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EasyUO Detection.


EasyUO Detection.

Hi all.

Does anyone know if there is any way to detect players using EasyUO ?


Unless the client specifically supports it, no, unfortunately, there isn't.

Only way you can do it, is to use a different client-server application, much like Punkbuster to find it.

At any rate, it would be a lot of work...though, I wonder if the new client they will be releasing will have that capability in it (or for that matter, it just might be able to now, we just haven't found the right packets to send/receive to figure that out).


Oh, it can probably be done through sophisticated statistical heuristics, but this is the kind of thing that needs be perfect, or you'll piss vast numbers of players off. Supposing you had something, you *could* use it to page gm's for passive observation, but this is probably too much work in and of its own right to be a runuo side coding project.



What the heck is wrong with EasyUO?

Just so you know what I'm talking about.....
When I was a player, I used EasyUO constantly. I Wrote my own scripts, and even published a few on the EasyUO website.

Now... When using EasyUO, a player CANNOT use the program to do anything they would not be able to do themselves. EasyUO only animates your character in a way that can be achieved by the player.

The best way to defeat EasyUO is to remove anything that does easily repeatable tasks.

Don't even bother worrying about Mining, lumberjacking, or any other resource gathering. Those activities will NOT ruin a shards economy. Sure... resource prices will plummet... but that won't flood the economy with gold. It just moves the gold from one player to another. (insurance reduces gold in game)

There's very few things that actually create NEW gold.
  1. Monster Killing
  2. Selling things to NPC's (unless you bought the resources from NPC's)
  3. Escorts
  4. quests
  5. treasure chests/MIB's
maybe a few other things. (I think I got them all)

Of those things in the list... the easiest one to use EasyUO to help with is Monster Killing. If your monsters drop a lot of gold, then the economy will be flooded with gold. (this is true even when nobody uses EasyUO)

Selling things to NPC's is actually easier to do with Razor. Nobody needs EasyUO to sell things.

Escorts have a timer and give pitiful gold.

Quests can easily be made impossible to automate.

treasure chests/MIB's are next to impossible to fully automate. EasyUO could be used to assist though.

Dishonest Staff Members.... Find good ways to prevent this from happening. If you have a dishonest staff member, they could simply go to the bank and do this...

[m add bankcheck 100000000000
*target ground once*
*stick pencap into keyboard to hold down LastTarg macro*

then players would gather at the bank picking up checks until another staffmember kicked the bad staff offline and deleted the checks that were still on the ground.

Anyways... It has already been proven that EasyUO alone will not ruin an economy. Alexandria (the Official EasyUO Freeshard) has a very nice economy... the only peopel there that are super rich, have been playing there for over a year, and so have had plenty of time to earn that 11 mil. (yes... 11 mil is super rich on that shard)


There are other values besides gold.

What does gold get you? Housing & regents. Woo... Helpful...
Pays for insurence too. Some players use it to trade, smart people trade item for item for worth while stuff, or gold for a worthy item from a player.

What does ingots get you? Eveything, fill BODs get runics, craft better than arty stuff. Enhance items and build a luck suit with 1200 luck, no risk of death, nothing spent to gain your income of ingots.
(make your own shovels out of the ingots)

How much gold can a luck suit of 1200 net you? Or a set ore 70% res, plus loads of melee props? 2mil per set? 5mil? OSI would sell a armored suit that nearly has 50 in most melee props at like 12mil...

So yes, ingots can be worth alot of money...


Alexandria does not have a gold problem becuse half the players are not playing. They are abusing rails to mine.

If they knew how to create a rail to hit up Blood Dungeon's blood elementals so they can rack up 900 gold per kill they would. And I would refuse to play UO ever again. . . (thanks for ruining my game you lazy assed basterds, will you ever stop and think about somone becides your self?)


Anyway my point is your saying EasyUO does not break a shard becuse it does not give you gold.

Thats like saying spawning a dozens champs with only 1 hp and saying that does not break your shard becuse they didn't drop bandages for the healers.

Before you open your mouth and say that has nothing to do with EasyUO or gold it does. I pretended to be narrow minded and only care about a single item and ignore EVEYTHING else, just like you.


EasyUO cheats and to me exploites the game to grant you free ingots, stones, sand, and wood that you could never have racked up that fast, nor did you do anything other than leave your computer on while you went to work or slept. It can also be used to net you GM skills.

If you want to have unlimited resources and GM skills without doing anything find a test shard or one of those l33t pvp only shards. And stay off decent shards or you would ruin it for other people.


