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World Building


World Building

Is there a way do remove buildings, or entire towns from the world such as removing Brit?

Any ideas, tutorials would be helpful...


You could unfreeze them to remove them from the statics file and then delete the items. Just keep in mind that your players will need a copy of the updated files.


With map editing tools like Dragon that can clean the statics file.

This of course means you need to send players these files. In the future this isn't a support forum so don't post questions in this forum.


Look Phantom thinks he a Forum Mod again /\ ;)

To answer your question

[code:1][unfreeze world [/code:1]

works good

But if you are looking at changing small areas (like just th e houses/buildings in the towns) and not everything (like EVERY tree on the map)

just use


and select the areas one at at time...


Do those commands unfreeze the default statics within the file. Thought it could only place items somebody placed.

Reason I said Dragon or WF to clean the statics...


Phantom said:
Do those commands unfreeze the default statics within the file.

Allows you to totally edit the statics file of ANY map on the fly. (just so long as the files are setup properly) and teh BEST thing abotu it is you can SEE INGAME EXACTLY what you are removing and NOT removing. PLUS you don't have to restart the server for the changes to take effect.

Lets just sya that I had a frontal lobotimy and decided that I nolonger wanted to use RunUO. I would STILL use the static editing tools because they are the best dam Statics editing tools I've ever seen in the emu community BAR NONE!


Krazy there was no reason for the flame, but thank you for your answer I guess....

Doesn't seem like you like correcting the miss understanding I had about those commands.

Didn't know they were able to delete the default buildings and I assume plant life in the world...


What dont you understand exactly?

The commands allow you to edit your static files by staticing and UN-staticing things into and out of them....

I thought I was being clear enought he first time....