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.NET Framework 3.0


.NET Framework 3.0

I am wondering when Krrios plans to start working on an update to RunUO to support .NET Framework 3.0

Whats funny is that, its so new they sort of just added support for VS2005 instead of releasing the new program ( although I am sure thats going to happen soon ).


Joeku said:
I bet the entire RunUO team doesn't even want to HEAR the word "3.0" right now :p

I am sure Krrios has it already installed :lol:

Infact I would not be shocked, if they already started to release support for it early, thats what I would they have some nifty shit comming to 3.0
God damnit phantom! >_< I didn't even want to hear the "3.0" lol. Especially from Microsoft when it has to do with a .NET release :mad: 2.0 came out not too long ago. Grrr.



Storm33229 said:
God damnit phantom! >_< I didn't even want to hear the "3.0" lol. Especially from Microsoft when it has to do with a .NET release :mad: 2.0 came out not too long ago. Grrr.


Actually, the trick to this release is the fact, its just WinFX renamed.

From what I can tell, this isn't what I thought it was, shame I was going to have fun :-(

This is why:


Storm33229 said:
Uhm.. what is WinFX? :D ... infact, now that I think about it... I don't even know what these releases do... I just download them... lol...


Search for WinFX, its a feature thats planned to be built into WinFX, its alot of little.

Basicly the deal is that, WinFX is being renamed into .NET Framework 3.0 which contains the WinFX features and basicly "C# 2.0" and ect ect ie .NET Framework 2.0 + WinFX.

To be honest looks like they are going to change what was going to happen, with C# 3.0 which would have been whatever the next version of the framwork would have been.

Basicly its a good move, and in 8 months alot of people will be confused, but its a mute issue since RunUO would have had to deal with it anyway via Vista release anyway :)

If anyone watched the special on that one gaming channel for the EEE special, mIcrosoft introduced a planned feature that would allow a "user system" where a mobile phone, computer and xbox live would have the same "idendity"

Within WinFX contains this programming, which is what is beyond the code in Vista I would imagine, so in theory you get the point.

Additional features, the one particular feature I imagine would be the most interesting to the younger generation ( ie no corp people )
Phantom said:
Search for WinFX, its a feature thats planned to be built into WinFX, its alot of little.

Basicly the deal is that, WinFX is being renamed into .NET Framework 3.0 which contains the WinFX features and basicly "C# 2.0" and ect ect ie .NET Framework 2.0 + WinFX.

To be honest looks like they are going to change what was going to happen, with C# 3.0 which would have been whatever the next version of the framwork would have been.

Basicly its a good move, and in 8 months alot of people will be confused, but its a mute issue since RunUO would have had to deal with it anyway via Vista release anyway :)

Ah, okay... *maybe i shud start reading this stuff more often...* thanks for explaining that though. Also! Windows Vista/Longhorn or whatever its being called now lol. What is going to be sooo good about it? I mean the glassyness looks cool but other than looks... I am not sure whats so awesome about it.



Ah, okay... *maybe i shud start reading this stuff more often...* thanks for explaining that though. Also! Windows Vista/Longhorn or whatever its being called now lol. What is going to be sooo good about it? I mean the glassyness looks cool but other than looks... I am not sure whats so awesome about it.

Just improves on alot of stuff, perhaps not as big as Windows 95 did with the old Windows 3.1 era, but still a good jump.

Plus Microsoft learning from past mistakes ( in general they have ) will introduce more programs to allow companies to advertise computers that can use Vista.

The new interface, will not be for everyone, which is why the changes for example ( speed of a copy ) (( I love the idea )).

It still needs some more work, and it might not be "worth" the money but I still think its a big leap.

G4tV and microsofts thing at e3, basicly what Microsoft has for "online identiy" is going to be grand.

Xbox + mobile + computer identity which means the following.

Your best friend on his computer, can tell that your not at home since you would be on your "windows mobile" using the same identity as you do on your computer.

WIindows Live Messenger interface was improved ALOT ( Windows Messenger AKA MSN Messenger 8.0 )

Granted its going to take some really good selling to talk developers to program, quality products that take advanage of these features.

