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Accounting/Account.cs CS0535 issue.


So I've been trying to get my server to run fine on Linux, namely Debian Wheezy. I'm using the latest Mono and got RunUO to work with .net 4 which fixed the million warnings I had been receiving. Now I have 1 error, and only one. And it's strange since Account.cs compiles fine on my Windows but not on my Linux, anyway it's the default Account.cs we get with RunUO 2.2 and the error I receive is...

failed (1 errors, 0 warnings)
+ Accounting/Account.cs:
CS0535: Line 17: `Server.Accounting.Account' does not implement interface member `System.IComparable<Server.Accounting.IAccount>.CompareTo(Server.Accounting.IAccount)'
The Account.cs code is below.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Net;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using Server;
using Server.Misc;
using Server.Mobiles;
using Server.Multis;
using Server.Network;

namespace Server.Accounting
public class Account : IAccount, IComparable, IComparable<Account>
public static readonly TimeSpan YoungDuration = TimeSpan.FromHours( 40.0 );

public static readonly TimeSpan InactiveDuration = TimeSpan.FromDays( 180.0 );

private string m_Username, m_PlainPassword, m_CryptPassword, m_NewCryptPassword;
private AccessLevel m_AccessLevel;
private int m_Flags;
private DateTime m_Created, m_LastLogin;
private TimeSpan m_TotalGameTime;
private List<AccountComment> m_Comments;
private List<AccountTag> m_Tags;
private Mobile[] m_Mobiles;
private string[] m_IPRestrictions;
private IPAddress[] m_LoginIPs;
private HardwareInfo m_HardwareInfo;

/// <summary>
/// Deletes the account, all characters of the account, and all houses of those characters
/// </summary>
public void Delete()
for ( int i = 0; i < this.Length; ++i )
Mobile m = this;

if ( m == null )

List<BaseHouse> list = BaseHouse.GetHouses( m );

for ( int j = 0; j < list.Count; ++j )


m.Account = null;
m_Mobiles = null;

Accounts.Remove( m_Username );

/// <summary>
/// Object detailing information about the hardware of the last person to log into this account
/// </summary>
public HardwareInfo HardwareInfo
get { return m_HardwareInfo; }
set { m_HardwareInfo = value; }

/// <summary>
/// List of IP addresses for restricted access. '*' wildcard supported. If the array contains zero entries, all IP addresses are allowed.
/// </summary>
public string[] IPRestrictions
get { return m_IPRestrictions; }
set { m_IPRestrictions = value; }

/// <summary>
/// List of IP addresses which have successfully logged into this account.
/// </summary>
public IPAddress[] LoginIPs
get { return m_LoginIPs; }
set { m_LoginIPs = value; }

/// <summary>
/// List of account comments. Type of contained objects is AccountComment.
/// </summary>
public List<AccountComment> Comments
get { if ( m_Comments == null ) m_Comments = new List<AccountComment>(); return m_Comments; }

/// <summary>
/// List of account tags. Type of contained objects is AccountTag.
/// </summary>
public List<AccountTag> Tags
get { if ( m_Tags == null ) m_Tags = new List<AccountTag>(); return m_Tags; }

/// <summary>
/// Account username. Case insensitive validation.
/// </summary>
public string Username
get { return m_Username; }
set { m_Username = value; }

/// <summary>
/// Account password. Plain text. Case sensitive validation. May be null.
/// </summary>
public string PlainPassword
get { return m_PlainPassword; }
set { m_PlainPassword = value; }

/// <summary>
/// Account password. Hashed with MD5. May be null.
/// </summary>
public string CryptPassword
get { return m_CryptPassword; }
set { m_CryptPassword = value; }

/// <summary>
/// Account username and password hashed with SHA1. May be null.
/// </summary>
public string NewCryptPassword
get { return m_NewCryptPassword; }
set { m_NewCryptPassword = value; }

/// <summary>
/// Initial AccessLevel for new characters created on this account.
/// </summary>
public AccessLevel AccessLevel
get { return m_AccessLevel; }
set { m_AccessLevel = value; }

