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Almost every ML Item


Ok people after i think realy realy much and get many errors i found a solution.
First you can't upgrade dismount.cs from this thread, so .. keep yours ;)
Second, in WeaponAbility.cs you also keep you're file but you will need to change some things.
Where it looks:
private static WeaponAbility[] m_Abilities = new WeaponAbility[14]
				new ArmorIgnore(),
				new BleedAttack(),
				new ConcussionBlow(),
				new CrushingBlow(),
				new Disarm(),
				new Dismount(),
				new DoubleStrike(),
				new InfectiousStrike(),
				new MortalStrike(),
				new MovingShot(),
				new ParalyzingBlow(),
				new ShadowStrike(),
				new WhirlwindAttack()
You add/change to this:
private static WeaponAbility[] m_Abilities = new WeaponAbility[[COLOR="Red"]24[/COLOR]]
				new ArmorIgnore(),
				new BleedAttack(),
				new ConcussionBlow(),
				new CrushingBlow(),
				new Disarm(),
				new Dismount(),
				new DoubleStrike(),
				new InfectiousStrike(),
				new MortalStrike(),
				new MovingShot(),
				new ParalyzingBlow(),
				new ShadowStrike(),
				new WhirlwindAttack(),
				[COLOR="Red"]new RidingSwipe(),
				new FrenziedWhirlwind(),
				new Block(),
				new DefenseMastery(),
				new NerveStrike(),
				new TalonStrike(),
				new Feint(),
				new DualWield(),
				new DoubleShot(),
				new ArmorPierce()[/COLOR]
and when you see this:
public static Hashtable Table{ get{ return m_Table; } }

		public static readonly WeaponAbility ArmorIgnore		= m_Abilities[ 1];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility BleedAttack		= m_Abilities[ 2];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility ConcussionBlow		= m_Abilities[ 3];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility CrushingBlow		= m_Abilities[ 4];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility Disarm				= m_Abilities[ 5];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility Dismount			= m_Abilities[ 6];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility DoubleStrike		= m_Abilities[ 7];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility InfectiousStrike	= m_Abilities[ 8];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility MortalStrike		= m_Abilities[ 9];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility MovingShot			= m_Abilities[10];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility ParalyzingBlow		= m_Abilities[11];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility ShadowStrike		= m_Abilities[12];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility WhirlwindAttack	= m_Abilities[13];
you change to this:
public static readonly WeaponAbility ArmorIgnore		= m_Abilities[ 1];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility BleedAttack		= m_Abilities[ 2];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility ConcussionBlow		= m_Abilities[ 3];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility CrushingBlow		= m_Abilities[ 4];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility Disarm				= m_Abilities[ 5];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility Dismount			= m_Abilities[ 6];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility DoubleStrike		= m_Abilities[ 7];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility InfectiousStrike	= m_Abilities[ 8];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility MortalStrike		= m_Abilities[ 9];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility MovingShot			= m_Abilities[10];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility ParalyzingBlow		= m_Abilities[11];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility ShadowStrike		= m_Abilities[12];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility WhirlwindAttack	= m_Abilities[13];
	        [COLOR="Red"]public static readonly WeaponAbility RidingSwipe = m_Abilities[14];
	        public static readonly WeaponAbility FrenziedWhirlwind = m_Abilities[15];
	        public static readonly WeaponAbility Block = m_Abilities[16];
	        public static readonly WeaponAbility DefenseMastery = m_Abilities[17];
	        public static readonly WeaponAbility NerveStrike = m_Abilities[18];
	        public static readonly WeaponAbility TalonStrike = m_Abilities[19];
	        public static readonly WeaponAbility Feint = m_Abilities[20];
	        public static readonly WeaponAbility DualWield = m_Abilities[21];
	        public static readonly WeaponAbility DoubleShot = m_Abilities[22];
	        public static readonly WeaponAbility ArmorPierce = m_Abilities[23];[/COLOR]
Realy simple isn't it? eheh


Weapon Abilities.

