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Based on Robert Jordans books?


Based on Robert Jordans books?

Well, this won't be easy.

I have never scripted on any UO-server before, and now I want to script a server based on Robert Jordans books.

I could use some help :)

There should be different magic sources for men and women(with different spells) and they should be based on the five elements, Fire, Water, Earth, Air and Spirit. Men should mostly use Fire and Earth, women Water and Air. Both should use spirit. Possible?
It shall also be possible to cut off someone from using his/her magic resources.
"Roberto sees his worst enemy, Bratos. He tries to cut off Bratos magic resources. It depends on his skill in magic and his intelligence AND a randomized number if he succeeds. Well, suppose he succeeded; Bratos cannot cast any spells, and therefore he cannot just open a gate. He most choose to run or to fight with his hands. On the other hand, Roberto has made up 3/4 of his mana, and cannot do very powerful spells. He can choose to release Bratos at any time (by pressing a button or writing a command), but as long as he is holding Bratos inable to cast spells, he cannot gain more than 3/4 of his mana. He paralyzes Bratos with the combined elements Earth and Spirit and then he can do whatever he wants to him. It is not possible to break through a paralyze when your magic resource is cutoff even if you are beeing beaten upon. Bratos dies."

Wouldn't that make PvP interesting!? A warrior would be totally left out when he met a enemy mage. Of course no one would want to play a warrior then, so it must be VERY much easier to train a warrior than a mage. Also the mage cannot kill his victim without a warrior. (Or it shall take long time). Much to be solved. But the main idea is as in the example.
The Recall spell should not exist, only the Gate Travel spell. You will not need any regs when casting spells and if you fail while casting you shall take a certain amount of damage, depending on the level of the spell beeing tried to cast.
There should be MUCH more customized scripts, but I do only want to know if this is a lifetime of work or a peace of cake.
I would also like to know some general good scripting guides, and how to start up. I have the programs I need, I am sure.
And if someone feel like scripting it for me, it would be great! :)

But generally I would like to learn to script myself, in RunUO of course.

I will use it on a shard in the future, where the playerbase should be HARLDY tested! Total RP-shard.


Yours, Jeinhor.

Everyone who has read Roberts books knows what I am talking about,
I think the hardest thing about scripting things like that isn't so much C# or game limitations -- it's figuring out how to make everything work with each other.

It's totally possible. Just think, think, think. And then think some more. Think of everything that might go wrong, every bug that might pop up... And then test. And then go back to thinking. :)

Once the thinking's done (HA, trick statement, the thinking's never done) the scripting is almost easy. Peace of cake, as far as the language itself goes. But where to put things, what variables to make.. That's the hard stuff.

Generally speaking though, I don't think a system like that would be any harder to actually code than any other script out there.


yes as its basically redoing everything, and balancing it, id say its a (depending on how many brains you have working for you) 6months project or so. at shortest. everything needs to be tested and tested etc.

but as said, you need to map up how everything is supposed to work before starting to script it.


You want to prevent someone to cast any spell, and the other to cast only low spells...
Well a way to do that is to controll the mana they have.
You know the max mana depend on how much int they have, but i think you can change the Maxmana without touching the int.
A simple script would be simple to do.

oldMaxMana = ManaMax;
The one who can't cast any spell -> ManaMana = 0;
The other -> ManaMax = oldMaxMana*3/4;

I don't know if it's the best solution, but with this solution you don't have to modify alot of scripts.
You should modify BaseCreature.cs to add a new property : int oldManaMax.

Then maybe the easiest solution to begin with sould be to implement a command. You can find some examples of how to add a command (with targetting possibilities).
You do 1 command to "cut off" and another to "release".

In cut off you put the new ManaMax values of "caster" and target
In release you put the old values of ManaMax.

I gave you a way to do your script, but i didn't gave you any code, but i think you should not have any difficulties, look at some examples and it should be fine.

If you have problems or question, go ahead and ask in the forum.
Pople always help, they will not do your script, but they will help you.

See you later

PS : I don't know if setting ManaMax to 3/4 of ManaMax will prevent someone to cast high spells, how many mana you need to cast an ebolt ? ...