/// <summary>
/// Internal bitfield of account flags. Consider using direct access properties (Banned, Young), or GetFlag/SetFlag methods
/// </summary>
public int Flags
get { return m_Flags; }
set { m_Flags = value; }

/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets a flag indiciating if this account is banned.
/// </summary>
public bool Banned
bool isBanned = GetFlag( 0 );

if ( !isBanned )
return false;

DateTime banTime;
TimeSpan banDuration;

if ( GetBanTags( out banTime, out banDuration ) )
if ( banDuration != TimeSpan.MaxValue && DateTime.Now >= ( banTime + banDuration ) )
SetUnspecifiedBan( null ); // clear
Banned = false;
return false;

return true;
set { SetFlag( 0, value ); }

/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets a flag indicating if the characters created on this account will have the young status.
/// </summary>
public bool Young
get { return !GetFlag( 1 ); }
SetFlag( 1, !value );

if ( m_YoungTimer != null )
m_YoungTimer = null;

/// <summary>
/// The date and time of when this account was created.
/// </summary>
public DateTime Created
get { return m_Created; }

/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the date and time when this account was last accessed.
/// </summary>
public DateTime LastLogin
get { return m_LastLogin; }
set { m_LastLogin = value; }

/// <summary>
/// An account is considered inactive based upon LastLogin and InactiveDuration
/// </summary>
public bool Inactive
get { return ( ( m_LastLogin + InactiveDuration ) <= DateTime.Now && AccessLevel == AccessLevel.Player ); }

/// <summary>
/// Gets the total game time of this account, also considering the game time of characters
/// that have been deleted.
/// </summary>
public TimeSpan TotalGameTime
for ( int i = 0; i < m_Mobiles.Length; i++ )
PlayerMobile m = m_Mobiles as PlayerMobile;

if ( m != null && m.NetState != null )
return m_TotalGameTime + ( DateTime.Now - m.SessionStart );

return m_TotalGameTime;

/// <summary>
/// Gets the value of a specific flag in the Flags bitfield.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">The zero-based flag index.</param>
public bool GetFlag( int index )
return ( m_Flags & ( 1 << index ) ) != 0;

/// <summary>
/// Sets the value of a specific flag in the Flags bitfield.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">The zero-based flag index.</param>
/// <param name="value">The value to set.</param>
public void SetFlag( int index, bool value )
if ( value )
m_Flags |= ( 1 << index );
m_Flags &= ~( 1 << index );

/// <summary>
/// Adds a new tag to this account. This method does not check for duplicate names.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">New tag name.</param>
/// <param name="value">New tag value.</param>
public void AddTag( string name, string value )
Tags.Add( new AccountTag( name, value ) );

/// <summary>
/// Removes all tags with the specified name from this account.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">Tag name to remove.</param>
public void RemoveTag( string name )
for ( int i = Tags.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i )
if ( i >= Tags.Count )

AccountTag tag = Tags;

if ( tag.Name == name )
Tags.RemoveAt( i );

/// <summary>
/// Modifies an existing tag or adds a new tag if no tag exists.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">Tag name.</param>
/// <param name="value">Tag value.</param>
public void SetTag( string name, string value )
for ( int i = 0; i < Tags.Count; ++i )
AccountTag tag = Tags;

if ( tag.Name == name )
tag.Value = value;

AddTag( name, value );

