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I get this error


I get this error

System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: soundDevice
at PlayUO.Assets.PhysicalAudioProvider..ctor(Device soundDevice)
at PlayUO.Sounds..ctor()
at PlayUO.Engine.get_Sounds()
at PlayUO.PacketHandlers.PlaySound(PacketReader pvSrc)
at PlayUO.PacketHandler.Handle(PacketReader pvSrc)
at PlayUO.NetworkContext.Cycle()
at PlayUO.Engine.MainA(String[] Args)
at PlayUO.Engine.Main(String[] args)

no idea what it means
are u loged in when it happens or do u never make it into game?

just by the sounds thing in there makes me think u need to disable music if ur in game when it happens