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Help pls


Help pls

Well I think that my shard is up and running. But when I log in I put in my admin name and password, click RunUO Test Center and I wait a few minutes then a screen comes that says "The client could not attach to the game server. It must have been taken down". Well then how do I put the server up.. ?


jb said:
Well I think that my shard is up and running. But when I log in I put in my admin name and password, click RunUO Test Center and I wait a few minutes then a screen comes that says "The client could not attach to the game server. It must have been taken down". Well then how do I put the server up.. ?

Please post your serverlist.cs


// ServerList.cs
// ==================================================================================================
// 1.0 RunUO Beta 36 Initial version
// 1.1 Mr Fixit Now automaticly detects if you are connecting localy and uses the
// servers local ip in the client serverlist.
// 1.2 Mr Fixit Internet IP autodetection using
// 1.3 Mr Fixit If script fails to find the internet ip, keep the old one and try
// again in # minutes.
// 1.4 Mr Fixit You can now add AutoIP mirrors. Added and
// 1.5 Mr Fixit Adjusted the AutoIP mirror engine so it supports more mirrors.
// Added and
// 1.6 Mr Fixit IP is now trimmed (Just in case). Added,,
// and
// 1.7 Mr Fixit Removed is it seems to be out of buisness.
// ==================================================================================================

using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using Server;
using Server.Network;

namespace Server.Misc
public class ServerList

// ==================================================================================
// ==================================================================================
public const string ServerName = "RunUO Test Center";

// ==================================================================================
// Here you can select to autodetect your internet ip, or manualy specify
// Examples:
// public static string Address = "";
// public static string Address = "";
// ==================================================================================
public const bool InternetIPAutodetect = true;
public const int MinutesBetweenIPAutodetect = 30;
public static string Address = null;

// ==================================================================================
// Here are some values stored
// ==================================================================================
private static LocalLanIPRange[] LocalLanIPRanges = new LocalLanIPRange[10];
private static UInt32 LocalLanIPRangesCount;
private static AutoIPMirror[] AutoIPMirrors = new AutoIPMirror[10];
private static UInt32 AutoIPMirrorsCount;
private static DateTime InternetIPAutodetectLast;

// ==================================================================================
// Initialization
// ==================================================================================
public static void Initialize()
// ----------------------------------------------------
// Select what port to use
// ----------------------------------------------------
Listener.Port = 2593;

// ----------------------------------------------------
// Load the local LAN ip ranges
// ----------------------------------------------------
AddLocalLANIPRange("", "");
AddLocalLANIPRange("", "");
AddLocalLANIPRange("", "");
AddLocalLANIPRange("", "");

// ----------------------------------------------------
// Load the Auto IP mirros
// ----------------------------------------------------
AddAutoIPMirror("", "<html>Your ip is ", "<p></html>");
AddAutoIPMirror("", "Your IP address is:<br>", "</FONT>");
AddAutoIPMirror("", "Your IP address is: ", "<br>");
AddAutoIPMirror("", "Current IP Address: ", "</body>");
AddAutoIPMirror("", "<title>", "</title>");
AddAutoIPMirror("", "Your IP address is <B> ", " </B>");
AddAutoIPMirror("", "Your IP address is <BR>", "<BR>");

// ----------------------------------------------------
// Create the event
// ----------------------------------------------------
EventSink.ServerList += new ServerListEventHandler( EventSink_ServerList );

// ==================================================================================
// Add a range of local lan ips
// ==================================================================================
private static void AddLocalLANIPRange(string RangeFrom, string RangeTo)
LocalLanIPRanges[LocalLanIPRangesCount] = new LocalLanIPRange();
LocalLanIPRanges[LocalLanIPRangesCount].RangeFrom = StringIPToUInt32IP(RangeFrom);
LocalLanIPRanges[LocalLanIPRangesCount].RangeTo = StringIPToUInt32IP(RangeTo);
LocalLanIPRangesCount = LocalLanIPRangesCount + 1;

// ==================================================================================
// Convert a ip string to a binary unsigned int
// ==================================================================================
private static UInt32 StringIPToUInt32IP(string addr)
byte[] byteArray1 = IPAddress.Parse(addr).GetAddressBytes();
byte[] byteArray2 = IPAddress.Parse(addr).GetAddressBytes();
byteArray1[0] = byteArray2[3];
byteArray1[1] = byteArray2[2];
byteArray1[2] = byteArray2[1];
byteArray1[3] = byteArray2[0];
return BitConverter.ToUInt32( byteArray1, 0);

// ==================================================================================
// Used to store the local lan ip ranges
// ==================================================================================
private class LocalLanIPRange
public UInt32 RangeFrom;
public UInt32 RangeTo;

