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GM Tools Forum Update(s) please?


GM Tools Forum Update(s) please?

Truly confusing to any newcomers that the Tools forums are left as is. I know it's a pain to do but it really doesn't take too long to either create new sections for the currently used Tools or at least put an announcement in the ones in the Tools section now stating they are no longer in action or something since a lot of the newbies still go there expecting them to work correctly and be complete and none of them are at this point.

It would really be nice to have those threads marked for not so much extinction but just out of date. I love having threads here for the tools so I myself would prefer to see some new ones made for the new tools, or a generic one made for the tools to open their own main threads in or whatever just something to bring the Tools section up to date so the newcomers know what is what and the oldtimers have a handy place to post on them also.

Thanks and sorry to be a pain on this I'm sure it's been brought up numerous times already and am just adding to the list lol.
