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New PublicMoongate.cs (No Trammel or Ishlenar)


New PublicMoongate.cs (No Trammel or Ishlenar)

Use this if you don't want to risk editing your publicmoongate.cs or are just lazy.

using System;
using System.Collections;
using Server;
using Server.Gumps;
using Server.Network;
using Server.Mobiles;

namespace Server.Items
	public class PublicMoongate : Item
		public PublicMoongate() : base( 0xF6C )
			Movable = false;
			Light = LightType.Circle300;

		public PublicMoongate( Serial serial ) : base( serial )

		public override void OnDoubleClick( Mobile from )
			if ( !from.Player )

			if ( from.InRange( GetWorldLocation(), 1 ) )
				UseGate( from );
				from.SendLocalizedMessage( 500446 ); // That is too far away.

		public override bool OnMoveOver( Mobile m )
			return !m.Player || UseGate( m );

		public bool UseGate( Mobile m )
			if ( m.Criminal )
				m.SendLocalizedMessage( 1005561, "", 0x22 ); // Thou'rt a criminal and cannot escape so easily.
				return false;
			else if ( Server.Spells.SpellHelper.CheckCombat( m ) )
				m.SendLocalizedMessage( 1005564, "", 0x22 ); // Wouldst thou flee during the heat of battle??
				return false;
			else if ( m.Spell != null )
				m.SendLocalizedMessage( 1049616 ); // You are too busy to do that at the moment.
				return false;
				m.CloseGump( typeof( MoongateGump ) );
				m.SendGump( new MoongateGump( m, this ) );

				Effects.PlaySound( m.Location, m.Map, 0x20E );
				return true;

		public override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer )
			base.Serialize( writer );

			writer.Write( (int) 0 ); // version

		public override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader )
			base.Deserialize( reader );

			int version = reader.ReadInt();

		public static void Initialize()
			Server.Commands.Register( "MoonGen", AccessLevel.Administrator, new CommandEventHandler( MoonGen_OnCommand ) );

		[Usage( "MoonGen" )]
		[Description( "Generates public moongates. Removes all old moongates." )]
		public static void MoonGen_OnCommand( CommandEventArgs e )

			int count = 0;

			count += MoonGen( PMList.Felucca );
			count += MoonGen( PMList.Malas );

			World.Broadcast( 0x35, true, "{0} moongates generated.", count );

		private static void DeleteAll()
			ArrayList list = new ArrayList();

			foreach ( Item item in World.Items.Values )
				if ( item is PublicMoongate )
					list.Add( item );

			foreach ( Item item in list )

			if ( list.Count > 0 )
				World.Broadcast( 0x35, true, "{0} moongates removed.", list.Count );

		private static int MoonGen( PMList list )
			foreach ( PMEntry entry in list.Entries )
				Item item = new PublicMoongate();

				item.MoveToWorld( entry.Location, list.Map );

				if ( entry.Number == 1060642 ) // Umbra
					item.Hue = 0x497;

			return list.Entries.Length;

	public class PMEntry
		private Point3D m_Location;
		private int m_Number;

		public Point3D Location
				return m_Location;

		public int Number
				return m_Number;

		public PMEntry( Point3D loc, int number )
			m_Location = loc;
			m_Number = number;

	public class PMList
		private int m_Number, m_SelNumber;
		private Map m_Map;
		private PMEntry[] m_Entries;

		public int Number
				return m_Number;

		public int SelNumber
				return m_SelNumber;

		public Map Map
				return m_Map;

		public PMEntry[] Entries
				return m_Entries;

		public PMList( int number, int selNumber, Map map, PMEntry[] entries )
			m_Number = number;
			m_SelNumber = selNumber;
			m_Map = map;
			m_Entries = entries;

		public static readonly PMList Felucca =
			new PMList( 1012001, 1012013, Map.Felucca, new PMEntry[]
					new PMEntry( new Point3D( 4467, 1283, 5 ), 1012003 ), // Moonglow
					new PMEntry( new Point3D( 1336, 1997, 5 ), 1012004 ), // Britain
					new PMEntry( new Point3D( 1499, 3771, 5 ), 1012005 ), // Jhelom
					new PMEntry( new Point3D(  771,  752, 5 ), 1012006 ), // Yew
					new PMEntry( new Point3D( 2701,  692, 5 ), 1012007 ), // Minoc
					new PMEntry( new Point3D( 1828, 2948,-20), 1012008 ), // Trinsic
					new PMEntry( new Point3D(  643, 2067, 5 ), 1012009 ), // Skara Brae
					new PMEntry( new Point3D( 3563, 2139, 34), 1012010 ), // Magincia
					new PMEntry( new Point3D( 2711, 2234, 0 ), 1019001 )  // Buccaneer's Den
				} );