I used what you posted for the weapon abilities and added the abilities with a different skill then the SE ones ( like Anatomy ) and have come down to one error that i am lost on.
RunUO - [] Version 1.0.0, Build 36918
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...failed (1 errors, 13 warnings)
 - Warning: scripts\scripts\Scripts\Scripts\Custom\addons\tappytvAddon.cs: CS021
9: (line 66, column 19) The variable 'ac' is assigned but its value is never use
 - Warning: scripts\scripts\Scripts\Scripts\Custom\Changes\Gardening\ResourceBox
\ResourceBox.cs: CS0162: (line 2068, column 12) Unreachable code detected
 - Warning: scripts\scripts\Scripts\Scripts\Custom\XML Spawner & ML\XML & ML\ML\
ML\MLAddons\AquariumEastAddon.cs: CS0219: (line 22, column 19) The variable 'ac'
 is assigned but its value is never used
 - Warning: scripts\scripts\Scripts\Scripts\Custom\XML Spawner & ML\XML & ML\ML\
ML\MLAddons\AquariumSouthAddon.cs: CS0219: (line 22, column 19) The variable 'ac
' is assigned but its value is never used
 - Warning: scripts\scripts\Scripts\Scripts\Custom\XML Spawner & ML\XML & ML\ML\
ML\MLAddons\ElvenBedEastAddon.cs: CS0219: (line 22, column 19) The variable 'ac'
 is assigned but its value is never used
 - Warning: scripts\scripts\Scripts\Scripts\Custom\XML Spawner & ML\XML & ML\ML\
ML\MLAddons\ElvenBedSouthAddon.cs: CS0219: (line 22, column 19) The variable 'ac
' is assigned but its value is never used
 - Warning: scripts\scripts\Scripts\Scripts\Custom\XML Spawner & ML\XML & ML\ML\
ML\MLAddons\ParrotPerchEastAddon.cs: CS0219: (line 21, column 19) The variable '
ac' is assigned but its value is never used
 - Warning: scripts\scripts\Scripts\Scripts\Custom\XML Spawner & ML\XML & ML\ML\
ML\MLAddons\ParrotPerchSouthAddon.cs: CS0219: (line 21, column 19) The variable
'ac' is assigned but its value is never used
 - Warning: scripts\scripts\Scripts\Scripts\Custom\XML Spawner & ML\XML & ML\ML\
ML\MLAddons\StoneCoffinEastAddon.cs: CS0219: (line 22, column 19) The variable '
ac' is assigned but its value is never used
 - Warning: scripts\scripts\Scripts\Scripts\Custom\XML Spawner & ML\XML & ML\ML\
ML\MLAddons\StoneCoffinSouthAddon.cs: CS0219: (line 22, column 19) The variable
'ac' is assigned but its value is never used
 - Warning: scripts\scripts\Scripts\Scripts\Customs\New\Commands\SpawnEditor.cs:
 CS0162: (line 548, column 6) Unreachable code detected
 - Warning: scripts\scripts\Scripts\Scripts\Customs\New\Commands\SpawnEditor.cs:
 CS0219: (line 614, column 10) The variable 'check' is assigned but its value is
 never used
 - Warning: scripts\scripts\Scripts\Scripts\Customs\Tent\Chest.cs: CS0162: (line
 114, column 10) Unreachable code detected
 - Error: scripts\scripts\Scripts\Scripts\Items\Weapons\Abilities\Abilities\Weap
onAbility.cs: CS0178: (line 141, column 4) Incorrectly structured array initiali
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
 - Press return to exit, or R to try again.

using System;
using System.Collections;
using Server;
using Server.Network;

namespace Server.Items
	public abstract class WeaponAbility
		public virtual int BaseMana{ get{ return 0; } }

		public virtual double AccuracyScalar{ get{ return 1.0; } }
		public virtual double DamageScalar{ get{ return 1.0; } }

		public virtual void OnHit( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender, int damage )

		public virtual void OnMiss( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )

		public virtual double GetRequiredSkill( Mobile from )
			BaseWeapon weapon = from.Weapon as BaseWeapon;

			if ( weapon != null && weapon.PrimaryAbility == this )
				return 70.0;
			else if ( weapon != null && weapon.SecondaryAbility == this )
				return 90.0;

			return 200.0;

		public virtual int CalculateMana( Mobile from )
			int mana = BaseMana;

			double skillTotal = GetSkill( from, SkillName.Swords ) + GetSkill( from, SkillName.Macing )
				+ GetSkill( from, SkillName.Fencing ) + GetSkill( from, SkillName.Archery ) + GetSkill( from, 

