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Looking for a host


I used to apply a cloud at digital ocean...
maybe it would work with a few years of university here and there and a lot of lag, but such websites are definitively not what I need lol

they give you a small console only with no acess to your files ( even filezilla connected cant upload a crap in there ) and the acess u have is pretty much to link a webpage somehow using that console, but that's not a server come on !

is there a host that supports ' Normal servers ' like runuo where u upload your folder and then ( somehow ) run your .exe console in it and runs just fine?

or some hoster that are experts at runuo where u can rent an area where u can make runuo work fine ?


It seems you have never worked with Linux, not familiar with SSH and soft like Putty and don't know how permission system is organized in Linux. Digital Ocean allows you to do exactly what you want: upload server and start it. And you have full control over the system with root access, you can install any soft and modify any files including system ones. I don't know what 'normal servers' you are looking for but please don't spread lie about Digital Ocean. It provides one of the best hosting.


The entry level is certainly higher on Linux than Windows hosting, but will allow you to utilise considerably cheaper hosting options. Well worth some time invested in my opinion. I've never heard anything bad about Digital Ocean and their pricing looks great!