		public static readonly PMList Malas =
			new PMList( 1060643, 1062039, Map.Malas, new PMEntry[]
					new PMEntry( new Point3D( 1015,  527, -65 ), 1060641 ), // Luna
					new PMEntry( new Point3D( 1997, 1386, -85 ), 1060642 )  // Umbra
				} );

		public static readonly PMList[] UORLists = new PMList[]{ Felucca };
		public static readonly PMList[] LBRLists = new PMList[]{ Felucca };
		public static readonly PMList[] AOSLists = new PMList[]{ Felucca, Malas };
		public static readonly PMList[] RedLists = new PMList[]{ Felucca };

	public class MoongateGump : Gump
		private Mobile m_Mobile;
		private Item m_Moongate;
		private PMList[] m_Lists;

		public MoongateGump( Mobile mobile, Item moongate ) : base( 100, 100 )
			m_Mobile = mobile;
			m_Moongate = moongate;

			PMList[] checkLists;

			if ( mobile.Player )
				if ( mobile.Kills >= 5 )
					checkLists = PMList.RedLists;
					int flags = mobile.NetState == null ? 0 : mobile.NetState.Flags;

					if ( Core.AOS && (flags & 0x8) != 0 )
						checkLists = PMList.AOSLists;
					else if ( (flags & 0x4) != 0 )
						checkLists = PMList.LBRLists;
						checkLists = PMList.UORLists;
				checkLists = PMList.AOSLists;

			m_Lists = new PMList[checkLists.Length];

			for ( int i = 0; i < m_Lists.Length; ++i )
				m_Lists[i] = checkLists[i];

			for ( int i = 0; i < m_Lists.Length; ++i )
				if ( m_Lists[i].Map == mobile.Map )
					PMList temp = m_Lists[i];

					m_Lists[i] = m_Lists[0];
					m_Lists[0] = temp;


			AddPage( 0 );

			AddBackground( 0, 0, 380, 280, 5054 );

			AddButton( 10, 210, 4005, 4007, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
			AddHtmlLocalized( 45, 210, 140, 25, 1011036, false, false ); // OKAY

			AddButton( 10, 235, 4005, 4007, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
			AddHtmlLocalized( 45, 235, 140, 25, 1011012, false, false ); // CANCEL

			AddHtmlLocalized( 5, 5, 200, 20, 1012011, false, false ); // Pick your destination:

			for ( int i = 0; i < checkLists.Length; ++i )
				AddButton( 10, 35 + (i * 25), 2117, 2118, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, Array.IndexOf( m_Lists, checkLists[i] ) + 1 );
				AddHtmlLocalized( 30, 35 + (i * 25), 150, 20, checkLists[i].Number, false, false );

			for ( int i = 0; i < m_Lists.Length; ++i )
				RenderPage( i, Array.IndexOf( checkLists, m_Lists[i] ) );

		private void RenderPage( int index, int offset )
			PMList list = m_Lists[index];

			AddPage( index + 1 );

			AddButton( 10, 35 + (offset * 25), 2117, 2118, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, index + 1 );
			AddHtmlLocalized( 30, 35 + (offset * 25), 150, 20, list.SelNumber, false, false );

			PMEntry[] entries = list.Entries;

			for ( int i = 0; i < entries.Length; ++i )
				AddRadio( 200, 35 + (i * 25), 210, 211, false, (index * 100) + i );
				AddHtmlLocalized( 225, 35 + (i * 25), 150, 20, entries[i].Number, false, false );

		public override void OnResponse( NetState state, RelayInfo info )
			if ( info.ButtonID == 0 ) // Cancel
			else if ( m_Mobile.Deleted || m_Moongate.Deleted || m_Mobile.Map == null )

			int[] switches = info.Switches;

			if ( switches.Length == 0 )

			int switchID = switches[0];
			int listIndex = switchID / 100;
			int listEntry = switchID % 100;

			if ( listIndex < 0 || listIndex >= m_Lists.Length )

			PMList list = m_Lists[listIndex];

			if ( listEntry < 0 || listEntry >= list.Entries.Length )