// ==================================================================================
// Add a AutoIP mirror
// ==================================================================================
private static void AddAutoIPMirror(string sURL, string sStart, string sEnd)
AutoIPMirrors[AutoIPMirrorsCount] = new AutoIPMirror();
AutoIPMirrors[AutoIPMirrorsCount].sURL = sURL;
AutoIPMirrors[AutoIPMirrorsCount].sStart = sStart;
AutoIPMirrors[AutoIPMirrorsCount].sEnd = sEnd;
AutoIPMirrorsCount = AutoIPMirrorsCount + 1;

// ==================================================================================
// Used to store the Auto IP mirrors
// ==================================================================================
private class AutoIPMirror
public string sURL;
public string sStart;
public string sEnd;
public UInt32 iFailures;

// ==================================================================================
// The serverlist event
// ==================================================================================
public static void EventSink_ServerList( ServerListEventArgs e )
// ----------------------------------------------------
// Autodetect the Internet IP every 30 minutes
// ----------------------------------------------------
if (InternetIPAutodetect) {
DateTime UpdateTime = InternetIPAutodetectLast;
UpdateTime = UpdateTime.AddMinutes(MinutesBetweenIPAutodetect);
if (UpdateTime<DateTime.Now) {
string NewAddress = null;
NewAddress = FindInternetIP();
InternetIPAutodetectLast = DateTime.Now;
if (NewAddress!=null)
Address = NewAddress;

// ----------------------------------------------------
// Find the server ip to use for this user
// ----------------------------------------------------
IPAddress ipAddr = FindMachineIP(e);

// ----------------------------------------------------
// Send serverlist
// ----------------------------------------------------
if (ipAddr != null)
e.AddServer( ServerName, new IPEndPoint( ipAddr, Listener.Port ) );
} else {
e.Rejected = true;
e.Rejected = true;

// ==================================================================================
// Connects to a webserver that gives you your internet ip
// ==================================================================================
public static string FindInternetIP( )

// ----------------------------------------------------
// Pick a random mirror
// ----------------------------------------------------
Random rnd = new Random();
int UseMirror = (int)( rnd.NextDouble() * AutoIPMirrorsCount);
string MyIP = "";

// ----------------------------------------------------
// Catch if the mirror is down
// ----------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------
// Get the webpage
// ----------------------------------------------------
WebClient client = new WebClient();
byte[] pageData = client.DownloadData(AutoIPMirrors[UseMirror].sURL);
MyIP = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(pageData);

// ----------------------------------------------------
// Find the string
// ----------------------------------------------------
int iStart = MyIP.LastIndexOf(AutoIPMirrors[UseMirror].sStart);
int iEnd = MyIP.IndexOf(AutoIPMirrors[UseMirror].sEnd, iStart+AutoIPMirrors[UseMirror].sStart.Length);
MyIP = MyIP.Substring(iStart+AutoIPMirrors[UseMirror].sStart.Length, iEnd-iStart-AutoIPMirrors[UseMirror].sStart.Length );
MyIP = MyIP.Trim();

// ----------------------------------------------------
// Return value
// ----------------------------------------------------
Console.WriteLine("Internet IP: {0} ({1})", MyIP, AutoIPMirrors[UseMirror].sURL);
return MyIP;
Console.WriteLine("Unable to autoupdate the Internet IP from {0}!", AutoIPMirrors[UseMirror].sURL);
return null;

// ==================================================================================
// Calculates what server IP to use
// ==================================================================================
public static IPAddress FindMachineIP( ServerListEventArgs e )
// ----------------------------------------------------
// Find the IP of the connecting user
// ----------------------------------------------------
Socket sock = e.State.Socket;
IPAddress theirAddress = ((IPEndPoint)sock.RemoteEndPoint).Address;
IPAddress serverAddress;

// ----------------------------------------------------
// Is it Loopback?
// ----------------------------------------------------
if ( IPAddress.IsLoopback( theirAddress ) )
return IPAddress.Parse( "" );

// ----------------------------------------------------
// Local
// ----------------------------------------------------
UInt32 uint32Address = StringIPToUInt32IP(theirAddress.ToString());
for (UInt32 LocalLanIPRangesLoop = 0 ; LocalLanIPRangesLoop < LocalLanIPRangesCount; LocalLanIPRangesLoop++)
if ( (LocalLanIPRanges[LocalLanIPRangesLoop].RangeFrom <= uint32Address) && (LocalLanIPRanges[LocalLanIPRangesLoop].RangeTo >= uint32Address) )
Resolve(Dns.GetHostName(), out serverAddress);
return serverAddress;

// ----------------------------------------------------
// Internet addresses
// ----------------------------------------------------
if (Address!=null)
Resolve(Address, out serverAddress);
} else {
Resolve(Dns.GetHostName(), out serverAddress);
return serverAddress;

// ==================================================================================
// Resolves dns names
// ==================================================================================
public static bool Resolve( string addr, out IPAddress outValue )
outValue = IPAddress.Parse( addr );
return true;
IPHostEntry iphe = Dns.Resolve( addr );

if ( iphe.AddressList.Length > 0 )
outValue = iphe.AddressList[iphe.AddressList.Length - 1];
return true;
outValue = IPAddress.None;
return false;