SkillName.Parry )
				+ GetSkill( from, SkillName.Lumberjacking ) + GetSkill( from, SkillName.Stealth )
				+ GetSkill( from, SkillName.Poisoning );

			if ( skillTotal >= 300.0 )
				mana -= 10;
			else if ( skillTotal >= 200.0 )
				mana -= 5;

			double scalar = 1.0;
			if ( !Server.Spells.Necromancy.MindRotSpell.GetMindRotScalar( from, ref scalar ) )
				scalar = 1.0;

			// Lower Mana Cost = 40%
			int lmc = AosAttributes.GetValue( from, AosAttribute.LowerManaCost );
			if ( lmc > 40 )
				lmc = 40;

			scalar -= (double)lmc / 100;
			mana = (int)(mana * scalar);

			// Using a special move within 3 seconds of the previous special move costs double mana 
			if ( GetContext( from ) != null )
				mana *= 2;

			return mana;

		public virtual bool CheckWeaponSkill( Mobile from )
			BaseWeapon weapon = from.Weapon as BaseWeapon;

			if ( weapon == null )
				return false;

			Skill skill = from.Skills[weapon.Skill];
			double reqSkill = GetRequiredSkill( from );

			if ( skill != null && skill.Base >= reqSkill )
				return true;

			/* <UBWS> */
			if ( weapon.WeaponAttributes.UseBestSkill > 0 && (from.Skills[SkillName.Swords].Base >= reqSkill || 

from.Skills[SkillName.Macing].Base >= reqSkill || from.Skills[SkillName.Fencing].Base >= reqSkill) )
				return true;
			/* </UBWS> */

			from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1060182, reqSkill.ToString() ); // You need ~1_SKILL_REQUIREMENT~ weapon 

skill to perform that attack

			return false;

		public virtual bool CheckSkills( Mobile from )
			return CheckWeaponSkill( from );

		public virtual double GetSkill( Mobile from, SkillName skillName )
			Skill skill = from.Skills[skillName];

			if ( skill == null )
				return 0.0;

			return skill.Value;

		public virtual bool CheckMana( Mobile from, bool consume )
			int mana = CalculateMana( from );

			if ( from.Mana < mana )
				from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1060181, mana.ToString() ); // You need ~1_MANA_REQUIREMENT~ mana 

to perform that attack
				return false;

			if ( consume )
				if ( GetContext( from ) == null )
					Timer timer = new WeaponAbilityTimer( from );

					AddContext( from, new WeaponAbilityContext( timer ) );

				from.Mana -= mana;

			return true;

		public virtual bool Validate( Mobile from )
			if ( !from.Player )
				return true;

			return CheckSkills( from ) && CheckMana( from, false );

		private static WeaponAbility[] m_Abilities = new WeaponAbility[24]
				new ArmorIgnore(),
				new BleedAttack(),
				new ConcussionBlow(),
				new CrushingBlow(),
				new Disarm(),
				new Dismount(),
				new DoubleStrike(),
				new InfectiousStrike(),
				new MortalStrike(),
				new MovingShot(),
				new ParalyzingBlow(),
				new ShadowStrike(),
				new WhirlwindAttack(),
				new RidingSwipe(),
				new FrenziedWhirlwind(),
				new Block(),
				new DefenseMastery(),
				new NerveStrike(),
				new TalonStrike(),
				new DualWield(),
				new DoubleShot(),
				new ArmorPierce()


		public static WeaponAbility[] Abilities{ get{ return m_Abilities; } }

		private static Hashtable m_Table = new Hashtable();

		public static Hashtable Table{ get{ return m_Table; } }

		public static readonly WeaponAbility ArmorIgnore		= m_Abilities[ 1];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility BleedAttack		= m_Abilities[ 2];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility ConcussionBlow		= m_Abilities[ 3];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility CrushingBlow		= m_Abilities[ 4];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility Disarm				= m_Abilities[ 5];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility Dismount			= m_Abilities[ 6];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility DoubleStrike		= m_Abilities[ 7];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility InfectiousStrike	= m_Abilities[ 8];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility MortalStrike		= m_Abilities[ 9];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility MovingShot			= m_Abilities[10];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility ParalyzingBlow		= m_Abilities[11];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility ShadowStrike		= m_Abilities[12];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility WhirlwindAttack	= m_Abilities[13];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility RidingSwipe = m_Abilities[14];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility FrienziedWhirlwind = m_Abilities[15];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility Block = m_Abilities[16];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility DefenseMastery = m_Abilities[17];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility NerveStrike = m_Abilities[18];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility TalonStrike = m_Abilities[19];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility Fient = m_Abilities[20];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility DualWield = m_Abilities[21];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility DoubleShot = m_Abilities[22];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility ArmorPierce = m_Abilities[23];