			PMEntry entry = list.Entries[listEntry];

			if ( !m_Mobile.InRange( m_Moongate.GetWorldLocation(), 1 ) || m_Mobile.Map != m_Moongate.Map )
				m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage( 1019002 ); // You are too far away to use the gate.
			else if ( m_Mobile.Player && m_Mobile.Kills >= 5 && list.Map != Map.Felucca )
				m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage( 1019004 ); // You are not allowed to travel there.
			else if ( m_Mobile.Criminal )
				m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage( 1005561, "", 0x22 ); // Thou'rt a criminal and cannot escape so easily.
			else if ( Server.Spells.SpellHelper.CheckCombat( m_Mobile ) )
				m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage( 1005564, "", 0x22 ); // Wouldst thou flee during the heat of battle??
			else if ( m_Mobile.Spell != null )
				m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage( 1049616 ); // You are too busy to do that at the moment.
			else if ( m_Mobile.Map == list.Map && m_Mobile.InRange( entry.Location, 1 ) )
				m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage( 1019003 ); // You are already there.
				BaseCreature.TeleportPets( m_Mobile, entry.Location, list.Map );

				m_Mobile.Combatant = null;
				m_Mobile.Warmode = false;
				m_Mobile.Hidden = true;

				m_Mobile.MoveToWorld( entry.Location, list.Map );

				Effects.PlaySound( entry.Location, list.Map, 0x1FE );

It might give you an error with a sextant or something, post your error and I'll post fix.


Is it possible to change text color and if its possible how? Im using a custom uo desktop and cannot see anything in moongate gump.


Dalamartr said:
Is it possible to change text color and if its possible how? Im using a custom uo desktop and cannot see anything in moongate gump.

public PublicMoongate() : base( 0xF6C )
Movable = false;
Light = LightType.Circle300;
hue = 1152; // use your desired hue number here.


NiaFlyte said:
public PublicMoongate() : base( 0xF6C )
Movable = false;
Light = LightType.Circle300;
hue = 1152; // use your desired hue number here.

Sorry, but that will not fix your problem of not being able to see your text, it will only change the color of the moongate itself. I also use a custom desktop on my server and I couldn't figure out how to change the text color. What I did do was use a gump editor and open up my verdata.mul and change the gump background that I was using for my moongate gump.
Hope this helps you out a bit.


dalmatr dont post seeing as u dunt kno jakshit about coding, there problem is not the hue of the gate, changing the hue wont help, the gump for this gate is mesed up on there serevrs because they use custom moongate gump art


Without Malas:

using System;
using System.Collections;
using Server;
using Server.Gumps;
using Server.Network;
using Server.Mobiles;

namespace Server.Items
	public class PublicMoongate : Item
		public PublicMoongate() : base( 0xF6C )
			Movable = false;
			Light = LightType.Circle300;

		public PublicMoongate( Serial serial ) : base( serial )

		public override void OnDoubleClick( Mobile from )
			if ( !from.Player )

			if ( from.InRange( GetWorldLocation(), 1 ) )
				UseGate( from );
				from.SendLocalizedMessage( 500446 ); // That is too far away.

		public override bool OnMoveOver( Mobile m )
			return !m.Player || UseGate( m );

		public bool UseGate( Mobile m )
			if ( m.Criminal )
				m.SendLocalizedMessage( 1005561, "", 0x22 ); // Thou'rt a criminal and cannot escape so easily.
				return false;
			else if ( Server.Spells.SpellHelper.CheckCombat( m ) )
				m.SendLocalizedMessage( 1005564, "", 0x22 ); // Wouldst thou flee during the heat of battle??
				return false;
			else if ( m.Spell != null )
				m.SendLocalizedMessage( 1049616 ); // You are too busy to do that at the moment.
				return false;
				m.CloseGump( typeof( MoongateGump ) );
				m.SendGump( new MoongateGump( m, this ) );

				Effects.PlaySound( m.Location, m.Map, 0x20E );
				return true;

		public override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer )
			base.Serialize( writer );

			writer.Write( (int) 0 ); // version

		public override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader )
			base.Deserialize( reader );

			int version = reader.ReadInt();

		public static void Initialize()
			Server.Commands.Register( "MoonGen", AccessLevel.Administrator, new CommandEventHandler( MoonGen_OnCommand ) );

		[Usage( "MoonGen" )]
		[Description( "Generates public moongates. Removes all old moongates." )]
		public static void MoonGen_OnCommand( CommandEventArgs e )

			int count = 0;

			count += MoonGen( PMList.Felucca );

