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[2.x] A few NPC's and Gear sets. 2.0+

No permission to download

JOsh Mandela

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Server.Network;
using Server.Mobiles;
using Server.Targeting;
using Server.Items;
using Server.Engines.Quests;
using Server.Engines.Quests.Necro;

namespace Server.Spells.Necromancy
public class AnimateDeadSpell : NecromancerSpell
private static SpellInfo m_Info = new SpellInfo(
"Animate Dead", "Uus Corp",

public override TimeSpan CastDelayBase { get { return TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 1.5 ); } }

public override double RequiredSkill{ get{ return 40.0; } }
public override int RequiredMana{ get{ return 23; } }

public AnimateDeadSpell( Mobile caster, Item scroll ) : base( caster, scroll, m_Info )

public override void OnCast()
Caster.Target = new InternalTarget( this );
Caster.SendLocalizedMessage( 1061083 ); // Animate what corpse?

private class CreatureGroup
public Type[] m_Types;
public SummonEntry[] m_Entries;

public CreatureGroup( Type[] types, SummonEntry[] entries )
m_Types = types;
m_Entries = entries;

private class SummonEntry
public Type[] m_ToSummon;
public int m_Requirement;

public SummonEntry( int requirement, params Type[] toSummon )
m_ToSummon = toSummon;
m_Requirement = requirement;

private static CreatureGroup FindGroup( Type type )
for ( int i = 0; i < m_Groups.Length; ++i )
CreatureGroup group = m_Groups;
Type[] types = group.m_Types;

bool contains = ( types.Length == 0 );

for ( int j = 0; !contains && j < types.Length; ++j )
contains = ( types[j] == type );

if ( contains )
return group;

return null;

private static CreatureGroup[] m_Groups = new CreatureGroup[]
// Undead group--empty
new CreatureGroup( SlayerGroup.GetEntryByName( SlayerName.Silver ).Types, new SummonEntry[0] ),
// Insects
new CreatureGroup( new Type[]
typeof( DreadSpider ), typeof( FrostSpider ), typeof( GiantSpider ), typeof( GiantBlackWidow ),
typeof( BlackSolenInfiltratorQueen ), typeof( BlackSolenInfiltratorWarrior ),
typeof( BlackSolenQueen ), typeof( BlackSolenWarrior ), typeof( BlackSolenWorker ),
typeof( RedSolenInfiltratorQueen ), typeof( RedSolenInfiltratorWarrior ),
typeof( RedSolenQueen ), typeof( RedSolenWarrior ), typeof( RedSolenWorker ),
typeof( TerathanAvenger ), typeof( TerathanDrone ), typeof( TerathanMatriarch ),
typeof( TerathanWarrior )
// TODO: Giant beetle? Ant lion? Ophidians?
new SummonEntry[]
new SummonEntry( 0, typeof( MoundOfMaggots ) )
} ),
// Mounts
new CreatureGroup( new Type[]
typeof( Horse ), typeof( Nightmare ), typeof( FireSteed ),
typeof( Kirin ), typeof( Unicorn )
}, new SummonEntry[]
new SummonEntry( 10000, typeof( HellSteed ) ),
new SummonEntry( 0, typeof( SkeletalMount ) )
} ),
// Elementals
new CreatureGroup( new Type[]
typeof( BloodElemental ), typeof( EarthElemental ), typeof( SummonedEarthElemental ),
typeof( AgapiteElemental ), typeof( BronzeElemental ), typeof( CopperElemental ),
typeof( DullCopperElemental ), typeof( GoldenElemental ), typeof( ShadowIronElemental ),
typeof( ValoriteElemental ), typeof( VeriteElemental ), typeof( PoisonElemental ),
typeof( FireElemental ), typeof( SummonedFireElemental ), typeof( SnowElemental ),
typeof( AirElemental ), typeof( SummonedAirElemental ), typeof( WaterElemental ),
typeof( SummonedAirElemental ), typeof ( ToxicElemental )
}, new SummonEntry[]
new SummonEntry( 5000, typeof( WailingBanshee ) ),
new SummonEntry( 0, typeof( Wraith ) )
} ),
// Dragons
new CreatureGroup( new Type[]
typeof( AncientWyrm ), typeof( Dragon ), typeof( GreaterDragon ), typeof( SerpentineDragon ),
typeof( ShadowWyrm ), typeof( SkeletalDragon ), typeof( WhiteWyrm ),
typeof( Drake ), typeof( Wyvern ), typeof( LesserHiryu ), typeof( Hiryu )
}, new SummonEntry[]
new SummonEntry( 18000, typeof( SkeletalDragon ) ),
new SummonEntry( 10000, typeof( FleshGolem ) ),
new SummonEntry( 5000, typeof( Lich ) ),
new SummonEntry( 3000, typeof( SkeletalKnight ), typeof( BoneKnight ) ),
new SummonEntry( 2000, typeof( Mummy ) ),
new SummonEntry( 1000, typeof( SkeletalMage ), typeof( BoneMagi ) ),
new SummonEntry( 0, typeof( PatchworkSkeleton ) )
} ),
// Default group
new CreatureGroup( new Type[0], new SummonEntry[]
new SummonEntry( 18000, typeof( LichLord ) ),
new SummonEntry( 10000, typeof( FleshGolem ) ),
new SummonEntry( 5000, typeof( Lich ) ),
new SummonEntry( 3000, typeof( SkeletalKnight ), typeof( BoneKnight ) ),
new SummonEntry( 2000, typeof( Mummy ) ),
new SummonEntry( 1000, typeof( SkeletalMage ), typeof( BoneMagi ) ),
new SummonEntry( 0, typeof( PatchworkSkeleton ) )
} ),