/// <summary>
/// Gets the value of a tag -or- null if there are no tags with the specified name.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">Name of the desired tag value.</param>
public string GetTag( string name )
for ( int i = 0; i < Tags.Count; ++i )
AccountTag tag = Tags;

if ( tag.Name == name )
return tag.Value;

return null;

public void SetUnspecifiedBan( Mobile from )
SetBanTags( from, DateTime.MinValue, TimeSpan.Zero );

public void SetBanTags( Mobile from, DateTime banTime, TimeSpan banDuration )
if ( from == null )
RemoveTag( "BanDealer" );
SetTag( "BanDealer", from.ToString() );

if ( banTime == DateTime.MinValue )
RemoveTag( "BanTime" );
SetTag( "BanTime", XmlConvert.ToString( banTime, XmlDateTimeSerializationMode.Local ) );

if ( banDuration == TimeSpan.Zero )
RemoveTag( "BanDuration" );
SetTag( "BanDuration", banDuration.ToString() );

public bool GetBanTags( out DateTime banTime, out TimeSpan banDuration )
string tagTime = GetTag( "BanTime" );
string tagDuration = GetTag( "BanDuration" );

if ( tagTime != null )
banTime = Utility.GetXMLDateTime( tagTime, DateTime.MinValue );
banTime = DateTime.MinValue;

if ( tagDuration == "Infinite" )
banDuration = TimeSpan.MaxValue;
else if ( tagDuration != null )
banDuration = Utility.ToTimeSpan( tagDuration );
banDuration = TimeSpan.Zero;

return ( banTime != DateTime.MinValue && banDuration != TimeSpan.Zero );

private static MD5CryptoServiceProvider m_MD5HashProvider;
private static SHA1CryptoServiceProvider m_SHA1HashProvider;
private static byte[] m_HashBuffer;

public static string HashMD5( string phrase )
if ( m_MD5HashProvider == null )
m_MD5HashProvider = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider();

if ( m_HashBuffer == null )
m_HashBuffer = new byte[256];

int length = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes( phrase, 0, phrase.Length > 256 ? 256 : phrase.Length, m_HashBuffer, 0 );
byte[] hashed = m_MD5HashProvider.ComputeHash( m_HashBuffer, 0, length );

return BitConverter.ToString( hashed );

public static string HashSHA1( string phrase )
if ( m_SHA1HashProvider == null )
m_SHA1HashProvider = new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider();

if ( m_HashBuffer == null )
m_HashBuffer = new byte[256];

int length = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes( phrase, 0, phrase.Length > 256 ? 256 : phrase.Length, m_HashBuffer, 0 );
byte[] hashed = m_SHA1HashProvider.ComputeHash( m_HashBuffer, 0, length );

return BitConverter.ToString( hashed );

public void SetPassword( string plainPassword )
switch ( AccountHandler.ProtectPasswords )
case PasswordProtection.None:
m_PlainPassword = plainPassword;
m_CryptPassword = null;
m_NewCryptPassword = null;

case PasswordProtection.Crypt:
m_PlainPassword = null;
m_CryptPassword = HashMD5( plainPassword );
m_NewCryptPassword = null;

default: // PasswordProtection.NewCrypt
m_PlainPassword = null;
m_CryptPassword = null;
m_NewCryptPassword = HashSHA1( m_Username + plainPassword );


public bool CheckPassword( string plainPassword )
bool ok;
PasswordProtection curProt;

if ( m_PlainPassword != null )
ok = ( m_PlainPassword == plainPassword );
curProt = PasswordProtection.None;
else if ( m_CryptPassword != null )
ok = ( m_CryptPassword == HashMD5( plainPassword ) );
curProt = PasswordProtection.Crypt;
ok = ( m_NewCryptPassword == HashSHA1( m_Username + plainPassword ) );
curProt = PasswordProtection.NewCrypt;

if ( ok && curProt != AccountHandler.ProtectPasswords )
SetPassword( plainPassword );

return ok;

private Timer m_YoungTimer;

public static void Initialize()
EventSink.Connected += new ConnectedEventHandler( EventSink_Connected );
EventSink.Disconnected += new DisconnectedEventHandler( EventSink_Disconnected );
EventSink.Login += new LoginEventHandler( EventSink_Login );

private static void EventSink_Connected( ConnectedEventArgs e )
Account acc = e.Mobile.Account as Account;

if ( acc == null )

if ( acc.Young && acc.m_YoungTimer == null )
acc.m_YoungTimer = new YoungTimer( acc );

private static void EventSink_Disconnected( DisconnectedEventArgs e )
Account acc = e.Mobile.Account as Account;

if ( acc == null )

if ( acc.m_YoungTimer != null )
acc.m_YoungTimer = null;