			World.Broadcast( 0x35, true, "{0} moongates generated.", count );

		private static void DeleteAll()
			ArrayList list = new ArrayList();

			foreach ( Item item in World.Items.Values )
				if ( item is PublicMoongate )
					list.Add( item );

			foreach ( Item item in list )

			if ( list.Count > 0 )
				World.Broadcast( 0x35, true, "{0} moongates removed.", list.Count );

		private static int MoonGen( PMList list )
			foreach ( PMEntry entry in list.Entries )
				Item item = new PublicMoongate();

				item.MoveToWorld( entry.Location, list.Map );

				if ( entry.Number == 1060642 ) // Umbra
					item.Hue = 0x497;

			return list.Entries.Length;

	public class PMEntry
		private Point3D m_Location;
		private int m_Number;

		public Point3D Location
				return m_Location;

		public int Number
				return m_Number;

		public PMEntry( Point3D loc, int number )
			m_Location = loc;
			m_Number = number;

	public class PMList
		private int m_Number, m_SelNumber;
		private Map m_Map;
		private PMEntry[] m_Entries;

		public int Number
				return m_Number;

		public int SelNumber
				return m_SelNumber;

		public Map Map
				return m_Map;

		public PMEntry[] Entries
				return m_Entries;

		public PMList( int number, int selNumber, Map map, PMEntry[] entries )
			m_Number = number;
			m_SelNumber = selNumber;
			m_Map = map;
			m_Entries = entries;

		public static readonly PMList Felucca =
			new PMList( 1012001, 1012013, Map.Felucca, new PMEntry[]
					new PMEntry( new Point3D( 4467, 1283, 5 ), 1012003 ), // Moonglow
					new PMEntry( new Point3D( 1336, 1997, 5 ), 1012004 ), // Britain
					new PMEntry( new Point3D( 1499, 3771, 5 ), 1012005 ), // Jhelom
					new PMEntry( new Point3D(  771,  752, 5 ), 1012006 ), // Yew
					new PMEntry( new Point3D( 2701,  692, 5 ), 1012007 ), // Minoc
					new PMEntry( new Point3D( 1828, 2948,-20), 1012008 ), // Trinsic
					new PMEntry( new Point3D(  643, 2067, 5 ), 1012009 ), // Skara Brae
					new PMEntry( new Point3D( 3563, 2139, 34), 1012010 ), // Magincia
					new PMEntry( new Point3D( 2711, 2234, 0 ), 1019001 )  // Buccaneer's Den
				} );

		public static readonly PMList[] UORLists = new PMList[]{ Felucca };
		public static readonly PMList[] LBRLists = new PMList[]{ Felucca };
		public static readonly PMList[] AOSLists = new PMList[]{ Felucca };
		public static readonly PMList[] RedLists = new PMList[]{ Felucca };

	public class MoongateGump : Gump
		private Mobile m_Mobile;
		private Item m_Moongate;
		private PMList[] m_Lists;

		public MoongateGump( Mobile mobile, Item moongate ) : base( 100, 100 )
			m_Mobile = mobile;
			m_Moongate = moongate;

			PMList[] checkLists;

			if ( mobile.Player )
				if ( mobile.Kills >= 5 )
					checkLists = PMList.RedLists;
					int flags = mobile.NetState == null ? 0 : mobile.NetState.Flags;

					if ( Core.AOS && (flags & 0x8) != 0 )
						checkLists = PMList.AOSLists;
					else if ( (flags & 0x4) != 0 )
						checkLists = PMList.LBRLists;
						checkLists = PMList.UORLists;
				checkLists = PMList.AOSLists;

			m_Lists = new PMList[checkLists.Length];

			for ( int i = 0; i < m_Lists.Length; ++i )
				m_Lists[i] = checkLists[i];

			for ( int i = 0; i < m_Lists.Length; ++i )
				if ( m_Lists[i].Map == mobile.Map )
					PMList temp = m_Lists[i];

					m_Lists[i] = m_Lists[0];
					m_Lists[0] = temp;


			AddPage( 0 );

			AddBackground( 0, 0, 380, 280, 5054 );

			AddButton( 10, 210, 4005, 4007, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
			AddHtmlLocalized( 45, 210, 140, 25, 1011036, false, false ); // OKAY

			AddButton( 10, 235, 4005, 4007, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
			AddHtmlLocalized( 45, 235, 140, 25, 1011012, false, false ); // CANCEL