public void Target( object obj )
MaabusCoffinComponent comp = obj as MaabusCoffinComponent;

if ( comp != null )
MaabusCoffin addon = comp.Addon as MaabusCoffin;

if ( addon != null )
PlayerMobile pm = Caster as PlayerMobile;

if ( pm != null )
QuestSystem qs = pm.Quest;

if ( qs is DarkTidesQuest )
QuestObjective objective = qs.FindObjective( typeof( AnimateMaabusCorpseObjective ) );

if ( objective != null && !objective.Completed )
addon.Awake( Caster );


Corpse c = obj as Corpse;

if ( c == null )
Caster.SendLocalizedMessage( 1061084 ); // You cannot animate that.
Type type = null;

if ( c.Owner != null )
type = c.Owner.GetType();

if ( c.ItemID != 0x2006 || c.Channeled || type == typeof( PlayerMobile ) || type == null || ( c.Owner != null && c.Owner.Fame < 100 ) || ( ( c.Owner != null ) && ( c.Owner is BaseCreature ) && ( ((BaseCreature)c.Owner).Summoned || ((BaseCreature)c.Owner).IsBonded)) )
Caster.SendLocalizedMessage( 1061085 ); // There's not enough life force there to animate.
CreatureGroup group = FindGroup( type );

if ( group != null )
if ( group.m_Entries.Length == 0 || type == typeof( DemonKnight ) )
Caster.SendLocalizedMessage( 1061086 ); // You cannot animate undead remains.
else if ( CheckSequence() )
Point3D p = c.GetWorldLocation();
Map map = c.Map;

if ( map != null )
Effects.PlaySound( p, map, 0x1FB );
Effects.SendLocationParticles( EffectItem.Create( p, map, EffectItem.DefaultDuration ), 0x3789, 1, 40, 0x3F, 3, 9907, 0 );

Timer.DelayCall( TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 2.0 ), new TimerStateCallback( SummonDelay_Callback ), new object[]{ Caster, c, p, map, group } );


private static Dictionary<Mobile, List<Mobile>> m_Table = new Dictionary<Mobile, List<Mobile>>();

public static void Unregister( Mobile master, Mobile summoned )
if ( master == null )

List<Mobile> list = null;
m_Table.TryGetValue( master, out list );

if ( list == null )

list.Remove( summoned );

if ( list.Count == 0 )
m_Table.Remove( master );

public static void Register( Mobile master, Mobile summoned )
if ( master == null )