PlayerMobile m = e.Mobile as PlayerMobile;
if ( m == null )

acc.m_TotalGameTime += DateTime.Now - m.SessionStart;

private static void EventSink_Login( LoginEventArgs e )
PlayerMobile m = e.Mobile as PlayerMobile;

if ( m == null )

Account acc = m.Account as Account;

if ( acc == null )

if ( m.Young && acc.Young )
TimeSpan ts = YoungDuration - acc.TotalGameTime;
int hours = Math.Max( (int) ts.TotalHours, 0 );

m.SendAsciiMessage( "You will enjoy the benefits and relatively safe status of a young player for {0} more hour{1}.", hours, hours != 1 ? "s" : "" );

public void RemoveYoungStatus( int message )
this.Young = false;

for ( int i = 0; i < m_Mobiles.Length; i++ )
PlayerMobile m = m_Mobiles as PlayerMobile;

if ( m != null && m.Young )
m.Young = false;

if ( m.NetState != null )
if ( message > 0 )
m.SendLocalizedMessage( message );

m.SendLocalizedMessage( 1019039 ); // You are no longer considered a young player of Ultima Online, and are no longer subject to the limitations and benefits of being in that caste.

public void CheckYoung()
if ( TotalGameTime >= YoungDuration )
RemoveYoungStatus( 1019038 ); // You are old enough to be considered an adult, and have outgrown your status as a young player!

private class YoungTimer : Timer
private Account m_Account;

public YoungTimer( Account account )
: base( TimeSpan.FromMinutes( 1.0 ), TimeSpan.FromMinutes( 1.0 ) )
m_Account = account;

Priority = TimerPriority.FiveSeconds;

protected override void OnTick()

public Account( string username, string password )
m_Username = username;

SetPassword( password );

m_AccessLevel = AccessLevel.Player;

m_Created = m_LastLogin = DateTime.Now;
m_TotalGameTime = TimeSpan.Zero;

m_Mobiles = new Mobile[7];

m_IPRestrictions = new string[0];
m_LoginIPs = new IPAddress[0];

Accounts.Add( this );

public Account( XmlElement node )
m_Username = Utility.GetText( node["username"], "empty" );

string plainPassword = Utility.GetText( node["password"], null );
string cryptPassword = Utility.GetText( node["cryptPassword"], null );
string newCryptPassword = Utility.GetText( node["newCryptPassword"], null );

switch ( AccountHandler.ProtectPasswords )
case PasswordProtection.None:
if ( plainPassword != null )
SetPassword( plainPassword );
else if ( newCryptPassword != null )
m_NewCryptPassword = newCryptPassword;
else if ( cryptPassword != null )
m_CryptPassword = cryptPassword;
SetPassword( "empty" );

case PasswordProtection.Crypt:
if ( cryptPassword != null )
m_CryptPassword = cryptPassword;
else if ( plainPassword != null )
SetPassword( plainPassword );
else if ( newCryptPassword != null )
m_NewCryptPassword = newCryptPassword;
SetPassword( "empty" );

default: // PasswordProtection.NewCrypt
if ( newCryptPassword != null )
m_NewCryptPassword = newCryptPassword;
else if ( plainPassword != null )
SetPassword( plainPassword );
else if ( cryptPassword != null )
m_CryptPassword = cryptPassword;
SetPassword( "empty" );


m_AccessLevel = (AccessLevel)Enum.Parse( typeof( AccessLevel ), Utility.GetText( node["accessLevel"], "Player" ), true );
m_Flags = Utility.GetXMLInt32( Utility.GetText( node["flags"], "0" ), 0 );
m_Created = Utility.GetXMLDateTime( Utility.GetText( node["created"], null ), DateTime.Now );
m_LastLogin = Utility.GetXMLDateTime( Utility.GetText( node["lastLogin"], null ), DateTime.Now );

m_Mobiles = LoadMobiles( node );
m_Comments = LoadComments( node );
m_Tags = LoadTags( node );
m_LoginIPs = LoadAddressList( node );
m_IPRestrictions = LoadAccessCheck( node );

for ( int i = 0; i < m_Mobiles.Length; ++i )
if ( m_Mobiles != null )
m_Mobiles.Account = this;

