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Making Vendor live own life...


Making Vendor live own life...

So first, I have the BaseVendor.cs script:

using System;
using System.Collections;
using Server.Items;
using Server.Network;
using Server.ContextMenus;
using Server.Mobiles;
using Server.Misc;
using Server.Engines.BulkOrders;
using Server.Regions;
using Server.Factions;

namespace Server.Mobiles
	public enum VendorShoeType

	public abstract class BaseVendor : BaseCreature, IVendor
		private const int MaxSell = 500;

		protected abstract ArrayList SBInfos{ get; }
		private DateTime m_NextSpeakTime; // To prevent spam

		private static string[] m_Phrases = new string[] // Things to say while greeting
			"Ludzie zawsze gadaja...",
			"Nie powinnismy o tym mowic.",
			"Krol Rhobar jest chyba najlepszym wladca ktorego mielismy.",
			"Nie, nie..",
			"No tak... to prawda.",
			"Moze pogodzimy ich ze soba...",

		private ArrayList m_ArmorBuyInfo = new ArrayList();
		private ArrayList m_ArmorSellInfo = new ArrayList();

		private DateTime m_LastRestock;

		public override bool CanTeach{ get{ return true; } }

		public override bool PlayerRangeSensitive{ get{ return true; } }

		public virtual bool IsActiveVendor{ get{ return true; } }
		public virtual bool IsActiveBuyer{ get{ return IsActiveVendor; } } // response to vendor SELL
		public virtual bool IsActiveSeller{ get{ return IsActiveVendor; } } // repsonse to vendor BUY

		public virtual NpcGuild NpcGuild{ get{ return NpcGuild.None; } }

		public virtual bool IsInvulnerable{ get{ return true; } }

		public override bool ShowFameTitle{ get{ return false; } }

		public virtual bool IsValidBulkOrder( Item item )
			return false;

		public virtual Item CreateBulkOrder( Mobile from, bool fromContextMenu )
			return null;

		public virtual bool SupportsBulkOrders( Mobile from )
			return false;

		public virtual TimeSpan GetNextBulkOrder( Mobile from )
			return TimeSpan.Zero;

		#region Faction
		public virtual int GetPriceScalar()
			Town town = Town.FromRegion( this.Region );

			if ( town != null )
				return (100 + town.Tax);

			return 100;

		public void UpdateBuyInfo()
			int priceScalar = GetPriceScalar();
			IBuyItemInfo[] buyinfo = (IBuyItemInfo[])m_ArmorBuyInfo.ToArray( typeof( IBuyItemInfo ) );

			if ( buyinfo != null )
				foreach ( IBuyItemInfo info in buyinfo )
					info.PriceScalar = priceScalar;

		private class BulkOrderInfoEntry : ContextMenuEntry
			private Mobile m_From;
			private BaseVendor m_Vendor;

			public BulkOrderInfoEntry( Mobile from, BaseVendor vendor ) : base( 6152, 6 )
				m_From = from;
				m_Vendor = vendor;

			public override void OnClick()
				if ( m_Vendor.SupportsBulkOrders( m_From ) )
					TimeSpan ts = m_Vendor.GetNextBulkOrder( m_From );

					int totalSeconds = (int)ts.TotalSeconds;
					int totalHours = (totalSeconds + 3599) / 3600;

					if ( totalHours == 0 )
						m_From.SendLocalizedMessage( 1049038 ); // You can get an order now.

						if ( Core.AOS )
							Item bulkOrder = m_Vendor.CreateBulkOrder( m_From, true );

							if ( bulkOrder is LargeBOD )
								m_From.SendGump( new LargeBODAcceptGump( m_From, (LargeBOD)bulkOrder ) );
							else if ( bulkOrder is SmallBOD )
								m_From.SendGump( new SmallBODAcceptGump( m_From, (SmallBOD)bulkOrder ) );
						int oldSpeechHue = m_Vendor.SpeechHue;
						m_Vendor.SpeechHue = 0x3B2;
						m_Vendor.SayTo( m_From, 1049039, totalHours.ToString() ); // An offer may be available in about ~1_hours~ hours.
						m_Vendor.SpeechHue = oldSpeechHue;

		public BaseVendor( string title ) : base( AIType.AI_Vendor, FightMode.None, 2, 1, 0.5, 2 )

			this.Title = title;

