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[2.0 Final] S1980 Shard Referral Reward System


[2.0 Final] S1980 Shard Referral Reward System


This is a re-release of Shadow1980's Referral Reward System.

I recently added this script to my server and can say it is a good one. However the last release of it was from 2006 and had several bugs in it causing it to crash.
It also allowed you to enter your own account name by changing the case of a single character or more.

So I wanted to share a working version for 2.0 Final as I feel many others could benefit from it, and it's back in the archives now.

Just drop it into your custom scripts folder and good to go.

**UPDATED: Added checking of duplicate IP's on the two accounts involved**
By setting checkIP to true you can check both accounts IP history to check both accounts are not from the same IP.
This was a request, There are down sides to using the IP Check as it means people using LANs or at Friends houses cannot refer.


  • TellAFriend.cs
    11.5 KB · Views: 122


The reward built in is a blessed half apron giving +25 luck.

Nothing amazing, but you can change it to anything you want.


Did you also fix the crashes related to null references and such? I could never get this working crash free before.


Yeh, the script had a mistake in one of the String.Formats which I fixed.

Crashed when someone got their reward - great system :p


Much thanks!

I've always felt this system was way under-rated. A must have for any server getting on their feet.


how can i write a IP check that will check if its the same ip and account in it ?

and how does it works ? is there a command to invite a new player?


It checks already for the same account by account name, I will look to add an IP check and will see the best way of doing it.

As it stands, when you create a new account and log in before the time period you specify, you will get a Gump which u can enter an account name in.


**UPDATED: Added checking of duplicate IP's on the two accounts involved**

By setting checkIP to true you can check both accounts IP history to check both accounts are not from the same IP.

This was a request, There are down sides to using the IP Check as it means people using LANs or at Friends houses cannot refer due to both players being on the same IP, also IP's are NOT unique, they get reused and this can also effect the script.

But besides that, it'll stop people making loads of accounts and referring themselves.


Got this error with a server restard when ive entered an account

Server Crash Report

RunUO Version 2.0, Build 3567.2838
Operating System: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7600.0
.NET Framework: 2.0.50727.4927
Time: 15.06.2010 17:56:47
Mobiles: 18484
Items: 203774
System.NullReferenceException: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.
   bei Server.TellAFriend.TAFGump.OnResponse(NetState state, RelayInfo info)
   bei Server.Network.PacketHandlers.DisplayGumpResponse(NetState state, PacketReader pvSrc)
   bei Server.Network.MessagePump.HandleReceive(NetState ns)
   bei Server.Network.MessagePump.Slice()
   bei Server.Core.Main(String[] args)

- Count: 1
+ (account = hadhav) (mobile = 0x10B 'sss')


romanthebrain;842914 said:
Got this error with a server restard when ive entered an account

Server Crash Report

RunUO Version 2.0, Build 3567.2838
Operating System: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7600.0
.NET Framework: 2.0.50727.4927
Time: 15.06.2010 17:56:47
Mobiles: 18484
Items: 203774
System.NullReferenceException: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.
   bei Server.TellAFriend.TAFGump.OnResponse(NetState state, RelayInfo info)
   bei Server.Network.PacketHandlers.DisplayGumpResponse(NetState state, PacketReader pvSrc)
   bei Server.Network.MessagePump.HandleReceive(NetState ns)
   bei Server.Network.MessagePump.Slice()
   bei Server.Core.Main(String[] args)

- Count: 1
+ (account = hadhav) (mobile = 0x10B 'sss')

In english (just in case).
Object reference not set to an object instance.

I can't wait until this completely works, I use to love this script :)


Should be fixed.

Was trying to force the account you enter to be a type of account, but if the account doesnt exist it crashed.
Wrapped it in a Try/Catch statement to prevent it happening if that is the case :)

Let me know if there are any more issues.


Thx a lot . It will work fine

How can i set up that the rewards will drop immediately after the account referral ? ( to test the system )


change the setting of RewardTime to:
public static readonly TimeSpan RewardTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 0.1 );

If your testing with brand new accounts:
public static readonly DateTime age = DateTime.Now - TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 30.0 );

Create a new account, log it in. Refer an older account within 30 seconds, leave the new account logged in for a min.
Should be able to log in on the old account then to see the reward msg. Make sure the checkIP is false.