TimeSpan totalGameTime = Utility.GetXMLTimeSpan( Utility.GetText( node["totalGameTime"], null ), TimeSpan.Zero );
if ( totalGameTime == TimeSpan.Zero )
for ( int i = 0; i < m_Mobiles.Length; i++ )
PlayerMobile m = m_Mobiles as PlayerMobile;

if ( m != null )
totalGameTime += m.GameTime;
m_TotalGameTime = totalGameTime;

if ( this.Young )

Accounts.Add( this );

/// <summary>
/// Deserializes a list of string values from an xml element. Null values are not added to the list.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="node">The XmlElement from which to deserialize.</param>
/// <returns>String list. Value will never be null.</returns>
public static string[] LoadAccessCheck( XmlElement node )
string[] stringList;
XmlElement accessCheck = node["accessCheck"];

if ( accessCheck != null )
List<string> list = new List<string>();

foreach ( XmlElement ip in accessCheck.GetElementsByTagName( "ip" ) )
string text = Utility.GetText( ip, null );

if ( text != null )
list.Add( text );

stringList = list.ToArray();
stringList = new string[0];

return stringList;

/// <summary>
/// Deserializes a list of IPAddress values from an xml element.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="node">The XmlElement from which to deserialize.</param>
/// <returns>Address list. Value will never be null.</returns>
public static IPAddress[] LoadAddressList( XmlElement node )
IPAddress[] list;
XmlElement addressList = node["addressList"];

if ( addressList != null )
int count = Utility.GetXMLInt32( Utility.GetAttribute( addressList, "count", "0" ), 0 );

list = new IPAddress[count];

count = 0;

foreach ( XmlElement ip in addressList.GetElementsByTagName( "ip" ) )
if ( count < list.Length )
IPAddress address;

if( IPAddress.TryParse( Utility.GetText( ip, null ), out address ) )
list[count] = Utility.Intern( address );

if ( count != list.Length )
IPAddress[] old = list;
list = new IPAddress[count];

for ( int i = 0; i < count && i < old.Length; ++i )
list = old;
list = new IPAddress[0];

return list;

/// <summary>
/// Deserializes a list of Mobile instances from an xml element.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="node">The XmlElement instance from which to deserialize.</param>
/// <returns>Mobile list. Value will never be null.</returns>
public static Mobile[] LoadMobiles( XmlElement node )
Mobile[] list = new Mobile[7];
XmlElement chars = node["chars"];

//int length = Accounts.GetInt32( Accounts.GetAttribute( chars, "length", "6" ), 6 );
//list = new Mobile[length];
//Above is legacy, no longer used

if ( chars != null )
foreach ( XmlElement ele in chars.GetElementsByTagName( "char" ) )
int index = Utility.GetXMLInt32( Utility.GetAttribute( ele, "index", "0" ), 0 );
int serial = Utility.GetXMLInt32( Utility.GetText( ele, "0" ), 0 );

if ( index >= 0 && index < list.Length )
list[index] = World.FindMobile( serial );

return list;

/// <summary>
/// Deserializes a list of AccountComment instances from an xml element.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="node">The XmlElement from which to deserialize.</param>
/// <returns>Comment list. Value will never be null.</returns>
public static List<AccountComment> LoadComments( XmlElement node )
List<AccountComment> list = null;
XmlElement comments = node["comments"];

if ( comments != null )
list = new List<AccountComment>();

foreach ( XmlElement comment in comments.GetElementsByTagName( "comment" ) )
try { list.Add( new AccountComment( comment ) ); }
catch { }

return list;