			Container pack;
			//these packs MUST exist, or the client will crash when the packets are sent
			pack = new Backpack();
			pack.Layer = Layer.ShopBuy;
			pack.Movable = false;
			pack.Visible = false;
			AddItem( pack );

			pack = new Backpack();
			pack.Layer = Layer.ShopResale;
			pack.Movable = false;
			pack.Visible = false;
			AddItem( pack );

			m_LastRestock = DateTime.Now;
		public BaseVendor( Serial serial ) : base( serial )

		public DateTime LastRestock
				return m_LastRestock;
				m_LastRestock = value;

		public virtual TimeSpan RestockDelay
				return TimeSpan.FromHours( 1 );

		public Container BuyPack
				Container pack = FindItemOnLayer( Layer.ShopBuy ) as Container;

				if ( pack == null )
					pack = new Backpack();
					pack.Layer = Layer.ShopBuy;
					pack.Visible = false;
					AddItem( pack );

				return pack;

		public abstract void InitSBInfo();

		protected void LoadSBInfo()
			m_LastRestock = DateTime.Now;



			for ( int i = 0; i < SBInfos.Count; i++ )
				SBInfo sbInfo = (SBInfo)SBInfos[i];
				m_ArmorBuyInfo.AddRange( sbInfo.BuyInfo );
				m_ArmorSellInfo.Add( sbInfo.SellInfo );

		public virtual bool GetGender()
			return Utility.RandomBool();

		public virtual void InitBody()

			InitStats( 100, 100, 25 );

			SpeechHue = Utility.RandomDyedHue();
			Hue = Utility.RandomSkinHue();
			CantWalk = true;
			BodyValue = 400;
			Name = NameList.RandomName( "male" );			

			if ( IsInvulnerable && !Core.AOS )
				NameHue = 0x35;

/*			if ( Female = GetGender() )
				Body = 0x191;
				Name = NameList.RandomName( "female" );
				Body = 0x190;
				Name = NameList.RandomName( "male" );

		public virtual int GetRandomHue()
			switch ( Utility.Random( 5 ) )
				case 0: return Utility.RandomBlueHue();
				case 1: return Utility.RandomGreenHue();
				case 2: return Utility.RandomRedHue();
				case 3: return Utility.RandomYellowHue();
				case 4: return Utility.RandomNeutralHue();

		public virtual int GetShoeHue()
			if ( 0.1 > Utility.RandomDouble() )
				return 0;

			return Utility.RandomNeutralHue();

		public virtual VendorShoeType ShoeType
			get{ return VendorShoeType.Shoes; }

		public virtual int RandomBrightHue()
			if ( 0.1 > Utility.RandomDouble() )
				return Utility.RandomList( 0x62, 0x71 );

			return Utility.RandomList( 0x03, 0x0D, 0x13, 0x1C, 0x21, 0x30, 0x37, 0x3A, 0x44, 0x59 );

		public virtual void CheckMorph()
			if ( CheckGargoyle() )


		public virtual bool CheckGargoyle()
			Map map = this.Map;

			if ( map != Map.Ilshenar )
				return false;

			if ( Region.Name != "Gargoyle City" )
				return false;

			if ( Body != 0x2F6 || (Hue & 0x8000) == 0 )

			return true;

		public virtual bool CheckNecromancer()
			Map map = this.Map;

			if ( map != Map.Malas )
				return false;

			if ( Region.Name != "Umbra" )
				return false;

			if ( Hue != 0x83E8 )

			return true;

		public override void OnAfterSpawn()

		protected override void OnMapChange( Map oldMap )
			base.OnMapChange( oldMap );


		public virtual int GetRandomNecromancerHue()
			switch ( Utility.Random( 20 ) )
				case 0: return 0;
				case 1: return 0x4E9;
				default: return Utility.RandomList( 0x485, 0x497 );

		public virtual void TurnToNecromancer()
			ArrayList items = new ArrayList( this.Items );

			for ( int i = 0; i < items.Count; ++i )
				Item item = (Item)items[i];

				if ( item is Hair || item is Beard )
					item.Hue = 0;
				else if ( item is BaseClothing || item is BaseWeapon || item is BaseArmor || item is BaseTool )
					item.Hue = GetRandomNecromancerHue();

			Hue = 0x83E8;

		public virtual void TurnToGargoyle()
			ArrayList items = new ArrayList( this.Items );

			for ( int i = 0; i < items.Count; ++i )
				Item item = (Item)items[i];

				if ( item is BaseClothing || item is Hair || item is Beard )

			Body = 0x2F6;
			Hue = RandomBrightHue() | 0x8000;
			Name = NameList.RandomName( "gargoyle vendor" );


		public virtual void CapitalizeTitle()
			string title = this.Title;

			if ( title == null )

			string[] split = title.Split( ' ' );

			for ( int i = 0; i < split.Length; ++i )
				if ( Insensitive.Equals( split[i], "the" ) )

				if ( split[i].Length > 1 )
					split[i] = Char.ToUpper( split[i][0] ) + split[i].Substring( 1 );
				else if ( split[i].Length > 0 )
					split[i] = Char.ToUpper( split[i][0] ).ToString();

			this.Title = String.Join( " ", split );

		public virtual int GetHairHue()
			return Utility.RandomHairHue();

		public virtual void InitOutfit()
			int hairHue = GetHairHue();