		public static bool IsWeaponAbility( Mobile m, WeaponAbility a )
			if ( a == null )
				return true;

			if ( !m.Player )
				return true;

			BaseWeapon weapon = m.Weapon as BaseWeapon;

			return ( weapon != null && (weapon.PrimaryAbility == a || weapon.SecondaryAbility == a) );

		public static WeaponAbility GetCurrentAbility( Mobile m )
			if ( !Core.AOS )
				ClearCurrentAbility( m );
				return null;

			WeaponAbility a = (WeaponAbility)m_Table[m];

			if ( !IsWeaponAbility( m, a ) )
				ClearCurrentAbility( m );
				return null;

			if ( a != null && !a.Validate( m ) )
				ClearCurrentAbility( m );
				return null;

			return a;

		public static bool SetCurrentAbility( Mobile m, WeaponAbility a )
			if ( !Core.AOS )
				ClearCurrentAbility( m );
				return false;

			if ( !IsWeaponAbility( m, a ) )
				ClearCurrentAbility( m );
				return false;

			if ( a != null && !a.Validate( m ) )
				ClearCurrentAbility( m );
				return false;

			if ( a == null )
				m_Table.Remove( m );
				m_Table[m] = a;

			return true;

		public static void ClearCurrentAbility( Mobile m )
			m_Table.Remove( m );

			if ( m.NetState != null )
				m.Send( ClearWeaponAbility.Instance );

		public static void Initialize()
			EventSink.SetAbility += new SetAbilityEventHandler( EventSink_SetAbility );

		public WeaponAbility()

		private static void EventSink_SetAbility( SetAbilityEventArgs e )
			int index = e.Index;

			if ( index == 0 )
				ClearCurrentAbility( e.Mobile );
			else if ( index >= 1 && index < m_Abilities.Length )
				SetCurrentAbility( e.Mobile, m_Abilities[index] );

		private static Hashtable m_PlayersTable = new Hashtable();

		private static void AddContext( Mobile m, WeaponAbilityContext context )
			m_PlayersTable[m] = context;

		private static void RemoveContext( Mobile m )
			WeaponAbilityContext context = GetContext( m );

			if ( context != null )
				RemoveContext( m, context );

		private static void RemoveContext( Mobile m, WeaponAbilityContext context )
			m_PlayersTable.Remove( m );


		private static WeaponAbilityContext GetContext( Mobile m )
			return ( m_PlayersTable[m] as WeaponAbilityContext );

		private class WeaponAbilityTimer : Timer
			private Mobile m_Mobile;

			public WeaponAbilityTimer( Mobile from ) : base ( TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 3.0 ) )
				m_Mobile = from;

				Priority = TimerPriority.TwentyFiveMS;

			protected override void OnTick()
				RemoveContext( m_Mobile );

		private class WeaponAbilityContext
			private Timer m_Timer;

			public Timer Timer{ get{ return m_Timer; } }

			public WeaponAbilityContext( Timer timer )
				m_Timer = timer;

Any help on this would be great. Thanks.