			AddHtmlLocalized( 5, 5, 200, 20, 1012011, false, false ); // Pick your destination:

			for ( int i = 0; i < checkLists.Length; ++i )
				AddButton( 10, 35 + (i * 25), 2117, 2118, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, Array.IndexOf( m_Lists, checkLists[i] ) + 1 );
				AddHtmlLocalized( 30, 35 + (i * 25), 150, 20, checkLists[i].Number, false, false );

			for ( int i = 0; i < m_Lists.Length; ++i )
				RenderPage( i, Array.IndexOf( checkLists, m_Lists[i] ) );

		private void RenderPage( int index, int offset )
			PMList list = m_Lists[index];

			AddPage( index + 1 );

			AddButton( 10, 35 + (offset * 25), 2117, 2118, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, index + 1 );
			AddHtmlLocalized( 30, 35 + (offset * 25), 150, 20, list.SelNumber, false, false );

			PMEntry[] entries = list.Entries;

			for ( int i = 0; i < entries.Length; ++i )
				AddRadio( 200, 35 + (i * 25), 210, 211, false, (index * 100) + i );
				AddHtmlLocalized( 225, 35 + (i * 25), 150, 20, entries[i].Number, false, false );

		public override void OnResponse( NetState state, RelayInfo info )
			if ( info.ButtonID == 0 ) // Cancel
			else if ( m_Mobile.Deleted || m_Moongate.Deleted || m_Mobile.Map == null )

			int[] switches = info.Switches;

			if ( switches.Length == 0 )

			int switchID = switches[0];
			int listIndex = switchID / 100;
			int listEntry = switchID % 100;

			if ( listIndex < 0 || listIndex >= m_Lists.Length )

			PMList list = m_Lists[listIndex];

			if ( listEntry < 0 || listEntry >= list.Entries.Length )

			PMEntry entry = list.Entries[listEntry];

			if ( !m_Mobile.InRange( m_Moongate.GetWorldLocation(), 1 ) || m_Mobile.Map != m_Moongate.Map )
				m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage( 1019002 ); // You are too far away to use the gate.
			else if ( m_Mobile.Player && m_Mobile.Kills >= 5 && list.Map != Map.Felucca )
				m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage( 1019004 ); // You are not allowed to travel there.
			else if ( m_Mobile.Criminal )
				m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage( 1005561, "", 0x22 ); // Thou'rt a criminal and cannot escape so easily.
			else if ( Server.Spells.SpellHelper.CheckCombat( m_Mobile ) )
				m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage( 1005564, "", 0x22 ); // Wouldst thou flee during the heat of battle??
			else if ( m_Mobile.Spell != null )
				m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage( 1049616 ); // You are too busy to do that at the moment.
			else if ( m_Mobile.Map == list.Map && m_Mobile.InRange( entry.Location, 1 ) )
				m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage( 1019003 ); // You are already there.
				BaseCreature.TeleportPets( m_Mobile, entry.Location, list.Map );

				m_Mobile.Combatant = null;
				m_Mobile.Warmode = false;
				m_Mobile.Hidden = true;

				m_Mobile.MoveToWorld( entry.Location, list.Map );

				Effects.PlaySound( entry.Location, list.Map, 0x1FE );

If it doesn't work tell me.


thanks a fucking lot u fucked up my shard with this learn to code better and dont publish shit if you dont know what ur doing


blackfire666 said:
thanks a fucking lot u fucked up my shard with this learn to code better and dont publish shit if you dont know what ur doing

ok omg im so sorry that i was such an asshole in my post but, and no this isnt an exscuse my life was going down the draint he other day bah o well i fixed the problem and again im extremely sorry for being so rude


RunUO - [] Version 1.0.0, Build 36918
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...failed (2 errors, 0 warnings)
 - Error: Scripts\Items\Misc\PublicMoongate.cs: CS1010: (line 392, column 78) Ne
wline in constant
 - Error: Scripts\Items\Misc\PublicMoongate.cs: CS0116: (line 392, column 1) A n
amespace does not directly contain members such as fields or methods
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
 - Press return to exit, or R to try again.
thats what I got


The Archive is probably a bad place to post for help. Most of these scripts are old and/or unsupported.

I don't think you can use the PublicMoongate and have 1 for fel towns, and 1 for tram towns.

You could most definitely make a custom script for this, although I've seen more than a couple moongate/travel replacements in the Custom Script Submission forums.