List<Mobile> list = null;
m_Table.TryGetValue( master, out list );

if ( list == null )
m_Table[master] = list = new List<Mobile>();

for ( int i = list.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i )
if ( i >= list.Count )

Mobile mob = list;

if ( mob.Deleted )
list.RemoveAt( i-- );

list.Add( summoned );

if ( list.Count > 3 )
Timer.DelayCall( TimeSpan.Zero, new TimerCallback( list[0].Kill ) );

Timer.DelayCall( TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 2.0 ), TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 2.0 ), new TimerStateCallback( Summoned_Damage ), summoned );

private static void Summoned_Damage( object state )
Mobile mob = (Mobile)state;

if ( mob.Hits > 0 )

private static void SummonDelay_Callback( object state )
object[] states = (object[])state;

Mobile caster = (Mobile)states[0];
Corpse corpse = (Corpse)states[1];
Point3D loc = (Point3D)states[2];
Map map = (Map)states[3];
CreatureGroup group = (CreatureGroup)states[4];

if ( corpse.ItemID != 0x2006 )

Mobile owner = corpse.Owner;

if ( owner == null )

double necromancy = caster.Skills[SkillName.Necromancy].Value;
double spiritSpeak = caster.Skills[SkillName.SpiritSpeak].Value;

int casterAbility = 0;

casterAbility += (int)(necromancy * 30);
casterAbility += (int)(spiritSpeak * 70);
casterAbility /= 10;
casterAbility *= 18;

if ( casterAbility > owner.Fame )
casterAbility = owner.Fame;

if ( casterAbility < 0 )
casterAbility = 0;

Type toSummon = null;
SummonEntry[] entries = group.m_Entries;

for ( int i = 0; toSummon == null && i < entries.Length; ++i )
SummonEntry entry = entries;

if ( casterAbility < entry.m_Requirement )

Type[] animates = entry.m_ToSummon;

if ( animates.Length >= 0 )
toSummon = animates[Utility.Random( animates.Length )];

if ( toSummon == null )

Mobile summoned = null;

try{ summoned = Activator.CreateInstance( toSummon ) as Mobile; }

if ( summoned == null )

if ( summoned is BaseCreature )
BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)summoned;

// to be sure
bc.Tamable = false;

if ( bc is BaseMount )
bc.ControlSlots = 1;
bc.ControlSlots = 0;

Effects.PlaySound( loc, map, bc.GetAngerSound() );

BaseCreature.Summon( (BaseCreature)summoned, false, caster, loc, 0x28, TimeSpan.FromDays( 1.0 ) );

if ( summoned is SkeletalDragon )
Scale( (SkeletalDragon)summoned, 50 ); // lose 50% hp and strength

summoned.Fame = 0;
summoned.Karma = -1500;

summoned.MoveToWorld( loc, map );

corpse.ItemID = Utility.Random( 0xECA, 9 ); // bone graphic
corpse.Hue = 0;

Register( caster, summoned );

private static void Scale( BaseCreature bc, int scalar )
int toScale;

toScale = bc.RawStr;
bc.RawStr = AOS.Scale( toScale, scalar );

toScale = bc.HitsMaxSeed;

if ( toScale > 0 )
bc.HitsMaxSeed = AOS.Scale( toScale, scalar );

bc.Hits = bc.Hits; // refresh hits

public class InternalTarget : Target
// Edited for new AI (might need a better protection level)
// private class InternalTarget : Target
private AnimateDeadSpell m_Owner;

public InternalTarget( AnimateDeadSpell owner ) : base( Core.ML ? 10 : 12, false, TargetFlags.None )
m_Owner = owner;

protected override void OnTarget( Mobile from, object o )
m_Owner.Target( o );

protected override void OnTargetFinish( Mobile from )

JOsh Mandela

I do not have any problems with the player.access on the spell. which is why I didn't think that was an option.

*assuming if the access level is correct on my server, then it should be also correct on his. The scripts were taken directly from my scripts folder and posted.