/// <summary>
/// Deserializes a list of AccountTag instances from an xml element.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="node">The XmlElement from which to deserialize.</param>
/// <returns>Tag list. Value will never be null.</returns>
public static List<AccountTag> LoadTags( XmlElement node )
List<AccountTag> list = null;
XmlElement tags = node["tags"];

if ( tags != null )
list = new List<AccountTag>();

foreach ( XmlElement tag in tags.GetElementsByTagName( "tag" ) )
try { list.Add( new AccountTag( tag ) ); }
catch { }

return list;

/// <summary>
/// Checks if a specific NetState is allowed access to this account.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ns">NetState instance to check.</param>
/// <returns>True if allowed, false if not.</returns>
public bool HasAccess( NetState ns )
return ( ns != null && HasAccess( ns.Address ) );

public bool HasAccess( IPAddress ipAddress ) {
AccessLevel level = Misc.AccountHandler.LockdownLevel;

if ( level > AccessLevel.Player )
bool hasAccess = false;

if ( m_AccessLevel >= level )
hasAccess = true;
for ( int i = 0; !hasAccess && i < this.Length; ++i )
Mobile m = this;

if ( m != null && m.AccessLevel >= level )
hasAccess = true;

if ( !hasAccess )
return false;

bool accessAllowed = ( m_IPRestrictions.Length == 0 || IPLimiter.IsExempt( ipAddress ) );

for ( int i = 0; !accessAllowed && i < m_IPRestrictions.Length; ++i )
accessAllowed = Utility.IPMatch( m_IPRestrictions, ipAddress );

return accessAllowed;

/// <summary>
/// Records the IP address of 'ns' in its 'LoginIPs' list.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ns">NetState instance to record.</param>
public void LogAccess( NetState ns )
if ( ns != null ) {
LogAccess( ns.Address );

public void LogAccess( IPAddress ipAddress ) {
if ( IPLimiter.IsExempt( ipAddress ) )

if ( m_LoginIPs.Length == 0 ) {
if ( AccountHandler.IPTable.ContainsKey( ipAddress ) )
AccountHandler.IPTable[ipAddress] = 1;

bool contains = false;

for ( int i = 0; !contains && i < m_LoginIPs.Length; ++i )
contains = m_LoginIPs.Equals( ipAddress );

if ( contains )

IPAddress[] old = m_LoginIPs;
m_LoginIPs = new IPAddress[old.Length + 1];

for ( int i = 0; i < old.Length; ++i )
m_LoginIPs = old;

m_LoginIPs[old.Length] = ipAddress;

/// <summary>
/// Checks if a specific NetState is allowed access to this account. If true, the NetState IPAddress is added to the address list.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ns">NetState instance to check.</param>
/// <returns>True if allowed, false if not.</returns>
public bool CheckAccess( NetState ns )
return ( ns != null && CheckAccess( ns.Address ) );

public bool CheckAccess( IPAddress ipAddress ) {
bool hasAccess = this.HasAccess( ipAddress );

if ( hasAccess ) {
LogAccess( ipAddress );

return hasAccess;

/// <summary>
/// Serializes this Account instance to an XmlTextWriter.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="xml">The XmlTextWriter instance from which to serialize.</param>
public void Save( XmlTextWriter xml )
xml.WriteStartElement( "account" );

xml.WriteStartElement( "username" );
xml.WriteString( m_Username );

if ( m_PlainPassword != null )
xml.WriteStartElement( "password" );
xml.WriteString( m_PlainPassword );

if ( m_CryptPassword != null )
xml.WriteStartElement( "cryptPassword" );
xml.WriteString( m_CryptPassword );

if ( m_NewCryptPassword != null )
xml.WriteStartElement( "newCryptPassword" );
xml.WriteString( m_NewCryptPassword );

if ( m_AccessLevel != AccessLevel.Player )
xml.WriteStartElement( "accessLevel" );
xml.WriteString( m_AccessLevel.ToString() );