			AddItem( Server.Items.Hair.GetRandomHair( Female, hairHue ) );

			PackGold( 100, 200 );

		public virtual void Restock()
			m_LastRestock = DateTime.Now;

			IBuyItemInfo[] buyInfo = this.GetBuyInfo();

			foreach ( IBuyItemInfo bii in buyInfo )

		private static TimeSpan InventoryDecayTime = TimeSpan.FromHours( 1.0 );

		public virtual void VendorBuy( Mobile from )
			if ( !IsActiveSeller )

			if ( !from.CheckAlive() )

			if ( !CheckVendorAccess( from ) )
				Say( 501522 ); // I shall not treat with scum like thee!

			if ( DateTime.Now - m_LastRestock > RestockDelay )


			int count = 0;
			ArrayList list;
			IBuyItemInfo[] buyInfo = this.GetBuyInfo();
			IShopSellInfo[] sellInfo = this.GetSellInfo();

			list = new ArrayList( buyInfo.Length );
			Container cont = this.BuyPack;

			ArrayList opls = new ArrayList();

			for (int idx=0;idx<buyInfo.Length;idx++)
				IBuyItemInfo buyItem = (IBuyItemInfo)buyInfo[idx];

				if ( buyItem.Amount <= 0 || list.Count >= 250 )

				// NOTE: Only GBI supported; if you use another implementation of IBuyItemInfo, this will crash
				GenericBuyInfo gbi = (GenericBuyInfo) buyItem;
				IEntity disp = gbi.GetDisplayObject() as IEntity;

				list.Add( new BuyItemState( buyItem.Name, cont.Serial, disp == null ? (Serial) 0x7FC0FFEE : disp.Serial, buyItem.Price, buyItem.Amount, buyItem.ItemID, buyItem.Hue ) );

				if ( disp is Item )
					opls.Add( (disp as Item).PropertyList );
				else if ( disp is Mobile )
					opls.Add( (disp as Mobile).PropertyList );

			ArrayList playerItems = cont.Items;

			for ( int i = playerItems.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i )
				if ( i >= playerItems.Count )

				Item item = (Item)playerItems[i];

				if ( (item.LastMoved + InventoryDecayTime) <= DateTime.Now )

			for ( int i = 0; i < playerItems.Count; ++i )
				Item item = (Item)playerItems[i];

				int price = 0;
				string name = null;

				foreach( IShopSellInfo ssi in sellInfo )
					if ( ssi.IsSellable( item ) )
						price = ssi.GetBuyPriceFor( item );
						name = ssi.GetNameFor( item );

				if ( name != null && list.Count < 250 )
					list.Add( new BuyItemState( name, cont.Serial, item.Serial, price, item.Amount, item.ItemID, item.Hue ) );

					opls.Add( item.PropertyList );

			//one (not all) of the packets uses a byte to describe number of items in the list.  Osi = dumb.
			//if ( list.Count > 255 )
			//	Console.WriteLine( "Vendor Warning: Vendor {0} has more than 255 buy items, may cause client errors!", this );

			if ( list.Count > 0 )
				list.Sort( new BuyItemStateComparer() );

				SendPacksTo( from );
				from.Send( new VendorBuyContent( list ) );
				from.Send( new VendorBuyList( this, list ) );
				from.Send( new DisplayBuyList( this ) );
				from.Send( new MobileStatusExtended( from ) );//make sure their gold amount is sent

				for ( int i = 0; i < opls.Count; ++i )
					from.Send( opls[i] as Packet );

				SayTo( from, 500186 ); // Greetings.  Have a look around.

		public virtual void SendPacksTo( Mobile from )
			Item pack = FindItemOnLayer( Layer.ShopBuy );

			if ( pack == null )
				pack = new Backpack();
				pack.Layer = Layer.ShopBuy;
				pack.Movable = false;
				pack.Visible = false;
				AddItem( pack );

			from.Send( new EquipUpdate( pack ) );

			pack = FindItemOnLayer( Layer.ShopSell );

			if ( pack != null )
				from.Send( new EquipUpdate( pack ) );

			pack = FindItemOnLayer( Layer.ShopResale );

			if ( pack == null )
				pack = new Backpack();
				pack.Layer = Layer.ShopResale;
				pack.Movable = false;
				pack.Visible = false;
				AddItem( pack );

			from.Send( new EquipUpdate( pack ) );

		public virtual void VendorSell( Mobile from )
			if ( !IsActiveBuyer )

			if ( !from.CheckAlive() )

			if ( !CheckVendorAccess( from ) )
				Say( 501522 ); // I shall not treat with scum like thee!