Who uses dozens of macros to do the simplest of tasks? Theres that "EasyUO/Razor" thinking. Macro something instead of doing something your self. [add bankcheck 1000000, [add bag, *moves check into the bag*, [dupeinbag 1000000. Poof, 1,000,000,000,000 gold....

Summery: EasyUO is cheating, I don't care what you think, but it is. Stay off decent shards that don't want you cheating. It's called respect.
iwantmypot said:
Just so you know what I'm talking about.....
When I was a player, I used EasyUO constantly. I Wrote my own scripts, and even published a few on the EasyUO website.

Now... When using EasyUO, a player CANNOT use the program to do anything they would not be able to do themselves. EasyUO only animates your character in a way that can be achieved by the player.

The best way to defeat EasyUO is to remove anything that does easily repeatable tasks.

Don't even bother worrying about Mining, lumberjacking, or any other resource gathering. Those activities will NOT ruin a shards economy. Sure... resource prices will plummet... but that won't flood the economy with gold. It just moves the gold from one player to another. (insurance reduces gold in game)

There's very few things that actually create NEW gold.
  1. Monster Killing
  2. Selling things to NPC's (unless you bought the resources from NPC's)
  3. Escorts
  4. quests
  5. treasure chests/MIB's
maybe a few other things. (I think I got them all)

Of those things in the list... the easiest one to use EasyUO to help with is Monster Killing. If your monsters drop a lot of gold, then the economy will be flooded with gold. (this is true even when nobody uses EasyUO)

Selling things to NPC's is actually easier to do with Razor. Nobody needs EasyUO to sell things.

Escorts have a timer and give pitiful gold.

Quests can easily be made impossible to automate.

treasure chests/MIB's are next to impossible to fully automate. EasyUO could be used to assist though.

Dishonest Staff Members.... Find good ways to prevent this from happening. If you have a dishonest staff member, they could simply go to the bank and do this...

[m add bankcheck 100000000000
*target ground once*
*stick pencap into keyboard to hold down LastTarg macro*

then players would gather at the bank picking up checks until another staffmember kicked the bad staff offline and deleted the checks that were still on the ground.

Anyways... It has already been proven that EasyUO alone will not ruin an economy. Alexandria (the Official EasyUO Freeshard) has a very nice economy... the only peopel there that are super rich, have been playing there for over a year, and so have had plenty of time to earn that 11 mil. (yes... 11 mil is super rich on that shard)
Sure it *can* be done, but it doesnt mean the player is actually doing it. Unattended macroing is something many shard owners disagree with, and as such, they should have the right to prevent it (Client may not allow it, but still thats not what I'm addressing)


It would be interesting to find an *easy* way to disable easyuo.. And iwantmypot, "dishonests staff members" is a pretty loose case, what kind of idiot would make someone with such "mental capabilities" that his "job" as a GameMaster would be adding tons of checks of one mil right in the bank? :/


EasyUO can easily ruin a (small) shards economy. EASILY.

However.. I am willing to bet that there are maybe under 50 people on the WHOLE INTARNET that could do it. I know probably 10 of them personally, and I know they wouldn't do it with malicious intent.

Some people know that I am a developer for Alexandria, the "official" EasyUO shard, and I can tell you for a fact that no where NEAR 50% of our playerbase is mining. We have a very strict policy regarding unattended resource and gold farming, and PLENTY of methods to keep it under control. At any given time, during the DAY, perhaps 10% of people online (5-6 people) are AFK, macroing skills, or filling BODs. At night, more people generally engage in scripting while they sleep to gain skill. We've lost some players of our shard who were VERY involved in the EasyUO community because they thought they could get away with goldfarming by pulling rank (so to speak) and got shot down, so there are plenty of people to attest to the secure economy of the shard.

I will not get involved in the debate of whether EasyUO is cheating or not, because I've heard the discussion a MULTITUDE of times, and it's always the same.

I will only take the time to point out that if the game were not flawed into making repetitive tasks absolutely necessary to "get ahead", EasyUO would not exist. So allow my final paragraph to sum up the solution.