Kin-Kran said:
I used what you posted for the weapon abilities and added the abilities with a different skill then the SE ones ( like Anatomy ) and have come down to one error that i am lost on.
RunUO - [] Version 1.0.0, Build 36918
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...failed (1 errors, 13 warnings)
 - Warning: scripts\scripts\Scripts\Scripts\Custom\addons\tappytvAddon.cs: CS021
9: (line 66, column 19) The variable 'ac' is assigned but its value is never use
 - Warning: scripts\scripts\Scripts\Scripts\Custom\Changes\Gardening\ResourceBox
\ResourceBox.cs: CS0162: (line 2068, column 12) Unreachable code detected
 - Warning: scripts\scripts\Scripts\Scripts\Custom\XML Spawner & ML\XML & ML\ML\
ML\MLAddons\AquariumEastAddon.cs: CS0219: (line 22, column 19) The variable 'ac'
 is assigned but its value is never used
 - Warning: scripts\scripts\Scripts\Scripts\Custom\XML Spawner & ML\XML & ML\ML\
ML\MLAddons\AquariumSouthAddon.cs: CS0219: (line 22, column 19) The variable 'ac
' is assigned but its value is never used
 - Warning: scripts\scripts\Scripts\Scripts\Custom\XML Spawner & ML\XML & ML\ML\
ML\MLAddons\ElvenBedEastAddon.cs: CS0219: (line 22, column 19) The variable 'ac'
 is assigned but its value is never used
 - Warning: scripts\scripts\Scripts\Scripts\Custom\XML Spawner & ML\XML & ML\ML\
ML\MLAddons\ElvenBedSouthAddon.cs: CS0219: (line 22, column 19) The variable 'ac
' is assigned but its value is never used
 - Warning: scripts\scripts\Scripts\Scripts\Custom\XML Spawner & ML\XML & ML\ML\
ML\MLAddons\ParrotPerchEastAddon.cs: CS0219: (line 21, column 19) The variable '
ac' is assigned but its value is never used
 - Warning: scripts\scripts\Scripts\Scripts\Custom\XML Spawner & ML\XML & ML\ML\
ML\MLAddons\ParrotPerchSouthAddon.cs: CS0219: (line 21, column 19) The variable
'ac' is assigned but its value is never used
 - Warning: scripts\scripts\Scripts\Scripts\Custom\XML Spawner & ML\XML & ML\ML\
ML\MLAddons\StoneCoffinEastAddon.cs: CS0219: (line 22, column 19) The variable '
ac' is assigned but its value is never used
 - Warning: scripts\scripts\Scripts\Scripts\Custom\XML Spawner & ML\XML & ML\ML\
ML\MLAddons\StoneCoffinSouthAddon.cs: CS0219: (line 22, column 19) The variable
'ac' is assigned but its value is never used
 - Warning: scripts\scripts\Scripts\Scripts\Customs\New\Commands\SpawnEditor.cs:
 CS0162: (line 548, column 6) Unreachable code detected
 - Warning: scripts\scripts\Scripts\Scripts\Customs\New\Commands\SpawnEditor.cs:
 CS0219: (line 614, column 10) The variable 'check' is assigned but its value is
 never used
 - Warning: scripts\scripts\Scripts\Scripts\Customs\Tent\Chest.cs: CS0162: (line
 114, column 10) Unreachable code detected
 - Error: scripts\scripts\Scripts\Scripts\Items\Weapons\Abilities\Abilities\Weap
onAbility.cs: CS0178: (line 141, column 4) Incorrectly structured array initiali
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
 - Press return to exit, or R to try again.

using System;
using System.Collections;
using Server;
using Server.Network;

namespace Server.Items
	public abstract class WeaponAbility
		public virtual int BaseMana{ get{ return 0; } }

		public virtual double AccuracyScalar{ get{ return 1.0; } }
		public virtual double DamageScalar{ get{ return 1.0; } }

		public virtual void OnHit( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender, int damage )

		public virtual void OnMiss( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )

		public virtual double GetRequiredSkill( Mobile from )
			BaseWeapon weapon = from.Weapon as BaseWeapon;

			if ( weapon != null && weapon.PrimaryAbility == this )
				return 70.0;
			else if ( weapon != null && weapon.SecondaryAbility == this )
				return 90.0;

			return 200.0;

		public virtual int CalculateMana( Mobile from )
			int mana = BaseMana;

			double skillTotal = GetSkill( from, SkillName.Swords ) + GetSkill( from, SkillName.Macing )
				+ GetSkill( from, SkillName.Fencing ) + GetSkill( from, SkillName.Archery ) + GetSkill( from, 

SkillName.Parry )
				+ GetSkill( from, SkillName.Lumberjacking ) + GetSkill( from, SkillName.Stealth )
				+ GetSkill( from, SkillName.Poisoning );

			if ( skillTotal >= 300.0 )
				mana -= 10;
			else if ( skillTotal >= 200.0 )
				mana -= 5;

			double scalar = 1.0;
			if ( !Server.Spells.Necromancy.MindRotSpell.GetMindRotScalar( from, ref scalar ) )
				scalar = 1.0;