It can be awkward testing it in short time periods, it was not really designed to do that originally


Yes but i get the reward message all the time when i log in , on all accounts but no rewards

its the "your friend will get a reward ......" or something like that

Here is the script , i think i am to stupid

 * RunUO Shard Referral System
 * Author: Shadow1980
 * Files: TellAFriend.cs
 * Version 1.6
 * Public Release: 17-04-2006 || Latest Release 15-06-2010
 * Updated for 2.0 By Pyro-Tech
 * Crashing Bugs Fixed By Charm
 * IP Checking added By Charm
 * Description:
 * This system allows you to reward players for bringing friends into the shard. 
 * When a new player joins, they receive a gump asking them who referred them to the shard.
 * They can enter the account name of the person in question there, which will add two tags to their account.
 * v1.4+ they can also target a player character ingame and there is no mention of Account Name anywhere.
 * Once certain configurable conditions are met, the referrer will receive a reward.
 * Everything is handled on login, so to receive a reward for a referral both accounts have to remain active.
 * Please note only the referrer receives a reward, but you can easely give a reward to the new player as well.
 * To do this, uncomment lines 78 and 79. The reward can be found at line 313. Modify as you see fit.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using Server.Accounting;
using Server.Network;
using Server.Gumps;
using Server.Items;
using Server.Mobiles;
using Server.Targeting;

namespace Server
	public class TellAFriend
		// Configure Required Ingame Time For Both New Player and Referrer Before a Reward is given:
		//public static readonly TimeSpan RewardTime = TimeSpan.FromHours( 48.0 );


        public static readonly TimeSpan RewardTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.1);


		// Both Accounts need to have logged in during the last x days set here:
		public static readonly DateTime mindate = DateTime.Now - TimeSpan.FromDays( 14.0 );
		// New Player Account has this many days to enter a referrer & also requires to be this old before a reward is given to the referrer:
		//public static readonly DateTime age = DateTime.Now - TimeSpan.FromDays( 3.0 );


        public static readonly DateTime age = DateTime.Now - TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30.0);


		// Edit Shard Name
		public static readonly string TAFShardName = "Ultima UONE";
		// Should referals be limited by Unique IP?
		public static readonly bool checkIP = false;
		public static void Initialize()
			EventSink.Login += new LoginEventHandler( TAFLogin );
		private static void TAFLogin( LoginEventArgs args )
			Mobile m = args.Mobile;
			m.SendMessage( String.Format( "Your friend will receive a reward for referring you to {0} next time (s)he logs in.", TAFShardName ) );
			Account ac = (Account)m.Account;
			bool toldfriend = ToldAFriend( m );
			bool gotfriend = GotAFriend( m );
			if ( ac.Created >= age )
				if ( !toldfriend )
				m.SendGump( new TAFGump( m ) );
			else if ( toldfriend )
				string friend = ac.GetTag( "Referrer" );
				Account friendacct = Accounts.GetAccount( friend ) as Account;
				if ( friendacct == null )
					ac.RemoveTag( "Referrer" );
					if ( ac.LastLogin > mindate && friendacct.LastLogin > mindate && ac.TotalGameTime >= RewardTime && friendacct.TotalGameTime >= RewardTime )
						m.SendMessage( String.Format( "Your friend will receive a reward for referring you to {0} next time (s)he logs in.", TAFShardName ) );
						m.SendMessage( String.Format( "You receive a reward for your loyalty to {0}.", TAFShardName ) );
                        m.AddToBackpack(new SkillBall3());
                        m.AddToBackpack(new StatBall());
						if ( Convert.ToBoolean( ac.GetTag("GotAFriend") ) ) 
							string friends = ac.GetTag( "GotFriend" ) + "," + ac.ToString();
							friendacct.SetTag( "GotFriend", friends );
							friendacct.SetTag( "GotAFriend", "true" );
							friendacct.SetTag( "GotFriend", ac.ToString() );
						ac.RemoveTag( "Referrer" );
						ac.RemoveTag( "ToldAFriend" );
			else if ( gotfriend )
				string friend = ac.GetTag( "GotFriend" );
				string[] friends = friend.Split(',');
				for(int i=0;i<friends.Length;++i)
					m.SendMessage( String.Format( "You receive a reward and a referral token for referring one of your friends to {0}.", TAFShardName ) );
                    m.AddToBackpack(new SkillBall2());
                    m.AddToBackpack(new StatBall());
					//m.AddToBackpack( new DarkwindReferrerToken() );//reward token if using raelis vendor stone idea
				ac.RemoveTag( "GotAFriend" );
				ac.RemoveTag( "GotFriend" );
		public class TAFGump : Gump
			private NetState m_State;
			public TAFGump( Mobile from ) : this( from, "" )
			private string tere;
			private const int LabelColor32 = 0xFFFFFF;