			Container pack = from.Backpack;

			if ( pack != null )
				IShopSellInfo[] info = GetSellInfo();

				Hashtable table = new Hashtable();

				foreach ( IShopSellInfo ssi in info )
					Item[] items = pack.FindItemsByType( ssi.Types );

					foreach ( Item item in items )
						if ( item is Container && ((Container)item).Items.Count != 0 )

						if ( item.IsStandardLoot() && item.Movable && ssi.IsSellable( item ) )
							table[item] = new SellItemState( item, ssi.GetSellPriceFor( item ), ssi.GetNameFor( item ) );

				if ( table.Count > 0 )
					SendPacksTo( from );

					from.Send( new VendorSellList( this, table ) );
					Say( true, "You have nothing I would be interested in." );

		public override bool OnDragDrop( Mobile from, Item dropped )
			if ( dropped is SmallBOD || dropped is LargeBOD )
				if ( !IsValidBulkOrder( dropped ) || !SupportsBulkOrders( from ) )
					SayTo( from, 1045130 ); // That order is for some other shopkeeper.
					return false;
				else if ( (dropped is SmallBOD && !((SmallBOD)dropped).Complete) || (dropped is LargeBOD && !((LargeBOD)dropped).Complete) )
					SayTo( from, 1045131 ); // You have not completed the order yet.
					return false;

				Item reward;
				int gold, fame;

				if ( dropped is SmallBOD )
					((SmallBOD)dropped).GetRewards( out reward, out gold, out fame );
					((LargeBOD)dropped).GetRewards( out reward, out gold, out fame );

				from.SendSound( 0x3D );

				SayTo( from, 1045132 ); // Thank you so much!  Here is a reward for your effort.

				if ( reward != null )
					from.AddToBackpack( reward );

				if ( gold > 1000 )
					from.AddToBackpack( new BankCheck( gold ) );
				else if ( gold > 0 )
					from.AddToBackpack( new Gold( gold ) );

				Titles.AwardFame( from, fame, true );

				return true;

			return base.OnDragDrop( from, dropped );

		private GenericBuyInfo LookupDisplayObject( object obj )
			IBuyItemInfo[] buyInfo = this.GetBuyInfo();

			for ( int i = 0; i < buyInfo.Length; ++i )
				GenericBuyInfo gbi = buyInfo[i] as GenericBuyInfo;

				if ( gbi.GetDisplayObject() == obj )
					return gbi;

			return null;

		private void ProcessSinglePurchase( BuyItemResponse buy, IBuyItemInfo bii, ArrayList validBuy, ref int controlSlots, ref bool fullPurchase, ref int totalCost )
			int amount = buy.Amount;

			if ( amount > bii.Amount )
				amount = bii.Amount;

			if ( amount <= 0 )

			int slots = bii.ControlSlots * amount;

			if ( controlSlots >= slots )
				controlSlots -= slots;
				fullPurchase = false;

			totalCost += bii.Price * amount;
			validBuy.Add( buy );

		private void ProcessValidPurchase( int amount, IBuyItemInfo bii, Mobile buyer, Container cont )
			if ( amount > bii.Amount )
				amount = bii.Amount;

			if ( amount < 1 )

			bii.Amount -= amount;

			object o = bii.GetObject();

			if ( o is Item )
				Item item = (Item)o;

				if ( item.Stackable )
					item.Amount = amount;

					if ( cont == null || !cont.TryDropItem( buyer, item, false ) )
						item.MoveToWorld( buyer.Location, buyer.Map );
					item.Amount = 1;

					if ( cont == null || !cont.TryDropItem( buyer, item, false ) )
						item.MoveToWorld( buyer.Location, buyer.Map );

					for (int i=1;i<amount;i++)
						item = bii.GetObject() as Item;

						if ( item != null )
							item.Amount = 1;

							if ( cont == null || !cont.TryDropItem( buyer, item, false ) )
								item.MoveToWorld( buyer.Location, buyer.Map );
			else if ( o is Mobile )
				Mobile m = (Mobile)o;

				m.Direction = (Direction)Utility.Random( 8 );
				m.MoveToWorld( buyer.Location, buyer.Map );
				m.PlaySound( m.GetIdleSound() );

				if ( m is BaseCreature )
					((BaseCreature)m).SetControlMaster( buyer );

				for ( int i = 1; i < amount; ++i )
					m = bii.GetObject() as Mobile;

					if ( m != null )
						m.Direction = (Direction)Utility.Random( 8 );
						m.MoveToWorld( buyer.Location, buyer.Map );

						if ( m is BaseCreature )
							((BaseCreature)m).SetControlMaster( buyer );

		public virtual bool OnBuyItems( Mobile buyer, ArrayList list )
			if ( !IsActiveSeller )
				return false;

			if ( !buyer.CheckAlive() )
				return false;

			if ( !CheckVendorAccess( buyer ) )
				Say( 501522 ); // I shall not treat with scum like thee!
				return false;


