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2 new core devs - Status of RC1


RunUO Founder
Staff member
2 new core devs - Status of RC1

We are pleased to announce the addition of two new developers to the core team.

Mark Sturgill (aka: Mark) has joined the core development team after much work in the RunUO community doing support and scripting as well as being an Admin on the largest RunUO shard, in UO Gamers. Mark is an asset to our team and we are glad to have him aboard.

Andre Sayre (aka: ASayre8) has also joined our team. Andre spent a lot of time working on factions with Phantom and pretty much nailed them the first time. A lot of work went into them and his transition to our core team was only natural. Andre is also an asset to our team and we are glad to have him aboard.

Now onto bigger announcements.

Everyone is pumped about the upcoming release of RunUO and the pending release of Factions for RunUO. While we are not sure when factions are going out (they were originally slated for 1.0 Final) we are sure that the next release will be 1.0 RC1. The changelog is as always quite impressive.

I know that everyone is pumped about factions and there are a few shards that are just dying to get ahold of them. We are currently in the works to get factions out to a few more test shards after we find and eliminate one more memory issue that we are experiencing under high load with UO Gamers. We also want to get them in testing on UO Gamers Demise a new shard we are launching which is AoS based so that we have fully setup and tested both aspects of factions.

If I can get all of this knocked out I will try to get factions into 1.0 RC1, we will see. Anyway I wanted to give you guys a status update on where we stand with things. RunUO is no longer in a high speed development cycle because its now mature... our dev cycles will be longer now as they are tweaking systems and things of that nature more than adding features... its overall optimizations and things along those lines.