			public string Center( string text )
				return String.Format( "<CENTER>{0}</CENTER>", text );

			public string Color( string text, int color )
				return String.Format( "<BASEFONT COLOR=#{0:X6}>{1}</BASEFONT>", color, text );
			public TAFGump( Mobile from, string initialText ) : base( 30, 20 )
				if ( from == null )

				this.AddBackground(50, 0, 479, 309, 9270);
				Mobile m_from = from;
				Account tgt = (Account)from.Account;
				int terg = tgt.TotalGameTime.Days;
				int terh = tgt.TotalGameTime.Hours;
				int teri = tgt.TotalGameTime.Minutes;
				int terj = tgt.TotalGameTime.Seconds;				
				tere = from.Name;

				this.AddImage(0, 0, 10400);
				this.AddImage(0, 225, 10402);
				this.AddImage(495, 0, 10410);
				this.AddImage(495, 225, 10412);
				this.AddImage(60, 15, 5536);
				this.AddImage(275, 15, 1025);
				this.AddLabel(205, 43, 88, "Account Name" );
				this.AddLabel(205, 57, 0x480, from.Account.ToString() );
				this.AddLabel(355, 43, 88, "Online Character" );
				this.AddLabel(355, 57, 50, tere );
				this.AddLabel(205, 80, 88, "Total Game Time" );
				this.AddLabel(205, 100, 50, terg.ToString() + " Days." );
				this.AddLabel(205, 115, 50, terh.ToString() + " Hours." );
				this.AddLabel(205, 130, 50, teri.ToString() + " Minutes." );
				this.AddLabel(205, 145, 50, terj.ToString() + " Seconds." );				
				bool toldfriend = ToldAFriend( from );
				if ( !toldfriend )
				this.AddLabel(205, 175, 50, String.Format("Who referred you to {0}?", TAFShardName ) );
				this.AddButton(450, 200, 4023, 4025, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Okay for acct name button
				this.AddImageTiled(300, 200, 140, 20, 0xBBC );
				this.AddTextEntry(300, 200, 140, 20, 1152, 2, "");
				this.AddLabel(205, 200, 88, "Account Name:" );
				this.AddLabel(205, 230, 88, "Or target your friend's character:" );
				this.AddButton(450, 230, 4023, 4025, 2, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //Target player button
				this.AddLabel(205, 200, 88, "You already entered a referrer." );
				this.AddHtml(205, 255, 205, 56,  Color( Center( initialText ), 0xFF0000 ) , false, false);