			// Lower Mana Cost = 40%
			int lmc = AosAttributes.GetValue( from, AosAttribute.LowerManaCost );
			if ( lmc > 40 )
				lmc = 40;

			scalar -= (double)lmc / 100;
			mana = (int)(mana * scalar);

			// Using a special move within 3 seconds of the previous special move costs double mana 
			if ( GetContext( from ) != null )
				mana *= 2;

			return mana;

		public virtual bool CheckWeaponSkill( Mobile from )
			BaseWeapon weapon = from.Weapon as BaseWeapon;

			if ( weapon == null )
				return false;

			Skill skill = from.Skills[weapon.Skill];
			double reqSkill = GetRequiredSkill( from );

			if ( skill != null && skill.Base >= reqSkill )
				return true;

			/* <UBWS> */
			if ( weapon.WeaponAttributes.UseBestSkill > 0 && (from.Skills[SkillName.Swords].Base >= reqSkill || 

from.Skills[SkillName.Macing].Base >= reqSkill || from.Skills[SkillName.Fencing].Base >= reqSkill) )
				return true;
			/* </UBWS> */

			from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1060182, reqSkill.ToString() ); // You need ~1_SKILL_REQUIREMENT~ weapon 

skill to perform that attack

			return false;

		public virtual bool CheckSkills( Mobile from )
			return CheckWeaponSkill( from );

		public virtual double GetSkill( Mobile from, SkillName skillName )
			Skill skill = from.Skills[skillName];

			if ( skill == null )
				return 0.0;

			return skill.Value;

		public virtual bool CheckMana( Mobile from, bool consume )
			int mana = CalculateMana( from );

			if ( from.Mana < mana )
				from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1060181, mana.ToString() ); // You need ~1_MANA_REQUIREMENT~ mana 

to perform that attack
				return false;

			if ( consume )
				if ( GetContext( from ) == null )
					Timer timer = new WeaponAbilityTimer( from );

					AddContext( from, new WeaponAbilityContext( timer ) );

				from.Mana -= mana;

			return true;

		public virtual bool Validate( Mobile from )
			if ( !from.Player )
				return true;

			return CheckSkills( from ) && CheckMana( from, false );

		private static WeaponAbility[] m_Abilities = new WeaponAbility[24]
				new ArmorIgnore(),
				new BleedAttack(),
				new ConcussionBlow(),
				new CrushingBlow(),
				new Disarm(),
				new Dismount(),
				new DoubleStrike(),
				new InfectiousStrike(),
				new MortalStrike(),
				new MovingShot(),
				new ParalyzingBlow(),
				new ShadowStrike(),
				new WhirlwindAttack(),
				new RidingSwipe(),
				new FrenziedWhirlwind(),
				new Block(),
				new DefenseMastery(),
				new NerveStrike(),
				new TalonStrike(),
				new DualWield(),
				new DoubleShot(),
				new ArmorPierce()


		public static WeaponAbility[] Abilities{ get{ return m_Abilities; } }

		private static Hashtable m_Table = new Hashtable();

		public static Hashtable Table{ get{ return m_Table; } }

		public static readonly WeaponAbility ArmorIgnore		= m_Abilities[ 1];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility BleedAttack		= m_Abilities[ 2];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility ConcussionBlow		= m_Abilities[ 3];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility CrushingBlow		= m_Abilities[ 4];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility Disarm				= m_Abilities[ 5];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility Dismount			= m_Abilities[ 6];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility DoubleStrike		= m_Abilities[ 7];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility InfectiousStrike	= m_Abilities[ 8];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility MortalStrike		= m_Abilities[ 9];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility MovingShot			= m_Abilities[10];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility ParalyzingBlow		= m_Abilities[11];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility ShadowStrike		= m_Abilities[12];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility WhirlwindAttack	= m_Abilities[13];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility RidingSwipe = m_Abilities[14];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility FrienziedWhirlwind = m_Abilities[15];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility Block = m_Abilities[16];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility DefenseMastery = m_Abilities[17];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility NerveStrike = m_Abilities[18];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility TalonStrike = m_Abilities[19];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility Fient = m_Abilities[20];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility DualWield = m_Abilities[21];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility DoubleShot = m_Abilities[22];
		public static readonly WeaponAbility ArmorPierce = m_Abilities[23];

		public static bool IsWeaponAbility( Mobile m, WeaponAbility a )
			if ( a == null )
				return true;

			if ( !m.Player )
				return true;

