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AoS in RunUO Pics!


Not only did they patch the artwork, but it seems that the AoS features are already available client-side.

Just need to tweak some packets to activate it.

I wish I had pictures of the Necromancy and Paladin spellbooks, but I haven't figured out how to implement them yet. It seems that normal spellbooks do not properly work with the current packets, most likely there is an extension needed to identify the type of book first. Hopefully myself or some other person will find it, but if not then someone surely will be able to after the publish.


wow i just have to say kair has to be some sort of smart guy to know how to tweak those packets


look at the top of the second page of this post and um Sixthree posted all of them *coughs*


You can get the monster ids from Models\models.txt in the UO directory if you have UO3D.

Below is a list of the AoS monsters. The ones with a star next to them indicate they do not appear in-game yet, and require patching.

746 Necromancy Transformed Moloch
747 Necromancy Transformed Wailing Banshee
748 Necromancy Transformed Wraith
749 Necroamcny Transformed Lich

*300 Crystal Elemental
*301 Treefellow
302 Skittering Hopper
303 Devourer of Souls
304 Flesh Golem
*305 Gore Fiend
*306 Impaler
*307 Gibberling
*308 Bone Demon
309 Patchwork Skeleton
310 Wailing Banshee
*311 Shadow Knight
*312 Abysmal Horror
*313 Darknight Creeper
*314 Ravager
*315 Flesh Renderer
*316 Wanderer of the Void
317 Vampire Bat
*318 Demon Knight
319 Mound of Maggots


Just finished work on one of the new packets (0xD6 - Special Properties)
Below are the results :)


Sure, it's not as nice as the tricked out weapons or anything, but its a start. So far I've worked out the item properties, special moves, and character status packets. If anybody wants the info, PM me.


Here's what I have so far:

0x11 - Status (84 Bytes)

byte packetid
short size
int serial
char[30] character name
short HP
short max HP
byte allow name change
byte 0x04
byte gender
short strength
short dexterity
short intelligence
short stamina
short max stamina
short mana
short max mana
int gold
short physical resist
short statcap
byte followers
byte max followers
short fire resist
short cold resist
short poison resist
short energy resist
short luck
short minimum damage
short maximum damage

0xD6 - MegaCliloc

byte packetid
short size
short 0x0001 (type?)
int serial
short 0x0000
int serial (container?)
int cliloc
short appended text size (unicode)
char[] appended text (unicode)
end loop
end loop
int 0x0000

0xD7 - Set Special Move (15 Bytes)

byte packetid
short size
int serial
short 0x0019
int 0x00000000
byte special move (0x00 - None)
byte 0x07

Character list Flags: + 0x20 - This enables the AoS features such as the Book of Arms and MegaCliloc (Special Props)

To enable Chivalry and Necromancy, the 0xB9 Features packet needs to be modified. So far, I'm using simply 0xFFFF for the flags (total packet: 0xB9FFFF) because I haven't taken the time to find the bit-mask flag for AoS for it.

To enable making Necromancers and Paladins, the 0xB9 packet needs to be sent with the Character List (0xA9) packet.

The same 0x24 (Draw Container) gump is used to open Spellbooks, Necromancer Books, and Paladin Spellbooks. However, a new packet or a modified version of the existing packet is used to fill the book. So far I haven't been able to track it down :(


Excuuuuse me but didn't we all forget something here?
Yes, exactly, the thing they say on the first picture; 'RunUO Ager Dig'

I just have one question for that.. Why didn't you just say 'RunUO Owns You' ?

And also, who made you say that? I could sure bet on where hes from! ;)


Noone made me say it, I got it from Oyst and Cookie (Oyst did invite me to the guild after all -666- it's just Cookie didn't want me after I killed him in Freya's Tourney), because frankly, Ager Dig > Ownz you. Ownz you sounds so middle school.


Ok.. Maby your right.. I dunno since that language is kinda lame to me.. since i've had to speak it for like 20 years now..