In a few years when our phones have 8GB hds ( actually not that far off ), I see people sending reports to their computer, and being able to fax new contracts to their office via their phone using this same tech.

Of course many of that is already possible I suppose, but being able to send it to your computer via your phone, since your using a mobile phone with Windows Mobile can be introduce alot of things.

The main thing is Microsoft is going to do something we have wanted for while I am sure a network of people and being able to contact them at any point, even if they are out on a date or in the middle of a xbox game or working on a contract on their computer.

I mean sure we can do that now, but the interface will built into Vista, which means if broadband phones ever get a majority markets means, you guessed it, true networking expereience.


3.0 is shit, its gonna turn runuo scripts into newb shit. You can use "var" instead of int, string, bool, whatever.

var myInt = 5;
var myString = "shit var sucks balls";

see the problem, whats what.....


Jeff said:
3.0 is shit, its gonna turn runuo scripts into newb shit. You can use "var" instead of int, string, bool, whatever.

var myInt = 5;
var myString = "shit var sucks balls";

see the problem, whats what.....

But that will mean less noob questions, more noobs creating content for gimp PVP shards, and easier scripting for the rest of us. Imagine not having to think at all about int, string, bool, blah blah blah.
Jeff said:
3.0 is shit, its gonna turn runuo scripts into newb shit. You can use "var" instead of int, string, bool, whatever.

var myInt = 5;
var myString = "shit var sucks balls";

see the problem, whats what.....

omfg, if that gets to be too over used im going back to c++ and sayinfuckit .... lol.


The 'var' keyword is nothing more than an Intellisence-bound feature. The compiler will still infer the type and compile it as such. The 'var' keyword must exist however because of (D,X)LINQ and its dynamic nature.

Reading the C# 3.0 notes would show you it's not the same as PHP's 'var' and per the aforementioned 'which type are they?!' code example, all it would take to determine the type is its name or the return type of the method that is assigning it or the actual assignment itself.

Other than that, LINQ, lambda expressions, method extensions, and object/collection initializers are all neat things that I have no doubt will make my code look better and make my code easier to understand.
Omfg. I am not fucking using 3.0. Fucking "var myInt" shit. Fucking hell no. Reminds me of god damn... hmm? Pascal maybe? Thats so retarted, and as far as noob questions go... uh... who cares? that's the point of Script Support section.



I will stick with C# 2.0 because I don't like the new "improvements". *shrugs*

And I only hope that Krrios doesn't plan working on update to RunUO to C# 0.3, huh, I wanted to say 3.0.:(


arul said:
C# 0.3, huh, I wanted to say 3.0.:(

Why don't we all stop speculating on it... it's not even out yet. When it comes out, flame and praise it as you will...


Storm33229 said:
Omfg. I am not fucking using 3.0. Fucking "var myInt" shit. Fucking hell no. Reminds me of god damn... hmm? Pascal maybe? Thats so retarted, and as far as noob questions go... uh... who cares? that's the point of Script Support section.


Actually, Pascal uses data types. 'var' just signifies the beginning of a block of variable declarations, it uses int and string and char and such.

procedure SomeProc;
  MyInt: Integer;
  MyString: String;
  // Code here

Pascal gets a bad rep, but it's a good language to learn on (WAAAAYYYY better than BASIC!), and with stuff like Borland's Delphi, it's a perfectly viable language (beats the hell out of VB, but I like C# better).

Uhhhh said:
Actually, Pascal uses data types. 'var' just signifies the beginning of a block of variable declarations, it uses int and string and char and such.

procedure SomeProc;
  MyInt: Integer;
  MyString: String;
  // Code here

Pascal gets a bad rep, but it's a good language to learn on (WAAAAYYYY better than BASIC!), and with stuff like Borland's Delphi, it's a perfectly viable language (beats the hell out of VB, but I like C# better).


Visual Basic > Pascal
Microsoft > Borland
Visual Studio .NET 2005 : Express > Delphi

I know enough about pascal and delphi to make me puke. I took a programming class and guess what I had to learn? Pascal! Using Delphi.
that class sucked.