 0x4CCF, 0x4CD1, 0x4CD2, 0x4CD4, 0x4CD5, 0x4CD7, 0x4CD9,
        0x4CDB, 0x4CDC, 0x4CDE, 0x4CDF, 0x4CE1, 0x4CE2, 0x4CE4, 0x4CE5,
        0x4CE7, 0x4CE8, 0x4CF9, 0x4CFA, 0x4CFC, 0x4CFD, 0x4CFF, 0x4D00,
        0x4D02, 0x4D03, 0x4D45, 0x4D46, 0x4D47, 0x4D48, 0x4D49, 0x4D4A,
        0x4D4B, 0x4D4C, 0x4D4D, 0x4D4E, 0x4D4F, 0x4D50, 0x4D51, 0x4D52,
        0x4D53, 0x4D5C, 0x4D5D, 0x4D5E, 0x4D5F, 0x4D60, 0x4D61, 0x4D62,
        0x4D63, 0x4D64, 0x4D65, 0x4D66, 0x4D67, 0x4D68, 0x4D69, 0x4D73,
        0x4D74, 0x4D75, 0x4D76, 0x4D77, 0x4D78, 0x4D79, 0x4D7A, 0x4D7B,
        0x4D7C, 0x4D7D, 0x4D7E, 0x4D7F, 0x4D87, 0x4D88, 0x4D89, 0x4D8A,
        0x4D8B, 0x4D8C, 0x4D8D, 0x4D8E, 0x4D8F, 0x4D90, 0x4D95, 0x4D96,
        0x4D97, 0x4D99, 0x4D9A, 0x4D9B, 0x4D9D, 0x4D9E, 0x4D9F, 0x4DA1,
        0x4DA2, 0x4DA3, 0x4DA5, 0x4DA6, 0x4DA7, 0x4DA9, 0x4DAA, 0x4DAB,
        0x52BE, 0x52BF, 0x52C0, 0x52C1, 0x52C2, 0x52C3, 0x52C4, 0x52C5,
        0x52C6, 0x52C7

thank you guys...again
ok got a new question got that part of it working, but now i get no ele's spawning i belive i am missing somehting in the ele script but do not know what here is one of the scripts:

using System;
using Server;
using Server.Items;

namespace Server.Mobiles
  [CorpseName( "an ash elemental corpse" )]
  public class AshElemental : BaseCreature
    public override WeaponAbility GetWeaponAbility()
      return WeaponAbility.Dismount;

    public AshElemental() : base( AIType.AI_Melee, FightMode.Evil, 10, 1, 0.2, 0.4 )
      Name = "an Ash Elemental";
      Body = 301;
      Hue = 1191;

      SetStr( 226, 255 );
      SetDex( 126, 155 );
      SetInt( 66, 90 );

      SetHits( 136, 152 );

      SetDamage( 12, 16 );

      SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Physical, 30 );
      SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Fire, 70 );

      SetResistance( ResistanceType.Physical, 30, 45 );
      SetResistance( ResistanceType.Cold, 30, 40 );
      SetResistance( ResistanceType.Poison, 20, 35 );
      SetResistance( ResistanceType.Energy, 20, 30 );

      SetSkill( SkillName.MagicResist, 50.1, 95.0 );
      SetSkill( SkillName.Tactics, 65.1, 100.0 );
      SetSkill( SkillName.Wrestling, 65.1, 105.0 );

      Fame = 5500;
      Karma = -5500;

      VirtualArmor = 29;
      PackItem( new AshLog( Utility.RandomMinMax( 23, 34 ) ) );

    public override OppositionGroup OppositionGroup
      get{ return OppositionGroup.FeyAndUndead; }

    public override int GetIdleSound()
      return 443;

    public override int GetDeathSound()
      return 31;

    public override int GetAttackSound()
      return 672;

    public override bool BleedImmune{ get{ return true; } }
    public override bool AutoDispel{ get{ return true; } }
    public override int TreasureMapLevel{ get{ return 1; } }

    public override void GenerateLoot()
      AddLoot( LootPack.Average );
      AddLoot( LootPack.Gems, 2 );

    public AshElemental( Serial serial ) : base( serial )

    public override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer )
      base.Serialize( writer );
      writer.Write( (int) 0 );

    public override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader )
      base.Deserialize( reader );
      int version = reader.ReadInt();

      if ( BaseSoundID == 442 )
        BaseSoundID = -1;

any ideas?...sorry for being a pain


Nope ... the problem is in Lumberjacking still ...

Try this ...

        HarvestResource res = vein.PrimaryResource;

        if ( res == resource && res.Types.Length >=[COLOR="Red"]2[/COLOR] )
            Map map = from.Map;

            if ( map == null )

            BaseCreature spawned = Activator.CreateInstance( res.Types[[COLOR="Red"]1[/COLOR][COLOR="red"][/COLOR]], new object[]{ 25 } ) as BaseCreature;

            if ( spawned != null )
actualy your problem is you have a number being passed to the elemental (it is used in ore ones for number of ore)
but your ele does not have a number to be pased to it

so change (25) to just ()

or modify
    public AshElemental() : base( AIType.AI_Melee, FightMode.Evil, 10, 1, 0.2, 0.4 )

like this:

    public AshElemental() : this(25) {}

    public AshElemental(int logamount) : base( AIType.AI_Melee, FightMode.Evil, 10, 1, 0.2, 0.4 )

and where it has the logs to give out change it to be logamount instead of a fixed number