IF you do not want your players to use EasyUO, eliminate repetitive-task-based reward. Get rid of the BOD system. Introduce dynamic questing that rewards people with skillpoints they can use if they dont want to train. Make the harvesting system more robust. There are SO MANY solutions to this problem that can make a great game EVEN BETTER.


so now i also want to say something bout EasyUO...i used it several Times...on Osi and last time on Demise (sry here...specialy to Lady Crimson <<----nice GM). The most annoying thing isnt the Ressource gathering or farming money...its the damn fast way to cleanloot a corpse without even one click. Or just pick one item out a corpse...if you have a party of 20 people killing a big Mob and there is ONE using a lootscript..they wont even recognize it...just the Scriptuser has a new i wrote a lootscript for looting some gems out of Earth elementals on Demise i recognized how Powerful it is...i CLEANED that ele before my friend even could loot one you kill a have bout 20-30 items in know what the arti is? EasyUO notime...
in the beginning EasyUO was nice for lezy its too much power which easily could be used by the wrong hands...How many Lootscripts does EUO has in there Forums? there are 55 IMPROVED scripts,,,more then in EVRY otehr tell me...really resource gathering is the real problem with EUO? But you are right if you say EasyUO isnt destroying the game ;) its the user of it...
The only way which will disable EUO is to disable Alt+Tab ;) and dont allow window mode...but even then you could start EUO and THEN most scripts will still work...Or if The RunUO team has some Sparetime (hähä) they could Code a WARDENlike thingy into Razor...and i think RunUO COULD ask if Razor is running or not :) but not sure

And specially to snickers...RunUO scripting isnt as hard as it seems at the first look...50 people in the WHOLE internet? *giggle* sry but if you are a def on Alexandria you KNOW how powerful these scripts could be...cos EUO by now...could do evrything a player a faster and in a directer way...or how fast are you peeking into 10 pouches to find a special ItemID? before you have found that item...even if you are lucky and its the first Pouch..EUO has grabbed it out and you wont even get a Context of it...right? Sure you could make it impossible to sell ingots Wood and all ressources to the vendor....sure you could take the bod system out of game...sure...taming deleted too...SOS-Bottles also...hmm maybe the plants cos there drop some ressources also...woohoo were back with 2nd age...with new housing system...nice...dont misunderstand me...i dont want to offend are standing for the product EasyUO...and i dont say its anything bad using it...i used it myself...but it COULD be...and in many ways it IS,,,to do what you said to prevent things easy UO does...means to cut RunUO to pieces (in that way maybe it shall be spelled Peaces) as long as a gun could kill people there ALWAYS will be some unsing it for killing...(maybe its a wrong comparison but i think it hits the mark)

just my 2 cents


@snicker: my friend and I both taught ourselves how to "completely ruin a shard's economy" within a matter of days. This was with no previous experience using EasyUO to do AFK resource gathering. For some reason, I doubt that only 50 people in the world know how to do this :rolleyes: If so, make that 52.

Yeah here's what I did to prevent AFK resource gathering:
Anti-AFK Harvest System:

1. I'm harvesting and - ! - what's this?
2. Let's see what happens if I just don't answer it... uh oh!
3. Aah it kicked me! Let's log back in... hmm there's a "grace period?"
4. Let's press the right button...

Yay! Since I wasn't actually AFK and I misclicked and/or didn't have time to press the button, I was able to prevent that from going on my permanent record by logging back in and responding during the Grace Period! Demortris rocks my socks off!
It's virtually impossible to automatically bypass via EasyUO or Razor...
I'm not going to release it, though, because (sadly), if I do, people will be able to repeatedly test it and find a way around it. Oh well :(
My friend Spider said something about making a plugin for Razor and checking / comparing image IDs on the gump to determine which button to press, but... 99.9% of people won't be able to do that. Those few people that can, will be caught manually :rolleyes:


EasyUO and other programs that were originally intended to assist players are being mis-used to do things they were never intended to do (but CAN do quite efficiently with the right scripting).

Example: I created a "bitch script" that had another logged in player with my exact skill and equipment setup following me. It would attack the same targets with the same methods and spells and learn from my actions. Call it an AI if you will, but by the time it was halfway done, it was running monster rails in Doom with minimal support. People used to ask if the player was online cause they wanted to go on dungeon invasions with it's support. Don't bother asking me for the script please.

If I could effectively block EasyUO I would. My server has NPCs that do not buy anything, and only things that can not be crafted, looted, found, or otherwise acquired are sold on a "specialist" NPC. The players should run the economy themselves. Its hard to get off the ground with it, but when they have it up and running, it feeds itself.


wieganka;570918 said:
At any rate, it would be a lot of work...though, I wonder if the new client they will be releasing will have that capability in it (or for that matter, it just might be able to now, we just haven't found the right packets to send/receive to figure that out).

i am VERY interested in the subject of parsing the uo client for packates and the whole process of how server emulators are made.
do you know any resources that might be helpful? ive looked at ethereal, and whatever they renamed it too... but i couldn't make heads or tails =(.

i do have a pretty strong programming background, just need to know where to go to learn is all.
