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Need help

john burns

I am running Mageia which is equivalent to Ubuntu I believe.

Anyway, I want to run RunUO on my linux box, but I have seen all of the tutorials, all of the posts of people saying they got it working on linux, and I have tried RunUO 2.2 with Neruns Distro, but I couldn't get it working.

So I guess I am asking -- Is there any first hand accounts of people willing to explain HOW one would go about it.

No links to this or that tutorial, I have seen them all. And tried them all too.

Simon Omega

I have only used the SVN. But:
I just found the link for: RunUO-2.2-src

Have you tried:

apt-get install mono-complete
(If it is Ubuntu Based this should work, you might need the Universe Repository added. If you do i can tell you how.)

I use a storage mount to hold RunUO but try this for testing:
In a Terminal
cd ~
mkdir source
cp ~/source/
cd ~/source/
(If unzip is missing apt-get install zip or maybe it is unzip...I use 7zip so I don't remember)
cd ..
mono-csc -out:RunUO.exe -d:MONO -optimize+ -unsafe -debug -nowarn:219 -recurse:source/*.cs

Copy this compiled RunUO.exe over top of the one in the RunUO 2.2 Package that you migrated NeRun into.