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do you thingk some one can make a pet gump?
like somthing to see how your pet is doing?

and if so, do you think you can make pet breeding?
like you have a dragon that you have traind for months and some one els hase a dragon the thay have trained for months, and you breed the two for a dragon with high stats, hier then a normal dragon.

i think this would be cool ( i want my shard to have rare animals )



oO! I like have the babies come out with colors not normally seen on dragons :D

Dont know about them getting tougher each breeding may get outa hand.


You could have the stats set to the average of the parents - likewise with hue. Of course, this means that eventually you'd end up with a species of stat-identical animals with a muddy-grey hue...
For first gen breeding, you could radnomly select a hue from a selection of them.
this would definately make Animal Taming a cooler skill in my opinion. Let Animal Lore give you gnder of the animal as well as all the other info about it. You could have the stats and hues randomized between the barents, that way you would eliminate the "species of stat-identical animals with a muddy-grey hue" syndrome.


Ohh, and while we're on the subject of taming...
Could we have it so that you gain skill in Animal Taming by commanding as well as taming? That's an evil skill to raise...


Ok, that was ditsturbing, but on to what I was about to say. You could implement a genetics table with each trait (color, str, etc) with dominant and recessive traits. If anyones taken basic biology, you probably know what I mean. It's been a while for me...


I don't understand what traits we'deven be transferring? Stats? Color(which only works in 2d) Is anyone acually going to breed powerful chickens?[/b]


Just so I don't get a ton of stupid replies I'll rephrase:
Are there enough traits to tweak that a "genetics" system would even be worth it?



It could be like the plant system on OIS...
the more you breed the better chance you will get a "rare" animal..
when animals are born thay arnt atomaticly tame, so if you tame a "rare" animal you get a skill raise.
Just a idea, it dosint have to be this way.


Well, there's two ways I see ths working...
Have Breedable animals (with note on Animal Lore gump that says Breedable). Say you have, for example, a breedable pig. It's resources would be randomised on spawn between 1 and 3 pig-related meats, we'll say. If is produces three bacon, and you combine it with a pig that produces 3 bacon, you'll get one that produces random bacon based on (Parent1,Parent2) - so 4-6 bacon. If on the other hand parent 1 rodduces 1 bacon and parent 2 produces 2, you'll only get 1 or 2 bacon.

Stats should be done in a similar way, so you can breed horses, say, that have greater dex, greater strength, etc.



Theres the idea!
but insted of more bacon maby more filling bacon?
and maby for "rare" animals there hids could be Magicle, like archane gems, like Hide of Invul, you dobbl click the hide and target a pece of lether armore and it will add the atribute.

(am i makeing eny sence here?)


So along with all the animal data, we'd hafta store traits. Would there be a system implemented for family heritage also, so as to avoid inbreeding. If two related dragons mated, a chicken would spawn...etc.


hold on

Lets take a lessen from life,
if you inbreed your more likely to get sick or have a born desese - so the more you inbreed the worse the stats would be.


I wouldnt hope for this one too soon, such a system would take forever too work out in coding, if its even reasonable to attempt.