Looks like the InternalTarget in your AnimateDeadSpell is set to private and needs to be public. Thats my first thought
Here it is:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Server.Network;
using Server.Mobiles;
using Server.Targeting;
using Server.Items;
using Server.Engines.Quests;
using Server.Engines.Quests.Necro;
namespace Server.Spells.Necromancy
    public class AnimateDeadSpell : NecromancerSpell
        private static SpellInfo m_Info = new SpellInfo(
                "Animate Dead", "Uus Corp",
        public override TimeSpan CastDelayBase { get { return TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 1.5 ); } }
        public override double RequiredSkill{ get{ return 40.0; } }
        public override int RequiredMana{ get{ return 23; } }
        public AnimateDeadSpell( Mobile caster, Item scroll ) : base( caster, scroll, m_Info )
        public override void OnCast()
            Caster.Target = new InternalTarget( this );
            Caster.SendLocalizedMessage( 1061083 ); // Animate what corpse?
        private class CreatureGroup
            public Type[] m_Types;
            public SummonEntry[] m_Entries;
            public CreatureGroup( Type[] types, SummonEntry[] entries )
                m_Types = types;
                m_Entries = entries;
        private class SummonEntry
            public Type[] m_ToSummon;
            public int m_Requirement;
            public SummonEntry( int requirement, params Type[] toSummon )
                m_ToSummon = toSummon;
                m_Requirement = requirement;
        private static CreatureGroup FindGroup( Type type )
            for ( int i = 0; i < m_Groups.Length; ++i )
                CreatureGroup group = m_Groups[i];
                Type[] types = group.m_Types;
                bool contains = ( types.Length == 0 );
                for ( int j = 0; !contains && j < types.Length; ++j )
                    contains = types[j].IsAssignableFrom( type );
                if ( contains )
                    return group;
            return null;
        private static CreatureGroup[] m_Groups = new CreatureGroup[]
                // Undead group--empty
                new CreatureGroup( SlayerGroup.GetEntryByName( SlayerName.Silver ).Types, new SummonEntry[0] ),
                // Insects
                new CreatureGroup( new Type[]
                    typeof( DreadSpider ), typeof( FrostSpider ), typeof( GiantSpider ), typeof( GiantBlackWidow ),
                    typeof( BlackSolenInfiltratorQueen ), typeof( BlackSolenInfiltratorWarrior ),
                    typeof( BlackSolenQueen ), typeof( BlackSolenWarrior ), typeof( BlackSolenWorker ),
                    typeof( RedSolenInfiltratorQueen ), typeof( RedSolenInfiltratorWarrior ),
                    typeof( RedSolenQueen ), typeof( RedSolenWarrior ), typeof( RedSolenWorker ),
                    typeof( TerathanAvenger ), typeof( TerathanDrone ), typeof( TerathanMatriarch ),
                    typeof( TerathanWarrior )
                    // TODO: Giant beetle? Ant lion? Ophidians?
                new SummonEntry[]
                    new SummonEntry( 0, typeof( MoundOfMaggots ) )
                } ),
                // Mounts
                new CreatureGroup( new Type[]
                    typeof( Horse ), typeof( Nightmare ), typeof( FireSteed ),
                    typeof( Kirin ), typeof( Unicorn )
                }, new SummonEntry[]
                    new SummonEntry( 10000, typeof( HellSteed ) ),
                    new SummonEntry(    0, typeof( SkeletalMount ) )
                } ),
                // Elementals
                new CreatureGroup( new Type[]
                    typeof( BloodElemental ), typeof( EarthElemental ), typeof( SummonedEarthElemental ),
                    typeof( AgapiteElemental ), typeof( BronzeElemental ), typeof( CopperElemental ),
                    typeof( DullCopperElemental ), typeof( GoldenElemental ), typeof( ShadowIronElemental ),
                    typeof( ValoriteElemental ), typeof( VeriteElemental ), typeof( PoisonElemental ),
                    typeof( FireElemental ), typeof( SummonedFireElemental ), typeof( SnowElemental ),
                    typeof( AirElemental ), typeof( SummonedAirElemental ), typeof( WaterElemental ),
                    typeof( SummonedAirElemental ), typeof ( AcidElemental )
                }, new SummonEntry[]