			IBuyItemInfo[] buyInfo = this.GetBuyInfo();
			IShopSellInfo[] info = GetSellInfo();
			int totalCost = 0;
			ArrayList validBuy = new ArrayList( list.Count );
			Container cont;
			bool bought = false;
			bool fromBank = false;
			bool fullPurchase = true;
			int controlSlots = buyer.FollowersMax - buyer.Followers;

			foreach ( BuyItemResponse buy in list )
				Serial ser = buy.Serial;
				int amount = buy.Amount;

				if ( ser.IsItem )
					Item item = World.FindItem( ser );

					if ( item == null )

					GenericBuyInfo gbi = LookupDisplayObject( item );

					if ( gbi != null )
						ProcessSinglePurchase( buy, gbi, validBuy, ref controlSlots, ref fullPurchase, ref totalCost );
					else if ( item.RootParent == this )
						if ( amount > item.Amount )
							amount = item.Amount;

						if ( amount <= 0 )

						foreach ( IShopSellInfo ssi in info )
							if ( ssi.IsSellable( item ) )
								if ( ssi.IsResellable( item ) )
									totalCost += ssi.GetBuyPriceFor( item ) * amount;
									validBuy.Add( buy );
				else if ( ser.IsMobile )
					Mobile mob = World.FindMobile( ser );

					if ( mob == null )

					GenericBuyInfo gbi = LookupDisplayObject( mob );

					if ( gbi != null )
						ProcessSinglePurchase( buy, gbi, validBuy, ref controlSlots, ref fullPurchase, ref totalCost );

			if ( fullPurchase && validBuy.Count == 0 )
				SayTo( buyer, 500190 ); // Thou hast bought nothing!
			else if ( validBuy.Count == 0 )
				SayTo( buyer, 500187 ); // Your order cannot be fulfilled, please try again.

			if ( validBuy.Count == 0 )
				return false;

			bought = ( buyer.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster );

			cont = buyer.Backpack;
			if ( !bought && cont != null )
				if ( cont.ConsumeTotal( typeof( Gold ), totalCost ) )
					bought = true;
				else if ( totalCost < 2000 )
					SayTo( buyer, 500192 );//Begging thy pardon, but thou casnt afford that.

			if ( !bought && totalCost >= 2000 )
				cont = buyer.BankBox;
				if ( cont != null && cont.ConsumeTotal( typeof( Gold ), totalCost ) )
					bought = true;
					fromBank = true;
					SayTo( buyer, 500191 ); //Begging thy pardon, but thy bank account lacks these funds.

			if ( !bought )
				return false;
				buyer.PlaySound( 0x32 );

			cont = buyer.Backpack;
			if ( cont == null )
				cont = buyer.BankBox;

			foreach ( BuyItemResponse buy in validBuy )
				Serial ser = buy.Serial;
				int amount = buy.Amount;

				if ( amount < 1 )

				if ( ser.IsItem )
					Item item = World.FindItem( ser );

					if ( item == null )

					GenericBuyInfo gbi = LookupDisplayObject( item );

					if ( gbi != null )
						ProcessValidPurchase( amount, gbi, buyer, cont );
						if ( amount > item.Amount )
							amount = item.Amount;

						foreach ( IShopSellInfo ssi in info )
							if ( ssi.IsSellable( item ) )
								if ( ssi.IsResellable( item ) )
									Item buyItem;
									if ( amount >= item.Amount )
										buyItem = item;
										buyItem = item.Dupe( amount );
										item.Amount -= amount;

									if ( cont == null || !cont.TryDropItem( buyer, buyItem, false ) )
										buyItem.MoveToWorld( buyer.Location, buyer.Map );

				else if ( ser.IsMobile )
					Mobile mob = World.FindMobile( ser );

					if ( mob == null )

					GenericBuyInfo gbi = LookupDisplayObject( mob );

					if ( gbi != null )
						ProcessValidPurchase( amount, gbi, buyer, cont );

				/*if ( ser >= 0 && ser <= buyInfo.Length )
					IBuyItemInfo bii = buyInfo[ser];