			public override void OnResponse( NetState state, RelayInfo info )
				Mobile from = state.Mobile;
				Account acct = (Account)from.Account;
				ArrayList ip_List = new ArrayList( acct.LoginIPs );
				int id = info.ButtonID;
				Account tafacc = null;
				ArrayList tafip_List = new ArrayList();
				if( id == 1 )
					string input = info.GetTextEntry( 2 ).Text;				
						tafacc = Accounts.GetAccount( input ) as Account;	
						tafip_List = new ArrayList( tafacc.LoginIPs );	
					catch(Exception e) { } 
					string initialText = "";
					if ( tafacc == null )
						initialText = String.Format( "Account: '{0}' NOT found", input );
					else if ( input == "" )
						initialText = "Please enter a valid Account name.";
					else if ( input.ToLower() == acct.ToString().ToLower() )
						initialText = "You can't enter you own Account name!";
						bool uniqueIP = true;
								for(int i = 0; i < ip_List.Count; ++i)
									if( tafip_List.Contains(ip_List[i]) )
										uniqueIP = false;
								initialText = String.Format( "{0} Marked as Referrer", tafacc );
								acct.SetTag( "ToldAFriend", "true" );
								acct.SetTag( "Referrer", tafacc.ToString() );
								initialText = "You can't refer another account you own";
							initialText = String.Format( "{0} Marked as Referrer", tafacc );
							acct.SetTag( "ToldAFriend", "true" );
							acct.SetTag( "Referrer", tafacc.ToString() );
					from.SendGump( new TAFGump( from, initialText ) );
				if ( id == 2 )
					from.BeginTarget( 10, false, TargetFlags.None, new TargetCallback( TAFTarget ) );
					from.SendMessage( String.Format("Please target the character of the person who referred you to {0}", TAFShardName ) );
            public void TAFTarget( Mobile from, object target )
            	string initialText = "";
            	if ( target is PlayerMobile && target != null )
            		Mobile friend = (Mobile)target;
            		Account fracct = (Account)friend.Account;
					ArrayList tafip_List = new ArrayList( fracct.LoginIPs );
					Account acct = (Account)from.Account;
					ArrayList ip_List = new ArrayList( acct.LoginIPs );
					if ( fracct == acct )
					    initialText = "You can't be your own referrer!";
						bool uniqueIP = true;
								for(int i = 0; i < ip_List.Count; ++i)
									if( tafip_List.Contains(ip_List[i]) )
										uniqueIP = false;
								initialText = String.Format( "{0} Marked as Referrer", friend.Name );
								friend.SendMessage( String.Format("{0} has just marked you as referrer to {1}.", from.Name, TAFShardName ) );
								acct.SetTag( "ToldAFriend", "true" );
								acct.SetTag( "Referrer", fracct.ToString() );
								initialText = "You can't refer another account you own";
							initialText = String.Format( "{0} Marked as Referrer", friend.Name );
							friend.SendMessage( String.Format("{0} has just marked you as referrer to {1}.", from.Name, TAFShardName ) );
							acct.SetTag( "ToldAFriend", "true" );
							acct.SetTag( "Referrer", fracct.ToString() );
            		initialText = "Please select a player character.";
            	from.SendGump( new TAFGump( from, initialText ) );
	 	private static bool ToldAFriend( Mobile m )
            Account acct=(Account)m.Account;
            bool told = Convert.ToBoolean( acct.GetTag("ToldAFriend") );
            if ( !told )
               	return false;
            return true;
        private static bool GotAFriend( Mobile m )
        	Account acct=(Account)m.Account;
           	bool got = Convert.ToBoolean( acct.GetTag("GotAFriend") );
            if ( !got )
            	return false;
           	return true;
	public class ReferrerReward : HalfApron
		public ReferrerReward() : base()
			Name = String.Format("{0} Referrer Apron", TellAFriend.TAFShardName );
			Hue = 1266;
			LootType = LootType.Blessed;
			//Attributes.DefendChance = 10;
			//Resistances.Poison = 5;
			Attributes.Luck = 25;

		public ReferrerReward(Serial serial) : base(serial)

		public override void Serialize(GenericWriter writer)

			writer.Write((int) 0);

		public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader)

			int version = reader.ReadInt();


omg, i left in a test line, ever so sorry.

Remove the following line from the top of void TAFLogin method.
m.SendMessage( String.Format( "Your friend will receive a reward for referring you to {0} next time (s)he logs in.", TAFShardName ) );

Updated the main script too.


Yeah man but it dont give out a reward and i dunno why ?

and is it normal that u wrote this both in ?

private static bool ToldAFriend( Mobile m )
            Account acct=(Account)m.Account;
            bool told = Convert.ToBoolean( acct.GetTag("ToldAFriend") );
            if ( !told )
               [COLOR="Red"]	return false;
            return true;[/COLOR]
        private static bool GotAFriend( Mobile m )
        	Account acct=(Account)m.Account;
           	bool got = Convert.ToBoolean( acct.GetTag("GotAFriend") );
            if ( !got )
            	[COLOR="Red"]return false;
           	return true;[/COLOR]


romanthebrain;843202 said:
Yeah man but it dont give out a reward and i dunno why ?

and is it normal that u wrote this both in ?

private static bool ToldAFriend( Mobile m )
            Account acct=(Account)m.Account;
            bool told = Convert.ToBoolean( acct.GetTag("ToldAFriend") );
            if ( !told )
               [COLOR="Red"]	return false;
            return true;[/COLOR]
        private static bool GotAFriend( Mobile m )
        	Account acct=(Account)m.Account;
           	bool got = Convert.ToBoolean( acct.GetTag("GotAFriend") );
            if ( !got )
            	[COLOR="Red"]return false;
           	return true;[/COLOR]

Well he could just do it this way:

private static bool ToldAFriend( Mobile m )
            Account acct=(Account)m.Account;
            [COLOR="Red"]return [/COLOR]Convert.ToBoolean( acct.GetTag("ToldAFriend") );
        private static bool GotAFriend( Mobile m )
        	Account acct=(Account)m.Account;
           	[COLOR="Red"]return[/COLOR] Convert.ToBoolean( acct.GetTag("GotAFriend") );