                    new SummonEntry( 5000, typeof( WailingBanshee ) ),
                    new SummonEntry(    0, typeof( Wraith ) )
                } ),
                // Dragons
                new CreatureGroup( new Type[]
                    typeof( AncientWyrm ), typeof( Dragon ), typeof( GreaterDragon ), typeof( SerpentineDragon ),
                    typeof( ShadowWyrm ), typeof( SkeletalDragon ), typeof( WhiteWyrm ),
                    typeof( Drake ), typeof( Wyvern ), typeof( LesserHiryu ), typeof( Hiryu )
                }, new SummonEntry[]
                    new SummonEntry( 18000, typeof( SkeletalDragon ) ),
                    new SummonEntry( 10000, typeof( FleshGolem ) ),
                    new SummonEntry(  5000, typeof( Lich ) ),
                    new SummonEntry(  3000, typeof( SkeletalKnight ), typeof( BoneKnight ) ),
                    new SummonEntry(  2000, typeof( Mummy ) ),
                    new SummonEntry(  1000, typeof( SkeletalMage ), typeof( BoneMagi ) ),
                    new SummonEntry(    0, typeof( PatchworkSkeleton ) )
                } ),
                // Default group
                new CreatureGroup( new Type[0], new SummonEntry[]
                    new SummonEntry( 18000, typeof( LichLord ) ),
                    new SummonEntry( 10000, typeof( FleshGolem ) ),
                    new SummonEntry(  5000, typeof( Lich ) ),
                    new SummonEntry(  3000, typeof( SkeletalKnight ), typeof( BoneKnight ) ),
                    new SummonEntry(  2000, typeof( Mummy ) ),
                    new SummonEntry(  1000, typeof( SkeletalMage ), typeof( BoneMagi ) ),
                    new SummonEntry(    0, typeof( PatchworkSkeleton ) )
                } ),
        public void Target( object obj )
            MaabusCoffinComponent comp = obj as MaabusCoffinComponent;
            if ( comp != null )
                MaabusCoffin addon = comp.Addon as MaabusCoffin;
                if ( addon != null )
                    PlayerMobile pm = Caster as PlayerMobile;
                    if ( pm != null )
                        QuestSystem qs = pm.Quest;
                        if ( qs is DarkTidesQuest )
                            QuestObjective objective = qs.FindObjective( typeof( AnimateMaabusCorpseObjective ) );
                            if ( objective != null && !objective.Completed )
                                addon.Awake( Caster );
            Corpse c = obj as Corpse;
            if( c == null )
                Caster.SendLocalizedMessage( 1061084 ); // You cannot animate that.
                Type type = null;
                if( c.Owner != null )
                    type = c.Owner.GetType();
                if( c.ItemID != 0x2006 || c.Animated || type == typeof( PlayerMobile ) || type == null || ( c.Owner != null && c.Owner.Fame < 100 ) || ( ( c.Owner != null ) && ( c.Owner is BaseCreature ) && ( ( ( BaseCreature )c.Owner ).Summoned || ( ( BaseCreature )c.Owner ).IsBonded ) ) )
                    Caster.SendLocalizedMessage( 1061085 ); // There's not enough life force there to animate.
                    CreatureGroup group = FindGroup( type );
                    if( group != null )
                        if( group.m_Entries.Length == 0 || type == typeof( DemonKnight ) )
                            Caster.SendLocalizedMessage( 1061086 ); // You cannot animate undead remains.
                        else if( CheckSequence() )
                            Point3D p = c.GetWorldLocation();
                            Map map = c.Map;
                            if( map != null )
                                Effects.PlaySound( p, map, 0x1FB );
                                Effects.SendLocationParticles( EffectItem.Create( p, map, EffectItem.DefaultDuration ), 0x3789, 1, 40, 0x3F, 3, 9907, 0 );
                                Timer.DelayCall( TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 2.0 ), new TimerStateCallback( SummonDelay_Callback ), new object[] { Caster, c, p, map, group } );
        private static Dictionary<Mobile, List<Mobile>> m_Table = new Dictionary<Mobile, List<Mobile>>();
        public static void Unregister( Mobile master, Mobile summoned )
            if ( master == null )
            List<Mobile> list = null;
            m_Table.TryGetValue( master, out list );
            if ( list == null )
            list.Remove( summoned );