					Item item = World.FindItem( buy.Serial );

					if ( item == null )

					if ( amount > item.Amount )
						amount = item.Amount;

					foreach( IShopSellInfo ssi in info )
						if ( ssi.IsSellable( item ) )
							if ( ssi.IsResellable( item ) )
								Item buyItem;
								if ( amount >= item.Amount )
									buyItem = item;
									buyItem = item.Dupe( amount );
									item.Amount -= amount;

								if ( cont == null || !cont.TryDropItem( buyer, buyItem, false ) )
									buyItem.MoveToWorld( buyer.Location, buyer.Map );


			if ( fullPurchase )
				if ( buyer.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster )
					SayTo( buyer, true, "I would not presume to charge thee anything.  Here are the goods you requested." );
				else if ( fromBank )
					SayTo( buyer, true, "The total of thy purchase is {0} gold, which has been withdrawn from your bank account.  My thanks for the patronage.", totalCost );
					SayTo( buyer, true, "The total of thy purchase is {0} gold.  My thanks for the patronage.", totalCost );
				if ( buyer.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster )
					SayTo( buyer, true, "I would not presume to charge thee anything.  Unfortunately, I could not sell you all the goods you requested." );
				else if ( fromBank )
					SayTo( buyer, true, "The total of thy purchase is {0} gold, which has been withdrawn from your bank account.  My thanks for the patronage.  Unfortunately, I could not sell you all the goods you requested.", totalCost );
					SayTo( buyer, true, "The total of thy purchase is {0} gold.  My thanks for the patronage.  Unfortunately, I could not sell you all the goods you requested.", totalCost );

			return true;

		public virtual bool CheckVendorAccess( Mobile from )
			GuardedRegion reg = this.Region as GuardedRegion;

			if ( reg != null && !reg.CheckVendorAccess( this, from ) )
				return false;

			if ( this.Region != from.Region )
				reg = from.Region as GuardedRegion;

				if ( reg != null && !reg.CheckVendorAccess( this, from ) )
					return false;

			return true;

		public virtual bool OnSellItems( Mobile seller, ArrayList list )
			if ( !IsActiveBuyer )
				return false;

			if ( !seller.CheckAlive() )
				return false;

			if ( !CheckVendorAccess( seller ) )
				Say( 501522 ); // I shall not treat with scum like thee!
				return false;

			seller.PlaySound( 0x32 );

			IShopSellInfo[] info = GetSellInfo();
			IBuyItemInfo[] buyInfo = this.GetBuyInfo();
			int GiveGold = 0;
			int Sold = 0;
			Container cont;
			ArrayList delete = new ArrayList();
			ArrayList drop = new ArrayList();

			foreach ( SellItemResponse resp in list )
				if ( resp.Item.RootParent != seller || resp.Amount <= 0 )

				foreach( IShopSellInfo ssi in info )
					if ( ssi.IsSellable( resp.Item ) )

			if ( Sold > MaxSell )
				SayTo( seller, true, "You may only sell {0} items at a time!", MaxSell );
				return false;
			else if ( Sold == 0 )
				return true;

			foreach ( SellItemResponse resp in list )
				if ( resp.Item.RootParent != seller || resp.Amount <= 0 )

				foreach( IShopSellInfo ssi in info )
					if ( ssi.IsSellable( resp.Item ) )
						int amount = resp.Amount;

						if ( amount > resp.Item.Amount )
							amount = resp.Item.Amount;

						if ( ssi.IsResellable( resp.Item ) )
							bool found = false;

							foreach ( IBuyItemInfo bii in buyInfo )
								if ( bii.Restock( resp.Item, amount ) )
									resp.Item.Consume( amount );
									found = true;


							if ( !found )
								cont = this.BuyPack;

								if ( amount < resp.Item.Amount )
									resp.Item.Amount -= amount;
									Item item = resp.Item.Dupe( amount );
									cont.DropItem( item );
									cont.DropItem( resp.Item );
							if ( amount < resp.Item.Amount )
								resp.Item.Amount -= amount;

						GiveGold += ssi.GetSellPriceFor( resp.Item )*amount;

			if ( GiveGold > 0 )
				while ( GiveGold > 60000 )
					seller.AddToBackpack( new Gold( 60000 ) );
					GiveGold -= 60000;

				seller.AddToBackpack( new Gold( GiveGold ) );

				seller.PlaySound( 0x0037 );//Gold dropping sound

				if ( SupportsBulkOrders( seller ) )
					Item bulkOrder = CreateBulkOrder( seller, false );

					if ( bulkOrder is LargeBOD )
						seller.SendGump( new LargeBODAcceptGump( seller, (LargeBOD)bulkOrder ) );
					else if ( bulkOrder is SmallBOD )
						seller.SendGump( new SmallBODAcceptGump( seller, (SmallBOD)bulkOrder ) );
			//no cliloc for this?
			//SayTo( seller, true, "Thank you! I bought {0} item{1}. Here is your {2}gp.", Sold, (Sold > 1 ? "s" : ""), GiveGold );
			return true;

