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Ethereal Stone


Ethereal Stone

Description: Its basicaly a ethereal stone that gives your players ethereals for money. With a unique gump made by me !!!!

Installation:Open the Script and Put your Shards Name in the Gump. Drop in Customs =)



    2.2 KB · Views: 163


I find that blue text is somewhat hard to read on that background. Of course, it could simply be my crappy eyesight. ;)
public EtherealGump( Mobile owner ) : base( 0,0 )
owner.CloseGump( typeof( EtherealGump ) );
Are you sure it's a good idea to close the gump while you create it? (Best put it infront the from.SendGump)
But anyways, the script comes with a gmcommand to get the gump, thats cool :D
oh and either remove
ItemID = 3806;
or change [FlipableAttribute( 0xEDC, 0xEDB )] and public EtherealStone() : base( 0xEDC )
Why? Because it's useless code, depending on what you want the stone to look like. :p Just a suggestion :p