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- Staff Class Editing: You can create your own staff classes, with your own prefixes (EX: Staff class boob prefix would show my name as Boobman Dalius). Also, changing specific usergroup colors (player with good karma is blah, if your karma is a little higher your Sir "Blah" with your name colored green)

- Facet Specific Settings: Each facet can be customized in its own way, example facet 1 aka Trammel can be in spring season when it rains 25% of the time and has certain flags like OSI's trammel ruleset, facet 2 aka Feluccia has OSI's Feluccia ruleset, Facet 3 can be a mix of both with specific region settings, Illshnnear has its own settings etc

That's all I can think about for now! :D


hummmmm.... think bout the following dal

Server api:
bool RUORegisterStaffClass ( TStaffClass * tsc );

returns true if class registered, false if not.

TStaffClass should be a structutre containing robe name, or even a collection of items for the class' uniform, name, color, privileges, access level, etc.