		public override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer )
			base.Serialize( writer );

			writer.Write( (int) 1 ); // version

			ArrayList sbInfos = this.SBInfos;

			for ( int i = 0; sbInfos != null && i < sbInfos.Count; ++i )
				SBInfo sbInfo = (SBInfo)sbInfos[i];
				ArrayList buyInfo = sbInfo.BuyInfo;

				for ( int j = 0; buyInfo != null && j < buyInfo.Count; ++j )
					GenericBuyInfo gbi = (GenericBuyInfo)buyInfo[j];

					int maxAmount = gbi.MaxAmount;
					int doubled = 0;

					switch ( maxAmount )
						case  40: doubled = 1; break;
						case  80: doubled = 2; break;
						case 160: doubled = 3; break;
						case 320: doubled = 4; break;
						case 640: doubled = 5; break;
						case 999: doubled = 6; break;

					if ( doubled > 0 )
						writer.WriteEncodedInt( 1 + ((j * sbInfos.Count) + i) );
						writer.WriteEncodedInt( doubled );

			writer.WriteEncodedInt( 0 );

		public override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader )
			base.Deserialize( reader );

			int version = reader.ReadInt();


			ArrayList sbInfos = this.SBInfos;

			switch ( version )
				case 1:
					int index;

					while ( (index = reader.ReadEncodedInt()) > 0 )
						int doubled = reader.ReadEncodedInt();

						if ( sbInfos != null )
							index -= 1;
							int sbInfoIndex = index % sbInfos.Count;
							int buyInfoIndex = index / sbInfos.Count;
							if ( sbInfoIndex >= 0 && sbInfoIndex < sbInfos.Count )
								SBInfo sbInfo = (SBInfo)sbInfos[sbInfoIndex];
								ArrayList buyInfo = sbInfo.BuyInfo;

								if ( buyInfo != null && buyInfoIndex >= 0 && buyInfoIndex < buyInfo.Count )
									GenericBuyInfo gbi = (GenericBuyInfo)buyInfo[buyInfoIndex];

									int amount = 20;

									switch ( doubled )
										case 1: amount =  40; break;
										case 2: amount =  80; break;
										case 3: amount = 160; break;
										case 4: amount = 320; break;
										case 5: amount = 640; break;
										case 6: amount = 999; break;

									gbi.Amount = gbi.MaxAmount = amount;


			if ( Core.AOS && NameHue == 0x35 )
				NameHue = -1;


		public override void AddCustomContextEntries( Mobile from, ArrayList list )
			if ( from.Alive && IsActiveVendor )
				if ( IsActiveSeller )
					list.Add( new VendorBuyEntry( from, this ) );

				if ( IsActiveBuyer )
					list.Add( new VendorSellEntry( from, this ) );

				if ( SupportsBulkOrders( from ) )
					list.Add( new BulkOrderInfoEntry( from, this ) );

			base.AddCustomContextEntries( from, list );

		public virtual IShopSellInfo[] GetSellInfo()
			return (IShopSellInfo[])m_ArmorSellInfo.ToArray( typeof( IShopSellInfo ) );

		public virtual IBuyItemInfo[] GetBuyInfo()
			return (IBuyItemInfo[])m_ArmorBuyInfo.ToArray( typeof( IBuyItemInfo ) );

		public override bool CanBeDamaged()
			return !IsInvulnerable;

namespace Server.ContextMenus
	public class VendorBuyEntry : ContextMenuEntry
		private BaseVendor m_Vendor;

		public VendorBuyEntry( Mobile from, BaseVendor vendor ) : base( 6103, 8 )
			m_Vendor = vendor;
			Enabled = vendor.CheckVendorAccess( from );

		public override void OnClick()
			m_Vendor.VendorBuy( this.Owner.From );

	public class VendorSellEntry : ContextMenuEntry
		private BaseVendor m_Vendor;

		public VendorSellEntry( Mobile from, BaseVendor vendor ) : base( 6104, 8 )
			m_Vendor = vendor;
			Enabled = vendor.CheckVendorAccess( from );

		public override void OnClick()
			m_Vendor.VendorSell( this.Owner.From );

namespace Server
	public interface IShopSellInfo
		//get display name for an item
		string GetNameFor( Item item );

		//get price for an item which the player is selling
		int GetSellPriceFor( Item item );

		//get price for an item which the player is buying
		int GetBuyPriceFor( Item item );

		//can we sell this item to this vendor?
		bool IsSellable( Item item );

