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Bull Shit....

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kinda sickening when everyone posting here wants wants wants and doesnt give give give. Ryan gives and gives, but doesnt want. ppl should just pay. its like what 3 bux? it helps runuo, and gets u the f*** off of everyones backs on asking when runuo 1.0 is going to be released.
For me. i have been procrastinating sending some cash. since i have been gone for quite a few months but now im writing the letter! If you cant afford 3 bucks, go panhandling! also no such thing as being "too young to do it" aw come on. u can get a bank account at any age, link paypal to it, transfer few bucks. damn hard aint it *wipes off forehead*


Admin Nosferatu said:
[obvious]Don't want to point out the obvious, but i feel like i have to. I don't think Ryan CAN charge for an emulator...because Ultima Online is a liscened and copyrighted product. If he does im pretty sure he will have a massice law suit on his hands. And therefore meaning closing down the project. On a side note, if he and the rest of the team decide to make their own game, like the sphere people have done, THEN he can charge as much or as little money as he wants. [/obvious]

One moooore thing, im talking about the actual emulator. Not the subscription, i agree that the paying subscribers DESERVE to have it before non. They got off their metaphoric asses and decided to help out Ryan. To me, 3 dollars for a signature and an avatar(and what else?) is BS but i will do it if it helps RunUO reach version...hell...reach 10.0 Unfortunately, i can't as I am really stingy with my money. I am lucky to buy myself a pepsi for a dollar anymore. So quit yer fuckin complainin Adolescent fuckers. You will get it when you get it. Shut up, pick up a book or something, and quit wasting 24 hours of your daily life staring at a computer screen WAITING for RunUO 1.0

Anywho, that was my big rant about nothing really...

Actually if they change the files they read from (anim.mul, etc) they can charge as much as they want for the server because it just so happens that people with Ultima Online can connect to it with no problems ;)

That is of course if they rename it to something else. Their engine is 100% their code except from the image/sound/map data files that they read from, and those all can be made from scratch.

SHOW some RESPECT people, and do not bite the hand that feeds you. If you can't wait long enough, go make your own UO server software!

If I were an admin on this site, I would close this thread and every other thread that is bitching and whining that they do not have their RunUO 1.0 yet because they can not pay.

If you can not pay, wait. If you have a problem with that, wait some more. Furthermore, if you think that waiting is not good enough, wait even more!!!


I've got less cash than anyone here, but I under stand the costs of running a large site. So asking for a subscriptiong to the Runuo "Site" or a donation to help run the runuo "Site". Isn't as base as people make it out to be. The server it's self is free, just people that don't want to help the "Site" but just download which costs the "Site" Money have to wait a bit longer.

A Subscription to this "Site" costs less than one month on osi for unlimited lifetime of fun with uo, I'd think thats pretty nice of these guys. After all once you install this babe "its your world now" *cough*

Those that are complaining about cost or waiting a few days to get runuo with out donating anything, prob have a bag of doritos or coffee or pop, next to there systems. those prob cost more than $3 :p

Those that subcribed basically are saying they can live with out pop or a candybar for a day and it shows they respect the hard work the runuo team has put into the RunUO Community "Site" and "Services" to make a free product that will prob make people money anyway, and or create a ton of enjoyment for there own personal communties. Where does subscriptions go? Imagine what 46,000 downloads times 5 meg per file in bandwidth? If people loose there files and download again, or other it adds up, then add all the scripts that are hosted on this site, and how many times those are downloaded, then all the 3rd party tools released here for free as a community service to build the best most stable "free" server for uo.

Some people should really think before they bash... runuo and related sites, for asking for subscription or donations, which will ultimatly go right back into the community, and helps with bills Etc, .. they do this for free, in what little spare time they have. And the server is Free! just those that don't donate wait a bit longer.. Think of all the other developers in the overall community that have there own emus, and there own take on how uo should be made, bashing them doesn't help either, they all bust there asses, so that there communities have something that is free and fun :p

I'm currently as I get time setting Runuo 1.0 after viewing 5,757 Files, and 271 folders, as an independant developer, I have to say "DAAWM"

Ryan and his team didn't pull this out of these asses or off the backs of flying pigs.

And I'm sure the coffee, late nights, and time it took to code 5,757 C# files out-side of the core server code, so anyone can customize there uo server anyway they want was pritty nice of them as well and free, so what if non subscribers have to wait a few days, just think, when you do get it, it will be top quality and one of the peices of free software you ever used :p Respectively speaking.