			BaseWeapon weapon = m.Weapon as BaseWeapon;

			return ( weapon != null && (weapon.PrimaryAbility == a || weapon.SecondaryAbility == a) );

		public static WeaponAbility GetCurrentAbility( Mobile m )
			if ( !Core.AOS )
				ClearCurrentAbility( m );
				return null;

			WeaponAbility a = (WeaponAbility)m_Table[m];

			if ( !IsWeaponAbility( m, a ) )
				ClearCurrentAbility( m );
				return null;

			if ( a != null && !a.Validate( m ) )
				ClearCurrentAbility( m );
				return null;

			return a;

		public static bool SetCurrentAbility( Mobile m, WeaponAbility a )
			if ( !Core.AOS )
				ClearCurrentAbility( m );
				return false;

			if ( !IsWeaponAbility( m, a ) )
				ClearCurrentAbility( m );
				return false;

			if ( a != null && !a.Validate( m ) )
				ClearCurrentAbility( m );
				return false;

			if ( a == null )
				m_Table.Remove( m );
				m_Table[m] = a;

			return true;

		public static void ClearCurrentAbility( Mobile m )
			m_Table.Remove( m );

			if ( m.NetState != null )
				m.Send( ClearWeaponAbility.Instance );

		public static void Initialize()
			EventSink.SetAbility += new SetAbilityEventHandler( EventSink_SetAbility );

		public WeaponAbility()

		private static void EventSink_SetAbility( SetAbilityEventArgs e )
			int index = e.Index;

			if ( index == 0 )
				ClearCurrentAbility( e.Mobile );
			else if ( index >= 1 && index < m_Abilities.Length )
				SetCurrentAbility( e.Mobile, m_Abilities[index] );

		private static Hashtable m_PlayersTable = new Hashtable();

		private static void AddContext( Mobile m, WeaponAbilityContext context )
			m_PlayersTable[m] = context;

		private static void RemoveContext( Mobile m )
			WeaponAbilityContext context = GetContext( m );

			if ( context != null )
				RemoveContext( m, context );

		private static void RemoveContext( Mobile m, WeaponAbilityContext context )
			m_PlayersTable.Remove( m );


		private static WeaponAbilityContext GetContext( Mobile m )
			return ( m_PlayersTable[m] as WeaponAbilityContext );

		private class WeaponAbilityTimer : Timer
			private Mobile m_Mobile;

			public WeaponAbilityTimer( Mobile from ) : base ( TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 3.0 ) )
				m_Mobile = from;

				Priority = TimerPriority.TwentyFiveMS;

			protected override void OnTick()
				RemoveContext( m_Mobile );

		private class WeaponAbilityContext
			private Timer m_Timer;

			public Timer Timer{ get{ return m_Timer; } }

			public WeaponAbilityContext( Timer timer )
				m_Timer = timer;

Any help on this would be great. Thanks.
That's strange the code seems me fine =/. Try download weaponability from here or unchage the code that i gave you and tell me if you got same error or the other ones


  • WeaponAbility.cs
    9 KB · Views: 15


 - Error: Scripts\NOVOS\ML\MLVendors\SBElvenArmorDealer.cs: CS0246: (line 31, co
lumn 64) The type or namespace name 'ElvenPlateArm' could not be found (are you
missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
 - Error: Scripts\NOVOS\ML\MLVendors\SBElvenArmorDealer.cs: CS0246: (line 38, co
lumn 66) The type or namespace name 'HideChestFemale' could not be found (are yo
u missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
 - Error: Scripts\NOVOS\ML\MLVendors\SBElvenArmorDealer.cs: CS0246: (line 50, co
lumn 69) The type or namespace name 'LTArmorChestFemale' could not be found (are
 you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

I got those errors whenn added the vendors...

Am I missing something ?


Another question i have is why cant the armor be spellcrafted? More players would use it if it was capable. ( sorry if anyone else asked this question )