if ( m_Flags != 0 )
xml.WriteStartElement( "flags" );
xml.WriteString( XmlConvert.ToString( m_Flags ) );

xml.WriteStartElement( "created" );
xml.WriteString( XmlConvert.ToString( m_Created, XmlDateTimeSerializationMode.Local ) );

xml.WriteStartElement( "lastLogin" );
xml.WriteString( XmlConvert.ToString( m_LastLogin, XmlDateTimeSerializationMode.Local ) );

xml.WriteStartElement( "totalGameTime" );
xml.WriteString( XmlConvert.ToString( TotalGameTime ) );

xml.WriteStartElement( "chars" );

//xml.WriteAttributeString( "length", m_Mobiles.Length.ToString() ); //Legacy, Not used anymore

for ( int i = 0; i < m_Mobiles.Length; ++i )
Mobile m = m_Mobiles;

if ( m != null && !m.Deleted )
xml.WriteStartElement( "char" );
xml.WriteAttributeString( "index", i.ToString() );
xml.WriteString( m.Serial.Value.ToString() );


if ( m_Comments != null && m_Comments.Count > 0 )
xml.WriteStartElement( "comments" );

for ( int i = 0; i < m_Comments.Count; ++i )
m_Comments.Save( xml );


if ( m_Tags != null && m_Tags.Count > 0 )
xml.WriteStartElement( "tags" );

for ( int i = 0; i < m_Tags.Count; ++i )
m_Tags.Save( xml );


if ( m_LoginIPs.Length > 0 )
xml.WriteStartElement( "addressList" );

xml.WriteAttributeString( "count", m_LoginIPs.Length.ToString() );

for ( int i = 0; i < m_LoginIPs.Length; ++i )
xml.WriteStartElement( "ip" );
xml.WriteString( m_LoginIPs.ToString() );


if ( m_IPRestrictions.Length > 0 )
xml.WriteStartElement( "accessCheck" );

for ( int i = 0; i < m_IPRestrictions.Length; ++i )
xml.WriteStartElement( "ip" );
xml.WriteString( m_IPRestrictions );



/// <summary>
/// Gets the current number of characters on this account.
/// </summary>
public int Count
int count = 0;

for ( int i = 0; i < this.Length; ++i )
if ( this != null )

return count;

/// <summary>
/// Gets the maximum amount of characters allowed to be created on this account. Values other than 1, 5, 6, or 7 are not supported by the client.
/// </summary>
public int Limit
get { return ( Core.SA ? 7 : Core.AOS ? 6 : 5 ); }

/// <summary>
/// Gets the maxmimum amount of characters that this account can hold.
/// </summary>
public int Length
get { return m_Mobiles.Length; }

/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the character at a specified index for this account. Out of bound index values are handled; null returned for get, ignored for set.
/// </summary>
public Mobile this[int index]
if ( index >= 0 && index < m_Mobiles.Length )
Mobile m = m_Mobiles[index];

if ( m != null && m.Deleted )
m.Account = null;
m_Mobiles[index] = m = null;

return m;

return null;
if ( index >= 0 && index < m_Mobiles.Length )
if ( m_Mobiles[index] != null )
m_Mobiles[index].Account = null;

m_Mobiles[index] = value;

if ( m_Mobiles[index] != null )
m_Mobiles[index].Account = this;

public override string ToString()
return m_Username;

public int CompareTo( Account other )
if ( other == null )
return -1;

return m_Username.CompareTo( other.m_Username );

public int CompareTo( object obj )
if ( obj is Account )
return this.CompareTo( (Account) obj );

throw new ArgumentException();


IAccount became IComparable in revision 856. To fix it you need to add the following code to Account class.
		public int CompareTo( IAccount other )
			if ( other == null )
				return 1;

			return m_Username.CompareTo( other.Username );
It seems you use core compiled from SVN and Scripts got from RunUO 2.2. Probably that's why you have errors and warnings. It should work out of the box.