If you think $3 is too much think of it from the perspective above!

Peace!!, Enjoy the new server when ya get it!

Admin Khaybel
Team Leader

OrBSydia Corporation
Hasn't that already been said about 4 pages in total? The other is just pure whining. Well, id like to hear from Ryan about this instead of you phantom (no offense)

edit: and i must say, i agree with you on that long post.


i tried subscribing before and i just tried again 2 mins ago but paypal is a problem :/ you see i live in Turkey and paypal does not support Turkey for some reason i am unaware of. What are my other options? mail order checks aren't availible in this country so what are we to do?

if anyone knows an alternative please tell me.


with out flaming pm ryan and work something out, devs are much more friendly and easy to get along with when not being blasted for doing there best :p
Sheesh... you can either wait a while to get it (after all it might've just been done a week later for it to come out and it wouldn't have made a diffence) or you get yourself a friend (I know must be hard concept for some :p) who has a subscription and beg them for it hehe...
Captain The First said:
Sheesh... you can either wait a while to get it (after all it might've just been done a week later for it to come out and it wouldn't have made a diffence) or you get yourself a friend (I know must be hard concept for some :p) who has a subscription and beg them for it hehe...
*tsk tsk* :mad:


I wouldn't recommend that, Captiain...

THAT could keep you from getting alot of things on the site...

Besides, I doubt you'd have a freind anymore when THEY get site banned for it.

Who wants to lose out on something they paid for, due to the stupidity of someone else :rolleyes:
psz said:
I wouldn't recommend that, Captiain...

THAT could keep you from getting alot of things on the site...

Besides, I doubt you'd have a freind anymore when THEY get site banned for it.

Who wants to lose out on something they paid for, due to the stupidity of someone else :rolleyes:

:p As far as I recall there was some mumbling going on about it being freely redistributable so I think the risk of being banned over such a trivial offense is slim at best.

Personally I don't mind waiting... I just felt like posting my first ever flame on these boards :p

(I've been at work scraping out ABAP code that is not going to be used anyway which should account for some of it hehe).

Anyone need to borrow 3 bucks to get a subscription? I only charge a 'minor' interest fee *grins*


Hey I've just subscribe to paypal :) . but.. since I have 14 when I opened my bank account I have not taked any checks, and to enter a few information like Bank account number etc I need one.. :(



You don't actually need a check. All you need is your account number and your banks routing number. You can use a savings account as well as a checking account. If you need your banks routing number look on the bottom of one of your parents checks or call the bank and ask them for it.


well at least someone sees where i am comming from *points at Phantom*. I'll just post the link where ryan said the subscription was $2, at least it was the same day i sent him my money. Http:// But requardsless of if i have gone about the whole thing in a mature manner or not, it isnt the money that is aggravating me, it's the principle behind it. I sent him my money and got nothing in return. By definition is either theft or fraud, depending how you look at it. enough said.


RunUO Founder
Staff member
Thorax said:
well at least someone sees where i am comming from *points at Phantom*. I'll just post the link where ryan said the subscription was $2, at least it was the same day i sent him my money. Http:// But requardsless of if i have gone about the whole thing in a mature manner or not, it isnt the money that is aggravating me, it's the principle behind it. I sent him my money and got nothing in return. By definition is either theft or fraud, depending how you look at it. enough said.


Thorax said:
well at least someone sees where i am comming from *points at Phantom*. I'll just post the link where ryan said the subscription was $2, at least it was the same day i sent him my money. Http:// But requardsless of if i have gone about the whole thing in a mature manner or not, it isnt the money that is aggravating me, it's the principle behind it. I sent him my money and got nothing in return. By definition is either theft or fraud, depending how you look at it. enough said.

Then like I said, don't pay the $10, ask for them to charge back the $10, as its on your credit statment they will charge Ryan $10 and won't charge you.

Thats how the world works, if you don't get a service, have proof of not having service, you either don't pay, request something to be done, or just forget about it.


Ryan, do us a favour - lock this thread -.

It sound incredible to me that someone could cry because "someone else have a toy before ME". And please, avoid me crying stories about starving children and things like that: if you are hungry *stop playing games and get a job* ... there is an entire world out there.

You want it now? support runuo team with 3$
You do not have 3$? go out and wash daddy car :p
Wanna wait? you are luck! it's free!

My 0.02$

Too many kids around here. Too many "f*ck something".
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