		//What do we sell?
		Type[] Types{ get; }

		//does the vendor resell this item?
		bool IsResellable( Item item );

	public interface IBuyItemInfo
		//get a new instance of an object (we just bought it)
		object GetObject();

		int ControlSlots{ get; }

		int PriceScalar{ get; set; }

		//display price of the item
		int Price{ get; }

		//display name of the item
		string Name{ get; }

		//display hue
		int Hue{ get; }

		//display id
		int ItemID{ get; }

		//amount in stock
		int Amount{ get; set; }

		//max amount in stock
		int MaxAmount{ get; }

		//Attempt to restock with item, (return true if restock sucessful)
		bool Restock( Item item, int amount );

		//called when its time for the whole shop to restock
		void OnRestock();

Where or how add these lines:

m_NextSpeakTime = DateTime.Now + ( TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 10 ) );
Say( m_Phrases[Utility.Random( m_Phrases.Length )] );

to make vendors talk randomily? It is very nice feature, if you played Gothic, you know what am i talking about...


Do something like this so that when a mobile enters within whatever range you deceide then the npc will talk.

		public override void OnEnter( Mobile m )


RunUO - [] Version 1.0.0, Build 36918
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...failed (1 errors, 0 warnings)
- Error: Scripts\Mobiles\Vendors\BaseVendor.cs: CS0115: (line 240, column 24) '
Server.Mobiles.BaseVendor.OnEnter(Server.Mobile)': no suitable method found to o
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.

What method inside?
I think this will only trigger vendor talking... I would like to make that it does not depend from player when vendor talk. So maybe he should start talking after server start, but... how to do that?


I used to have one of these guys on my shard. Here is a code snippet from the mobile:
private DateTime m_NextTalk;
		public DateTime NextTalk{ get{ return m_NextTalk; } set{ m_NextTalk = value; } }
		public override void OnMovement( Mobile m, Point3D oldLocation )
			if ( DateTime.Now >= m_NextTalk && InRange( m, 4 ) && InLOS( m ) ) // check if it's time to talk & if mobile in range & in los.
				switch ( Utility.Random( 4 )) //the amount of lines you have it to choose from
					case 0: Say("Please read the Welcome Board"); break; //line 1
					case 1: Say("Obey all signs!"); break; //line 2
					case 3: Say("Have you checked your packback?"); break; //line 3
				m_NextTalk = (DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 10 )); //channge the number 10 to the min amount of seconds to wait between talks.

Not sure if this will work in basevendor... but give it a shot. Good luck.


Yea but you see... Player moves and 6 vendors start to talk at the same time... this is not this what i want.


Then script what you want. If your not willing to script it yourself then you will have to make do with what is given to you. Beggars cant be choosers.

You can easily change the distance to 2 tiles or 1 tile to keep this in check.


But I'm not sure you know what I'm trying to do... Npc's don't have to talk to player... They have to talk to themselves, to air, without player... It's their own life like in topic's name... I don't know how to do this kinda thing...


Galfaroth said:
But I'm not sure you know what I'm trying to do... Npc's don't have to talk to player... They have to talk to themselves, to air, without player... It's their own life like in topic's name... I don't know how to do this kinda thing...

Ok its still the same exact thing that rj just showed you in the code he GAVE you. You dont want all 200 NPC's using a timer and talking when no one is around to see this. It would eat ALOT of resources and cause great amounts of lag. The only time this needs to happen is when a player is around to see it otherwise its all for nothing.

Use the code he gave you and then modify it so they speak on movement. I have already told you that you can change the range then just modify the speech patterns to whatever you want.


Ok, I change range to 2, so only one NPC will say something... But I want all npc on the screen to talk with themselves, even if player doesn't move... OnMovement isn't correct here I think, but what is?


Then use a timer. The only problem with using a timer is whether or not anyone is around to see this the NPC's will continue to speak. Using a timer for 100+ NPC"s is a really REALLY bad idea. You are going to have a laggy shard. But its your world so do what you want.

edit--- You can also use the OnThink method for this as well...


Isn't there override void (or sth like this) like OnSee (similar to OnMovement) ?? Then timer starts when player see npc or when player is in range of NPC ??


lol BTW what would be the difference between an OnSee method and OnMove? Both would require the player or mobile to get into a range before saying anything?

You could just put a check in the OnThink method to see if a player is in range before executing the speech.


There is difference. OnMovement trigger speech only if player moves... OnSee trigger if player just see npc... How about OnThink - how it works?

Let me see sth.


I got the timer it to work but the results could be disastrous.... With the code I gave you, you would have to place in every vendor you wanted to talk. You could set the "sight" to a longer distance so that once a player first sees the vendor/mobile come into the screen, he will already be talking. As for using that code in basevendor.cs, it is not possible(As posted) because you cannot override OnMovement because it doesn't exist. I am looking more into this right now. As for OnThink(). This function doesn't exist. It seems like you are trying to give your mobiles real AI. Sounds painful. I'll post again soon.