            if ( list.Count == 0 )
                m_Table.Remove( master );
        public static void Register( Mobile master, Mobile summoned )
            if ( master == null )
            List<Mobile> list = null;
            m_Table.TryGetValue( master, out list );
            if ( list == null )
                m_Table[master] = list = new List<Mobile>();
            for ( int i = list.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i )
                if ( i >= list.Count )
                Mobile mob = list[i];
                if ( mob.Deleted )
                    list.RemoveAt( i-- );
            list.Add( summoned );
            if ( list.Count > 3 )
                Timer.DelayCall( TimeSpan.Zero, new TimerCallback( list[0].Kill ) );
            Timer.DelayCall( TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 2.0 ), TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 2.0 ), new TimerStateCallback( Summoned_Damage ), summoned );
        private static void Summoned_Damage( object state )
            Mobile mob = (Mobile)state;
            if ( mob.Hits > 0 )
        private static void SummonDelay_Callback( object state )
            object[] states = (object[])state;
            Mobile caster = (Mobile)states[0];
            Corpse corpse = (Corpse)states[1];
            Point3D loc = (Point3D)states[2];
            Map map = (Map)states[3];
            CreatureGroup group = (CreatureGroup)states[4];
            if ( corpse.Animated )
            Mobile owner = corpse.Owner;
            if ( owner == null )
            double necromancy = caster.Skills[SkillName.Necromancy].Value;
            double spiritSpeak = caster.Skills[SkillName.SpiritSpeak].Value;
            int casterAbility = 0;
            casterAbility += (int)(necromancy * 30);
            casterAbility += (int)(spiritSpeak * 70);
            casterAbility /= 10;
            casterAbility *= 18;
            if ( casterAbility > owner.Fame )
                casterAbility = owner.Fame;
            if ( casterAbility < 0 )
                casterAbility = 0;
            Type toSummon = null;
            SummonEntry[] entries = group.m_Entries;
            for ( int i = 0; toSummon == null && i < entries.Length; ++i )
                SummonEntry entry = entries[i];
                if ( casterAbility < entry.m_Requirement )
                Type[] animates = entry.m_ToSummon;
                if ( animates.Length >= 0 )
                    toSummon = animates[Utility.Random( animates.Length )];
            if ( toSummon == null )
            Mobile summoned = null;
            try{ summoned = Activator.CreateInstance( toSummon ) as Mobile; }
            if ( summoned == null )
            if ( summoned is BaseCreature )
                BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)summoned;
                // to be sure
                bc.Tamable = false;
                if ( bc is BaseMount )
                    bc.ControlSlots = 1;
                    bc.ControlSlots = 0;
                Effects.PlaySound( loc, map, bc.GetAngerSound() );
                BaseCreature.Summon( (BaseCreature)summoned, false, caster, loc, 0x28, TimeSpan.FromDays( 1.0 ) );
            if ( summoned is SkeletalDragon )
                Scale( (SkeletalDragon)summoned, 50 ); // lose 50% hp and strength
            summoned.Fame = 0;
            summoned.Karma = -1500;
            summoned.MoveToWorld( loc, map );
            corpse.Hue = 1109;
            corpse.Animated = true;
            Register( caster, summoned );
        public static void Scale( BaseCreature bc, int scalar )
            int toScale;
            toScale = bc.RawStr;
            bc.RawStr = AOS.Scale( toScale, scalar );
            toScale = bc.HitsMaxSeed;
            if ( toScale > 0 )
                bc.HitsMaxSeed = AOS.Scale( toScale, scalar );
            bc.Hits = bc.Hits; // refresh hits
        private class InternalTarget : Target
            private AnimateDeadSpell m_Owner;
            public InternalTarget( AnimateDeadSpell owner ) : base( Core.ML ? 10 : 12, false, TargetFlags.None )
                m_Owner = owner;
            protected override void OnTarget( Mobile from, object o )
                m_Owner.Target( o );
            protected override void OnTargetFinish( Mobile from )


Jay change line 401 (approx) from

 private class InternalTarget : Target


 public class InternalTarget : Target