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[add item question.


[add item question.

hello, I have a runuo 2.0 server i'm fixin up,i've added a few scripts, and things, My question is, lets say i drop a file called bankstone.cs into my scripts/custom folder, when i'm in game, and use [add command and the gump pops up, I've looked through all the items, and do not see all the stuff i've added, and can not remember every item i added, so its hard to allways have to type [add bankstone , if i don't remember ever item, is there a place that these items are added to the gump, like under what field, items/misc items/crafted items/constructed, I can not find the bankstone under any field, but if i type [add bankstone i can get it, is there a way to add it to to [add gump item menu ? it there is not a field for it allready ? :confused: :confused:


Thats what the rebuild categorization does off the world building option on the admin gump, best to up date the docs too.