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[Dupe ---- (Now dupes containers correctly)


[Dupe ---- (Now dupes containers correctly)

Perhaps this should be in script submissions... but i've changed a few things which i would consider to be suggestions.

Anyway, the following code is a new dupe.cs file. i've made new functions:
Construct - give it a type, and parameters(if needed) and it will return an object.
CopyProperties - i changed the way this function works.. previously you could only copy Item properties, now you can specify the "Type" and any properties you wish to Omit from copying (used in my new dupe routine for containers).
CompareType - Determine if a specified object is of Type or derived from Type.
DupeItem - Main Dupe Routine.

Code follows:
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using Server.Items;
using Server.Targeting;

namespace Server.Scripts.Commands
public class Dupe
public static void Initialize()
Server.Commands.Register( "Dupe", AccessLevel.GameMaster, new CommandEventHandler( Dupe_OnCommand ) );
Server.Commands.Register( "DupeInBag", AccessLevel.GameMaster, new CommandEventHandler( DupeInBag_OnCommand ) );

[Usage( "Dupe [amount]" )]
[Description( "Dupes a targeted item." )]
private static void Dupe_OnCommand( CommandEventArgs e )
int amount = 1;
if ( e.Length >= 1 )
amount = e.GetInt32( 0 );
e.Mobile.Target = new DupeTarget( false, amount > 0 ? amount : 1 );
e.Mobile.SendMessage( "What do you wish to dupe?" );

[Usage( "DupeInBag <count>" )]
[Description( "Dupes an item at it's current location (count) number of times." )]
private static void DupeInBag_OnCommand( CommandEventArgs e )
int amount = 1;
if ( e.Length >= 1 )
amount = e.GetInt32( 0 );

e.Mobile.Target = new DupeTarget( true, amount > 0 ? amount : 1 );
e.Mobile.SendMessage( "What do you wish to dupe?" );

private class DupeTarget : Target
private bool m_InBag;
private int m_Amount;

public DupeTarget( bool inbag, int amount ) : base( 15, false, TargetFlags.None )
m_InBag = inbag;
m_Amount = amount;

protected override void OnTarget( Mobile from, object targ )
bool done = false;
if ( !(targ is Item) )
from.SendMessage( "You can only dupe items." );

CommandLogging.WriteLine( from, "{0} {1} duping {2} (inBag={3}; amount={4})", from.AccessLevel, CommandLogging.Format( from ), CommandLogging.Format( targ ), m_InBag, m_Amount );

Item copy = (Item)targ;
Container pack;

if ( m_InBag )
if ( copy.Parent is Container )
pack = (Container)copy.Parent;
else if ( copy.Parent is Mobile )
pack = ((Mobile)copy.Parent).Backpack;
pack = null;
pack = from.Backpack;

from.SendMessage( "Duping {0}...", m_Amount );
for (int i = 0; i < m_Amount;i++)
Item a = DupeItem(from,copy,true);
if (a == null)

if (pack != null)
a.MoveToWorld(from.Location, from.Map);
done = true;

if (done)
from.SendMessage( "Done" );
from.SendMessage( "Error!" );

public static Item DupeItem( Mobile from, object item, bool RecurseContainers )
Type t = item.GetType();
object o = Construct(t);
if (o == null)
from.SendMessage("Unable to dupe {0}. Item must have a 0 parameter constructor.",t.Name);
return null;

if (o is Item)
Item newItem = (Item)o;
Item srcItem = (Item)item;
CopyProperties( o, item, t, "Parent" );

if ((o is Container) && RecurseContainers)
Container srcContainer = (Container)item;
Container newContainer = (Container)o;

newContainer.Items.Clear(); // if container object type adds items in its constructor, we need to remove them.
for (int i = 0; i < srcContainer.Items.Count;i++)
Item a = DupeItem(from, srcContainer.Items, true);

if (a != null)

return newItem;

return null;

public static object Construct( Type type, params object[] constructParams)
bool constructed=false;
object toReturn=null;
ConstructorInfo[] info = type.GetConstructors();

foreach ( ConstructorInfo c in info )
if (constructed) break;
ParameterInfo[] paramInfo = c.GetParameters();

if ( paramInfo.Length == constructParams.Length )
object o = c.Invoke( constructParams );

if ( o != null )
constructed = true;
toReturn = o;
toReturn = null;
return toReturn;

public static bool CompareType(object o, Type type)
if (o.GetType() == type || o.GetType().IsSubclassOf(type))
return true;
return false;

public static void CopyProperties ( object dest, object src, Type type , params string[] omitProps )
if (!CompareType(dest,type) || !CompareType(src,type) || (dest.GetType() != src.GetType()) )

PropertyInfo[] props = type.GetProperties();

for ( int i = 0; i < props.Length; i++ )
bool omit = false;
for (int j=0; j<omitProps.Length; j++)
if (string.Compare(omitProps[j], props.Name, true) == 0)
omit = true;

if ( props.CanRead && props.CanWrite && !omit)
//Console.WriteLine( "Setting {0} = {1}", props.Name, props.GetValue( src, null ) );
props.SetValue( dest, props.GetValue( src, null ), null );
//Console.WriteLine( "Denied" );

I spent a fair amount of time on this, there were horrendous problems with the containers Weights, which is why i decided to re-write CopyProperies... Perhaps the functions Construct, CompareType and CopyProperties should be added to the "Utility" class ???

I do hope this helps you all out with existing and future scripts.

Many Thanks,